


Riele POV

I checked the time and saw it was already time my kids returned from school,Their school closes by 2:00,And it's already 2:33pm.

Their driver had gone to pick them up from school,they should be here In maybe the next 30 minutes,since from their school to home is a one hour and some minutes drive.

I smiled and went to the kitchen to see the progress of my food and believe me when I say it smelled and tasted very delicious.

Well after I gave birth to my babies,the doctor advised me not to go out, I don't know why, but he said its for my health since I gave birth naturally,during that period I leant how to cook online, and believe me I've never been more happier.

I dished out the food and arranged it on the dinning table,I made sure to arrange their food according you the was they sit bedside some of them has allergies to some food.

I went to the sitting room and sat down,They should be here soon.

I brought out my phone and started operating it, I checked out some designs I had made and they were very beautiful.

My kids birthday is on the way,I should better start trying to make them something beautiful.

I was still scrolling through my phone,when a call came in.

Oh my God it's my best friend "zayn",he travelled to Africa last year for business, He is into modeling and believe me I say he's the definition of cute and sexy,He is tall and handsome and looks alot like a girl.

We started being friends when we were little,He was with me through my pregnancy stage and believe me he was of great help,Because during the 7th and 8th month I couldn't even walk, It was so hard to me to walk because my belly was soo big.

He would cook for me,Run errands for me,oh I don't think it would have been easier without him.

They was something that I dont really understand till date.He said he's been with me the whole time,since per school and all that but I can't understand why he said he don't know who they father of my child is.

I don't even know how I got into an accident,I just woke up with a serious headache and I had heard the doctor telling Zayn and my brother that I had forgotten about some moments in my life.

"Or was I rapped??,was it a one night stand" I had thought .The last time I tried to remember something, I passed out with a severe headache.

OK even if I don't remember who got me pregnant,why didn't the guy show up till now or find me and his babies till now????.

That's just something I can pinpoint.

"Hello baby" I said after picking up the phone call.

Well because of how feminine and beautiful he looks, I have him a nickname, "Baby".

"Hey Riele, watsup?", He asked in his feminine voice.

"I'm cool dear how's Africa?" I asked.

I heard him chuckle and said fine.

"What's funny??, why are you chuckling, I asked.

"Well, that's because I'm in America now, He said.

"What do you mean you're in America now??", I asked puzzled.

"Are you trying to play a prank on me??",I asked him.

"I'm seriously Riele, I'm in America now, he said and then I started hearing sounds sound like he was in the airport.

I immediately switched on the TV and saw the news, It's true.


Was written as the headline, and a picture of him making a phone call was also posted on the TV,That must be when he was talking to me.

"I'll branch straight to your house,

I've missed you and most importantly I missed the kids more,"He said.

"Are they home??", He asked.

"No, but they should be on their way now" i said excited that he's coming.

"Can you not tell them I want it to be a surprise,ok??,"He said.

"Sure baby, I'll be waiting" I said and hung up.

I smiled and turned off the TV and laid back on the sofa and closed my eyes.

I was still thinking when the door barged opened and then my kids came rushing in.

They ran to me and hugged me,

"Good afternoon mummy", they greeted add gave me a peck each on my lips.

"Good afternoon babies, Welcome back from school. How was school today?"I asked them.

"It was boring mom, Hailey didn't come to school today. Ariel said.

Miss Roberts said her mom called and said she's down with a fever",she said with a sad face.

Miss Roberts is a beautiful young lady and she's their class teacher.

"Oh no, I'm sorry honey, I hope she gets better soon" I said and gave her a kiss on her hair.

"Me too mummy,I really missed her today,School was rally boring without her", she said.

"Let's hope she gets better", I said.

"Well for me school was great", Noel said cheerfully.

"Yeah me too" Nathan seconded.

"For me today's school was just like every other day, It was so boring and the worst part is, Shirley won't leave me alone", Noah said with a frown.

"Shirley??,Who's Shirley??",I asked.

But he didn't answer me.

"Noel, who's Shirley?",I asked since they were in the same class.

"She's a beautiful black girl in our class,And I think she has a huge crush on Noah, Because wherever Noah goes she's always following him, And most time she gives him chocolate." Noel said with a chuckle.

I chuckled in amusement, kids of these days.

Well Noah doesn't like going to school, But the craziest thing is, he's the one who is always toping in his class.

The school is a big school, So their class was divided into two, Class A and class B.

Noah and Noel are in class A, While Ariel and Nathan are in class B.

In class A, Noah is the one leading, while Noel follows behind.

While in class B, Ariel is the one Toping followed by her brother Nathan.

I was so happy to see their results the last time they brought it home.

My kids are so brilliant,The last time I dropped them at school their class read Miss Roberts, had said that they were really doing well in school.

"Okay, guys common go upstairs, the maids will help you guys to change and freshen up,Then you guys should come to the dining room for lunch ,I made lunch",I said.

"Wow, mom you made lunch, that's great." Noel said and immediately rushed upstairs,I chucked with he's reaction, he's such a foodie.

"Yes", the rest yelled happily and rushed upstairs.

I smiled and went to the dining room, And then I noticed that their food has gotten cold. I immediately took the food to the microwave.

My kids doesn't eat cold food, it makes them to puke, I remembered one day when they ate a food that was cold.

They kept on puking and puking,I was so scared to the bones, I had even thought they were poisoned and immediately rushed them to the hospital.

That was when the doctor advised me to stop giving them cold food.

I wonder were they got that one from??.

After I microwaved the food I arranged it on the table, And almost immediately the kids came to the dining room and sat down.

They picked up their cutlery you digged in.

After they finished eating,The maids cleared the table and they immediately ran to the sitting room.

I entered the sitting room and saw Nathan and Noah fighting over the remote,

"What's going on??" I asked and they immediately stopped fighting.

"I picked the remote first but Noah snatched it from me"Nathan said breathing heavily.

"That's not true, I picked it up first" Noah said, also breathing heavily.

I was about to say something, when the door to the sitting room opened, and Zayn walked in.

"What's going on here??" he said.

Immediately they saw him they screamed "Uncle baby" and ran to him.