
Ijueng open his eyes,he lifted his head there's some dust brushed on his hair and face, must be from the dusty floor.

His eyes abstractly linger at the door in hope.

From the creek of door a ray was trespassing through.

'Was his mother there? Can he go up to her?'

He hurriedly stand and leap in longing of his mother's mercy.

But just then his feat halted "THAT BRICK!", His head instantly turn back.

A relaxed sigh left his mouth, it was closed,must be that girl doing, he didn't give it much thought he just run to the door.

Last night he realised something.

'It's his mother over anything.

Even if he goes out there's no one for him.and in the end of the day 'NO one's love he needed more than his mother's.'

'It didn't matter if she don't tell him his wrongs.

he will promised his mother and ask her forgiveness,might she loves him again!.

He opened the door which led him to his own room he hurriedly step the stairs but just then he heard a voice, he stopped abruptly.

It's a Male voice.

'Has winter already came?'

'But didn't he saw the leaves on the ground?'

He didn't even feel the goosebumps yet!.

All kinds of question pops in his mind.

It didn't make sense to him.

Should he go to his mother or not,he still didn't get the permission.

'If it's his father, shouldn't he be hiding right now?, unless his mother calls him.

He cornered himself.

Suddenly a breaking sound startled him and he sees RED!


[Early in the morning]

-"Did Garam gave any response yet", Auron asked tearing a packet of waffles.

They all were gathered on a hill area. They had planned for a day out.

-"No,but it's damn too early", Ben said while staring at Auron.

-"Have you ever gone hiking?" Terry asked

-"Never did,whose idea it was?" Ben asked, picking chips in his finger, but Auron slapped his hand away "mine" he muttered.

-"He isn't even answering my phone", Terry said

-"Nor mine", ben replied. again stealthily he dipped his whole hand in waffle packet,his fingers closing around the crispy goodness.

-"Did he dumb us?" Auron frowned.

-"I swear it's not funny" Terry slapped his shoulder. "I didn't get to have my breakfast yet and you're having your red wine", he said to a mosquito.

The two look at him weirdly, however Ben already got a handfull of chips in his hand he cautiously took it out.

-"Has hunger got his brain",Auron deadpaned oblivious to his own waffles.

-"He ate whole 3 egg tart,2 sandwiches, strawberry juice and milk, If it's not breakfast i wonder what it was!"Ben scoffed.

-"Eat less you pig" Auron said while filling his mouth with chips,then he again put his hand for another one only to get surprised, A sly grin appeared on his face.

-"I can hear you, and Ben after that I did go to bathroom too" Terry exclaimed.

-"I'm imagining what would have happened if you didn't!" Ben laughed unbeknownst to the latter's thought.

But suddenly he felt a strong grip on his hand full of chips,he deadly looked up.

Auron was looking at him directly in his eyes. A playfull smirk playing on his lips.

And before Ben could process what was happening...

Auran spun him around by a surprising strength. Ben's back met Auron chest and his hand was twisted behind his back and was tightly gripped by the latter's hand effectively pinning him, he was strangled in an awkward position.

All Ben could hear was the rush of air in the confined space.

Breaking the silence, Auron demanded,

"You didn't share yours!"

-"Ow! Let go of me!" Ben struggle, his voice muffled.

"You think you could snuck mine and i wouldn't notice", Auron replied, his breath warm on Ben's ears.

"Hey! Not in my ears! I haven't even had a chance to taste mine" Ben protested,

Straining his neck away from Auron head.

"Well! if I don't get mine...."

his gripped tightened on ben fist.

"I won't let you have it either," with a swift movement, he opened Ben's fist, revealing the hidden crumbled chips while still holding him by his other hand .Ben wriggled free from his grip.

Auron inspected his hand,a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Ben stood their horribly staring at Auron in surprise and annoyance who licked his palm and fingers passionately savoring his chips.

A bead of cold sweat run down his spine.

"He is insane."

- "These grasses", Terry muttered,his gaze fixed on something beyond the chaos unfolding before him.

he look down at his shoes,caked with mud.

The humid air caused the tall grasses brushed against them, leaving an unpleasant dampness.

Just then, A sharp Ting pierced the quiet atmosphere, their phones illuminating their faces in unison.

"I'm not coming," Garam's message flashed on the screen.

Auron's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.

-"Is this some kind of twisted joke? We've already climbed a thousand meters!"

