Who saw me????

            Royce's point of view 

I stood still confused over what just happened a while ago. What the hell just happened???,

 I looked at the rest, to see them with the same expression as mine. They were all looking confused, and it seemed like they didn't even know what to say.

  How is that lady connected to them??, And I heard the kids scream "uncle Drake". Is she his sister?? But I'd never heard of them having any sisters. I kept on asking myself questions upon questions within me. 

  And Baby, what's he doing with him?? Or is he dating Drake now?? Or is he close to them because their sister looks alot like his dead best friend???.

 "What the hell did we just see?? " Ricky asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Was that not Baby right now?? Or was I mistaken??" he asked, but none of us said anything. Everyone was in his or her thoughts.

 I turned to Camilla on the bed and saw her lost in her thoughts too. 

 I sighed and placed my hands on my forehead. There's something I think I'm missing out, And I just really can't pinpoint what it is.

 "Royce, did you see her kids???, "I heard Camilla ask. 

 "What about her kids??"I asked, turning back to her. 

  "Those.... Those kids looked exactly like you when you were still a kid", She said with a stutter.

  "What do you mean by that, Camilla?? Most kids do look alike" I said, not understanding where she was going.

   "She's right Royce, I was going to say that too. I saw your pictures when you were a kid, and believe me, those kids looked exactly like you when you were a kid. The only difference is their eyes are blue while yours are gray. And I noticed the girl had exactly the same eyes as yours", Jordan said, staring at me.

  "What are you guys even saying???, Are you guys trying to say that, that lady is Alicia???"I said with a deep frown.

   "Have you guys forgotten we all saw Alicia die? We saw her when she stopped breathing, We saw her when she was buried, we saw her body in a f**king coffin"I yelled, already getting frustrated.

 "What makes you think that lady is my Alicia??" I said.

 "Chill dude, We are not saying that she's Alicia, We're just saying that what if she is??" Jordan said, staring at me.

 "And also, what is Baby doing with her??? Why has Drake never shown his sister to the public??? Something is up, and I think we should find out," Jordan said. 

   "We are not finding anything out, Alicia is dead and gone. And I'll love it if you guys stop bringing up her name" I said.

 As much as I try not to believe what  they are saying, I can't help but feel like they're right. Something is up and I must find out.

 After I saw that lady that looks exactly like my Alicia, I won't deny my heart, which has not beaten anyone for the past six years, has been racing nonstop.

 I sighed and walked out of the room. I really need fresh air right now, because it feels like I'm suffocating.


           Riele's point of view 

  "What the hell were you thinking, Riele, going about when you know very well that the doctor said you need to rest", Drake said to me with a frown.

 "I just got bored and wanted to take a stroll" I said, sitting on the bed.

 "You just got bored and wanted to take a stroll", he said, mimicking me. 

 "What if you collapse or something??" What do you think will happen?? Collapse. Do you love seeing your kids cry because of you??" Drake said, already annoyed.

   "Ok..... I don't know why you're yelling at me, I'm fine, and I'm not hurt or anything ", I said, and heard him scoff.

 "Why is he yelling at me this much just for going out for a stroll??"I thought.

 "And if I may ask, What were you doing in that ward?? " He asked, staring directly into my eyes.

  "Well, while the kids were walking, we suddenly heard someone scream in our front. When we looked up, we saw that it was Camilla, Royce's sister".

  "Immediately she saw my face, she passed out, so I had to follow her to her ward because I was worried", I said, and he scoffed.

 "Why didn't you just avoid her??" he asked and, believe me, I was taken aback by that question.

 "What do you mean by "why didn't I just avoid her", we're talking about someone's life here, Drake", I said, already getting annoyed by his words.

 "Well, you should have just avoided her and walked away, and now I wouldn't have  to worry that he saw you" just He said and walked away angrily.

  Wait, what does he mean? He wouldn't have to worry that he saw me. Who saw me????

 I turned to see Baby staring at me with an expression I couldn't pinpoint.

   "Hey, Are you going to scold me too for helping her" I asked.

 He stood up and walked up to me. 

  "Nope, maybe it's for the best that he saw you" he muttered and walked away. What's up with them who saw me???, I thought and turned to my kids. 

 They were playing and didn't seem to care about what was going on in the room.

 "Hey guys" I called. 

They immediately ran to me and sat down on my bed. 

  "So..... Rachael will soon be here to take you home, so you guys should get ready" I said, and their expressions changed immediately.

 "But we don't want to go home without your mommy" Ariel said with a sniff. 

 "Yes mom, we are going to wait till you get better, so that we can go back home together" Noel said, holding my hands.

   "We will stay and keep you company mom. What if you get scared being alone in this big room?" Nathan said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

 "What do you mean by I'll get scared,I won't get scared honey" I said with a smile.

 It's really cute seeing them trying to convince me to  let them stay. 

  "But I don't want to go with aunty Rachael. Who will sing me to sleep??" Ariel asked. 

 "Common honey, Rachael has been you guys' nanny since you guys were kids, she'll sing you guys to sleep" I said. 

 "But it's your voice I want to hear mommy", Ariel said, and hugged me.

  "Common guys, you guys need to go to school tomorrow, so go home and sleep, its already evening"I said and just at that minute Racheal came into my ward. 

"Good evening ma'am" she greeted. 

"Good evening, Racheal" I replied with a nod. 

 I've told her several times not to call me ma'am, because she's far older than me, but she has refused to stop.

 "How are you feeling now?? " She asked.

 "Better Rachael "I replied.

  "The kids are ready now. Please make them something to eat this evening. I'll be discharged before they get back from school tomorrow" I said, and she nodded.

  "Bye, Babies I promise I'll be back before you guys get back from school tomorrow" I said, but they kept on their moody faces. 

 "Common , smile for me, my love," I said. But it was only Ariel that smiled. The rest just kept on those moody faces and waved a bye. 

 I smiled and laid back on my bed. I'm really feeling very dizzy. 
