

         Royce's point of view 

   "Mr Royce, Can I borrow your phone?" she asked, staring at him, 

  "Sure," I muttered.

  I don't even know what to think or say right now because I'm still in shock.


 I sat there staring into space after she left to make her phone call. How the hell does she look so much like my Alicia? 

 The same long dark hair, fair skin, And most especially her beautiful blue eyes. The only difference is, this lady is more busty and looks more matured.

 What the hell is going on???, I wondered. I quickly took out my second phone and dialed Jordan's number, and he picked up at the second ring.

 "Hey Royce, watsup??" He said on the phone.

 "Come to the hospital....right now " I said and hung up.

 I turned to her kids and saw them giggling and whispering to themselves. I continued staring at them and I didn't know when she entered.

  She walked up to me and cleared her throat. I Immediately took my eyes away from her kids and looked at her.

That perfect face that I haven't seen for the past six years,That blue eyes that I get lost into.


  "Here, I'm through making the phone call, thanks", she said and gave me my phone.

 "Yeah, you're welcome" I said with a  small smile.

 She walked up to her kids and she was about to sit down close to them. When we heard a groan, we immediately turned in the direction to see that Camilla was already awake.

 I immediately ran over to her and sat down close to her,


  "How are you doing??", I asked her, but she just kept on staring at me without saying anything.

   "I.... I saw Alicia,Royce, I swear I did" she said.

 The lady who looked exactly like Alicia, walked up to us and said,

  And immediately Camilla saw her, her eyes widened.

 "Hey, how are you feeling??" she asked, sitting close to her on the bed, And immediately Camilla hugged her tightly and muttered, Alicia again. 

 I sighed and watched the lady, who I didn't know her name, stared in confusion but still hugged her anyway.

 Her kids rushed up to us and said, 

 "How are you feeling, Aunty???" They chorused cutely. 

 She quickly broke the hug and looked at the kids. Then she looked at the lady and asked,

  "Are they your kids??" Yes they are mine,the lady said. 

 "My name is Riele, I came to check up on you after you fainted in the hall", The lady now known as Riele said. 

  "Hope you're okay now??" she asked.

 "Yes... I'm okay no thanks" Camilla replied with a stutter.

 I just kept on looking at the two. Camilla glanced at me and then back to Riele. 

"Your kids are cute?? " Camila finally said after a moment of silence.

         Riele's point of view 


 "I kept on looking at the way Camilla, Royce's sister, was looking at the kids and I. 

 "Your kids are cute" she said, staring at them. 

 "Thanks" I said with a smile.

 I turned and saw Royce staring intently at me, making me uncomfortable. Why is he staring at me like that?, I thought.

 Well, maybe he's just staring at my eyes. Most people really admire my eyes. 

  "OK..... so we have to go now, I got really worried when you passed out, That was why I decided t stay till you woke up". 

 "As you can see, I'm in a hospital gown and my brother said that the doctor wants me to remain in my ward", I said and stood up. 

  "What's wrong with you?Why are you in a hospital gown???" She asked, 

  "I also passed out this morning. I was also not feeling too well early this morning", I said with a slight chuckle.

 "Common kids let's go" I said to my kids.

 "Get well soon aunty Camilla" my kids said, and walked to me. 

  "I will" she muttered with a smile.

 I noticed she had a sad look on her face as I said that I wanted to go.

 I was about to open the door and go out when I stopped and asked what I had been eager to ask for like forever,

 "Oh, and who is Alicia???" I asked. 

  I noticed she was taken aback by my question, and she looked at Royce in a way I couldn't understand.

  "Alicia??, Why do you ask??" She asked staring intently at me.

 "Well, that was the name you screamed before you passed out, And that was also the name you said when you were hugging me earlier."

"Oh, Urrm....she's just someone I know?" She said, rubbing her palms together.

 "OK then, I'll be on my way" I said, and was about to open the door when the door opened and two handsome men entered. I Immediately recognized them as the popular musicians, Jordan and Ricky, but strangely, I noticed they were staring at me in shock.

  "A.... Alicia" Jordan said, and moved back, with shock in his eyes. 

 While Ricky just staggered without saying anything.

 Why is everyone staring at me in shock?? And that name Alicia again. Who the hell is this Alicia???, I wondered.

" Oh my Gosh, mom, it's Jordan and Ricky" Ariel screamed excitedly.

 They immediately turned to my kids, staring at them too. 

 "Good afternoon" I greeted them, but they didn't reply, they just kept on staring at me in shock.

 I was about to say something when we heard a knock on the door.Ricky opened the door and immediately frowned. 

 "What are you doing here?? " He asked the person.

 And I heard a"I should be asking you that question " I immediately recognized the voice.That was Drake's voice.

 The kids recognized his voice too, and they screamed "uncle Drake". 

Drake immediately pushed the door and walked past Ricky and then Baby followed too. I noticed immediately Baby entered the room that every one of them stared at him in confusion.

 "Common Riele, let's get out of here" Drake said, and held my hands.

 Baby held the kids' hands and took them outside. I noticed that they kept on staring at him strangely.

 As he was about to take me out, I heard Royce said, 

 "What do you think you're doing???",

 Drake turned and glared at him with a deep frown, 

  "I don't think you have any right to ask me that question," Drake answered him with a grunt and dragged me out.