Ma'am Bianca

  Morning, Camilla's ‎ward  


    ‎  Camilla's point of view 

I woke up and saw mom staring at me with worry in her eyes. Royce must have told her about my situation. I thought and tried to sit up, but she stopped me Immedialy.

 "What do you think you're trying to do, Camilla ???, The doctor said not to stress yourself", Mom said, and held my hands. 

 I laid back down on the bed,

 "Good morning mom" I muttered weakly.

 "Good morning Camilla, How are you feeling now??" She asked.

  "Better mom"I said and closed my eyes.

   "What did you see that made you faint??? The doctor told me that you fainted because of shock", she said, and I immediately opened up my eyes.

  "Nothing mom,I was just tired, that's why" I lied.

 I wouldn't want her to start interrogating me about why I fainted . 

 "OK...dear, The doctor said that you will be discharged maybe this evening" Mom said, and I sighed in relief.Finally.


  "My mind suddenly went back to that lady that looked like Alicia. I didn't sleep well last night because of her. I kept on thinking about her, that I even dreamed about her last night.

 Why does she look so much like Alicia??? Everything Alicia had, she has them.The blue eyes, long thick black hair. The only difference is... she looks more matured and grown up than Alicia. 

 I saw Alicia getting buried, I saw her body in a coffin. But why? Am I still thinking that that lady is Alicia?I thought and sighed loudly. 


  "Camilla.... Camilla" I heard my name and immediately jolted out from my thoughts, I had forgotten that I was talking with mom.

 "Camilla, are you okay?? You zoned out on me" mom asked.

 I sighed and closed my eyes, And I didn't know when a tear dropped from my eyes. 

 "Camilla....Camilla", mom called, but I didn't answer her. 

 "I just want to be alone right now, mom"I muttered with a sniff. 

   "OK...honey, I just hope you tell me what's wrong so that I can maybe help" She said. 

 I heard her sigh and left the room.I just really need to be alone right now.

         Baby's point of view 

I sighed watching her sleeping peacefully. I really didn't sleep a wink last night. 

 I'm somehow happy that she met Royce, but at the same time I'm very worried.

 Yeah, I'm happy because the kids will no longer have to be sad that they don't have a daddy.

 And I'm sad because that person who almost ruined Riele's life is still alive, and we don't know who it is. 

 I know Royce very well. He'll start trying to find out everything about Riele. He'll stop at nothing till he finds out, and sooner or later he will find out that he's the father of her kids.

 I'll be glad if that happens. But what if she shows her up face and then what happened 6 years ago happens again??? Wouldn't it be worse?

 It's better the kids have only a mom than having no parents at all, I thought one removed her hair from her eyes.

   "I know you're going to hate me when you find out what I've been keeping away from you all this time, but I promise you that it's for you and the kids good", I muttered, and walked out of her ward.

       Riele's point of view 

"I know you're going to hate me when you find out what I've been keeping away from you all this time, but I promise you that it's for you and the kids good" he muttered, and walked out of my ward.

 What does he mean by that??? What is he keeping from me??? Okay, I need to start finding out things on my own. 

  Drake and the rest are hiding something from me and I need to find out what that is", I thought, and sat on the bed.

 Yes, I had heard what he said. I had been awake and listening to what he had been saying. And I won't deny I'm dying of curiosity here. 

 I should just wait till I get discharged first. 

Oh, my kids. I need to speak to them now.  I took my phone from the table and found out it was off. Oh no, the kids must have tried calling me.

 I quickly switched on my phone and called Noah, and he picked up at the first ring.

 "Hello, mummy" he said cheerfully,

   "Wow, look who's in a good mood" I said and heard him giggle.

 "How are you, my prince??" I asked.

 " I'm fine mummy, How are you feeling today?" He asked me back. 

 "I'm better now honey, Hope you guys are preparing for school??" I asked. 

 "Yes mummy, I have already taken my bath" he said over the phone. 

 "What of the rest??? Are they through????" I asked.

 "Noel and Nathan are through, but aunty Rachael is still getting Ariel dressed up" he said. 

 "OK honey, I'll be back before you guys get back from school, okay?? " 

 "Okay mom, bye mom", he said and hung up.

 I smiled and stared at my phone's screen for a while before helping myself to the bathroom.

 While in the bathroom, I suddenly remembered Camilla. I should go check up on her to see whether she's feeling better already.

 Well, I just hope Drake doesn't get mad again today, I thought. 

 I finished in the bathroom and went out. I saw the doctor and Drake waiting for me.

  "Good morning", I muttered, and went to sit down.

"Good morning miss Riele" the doctor replied, while Drake just nodded.

"I'm sure you're strong now, seeing you're looking better" he said.

 I smiled and muttered a yes, 

So... You're going to be discharged today, since you're already strong, but I'll prescribe some drugs for you to take when you get home", he said. 

 I just nodded my head, I really need to get out of this hospital. I'm starting not to like the smell here, I thought.

  "So.... that's all for now" he said and gave me a lady smile before leaving the room. 

 "Hey Drake", I called when he was about to walk out of the ward.

  "Are you still mad at me about what happened yesterday???" I asked. 

 "Nope, why do you think that I'm still mad at you???" He asked, staring at me.

    Well, you didn't speak to me after we had that talk yesterday, and now you're about to leave without saying anything to me", I said. 

   "I'm not mad at you Riele, I just have a lot of things going on my mind right now," he said in a tired voice. 

 "Oh, okay if you say so, Are you going home this morning???" I asked.

  "Urrm..yeah, I have to go home and change. My manager said that there's something urgent I need to do this morning", he said. 

  "But I want you to be the one to drop me home after I get discharged" I said with a pout.

   " Sorry Riele, Ronny or Baby will drop you at home, I really need to be at that place today" he said, and walked out. 

 Why do I have a feeling he's still mad at me??? 

 I stood up too and left my ward. I should go check up on Camilla if she's getting better.

 I walked up to her ward and knocked, and I heard a faint "come in".

 I pushed the door and saw only her in the room cuddled up in her bed. Immediately she saw me, she sat up. 

" Hey", I muttered, and walked closer to her. 

 She seemed surprised but tried to cloak it up with a smile.

  "How are you doing" I asked and felt her temperature.

  "I'm fine, thanks" she muttered, staring at me.

 You??, How are you doing???, She asked back. 

   "I'm fine, as you can see, I'll be getting discharged today" I said.


 "Yeah, me too, I'll be getting discharged today". She replied.

 "Okay.... I'll be going now, I just came to check up on you" I said, and immediately she frowned. her face. 

 "Can't you stay a bit longer??" she asked.

   "I'm really bored right now" she said, staring at my face. 

   "Really, I thought you were uncomfortable, that's why I said I'm going to go" I said.

 I sat on her bed and smiled. I don't know why, but I really want to talk to her.

   "My baby girl really loves you a lot" I said. 

 She smiled and was about to say something when the door opened and Royce and a woman entered, 

 I immediately recognized her face and called out "Ma'am Bianca".

 The woman looked at me and said,

 " Riele, is that you??? " She asked.

  'Yes, ma'am long time no see," I said and noticed that Camilla and Royce were staring at us in confusion.







