


I have been restless ever since what Riele told me, I feel so guilty right now that I can't even sleep.

I'll just wait till Drake is back from wherever he went to, Infact I'll wait for him in his room till he comes back, Before I fall asleep.

I walked to his room and sat on his bed,he better comes back early,because this guilt is eating me up.




20 minutes later

I heard the door open and stood up quickly from the bed, I can't believe I'd already started dozing.

"Hey baby, you're back",He said and gave me a hug.

"Yeah, I came back this morning"I said.

"So..... Errrrm how was the journey???"He asked,taking off his coat.

"It was exhausting"I replied and sat down, He noticed the look on my face and asked,

Hey, What wrong??,what's with that face??,wait don't tell me you got a girl pregnant while in Africa, he asked and sat down.

"Seriously that's what you think"I asked and shaked my head.

"Well there is something I want to talk to you about, And it's about Riele and her kids" I said putting on a serious face.

"What's wrong with Riele and the kids did something happen today???, Are the kids alright??,Did Riele faint again???" He asked me panting heavily, Somethinghe foes whenever he's really scare or nervous.

'No, that's not it" I replied and faced him.

"Then what's it then??" He asked, giving me he's whole attention.

"Well, Riele was asking me if I know the father of her children, since she doesn't remember and she thinks I know because I've been with her since preschool, And she also said the kids are disturbing her sometimes for their dad"I said and watched his expression,but it remained the same.

"So what do you want me to do now??" He said nonchalantly.

What how could he say that with no guilt, It's his sister we're talking about for Pete's sake.

"What do you mean by "so what do you want me to do now?? " I said.

"We have been lying to her for the past five years now,And you're tell me that, "what do you want me to do now".

"Aren't you feeling guilty that the kids are asking their mother, Your sister, Who their dad is when you know fully well who he is??" I said already getting annoyed.

"Well for me I can't hide it any longer I'm going to tell her" I said and didn't miss the glare that Drake gave me.

"What do you mean by you're going to tell her??, You heard what the doctor said, He said we shouldn't force her memories,that they'll come with time". And besides I hate that guy and I don't want him close to Riele or the kids",He said with a frown.

"Oh please, what do you mean by you don't want him close to Riele or the kids"I said.

"Besides if that guy finds out about Riele or the kids there is nothing you can do because, He won't stop at nothing till he gets them" I said and walked out of his room.





I stared stared at the time and saw that it was already 24 minutes past 10, I sighed and turned to the left side of the bed.

Ever since I saw the news of Baby back from Africa,Ive been restless, I really miss him alot,I've been trying to call his line,but seems he blocked me.

I tried calling him once but when he found out it was me, He told me never to call his line and he hung up on me.

Whenever we meet he doesn't even look at me, He would just pass as if I don't exist.

Baby, was Alicia's bestfriend while we were in high school,They were inseparable and loved each other so much,But after she died, He cut ties with us.

Well, I and Baby dated while we were in high school, And belive me when I say those were the best days ago my life.

At first we didn't tell anyone, because we were scared people were going to point fingers, saying we are gay, so we kept it a secret until one day Ricky caught us kissing and went to tell the rest of our friends.

We thought they were going to get mad or even discriminate against us bit they said they knew and are in support of our relationship.

We broke up after Alicia's death, Believe me, that was the worst day of my life, He left and ever since then we don't talk anymore.

I just hope that one day,Maybe we'll be together again.

I thought with a sad smile and drifted off to sleep.