
"Get your role play acted you geek," Terry said as he smack Auron head.

Auron swatted Terry's hand away, a mock glare in his eyes "How am I suppose to act a older one I'm barely fifteen"

Terry gave him offensive side eyes.

''Don't make excuses"

"I know you too well, you want me to rant about your personality?  Here you go..

You got a height of a high schooler, none of the students are taller than you,the so called reason why you sit in back...huff" he said in one breath.

"It didn't sound like compliment", Auron smugly said.

He pointed to Ben. "Use him. let me play the normal one. All I have to say we are grouped together for group project. Isn't it?"

Terry exclaimed "No! do you think his parents would buy that?"

"He has height" he pointed to Ben, "But he lacks the mature look you think Garam could get intimidate by him, obviously No, they easily caught our lie"

"Choose youself then," Auron deadpanned.

Terry didn't said any thing.

"I'm sorry, i didn't meant to hurt your feelings" Auron said.

"It's nothing about my feelings you jerk, should be feeling lucky you got height, but I'm still a growing child" Terry deadpanned.

Auron rolled his eyes but a hint of excitement sparked in his eyes "Alright let's do this but I'm not good at lying"

"Heyy what happened to you Ben, you are extremely silent" Auron said noticing ben.

"Isn't it little different, we have never met his parents before, They suddenly appeared and now we are playing pretending", ben said stroking his chin with one finger.

"Oh come on! its not we are doing something wrong, they are taking Garam back from us, he asked our help, so he is getting it" Auron exclaimed.

"They're here for taking him back?"  Ben asked,his eyes going wider.

"Must be, Or what the reason for them to come here."


"Don't you like my peace"  Garam said, his voice a little louder.

"Just why?" He sighed heavily.

"What's so hard there?" His mother asked.

"Ohk, If you take me with you there again I'll run to other places. Isn't it actually good for you to let me be here?" Garam said. He continued.

"Are you sure,I'm not running?"  He smirks,just then he get a whack on his head.

"Insolent, can't a mother be with his son,

What mother wanted their children to live apart from them"  his mother Lilac said.

"You forced me, there is nothing for me there, I have friends here, even a grandma who took care of me" Garam pleaded.

"That grandma.." she grit under her breath,

"What does this mean there is nothing?there is me, your brother who is still looking at the door in your waiting."

"You know very well eomma, don't step on my feelings again, i do not want to continue this conversation" he said, his voice shifted to seriousness.

His mother bit her lip containing her anger.

"Show me your report card" She suddenly asked.

"What!, just where it came from?" Garam abruptly ask.

"You think if you change places you would escape your study"

"I didn't get it yet" He said stealing his eyes from her.

Just then the door open, revealing Terry and Ben.

"Garam our sport project vollyball is due tomorrow. just when are we...

"Are you boys his friends?"  his mother cutted them in middle.

"Y-YES WE ARE,  we are getting late Garam" Terry hold Garam's hand, "Be fast, we ain't got any time, Senior will be here" he whispered loudly.

He took some steps away from her and turn back again doing a 90° bow

"IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU, I'M TERRY HE'S BEN", without raising his head they turn around. His mother frowned at their actions.

"Stop there, you seem rushed", A hand caught on Terry shoulder.

"You are from same middle school right?" Her eyes form a moon crease.

Terry who already feeling exhausted with all the energy he wasted ignoring her felt his sweat tracing down his ears.

"It's my first time meeting my Garam's friends!" She chirped.

"M-mam we.." they again get cutoff by her next words.

"Why don't we have some snacks, he never mentioned about you, we could get closer, you won't say no to this right" she dragged them to living room and set them on sofa. "Don't broke this lady heart" She lovingly said.

"Mom we are getting late,our seniors are going to join us too" Garam said, getting fear of being caught.

"Don't say a word Garam,I'm not listening you", She shut him.

"It's Terry right, she ruffle his head you are so cute!. Don't say no to this mom."

He gulped.

Meanwhile ben 'what about me?'

"And you....," she looked towards Garam "go get your things here,you could study after our small get together."

