I missed you


Zayn's Mansion

Zayn's/Baby's point of view

I stood at the balcony staring at the city's night view, with a cup of wine in my hand.

I sighed and sipped from my cup. I called Riele earlier but she didn't pick up.

I closed my eyes feeling the nights breeze on my skin,Oh,how I missed my California.

Although,I'm starting to miss Africa,there is this this little girl I met in South Africa, Dora,She is so cute and pretty she had natural dread locks and she always want to be anywhere close to me.

I smiled when I remembered she had begged me to take her along to America.

Her mom was one of the maids in my house while in South Africa.

I dialed Rieles number again but she still didn't pick up.

She must be busy with the kids,or is she mad at me???,I thought and sighed.

Drake called me not long ago and told me that he told Riele to show herself to the public tomorrow as the CEO of NNNA.

I just hope that everything works out for the best.I don't want what happened 6 years ago to repeat itself.

That was the main reason why I had agreed with Drake on not showing her face to the public.

I just pray that,that person is not here in California or else.....

I sighed and walked back to my room,I opened my drawer and brought out my drugs,Its already time to take them.I was about to close back the drawer when my eyes caught the tattoo on my wrist.

I sighed looking at the tattoo on my wrist, I had gotten it the same day with Jordan,my ex boyfriend.

I smiled remembering his face,the way he always stares at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

He had asked me out and I had rejected him at first, telling him that I'm straight.But later on,I fell in love with him and believe me,those days with him was one of the best days of my life,I thought smiling.

I stoped smiling when I recalled the sad look he gave me the last time I had walked past them at the hospital.

He looked hurt,yes,I could see it in his eyes.he had been calling me for the past years on phone and whenever I pick up, I always tell him not to call this number again.I lost my phone five month ago and since then he hasn't called me again.

No matter how much I think I've moved on, Whenever I stare at his face either on TV or in real life,my heart still beats for him.

I drank my medicine and laid down on my bed,I was about to turn off the lights when my phone started ringing.

I picked up the phone from my bedside to see who was calling by this time of the night and I saw that it was an unknown number.

"Hello"I said waiting for the caller to respond.

"Hey,Its me"the person said after some seconds and I swear felt my heart beat,That voice I had not hear from for some time,my Jordan's voice.

I was shocked for a while , because he doesn't have this particular number but at the same time I felt really happy hearing his voice.

"How did you get this number??"I asked in a not so harsh voice.

"I'm glad you at least remember my voice"He said,

"You didn't answer my question"I said waiting for his response.

"I missed you"He said in his soft voice avoiding my question.

"I called you several times but your number was unreachable, Someone gave me your number yesterday"He said and I wondered who the person was.

"I've missed you so much"He said again and I won't deny,it felt good hearing that.

"Say something Baby"He said after he didn't get any response from me.

"What do you want me to say,I've told you not to call me again"I said.

"Really??, that's what you want???, It's been hell for me this past years not being able to talk to you or even see you frequently and that's what you're saying???"

"I swear Baby,I'm sorry about what happened to Alicia six years ago, But I promise you I was going to tell you about that,It just crossed my mind whenever I want to tell you about that"He said in a remorseful voice.

"I'm hurting here,Every one of us is. Everyone of us were affected by Alicia's death,so why are you pushing us away??? "He asked and I heard him sigh.

I sighed after hearing him and I swear I felt guilty immediately.If only they know that Alicia is alive and healthy,I thought.

"I'm sorry"I muttered not knowing when I even said that.

"Can we meet tomorrow,I have missed you alot"He said after a while.

"OK... Sure, Where???" I said not even thinking about it, I've missed him so much and I can't even wait to see him.

"I'll text you the address"

"Good night, and thanks for not shutting me out again and also agreeing to see me tomorrow"He said softly.

"Yeah, Good night"I muttered and hung up.

I dropped my phone on the bed and turned off the lights.I laid on my bed and I didn't even know when I smiled.


Benedict's Mansion


Riele's point of view

I got up from bed with a smile on my face, I'm happy for two things this morning and one is because I didn't have those nightmares last night and other reason is because I'm going to be showing myself to the world as the CEO of my company,NNNA.

Yeah, I'm happy about that because a part of me has always wished to be seen and know all over as the CEO of NNNA.

I checked the time to see that it was already 6:40am, I'm sure that the maids are already getting the kids ready for school.

I went to the bathroom and took my bath before going to my closet to get dressed my manager called and said that him and my PA are going to be here by 7 so that we can start making the necessary preparation for the press conference.

I picked a red suit and a black shoes to match and I also picked up a black handbag too.

I packed my hair in a ponytail and

applied little makeup on my face since I hate putting on too much makeup.I stared at myself in the mirror and I looked pretty.

I took my handbag and phone from the table and walked out of my room.

I went to the dining room to see everyone already at the dining table eating.

Drake, Gray and Ronny were sitting at one side of the table while my kids were sitting at the other side.

I chuckled at the way Ronny was munching on his food,He is just like Noel,they love good too much.

I cleared my throat and muttered a goodmorning,And immediately my kids turned and saw me they smiled widely.

"Woooooooow mom,You look really beautiful"Noah said smiling.

"Mommy you look really good"Noel said with a mouthful of food.

"Wow, mum I'm going to marry you"Nathan said with a giggle and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up dummy, you can't marry mummy"Ariel turned to Nathan and said with a scoff.

"Oh please ugly,I was just giving a compliment "He said glaring at her.

"I've told you a billion times that I'm not ugly"Ariel said almost in tears.

"Yes you are,Thats the reason you're jealous I said I was going to marry mummy"Nathan said in a mischievous grin.

"If I'm ugly, then Jenna is uglier"Ariel said and Nathan frowned immediately.

"Jenna is far more prettier than you"Nathan said obviously getting angry.

"That's enough guys" Drake said and they kept quiet immediately.

I shook my head and sat down close to Ariel.

"Who is Jenna???"I asked.

"She's an ugly girl in our class who Nathan has a crush on "Ariel said immediately.

"That's not true,Jenna is very pretty"Nathan said glaring at Ariel.

"I've told you guys to stop fighting unnecessary but you guys won't listen.If you guys don't apologize to eachother I won't take you guys along with me out, later on. It's rude to call your sister ugly Nathan, Apologize to her"I said.

"I'm sorry Ariel,you're very pretty"He said.

"And you Ariel, apologize to your brother for calling his crush ugly"I said.

"I'm sorry Nathan,Jenna is pretty"She said cutely.

"And also thanks for the compliment guys"I said and they giggled.

"Am I going to be as pretty as you when I grow up mummy???"Ariel asked and I couldn't help but smile.

"Of course honey, you'll be even more prettier than me"I said and she smiled showing me her dimples.

"I can't wait to grow up" she said and continued eating.

"Come on guys, Eat up, you don't want to be late to school do you??"I asked and they chorused a "No mummy".

"You look really beautiful sis"Gray said after the drama with my kids.

"Thanks Gray"I said giving him a smile.

"When is Issac coming to get you??"Drake asked and turned to stare at him.

"He said 7 am or 7:30am"I said.

"Are you nervous"Gray asked.

"Yeah a bit"I replied.

"I wish you luck sis"Ronny said

"Thank you guys"i muttered and continued eating.