Master in Disguise

Many people know that this life is valuable is Lin Qingya, so obediably shut up, others are trying to figure out what happened, are no longer typing.

Life is precious: Light bulbs, did you buy them directly in the broadcast room?

Light bulb: Yes, I bought it in the studio.

Life is precious: When are you? At the studio. How much did it cost?

Light bulb: At noon the day before yesterday, it cost 888 yuan.

Life is precious: Finally ask one more question, how is your charm sent home?

Light bulb: It's the express way. What other way can it be?

When you hear this light bulb, you will understand.

Life is precious: Tell him what is wrong?

Crayon Xiaoxin: First of all, the master never broadcasts during the day.

The boss is terrible: Second, the master's charm never takes money.

The earth is round: Third, the master's charms are not sent by Courier.

I don't smoke: From all the above, come to a conclusion.

Madman: As a result, you've been tricked.

Light bulb: What do you mean? Don't admit it, do you?

Life is precious: if the master sells the charm, of course, accept it, but you are cheated by others, this account can not be counted on our head.

Bulb: Damn, someone lied to me.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Damn, someone dares to pretend to be a master.

Life is precious: this matter to me, I will find out a result.

Light bulb: Brothers, find the liar, call me.

"Am I on fire? Someone impersonated me." Li Yuan mentality is good, even in the broadcast ridicule up.

Life is precious: Yes, master you are on fire, very fire.

"Good and evil will always be rewarded, not unrewarded, the time has not yet come." Li Yuan's voice was flat. "He will pay for what he has done."

"Well, we'll leave everything else aside and get on with the first order."

"Madness, is it?"

Crazy: Yes.

"What do you want with me?" Each opening, Li Yuan has to ask this question.

Crazy: Master, please save my wife.

"Take your time, don't worry." Li Yuan's voice is steady, which makes people feel safe.

Crazy: Master, please save my wife, I have children every day, good pain.

Crazy words, let the people inside the broadcast room are confused.

The Earth is round: What is the concept of giving birth every day?

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: You have been in the broadcast room for so long, your thinking should be active and bold.

Madman: Yes, the things encountered in the broadcast room, when the use of ordinary people's thinking.

The earth is round: Got it, this guy is crazy!

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Poof!

Madman: You're hopeless.

Li Yuan analyzed this crazy remark and then asked, "What happened to your wife?"

Crazy: I lost my wife, and when she gave birth, she died in two bodies.

This answer, in Li Yuan expected, just now he wanted to ask this crazy wife is not gone, but directly ask is always not good.

"I'm sorry!" Li Yuan whispered, then added, "Where's your wife?"

Crazy: My wife is at home and she's in pain.

Li Yuan understood, "Your wife is giving birth every day, so her obsession with giving birth to children is very heavy."

Crazy: Master, can you connect the wheat?

Li Yuan did not reply, and directly sent the Lianmai invitation.

There soon connected, in the camera, is a twenty-seven or eight years old man, man unshaven, very embarrassed.

"Thank you, Master." Crazy voice hoarse, "her obsession, I understand."

It's my fault. She lost two kids, and it's been hard to get pregnant, so she takes this baby very seriously.

"Well, the solution to your wife's pain now is to help her have the baby." Li Yuan said.

"I tried. I couldn't help her. She wouldn't let me come near to help her." Crazy and a little decadent said.

"She was right to keep you away." Li Yuan said, "Yin spirit birth and human birth need the opposite environment.

People give birth, the environment requires warm and moderate, Yin spirit birth, the environment is required to be cold and moderate.

The Yang of a grown man is enough to make a newborn spirit go up in smoke. "

"Master, what should I do?" Crazy clawed at the tangled hair.

For delivering Yin Ling, Li Yuan has seen it in the book, but he does not remember it very clearly.

"You wait a minute."

With that, Li Yuan got up and left his chair and disappeared into everyone's sight.

Then came the sound of Li Yuan opening the cabinet.

It was about three minutes before Li Yuan returned to his chair.

He holds a book in each hand, and although the audience cannot see his face, it feels like he is reading it very carefully.

"According to the book." Li Yuan said, "If you want to deliver your wife, I'm afraid you can't do it alone, you must find a few more talents."

"Is there anyone you can trust? And be bold."

"I'm afraid no one would dare to come under these circumstances." Crazy is a little desperate.

"Why don't you call your wife's relatives?" Li Yuan sighed, "You can't do it alone, at least two people can do it."

"We have cut off contact with her mother. Her mother refused to allow her to marry me. When she married me, she broke off the relationship between mother and daughter." As he spoke, he began to cry.

"I'm sorry for not taking care of her!"

"Does your mother-in-law know how your wife is?" Although know each other very painful, but Li Yuan still want to ask.

'He didn't know. He didn't dare tell her.' He shook his head in a crazy way

"Why don't you try calling your mother-in-law's phone?" Li Yuan kindly advised the way.

Not only that, the audience in the studio also persuaded.

"Young man, you had better fight! There is no mother who doesn't feel heartache for her child."

"I thought I drove my son away, but then I heard he was in trouble, so I came all the way there."

"Parents' bark is worse than their bite, and if you don't tell them this kind of thing, I'm afraid it doesn't make sense."

Crazy some moved, "Well, I'll try."

Crazy took out a mobile phone, "This is my wife's mobile phone, this has my mother-in-law's phone."

Li Yuan saw, crazy wife's mobile phone screensaver is a photo of two people.

The woman's face is round, smiling happily, showing two rows of white teeth.

"It was taken on our first date and my wife thought it was good so she used it as a screensaver." The man seems to be talking to everyone, but also seems to be whispering.

As he spoke, he bit his lips, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

He quickly found his mother-in-law's phone number.

It said "Mother."

Last time I spoke, it was two years ago.

I'm crazy and I'm taking a chance.

He had his voice on, and as soon as the phone rang, it went through.

"You heartless little thing, finally know enough to call your mother." The woman over there said, even with a SOB voice.

A crazy listen, tears suddenly burst the bank, "mom..."