phone call


Benedict's Mansion

Drake's point of view

I laid down on my bed after coming back from Riele's room.

I sighed remembering the look she gave me when I had told her to show herself as the CEO of her company.

Yeah, I didn't want her at first to show her face as th CEO because I was scared that Royce or any of his friends were g to see her and recognize her.

I was happy when she had agreed not to show her face because of the safety of her kids.

But now, Everything is ruined,I know someone like Royce,He will never stand down, I'm sure that he has started trying to find out more about Riele.

Too bad, he's never going to find out,I made sure of that. But I shouldn't be too sure.

I just kept he doesn't go too far, Or else...

No matter what happens I'm never going to givemy sister or her kids to him.

That was the reason why I made him my enemy,Yes after what he did to my sister,I hated him with my whole life.

It's a good thing she lost her memory, I just pray they don't come back any sooner,I thought and closed my eyes.





Dining Table

Gray's point of view

I watched the kids as the eat their food,I couldn't help but chuckled as I stared at Noel, That little dude loves food too much.

I glanced at Riele to see her engrossed in her thoughts,She was just picking on her food and would sigh at intervals.

"Uncle Gray, help me with the fruit juice"I heard Ariel said.

I turned to her and gave her the fruit juice.

"Thank you" she said cutely and sipped from the fruit juice.

"Where is Drake???", Ronny and i asked at the same time.

The kids had told me that Drake and Riele were talking in her room.

"He left a while, before I left my room and came downstairs to eat"Riele replied and continued eating.

Did they fight again???,I wondered and stood up.

"I'm coming, I'll just go check up him"I said and walked away.

Drake's room


I knocked on his door and heard him say a "come in",and entered the room.

I entered and saw him lying down on his bed with his eyes closed.

"Hey,Can we talk?? ",I called and sat down close to him on the bed.

He opened his eyes and sat up,

"What do you want to talk about??"He asked.

"It's about Riele"I said and looked at his face to see his reaction but he just kept on his usual face.

"What about her??"He said staring at me.

"Don't you think it's high time you tell her the truth??"I said.

But he didn't say anything, He just kept on massaging his fingers.

"You know, if Riele, regain her memory, she's going to get really mad at you for keeping the truth away from her this entire time"I said.

"The last time, I heard the kids, Asking Riele who their dad is, The other time, Ariel and her brothers came back from school crying that their classmates were laughing at them,that they don't have a daddy" I said remembering that time.

"Don't you feel guilty we're depriving them of their dad??"I asked.

"I'm beginning to feel guilty, staring at the kids each time they talk about their classmates dads, bringing them to school and coming to pick them up"

"I think it's high time she is seen as the CEO of NNNA, If Royce sees her then good and fine" I concluded waiting for his response.

"Royce, have already seen her and I have already told Riele to start showing her face as the CEO of her company"He said with a sigh.

"Really, that's great news then"I said happily.

Does that mean,the kids might have their dad really soon???,I thought and smiled brightly.

"So....tomorrow she's going to host a press conference as the CEO of NNNA"He said.

"Wow Ok.....I'll just go back downstairs, Aren't you eating dinner??"I asked walking out of his room.

"No, I'm not hungry"He said and laid back down on his back.






Grayson Manson

Royce's point of view

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling, I just couldn't stop thinking of her.

Yes, I know it sounds weird,but just the thought of her makes me feel happy.

I smiled and took my phone,I went to my contacts and dialed her number,She didn't pick up the first time do I dialed her number again,And she picked up.

"Hello??,Who's this??" She said,and belive me her voice is the most sweetest.

"'s me, Royce"I said waiting for her response.

"Oh, Royce, Sorry, I didn't pick up at the first ring,I was tucking my kids in bed"She said.

"Oh, Okay,I called to check up on you,How are you and your kids doing??"I asked.

"They are all fine,And I'm doing okay too, How is camilla doing??"She asked.

"She's fine, she's sleeping now"I said.

"Okay..... my regards to her"She said.

"Yeah, she'll hear"I said not knowing what else to say.

"So,urrm....I'll let you sleep now, I just called to check up on you" I said.

"Thank you,I really appreciate it"she said.


"Yeah,Goodnight"she said and hung up.

I stared at my phone's screen and smiled. I droped my phone and closed my eyes.

Ever since I saw her at the hospital my nightmares stopped,Could this be a sign that Alicia wants me to move on???,I thought.