"Right honey" she smiled to Ben.

Garam gulped as he moves towards stairs, Terry and Ben looked at him through pleading eyes not to leave them alone.

"I know you don't have any projects" She sternly said, they snapped their head together towards her.

"We aren't lying" Ben said.

"Oh com'on Drop the act!, I know him,he always finds a way to run, he never had a friends before but looking at you guys are must be his first friends"

"Yes we are, but we really have a project to submit"

"Oh, is that it ...What he is like in school?, do you guys skip classes?, what rank you guys hold in classes?, Do you guys even study?, how was your last year performance?" Both of them were shocked hearing her studical questions.

"How many players are there in volleyball?

Is he even good at playing anything?,he never like to do anything though"

She bombarded them with questions

Do you guys smoke?

They gulped.

"We mam just started our project, he knows how to play, he is good in study

And.." their words cut short by a loud voice

"WHO IS GOOD IN STUDY?" Auron asked just after entering in the living room looking at Terry but internally gulped seeing a lady figure.

"YAAH Garam SAN how long you want me to wait at your door! Come down this instant" he shouted making his voice little rough.

He also bowed to the lady seated on sofa

"We finally met madam, could have talk with you for long if we weren't running out of time" he said in one go not wanting to meet her eyes and join his friends there on sofa who appears as if ghost have spook them.

Meanwhile Garam was leaning on the door eavesdropping on her mother conversation flinch.

'I'm done for good' he muttered.

"Is he the Guy the senior, he is NO WHERE A SENIOR" she walks towards him.

Terry and Ben gulped meanwhile Auron tried to not glare at Terry making him go through this.

"Which class are you boy"  She ask

"I'm a H-high schooler" he said.

She smiled "Great!" She grabs his hand and make him sit beside her, his body was shuddering inside but he maintained to not being transparent.

"It's good you all are together" She dejectly said. gaining their attention retrieving them from their own disposition.

"My Garam never picks his phone,I get he is going through puberty but still he could inform me about his health and care." She breath a heavy sigh.

his brother miss him" she said with a glint of sadness in her eyes.

"He has a brother?" they ask in unison.

"Yes twin with that" Lilac replied.

"We have two Garam's"  Terry exclaimed as if he granted paradise.

"Can't we meet him,do you have any photos? He asked away.

"Why not , but Garam might won't like this, they bicker a lot" lilac said.

"It's not the current one but a older pic, here.."

They saw a picture of two young teenagers one with more feminine features with neck long hairs seems like a girl while another one chubby face similar to Kai.

"he looks cute and so similar" Auron said.

"Yes he is!" She chimed "They both are so cute!"

"I wish they could take school together, I want to give him a normal school life,where he goes with his brother", she said, her voice laced with sadness.

"If not I would take him back with me, it's humiliating for my mother emotions to call grandma for his whereabouts cuz he didn't pick up'' She clench her fist.

"Umm.. you should send him here" Auron said.

"Huh.." She frowned.

"Why not to send your other boy here, he could join us and you will be at ease, this way Garam won't have to go back there with you" he said while Ben was little reluctant to it,though he likes the idea of another joining them.

"Yeaah if better, send them both", Terry said. His eyes still glued to the photo.

"Umm both?" she frowned, she gaze back at her phone. A smirk emerge on her lips.

"You guys can go, and don't tell him what we had talked" She said.

"Well I guess you shouldn't tell him what we talked" Auron rubb his neck.

"Garam! GET DOWN NOW! You are going to be late" She shouted, with that he ran down to stairs joining them.

"I have to go back too" she said.

"We are leaving aunty"

"Take care"

"We will take his good care" Auron pats Garam's head while he only frowned getting confused.

"Go go, i don't want you all to be late for your work" she hushed them outside.

"What was that?" Garam asked after coming outside of his main door.

"We saved you from getting back!" Terry proudly exclaimed.

"We played our acts on short notice" Auron proudly said.

"There was nothing to play for"  Ben shrugged,earning a pinch from Auron he flinched, and changed his side.

On the other side,