Garam's curt reply, "It's just a kilometer," did little to quell their growing frustration.

Ben's messaged, laced with concern. "Did something come up?"

Terry, his eyes scanning the message, responded, "I've been awake since dusk. Get your legs here."

Auron's gaze returned to Garam's message, a mix of confusion and annoyance.

Auron- "Garam?..." He looked to Ben, "we need to talk to him Ben" he said.

Getting no response Ben finally gestured to Terry.

"He is not picking up". Terry replied after trying to get him for the fourth times.

"It's not like him to drop something in between after placing it beforehand, something must have occurred or happened in his household" Ben reasoned.

"Might be his FATHER" Terry guessed.

"Should we go to his house" Auron asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea" Ben shook his head.

"Hmm,we shouldn't,he never mentioned about his family,he is still secretive about his life".Auron said.

"I heard something strange from an old neighbour around his grandparents house"

Terry said.

"What rumours"

"The owner with his secret mistress has a son".

Two of them stood shocked by such revelation.

"Aaee, It's not good to badmouth about someone so respected" Ben said nudging his shoulder.

"Yaah,who knows what's reality" Auron also hummed in response.

"Should we ask him in school?" Terry asked.

"Let him open about his family on his own,we shouldn't meddle in his privacy" Ben said.

"Ohk,But what now? Auron asked.

"Didn't we just agreed we wouldn't ask" Terry said.

"The heck your mind, what we should do now we already mounted this much,and already spent our two hours here in waiting." Auron spat, wiping his sweat from his forehead.

"Should we continued to mount or go back" Ben asked.

"Before that,I need water I'm feeling thirsty," Terry announced. his gaze shifting between Auron and then Ben.

"My bottle is already empty" Auron said.

"I forgot to take mine with me,

Where is yours?" Ben asked.

Terry frowned,''you didn't gave me time to drink water and you think i would have packed it!" Terry exclaimed in frustration.

"I'm Dying of thirst."

Auron scanned the treacherous terrain, a labyrinth of steep slopes and thick undergrowth and muddy patches,"finding water here will be tough" he muttered, his voice barely audible over the wind.his gaze narrowed as he spotted a small, dilapidated cottage in the distance.

"Stay here, give me that bottle may be I get some from there",he pointed to a house in deep forest.

Both look at his way, "Should we follow."

"Stay right here." Auron said sternly.

Auron came to infront of the small house it was looking clean but still have a mysterious aura.

'Why such a house built deep in the forest far from the town?, May be it's a tourist rest place but again who assist them.

He shook his head, "If it's clean someone must be living here",he knock the door.

No response

He again knocked.This time a woman voice came from inside.

"Who is there?"

"Umm we friends came to hiking but we are now running out of water, If only you could give us some, My friends are thirsty." He said to the close door.

He stayed there,after some seconds the door gets open, revealing a women in his 30',he roam his eyes, inside was little different from what he had expected. it has less beddings only one, a four leg one and an open kitchen,and a room.

The lady took his bottle and gestures him to sit on the bed.

Auron curiously look around the room,his eyes stop at stairs he sees something brown maybe hair,"So she has a child too."

"Here," the lady pass him bottle.

"Can I get for me too?" He asked.

"Sure" She said, and came back with a glass.

Auron take the glass but his hand were being slippery becomes of his potato chips eaten fingers.

He smiles back returning back the gesture but was feeling crisis in his head.

And just then a voice startled him followed by two young boys who just enters but it was already late.

The glass slipped from his grip and crashes into the wooden floor.


Terry and Ben who came running to the house screamed out of their lung.

"Uh-oh", Ben looked down at the pieces which were all over the ground.

They were breathing heavily due to the run.

"We are sorry", they bowed to women in apologetic way.

"We didn't meant to startle you"

Auron glare at them.

"You got the water!" Terry snatch it, and gulped it down in one go.

"Take it easy"

"Thanks aunty"

On the other side ijueng was hiding but by a loud voice he stumbled to the floor on his hand and a big piece of chunk of glass pierce his palm.

"We are taking our leaves,again we're sorry for breaking your glass" Auron apologizes feeling embarrassed.

The lady didn't said anything just Nod.

"Here!" Auron raise out a chocolate from his pocket It's for your son,he said leaving women startled.

They made their way out.

"I told you to wait", Auron angrily spat.

"Garam MESSAGED HELP!" They both said in unison.