

Royce POV

I stood by the window with a stick of cigarette between my lips ,I stared outside my window to see everywhere quite, It was already getting bright and the sun was preparing to come out.

Wondering who smokes this early?, well that's me, I couldn't sleep as always because of the nightmares,So I've been in this position for a while now.

I stood by the window for sometime staring outside when I heard my ringing tone,It was my phone ringing.

I stared at my phone to see that it was my manager calling,

"Why is calling this early??"I asked myself,but picked up the call anyway.

"Hello Royce Good morning" he said,

"Yeah morning Wahlberg " I replied with a grunt,

Hope you've not forgotten that you're shooting your music video today??,He asked,

"No why would I?"I said,but the truth is I actually forgot about the shoot today.

"I'll come pick you up by 10:00am"He said and hung up.

I sighed and dropped my cigarette,I need to have a shower and go downstairs for breakfast,I don't know why I'm feeling hungry this early.

I was about to walk to my bathroom when I heard my phone ring again,Thinking it was Wahlberg I picked up the phone.

"Did you forget any other thing" I asked,

"Errrrm Royce it's me Sasha"I heard a female voice say, I removed the phone from my ears and stared at the phone to see that it was a strange contact.

"Sasha???"I asked the caller,

"Yes errm I'm one of the top female musician in the country,Signed under Glitz records She further added.

F**k how did she get my contact,what does she wants exactly,Why is she bent on always disturbing me I wondered.

"Yeah how may I help you" I finally asked with a frown after a minute of silence.

"Yeah I was wondering if you're less busy so that we can..... Maybe hang out or something She said with excitement in her voice.

"Sorry Errrrm ... Whatever is your name, I don't meet up and besides I'm very busy,I don't know how you got my contact but don't call this number again I said and hung up on her.

I wonder who gave her my contact,could it be Whelberg???,He dare not.

I droped my phone on my bed and went into the bathroom to take my bath.

Riele's POV

I woke up and found out that I was in Ariel's room,oh I forgot I came here when I couldn't sleep last night, I stared at her cute face and pecked her chubby cheeks, her eyes were still tightly shut.

I covered her with the duvet and went to the boys room to check up on them.

I knocked on Nathan's door and opened the door to see him still cuddled up in bed,i smiled,gave him a peck and left his room, I went to Noel's room and he was no different from Nathan.

I went to Noah's room and saw that he was already awake operating his phone, Immediately he saw me he ran to me and hugged me,I carried him up and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Good morning Mummy he said and gave me a peck on my lip.

"Good morning my love how was your night???"I asked him.

"It was great mum I dreamt about you"He said with a big smile,A smile he hardly gives outside.

"That's great to hear darling,have you prayed and brushed your teeth?"I asked.

Well I've thought them to pray a short prayer and I also take them to church too.

"No mummy" he said with his head down,well he knows I'm about to scold him,Ive always told them that whenever they wake up the first thing they should do is to pray and brush their teeths.

"You've not prayed and brush your teeth but you're already operating your phone is that right?",I asked him.

"No mummy, I'm sorry,I promise I won't repeat this tommorow"He said in a small voice,

"That's my baby now go brush your teeth and meet me in the kitchen dear"I said,he immediately ran towards his bathroom and shut the door.

I smiled and went to my room,I need to also brush my teeth and make breakfast for my kids,

Yes I have maids but most times I prefer cooking for my kids and brothers.

After brushing my teeth I went downstairs to the kitchen and decided to start cooking when I heard the kitchen door opened,

I turned and saw It was Drake,

"Good morning brother" I greeted and turned to the gas cooker.

"Morning Riele how was your night?"he asked and went to the fridge to get cold water.

"It was great,dont you think it's too early and the weather is cold to drink cold water this morning? I asked.

"Really??"I didn't notice, what do you want to cook??" He asked me.

"I'll be making bacon,egg and cheese cake"I replied him.

"Hmmm yummy,I can't wait"he said and walked out,i smiled and continued cooking.


"Mummy your food is delicious" little Ariel said with a smile on her face,

"Thanks baby,Im glad you like it"I said and pecked her cheeks.

I turned and saw that the boys too were enjoying their food,because they were rushing it,

"Slow down babies you don't want to choke do You?" I said,they just smiled and continued eating.

I turned to see my brothers too enjoying their food and I smiled,nothing gives me so much joy than cooking for my them.