$1 Million at your peril

"Why you? Where's my daughter?" The woman on the other side of the phone listened to it and shouted angrily.

"Linlin..." Crazy is crying and can't talk anymore.

"What's wrong with Linlin?" On the phone, the woman's voice panicked.

"She... She had the baby, gone." Crazy, holding his chest, screaming and crying.

"What! My Lin Lin..." The woman exclaimed.

Then the sound of the phone dropping came from the crazy phone.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" There was another man's voice.

From the sound of it, the crazy mother-in-law must have fainted.

This call, listening to the audience in the live room sigh.

"I'm a grown man with a daughter, and I can't hear this kind of thing."

"The hardest thing is to send someone away."

"I wonder why the parents would oppose Crazy and his wife, even to the point of severing relations."

"I thought I was curious, how did his wife die?"

Opinions vary on the air.

The voice on the phone rang again from the Wacky side.

"Say, what happened to my daughter?" This time it was a man's voice.

"Dad, Linlin..."

"Stop talking, where are you now?" The man's violent temper interrupted the mad words.

"Dad, I'm sending you a location." Crazy finished, hung up the phone directly, and then began to operate the mobile phone.

The studio was quiet.

"Crazy, how long will it take for your father-in-law to get here?" Li Yuan asked, if his father-in-law's side is far away, then he can't wait.

"Very close. My wife still misses her parents, even though my mother-in-law has said she wants to cut ties with us. We moved in near her parents a few months ago."

Madness has always been unstable.

"Well, now you must go and prepare something." Li Yuan said.

"Speak, Master, and I will get ready." Crazy wiped a tear.

"The Yang on the human body is too heavy, and it is necessary to remove part of the Yang on the human body, so as to ensure the safety of the little baby spirit that has just been born, and also to maximize the harm not to the Yin spirit maternity." Li Yuan paused and continued.

"Banana leaves are the best thing to temporarily remove the Yang of the human body, I don't know if your banana leaves are good to find, you should prepare at least five banana leaves, if convenient, prepare a few more spare."

"A banana leaf? Crazy for a moment a little confused.

"A banana leaf is one of those big leaves that you can search for online." Li Yuan prompts.

"Good," said Hermione. Crazy finished, began to use the hand of another mobile phone search.

He looked at it carefully, surprise on his face.

"There's a tree in my husband's yard. I've seen it before."

Say that, crazy hurried to call the father-in-law.

He hurried to explain the role of the banana leaf, and repeatedly stressed that he must bring it over.

Crazy's not on speakerphone this time, so I don't know what his father-in-law's answer is.

In this gap, Li Yuan does not want to wait here in vain.

So, he casually hung nine bills in the broadcast room.

Three charms, three peace charms, and three insect repellents.

Li Yuan hanging orders, are random, he is also very Buddha, someone to buy on the line, no one to buy even.

However, every time Li Yuan quietly Mimi hang up the order, it will be stolen within a second.

"Ha ha ha, I got it, sorry, although the atmosphere is very dull, but I can't help but be happy."

"The master is such a thief. Fortunately, I keep an eye on him."

"I've been saving this gift card for a long time, and today I finally put it to use."

This time, the one who got the single was the one named Light bulb.

Light bulb: I was lucky enough to grab a charm.

Life is precious: This time is 100% true, no effect, I pay you a million.

Light bulb: Oh my God!

Life is precious: But you'd better be honest, if you cheat, you can't afford the consequences.

Lin Qingya speak overbearing leakage, know her identity of the people do not feel that she said what is wrong, Lin's group family, qualified to say this sentence.

Light bulb: Don't worry, as long as it is good, I will give the master's name.

Life is precious: No need, the master does not need you to clear his name.

"While we're waiting, I'll draw these charms for you!" Li Yuan got up and went to get a vermilion pen and paper.

"If you get the ticket, please send me your specific address. Remember, the address should be detailed to the room you are staying in."

"And send me proof that you're doing a public service."

"Here I would like to remind you once again that no matter what fortune telling, magic charms or other things you do here, you must truly do public welfare, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Recently a lot of new friends, Li Yuan again emphasized the side rules.

Crayon Xiaoxiaoxin: Look, the master's charms are all painted now.

In the broadcast room, I saw that Li Yuan had pressed the paper with a paperweight, and his long fingers were holding the vermilion pen at will.

Pen down, pen up, is a complete charm.

I don't smoke: The master draws, in one go, as if he were painting an ink painting.

Crazy: How to be a sycophant.

Nine charms, Li Yuan finished in about ten minutes.

Then he began to make a thousand paper cranes.

Crayon Xiaoxin: New comrades, keep your eyes open.

The boss is terrible: especially the light bulb, see what the master is.

The people in the broadcast room are talking, and Li Yuan is quietly sitting in a chair folding paper.

Although Li Yuan's face could not be seen at all, it did not affect the heat of the broadcast room.

Nine thousand paper cranes, Li Yuan folded and put aside.

Then he folded the charm into a five-pointed star, wrapped it with tinfoil, and placed it in the gap between the back of a thousand paper cranes.

Then Li Yuan grasped the vermilion pen again and quickly drew several strokes on the back of the thousand paper cranes.

Crayon Xiaoxin: Here it comes, it flies.

Sure enough, after each drawing, the paper cranes on the table would stir up their wings and splosh splosh moved on the table.

Light bulb: Wipe! I'm not dreaming!

Crazy person: must have imagination!

Then came something even more surprising for the bulb.

The paper crane flapping its wings next to it flew up and disappeared into the picture.

Light bulb: Lean, lean, lean! No, I need to lie down!

About half an hour had passed when suddenly there was a violent knock on the door from the Mad side.

Crazy body suddenly shivered, quickly got up, fart fart to open the door.

'Where's my daughter! Where is my daughter?" I didn't see the voice, but I heard the voice first.

Then two large bundles of leaves came into view first.

Because the two bundles of leaves were so big that they covered the whole person.


The leaves were dropped on the ground by the two men.

The couple, dressed in sports clothes, put down their banana leaves and started looking around.

'Where is my daughter? The woman spoke first.

"Mom and Dad, come with me." Madness hastily pushed open the bedroom door.

But there was nothing in the room.

"Wife, will you show up? Mom and Dad will help you." Madness walked to the bed, knelt on the ground, like a child, gently coax to.

"Wife, they don't blame you, you show up, okay?" The man lies on the bed with tears in his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing? Old mother-in-law looked mad and unhappy said.

"Where is your daughter? You don't play tricks here." The mother-in-law picked up a stick and hailed the mad man who was kneeling on the ground.

"Mother! Don't!"