
         Royce's point of view 

  I watched as Baby passed us as if he didn't see us. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Ever since the death of his best friend, Alicia, he has stopped talking to us. 

  I stared at Jordan and saw he had a sad look on his face. I sighed and looked away. 

 We had to wear face masks and face caps to avoid getting the attention of any fan, but I know he recognized us. 

 "Wait, Is that not Baby?" Ricky said, but no one replied but him.

  "What is he doing in the hospital?? Is he really sick?", Ricky asked again. 

  "How are we supposed to know?", Jordan replied, obviously getting tired of his questions.

  "Common guys let's go before Camilla starts nagging that we came late", Jordan said and walked away.

 I followed him while Ricky followed behind, wondering what we were doing in the hospital, right?,

 Well, Camilla had slipped from the stairs and fractured her left leg this morning. She had called me and told me that she had broken her leg, I had thought she was lying until she sent me a pick of her in a hospital gown and her broken leg.

 We had left home very early this morning to work out. That's why we are here now. We knocked and opened the door to see her sitting on the bed with her leg wrapped.

 "Hey"I muttered and sat down close to her on the bed. 

  "How are you feeling?" I asked her, 


  "Well, I'm feeling much better than before", she said with a yawn.

  "Are you hungry?" I asked her, 

 She shook her head and said that she is just feeling sleepy.

 "Sorry Camilla", Ricky and Jordan said.

 Common go to sleep, you look tired, I said to her and helped her lay on the bed.

 It was not up to 5 minutes before she fell asleep, she must be so tired, I thought, and helped her to cover the blanket.

 "She looks exhausted", Jordan said, staring at her.

 "Yeah" I muttered and just at that minute I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller and saw that it was mom that was calling.

  Oh right, she had called me to check up on me, but I told her that I was in a hurry. She must have noticed the tone of my voice because she insisted I tell her what was wrong, so I had to tell her.

  I had told her of what happened to Camilla while coming to the hospital, and she had been calling me since then. I looked at Camilla and went outside to pick up the phone.

 "Hello mom" I replied, rubbing my head, a habit I'm fond of doing when I'm tired or frustrated.

 "Royce, how is Camilla doing??" She asked in a worried tone.

 "She's getting better" I replied,

  "I'll just get ready and go to the hospital now," she said. 

   "No, mom, you don't have to worry. The doctor said that when she wakes up it's going to get a lot better, that she'll be discharged....maybe tomorrow" I said hurriedly.

  "Thank God," she said, 


   "Royce", she called,

   "Yes mom"I replied.


   "If Camilla gets discarded you guys should return to the mansion", she said, 

  "I don't have strength to argue with her, so I just said OK. 

 I don't want her to come to the hospital and start crying, she loves doing that a lot. I was about to walk back to the ward when two kids bumped into me. 

 They were chasing each other and looked alike. They must be twins, I thought.

"We are Sorry Uncle" sorry They said and apologized, playing with their feet.

I'm not really a fan of kids, but I won't deny that these kids are damn cute. 

" Oh no it's okay", I said. 

 "Oh my God it's you Royce on TV" one of them yelled happily,

 "Can I get an autograph??"

"Oh my God I'm not with a book or pen. How do I get an autograph??"

 "I'm really a big fan of yours"

"I really love your songs"

  "I wish I had brought my phone. I would have taken a selfie"

  They kept on saying different things and I couldn't help but smile, they really are so cute.

 I smiled and pat their hair, and then I noticed something in them, they had blue eyes exactly like those of Alicia's ,making me remember her. That was also the same color as her eyes she had. 

  "What are you guys doing here??" I asked,

 Wondering what they're doing in the VIP ward.

"Our mom is sick, and she's yet to wake up ", The one who is a bit thick replied with a sad face.

 "Oh, I'm sorry, I said, patting his hair,

 "I'm sure she'll be fine and soon be awake" I said. 

  "Common, Noel, let's go. You won't want uncle Drake to yell at us", the other one said. 

 "We are really sorry, uncle Royce", they said once again and rushed out. 

Wait, uncle Drake?? I hate that name Drake. He had been quiet these past few days, I wonder why, I thought, and walked back into Camilla's ward.

         Riele's point of view 

   I opened my eyes and squinted. Why is everywhere so bright, I wondered.

  I managed to open my eyes with difficulty and the first thing I saw was the white ceiling.I turned to the side and saw my princess sleeping with her tiny hand on my stomach.

  What happened??I thought. The only thing I remember was when I left the kitchen because I had a severe headache and I lay to rest That's all I can remember.

 I felt my angel's temperature and felt that it was a bit hot. Hope she didn't fall sick or something.

 Just as I tried to sit up, someone entered the room. I turned and saw that it was Drake and Ronny with Noah. 

  "Hey, you're awake" they said and ran over to me happily while Noah screamed, mummy and ran to me, he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

   I was so scared mom, you didn't answer.This morning I was calling you this morning when Uncle Drake was taking you to the car. He said sniffing.

  "I'm sorry honey for scaring you, I'm okay now. You don't need to worry any longer",I said, and gave him a kiss on his head. 

 Ariel must have heard us talking because she woke up and hugged me crying.

 "I was so scared mummy" she said, hugging me tightly.

 I smiled and hugged them both, and then I noticed that Nathan and Noel were not there.

  "Where are Nathan and Noel" I asked immediately.


 "They were playing here not long ago, I'll just go look for them", Ronny said, and was about to go out when the door opened.

 We all turned and saw that it was Baby and Gary,

 "Wow, Riele, you're awake"Baby said and hugged me. 

"You really scared me" he said. 

 "You guys don't need to worry about me, I'm okay now" I said. 

 "I was asking Nathan and Noel, I can't find them" I told Baby.

  "You don't need to worry, they'll be  somewhere around ,i and Gray will just go and look for them" he said, assuring me.

Just as they were about to go out too, the door opened and Nathan and Noel ran in. Immediately they saw me sitting on the bed, they quickly ran to me and hugged me.

  "Thanks for waking up mom". They chorused and hugged her again.

 I smiled and hugged them all. They are my life, and I'm really sorry for scaring them. I thought hugging them tightly.



    Camilla's point of view 

I had woken up in the afternoon, and now I'm a lot better. Rice had made sure that I had the proper treatment.I sighed, already tired from sitting too much.

  Just at that moment, Royce came in and sat close to me,


  "Hey, why are you frowning??", he asked me, since I was frowning.

   "I'm tired of dirt down there, I want to take a stroll around the hospital",I said with a pout.

  "What do you mean you want to take a walk?? The doctor said you shouldn't stress yourself", he said. 

   "Please, the doctor said I can use the crutches, please I'll just use the crutches,ple.....ase",I begged.

   "Fine, just for today"he said and walked over to me, to help me stand on my feet, he gave me the crutches and helped me walk out on the, ward. 

 I sighed in relief, finally", I thought as he helped me walk out of the ward. 

 We walked and talked for some time until we passed a passage. We  came across a woman and her four kids in a hospital gown walking towards us.

   I continued talking and walking towards their direction until I saw her face. My eyes widened, and I stopped walking immediately. I felt my heart beating faster than usual, and had  shock all through my body.

  Royce must have been shocked by my reaction and looked up to see what I was staring at. Immediately he saw what made me that way, he staggered and held the wall for support.

 I couldn't hold the shock any longer. I screamed "Alicia" and passed out.