

     Riele's point of view 

 It was already morning and I and maids were making breakfast. I couldn't sleep again early this morning after having the same nightmare of someone pushing me off a bridge.

  Well, after the conversation with baby,I didn't sleep early but just kept on thinking.I told myself that I must remember something, but the truth is I didn't even remember anything.

 I sighed, remembering the dream. The only strange thing is, I almost saw the person who stabbed me in my dream today.

 It felt so real and  I couldn't even breathe as I woke up from the dream after I fell into the water in my dream. 

  After I had the dream, I don't  know why, but I became very restless. Why do I keep on having the same dream every time?

  Just as I was thinking, I felt the headaches that I had been having since the day break increase and I held my head with a loud groan.

 The maids immediately rushed to me and asked if I was OK. I managed to nod my head a bit and told them to continue cooking and that I was going to be in my room.

 I walked to my room and lay down on my bed. I felt the headache increase and I quickly held my head. It felt as if my brain was about to burst or something, that I didn't know when I started crying.

I heard someone open my door, but I couldn't even open my eyes. The pain was really getting severe.

 I heard the person climb on my bed and moved very close to me,

 "Good morning mummy" I heard Ariel's tinny voice say.

 Oh, no, I don't want her to know I'm sick, if she finds out she'll start crying.

 Just as I was thinking,I felt her give me a peck on my cheek. It was like she felt how hot my body had become,And then I felt her use her tiny hands to touch my face.

 Immediately she felt my temperature, she quickly removed her hands and called me. 

 "Mummy???, Mummy???,"she called me twice, but I couldn't even reply to her,I was just too weak to even move. 

 I felt her leave the bed and ran out of the room. Minutes later, I heard Baby and my brothers yelling my name, but that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


        Drake's point of view 

 I stared at Riele on the bed and held her hands. I hate seeing her like this in the hospital. It makes me remember that moment I hated in my life. 


 I sighed and kissed her hands before walking out of the VIP ward. Immediately I walked out, I was welcomed by the sight of her kids crying.

  Baby and Gray were trying to console the kids, but they kept on crying non-stop. Ariel was not even feeling okay as we speak.

   Immediately she saw us taking her mom to the hospital. She started crying and puking, that's what we had to admit. Both of them. 

I walked over to them and told them,

  "Stop crying. The doctor said she is going to be awake in the next 2 hours". I said Patting them, well,that was a big lie. 

Flashback 2 hours ago

"How is she now?? what happened?" I asked the doctor hurriedly.


  "I should be the one asking you what happened??" He said, staring at me. I was confused for a second.

  What does he mean by he should be the one to ask me what happened,I thought, but answered anywhere.

  "I.... I don't understand what do you mean that you should be the one to ask me what's wrong?",I asked. 

  "Well it seems like she has been stressing her brain a lot, she's forcing her memory out and that could cause damage to her brain. We should be grateful that she just passed out, other patients even die in the process", he said, scribbling something down in his notebook. 

  "So, do you think she has gotten back her memory?" I asked, staring at the doctor.

 "We don't know yet Drake,but I'd suggest you let her best friend "Baby" tell her a bit about herself in the past. Maybe it might help her a little, because if she forces herself to remember anything after she wakes up, it's not going to be good" He said and tore out a page of what he has been scribbling and gave it to me.

  "Take it downstairs.Tell them I gave it to you, they will give you some drugs for her",  he said. 

 I collected it and thanked him. I looked at the paper and couldn't understand anything.

 I sighed and proceeded downstairs. It's better I let Baby tell her. I wouldn't want to lose my only did because of some hatred I have towards him. 

 Baby's point of view 

I entered her ward and saw her sleeping.I sighed and muttered" I'm sorry, Drake told me about what the doctor said and ever since then I've been waiting for her to wake up, But she's still in the same position.

  I had to pet the kids to sleep and believe me it wasn't easy. 

  Noel kept on saying he wanted his mom. Noah and Nathan refused to eat. I had to force them to.

 While Ariel was sleeping beside her mom, immediately she woke up. She asked for her mom, so the doctor told us to take her mom.

 I was still in my thoughts when my stomach rumbled sh*t I hadn't eaten anything since morning. 

 I stood up and went out. I saw Gray about to enter the room so I told him to following me down to the hospital cafeteria.

 He agreed and the we left. We were talking of some random stuff when I saw the faces I had been avoiding since like forever.

 It was Royce and his friends Jordan and Ricky, I tried my possible best not to stare at them,but my eyes met with Jordan. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes but I walked past them as if I did see them. 

  Gray kept on saying that he didn't see what had happened.

 What are they doing here? I just pray  they never see Riele and the kids,I thought, and walked away. 





