
11:27am STUDIO

Royce POV

"Cut, great job Royce that was perfect"My director said after minutes of shooting my music video.

"Thanks JJ"I said with a light smile.

My manager gave me water and I muttered a thanks,While the makeup artist replied some makeup on my face.

"You're really handsome Royce I'm a big fan"He said with a big smile.

Well my make artist is a male,After what happened between me and the last makeup artist who was a female,I decided not to have a female makeup artist again.

The bitch actually came to seduce me,

I noticed she was acting weird at first,I told Whelberg but he said.

"maybe she's one of your fans"he had said.

I nodded and sat down for her to perform her magic.

I noticed she'll glance at me at intervals and then give me a seductive smile,But I turned a blind eye to her,she kept on doing that until she was done with the makeup.

After I performed on stage and went to my dressing room to freshen up and change so that I will go home and have a good night rest.

I was about to take off my clothes when I felt someone hug me from behind,I turned and to my greatest surprise I saw her naked, smiling at me creepily.

"What the F**k do you think you're doing??"I asked angrily.

"Don't you like what you see??" she had asked in a seductive voice.

"What do you mean by don't you like what you see,I said what the F**k are you doing here? "I asked again already getting frustrated.

"Oh please Royce, I know you love what you're seeing,Common touch me" she said and dipped her hand into her honey pot and licked it with a moan.

She walked closer to me and squeezed her Boobs with a light moan.

I took a step back and looked for my phone,but I couldn't find it,oh right I gave it to Whelberg before going on stage.

She was about to hug me but I pushed her to the ground.

Why is she acting like she's obsessed or not.

"Hey I don't want to hurt you,Put on you clothes and leave now before I get you arrested for invasion of privacy"i yelled at her breathing heavily.

After I yelled I noticed she flinched and stood up quietly,I was think she wanted to put on her clothes,until she did a shocking thing.

She actually grabbed my d**k from my trouser and gave a sick smile,I shrieked and pushed her away from me.

"Did you just grab my d**k???"I said in shock.

Where the hell is Whelberg and the guards,I really don't think I can tolerate this lady any longer,I might just hurt her if she stays her for one more minute.

Just as I was thinking,Welberg entered with some guards and dragged her away.

I asked Whelberg why he was just coming and he said the door was locked from inside.

It must be that bitch handwork,because I remembered that I didn't lock the door when I passed.

That was the reason why I stop having females as my Makeup artist or even PA.

I stared at the mirror blankly and gave a sad smile,I was really looking so handsome.

:Errrrm....Royce after the music video shoot we're going for the contract signing hope you've not forgotten"he said looking into his phone with much concentration.

"And don't forget you're meeting with Eugene today, and you also told me to remind you of the hang out with your friends,"He said looking up from his phone.

,"Cancel the meeting with Eugene,We can do that any other day but not today"I said tiredly rubbing my hands on my forehead,A habit I do when I'm tired.

Eugene is one of my songwriters,we planned on meeting today but I don't think I can today I'm soo tired right now,All I need now is to finish shooting my music video and then go for the contract signing,And maybe take a rest.

The contract worth billions or else I would have cancelled it as well.

"OK Royce let's continue" the director said and left.

I sighed and stood up let's get this over with.

Camila POV

I just finished eating when I heard my phone ring,I picked up my phone and saw it was "Phoebe",wow it's been long we saw each or talked too.

I picked up the call with a big smile,

"Hey baby girl"I said with excitement in my voice.

"Hey Milla" she said, A name Alicia gave me during highschool.

"How have you been??, longest time babes"i said.

"I'm fine babes,Longest time indeed,"she said.

"How's Australia?"I asked,Well she lives in Australia with her parents.

She's also a popular Model and she went to the same highschool as I.

She also knows about Alicia, they were roommates back then,

"How's Royce?, with what I've been watching on TV he seems to be doing well",she said if only she knows.

Yeah he's improving,Atleast he goes out now and eat now.

"He's still having those nightmares but you know but with time they'll stop"i said.

"Yeah I hope so"she said.

I heard someone yell her name from the phone.

"Oh I gotta go,we will later babes" with that she hung up.

I stared at my phone and sighed.

Everyone is now busy,I miss those days during highschool,but most especially I miss Alicia.