The Face, the car

The taxi driver said a lot, but Li Yuan didn't listen.

From the moment he said he had no inkling, Li Yuan knew that the taxi driver was not right at all.

Li Yuan from small to big is famous for excellent grades, memory is quite good, once the teacher also encouraged him to participate in the national memory contest, but Li Yuan is not interested, so did not go.

I don't know if Li Yuan's former classmates will beat up the taxi driver when they hear Li Yuan is said to be ignorant.

I don't know where the taxi driver saw the pirated books, learned these messy things, and used them to show off in the taxi.

"I ranked first in Chinese every year in primary school." Li Yuan faintly said a sentence.

Li Yuan suddenly made a sound, so that the taxi driver was embarrassed, "Yes, your face is like this, when I was a child, I got good grades in school, and I got worse and worse in the back."

"I ranked first in the city in the college entrance examination." Li Yuan added another sentence.

The taxi driver had nothing to say.

Li Yuan smiled, "Master, what you are learning is obviously not allowed! Don't be fooled by those messy books."

Li Yuan is a kind reminder, afraid that the taxi driver will be messed up by those messy books.

The taxi driver repeatedly miscalculated, but also a little embarrassed.

"Miss, miss!

Li Yuan looked through the rearview mirror and saw the taxi driver's face, but he smiled.

This cab driver is the real black print.

Just don't know now Li Yuan said he ink hall black, he will think Li Yuan is laughing at him.

However, this black ink does not mean that he will encounter life danger, but that he will encounter a moment of bad things.

And what this taxi driver is facing is a lawsuit.

It's not a big deal, and Li Yuan doesn't want to meddle.

As soon as I did, the car suddenly swung violently.


This is the grinding sound of the wheels when they brake hard.

Li Yuanma up and down hard, the whole body steady down.

"I hit someone." The taxi driver said a word trembling, hurriedly opened the door and got off.

Li Yuan could not help peeking out.

I saw an electric motorcycle on the ground, and on the ground next to it, a woman in black clothes was lying.

In a moment, a dozen people had gathered around him.

Some people helped push the cart, but no one dared to help the fallen woman.

"Don't leave her alone. We don't know what kind of injury she is in. Moving around will cause a second injury."

An older man nearby shouted.

The taxi driver, shivering, walked over to the woman and bent over to see if there was anything wrong with the woman lying on the ground.

"Who... Call 120 for me!" The taxi driver couldn't speak clearly.

Someone nearby quickly took out his mobile phone and began to dial 120.

Because it is the center of the city, in addition to the car accident, the traffic was soon blocked, and there were traffic police coming.

Just as the traffic police leaned down to observe the woman on the ground, the woman on the ground suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ma 'am, are you feeling ill?" "The policeman shouted.

The woman on the ground suddenly stood up, she stared at the surrounding environment.

'Ma 'am!

'Ma 'am!

The traffic police repeatedly called twice, and the woman responded.

"Who am I? Where am I?" The woman held her head, her face blank.


People around you look at me, I look at you, by the woman's question.

"Madam, take your time and think." Traffic police hurriedly comfort

The woman held her head. "Who am I? Aaargh! I think of it. My son is still at home."

With that, the woman began to cry anxiously.

"My son is at home. I can't. I want to go home." The woman said, and began to walk forward.

"Ma 'am, don't worry, do you feel any discomfort now?" The traffic policeman said patiently.

The woman looked at the policeman with a blank look in her eyes.

"I don't know. My mind is blank right now." The woman said anxiously, "My son is going home alone, he will be afraid."

The woman was crying and Shouting, "Who am I? Don't be afraid, son. Mother will be back soon."

What the woman said, let the onlookers can not help but cry.

Some people hold their mobile phones and start to post moments and small videos.

"If I forget myself, I will not forget you, my son." He matched the sentence, thought about it, and added a dash after it.

"To the greatest motherly love!"

The hypopsia went out frequently.

The taxi driver stood by, bewildered.

The ambulance arrived quickly, and the doctors in white coats got out.

"Ma 'am, you relax, we're taking you to the hospital to get you checked out." White lab coat said very politely.

"No, I don't want to go to the hospital. My son is home alone. He will be afraid." The woman saw the white coat near, want to take her, she was anxious to shout.

She's lost her mind now.

"Son, you wait, mother will be back soon."

"You must be good!"

The woman stared, her body straight forward.

The doctor caught her quickly.

This scene, many people around the eyes are wet.

The woman doesn't remember anything, but she still remembers her son.

All she remembered was that she had to go home or her son would be afraid.

Li Yuan did not stay in the taxi, he stepped out of the car and stood in the crowd of onlookers.

The woman was suddenly frightened and frightened.

In this case, it only needs a person with a little knowledge to open the altar practice and then call out the soul, and the person will soon wake up.

But considering the current situation of women, it is obvious that the conditions for opening the altar practice are not available.

Li Yuan opened his backpack and took out a small five-pointed star.

This is a magic charm. Li Yuan put some magic charms in his backpack for emergencies.

The peace of mind is originally the peace of mind, and now the woman is not stable, this peace of mind is just effective.

Li Yuan did not walk past, he stood in place, the five-pointed star was held in his hand.

With a flick, the five-pointed star flew out of his hand, firmly falling behind the woman's neck, and then like a root, tightly attached to the woman's neck.

Then, the five-pointed star gradually turned black.

However, because it was night, no one saw Li Yuan's little action.

The charm on the back of a woman's neck, even more unnoticed.

The stunned woman felt some heat in her neck, as if there were a pinch of small flame burning.

"Huh?" The woman's eyes suddenly shone back.