


Grayson's Mansion

Camilla's point of view

I sat in front of the television with Jenna,my cousin sister's daughter,watching cartoon in the living room .

She didn't go to school today because she is having nasal congestion and headache too, making her body temperature really high .

I stared at her sleeping figure and chuckled removing her hair strands from her eyes.

We had actually fought on what to watch, She had suggested that we watch Spongebob Squarepants but I refused that we should watch Moana.

I mean most kids loves Moana,But I just don't know why Jenna doesn't. she's only obsessed with Spongebob.

I sighed and relaxed my back on the couch. Everyone has gone out leaving just Mom, Jenna and I with the maids in the mansion.

Royce had gone out very early in the morning saying that he needs to meet with his manager urgently.

My younger sister Bernice is also not at home, She's still on high school and She's also a popular model like me.

Mom is staying at home because she doesn't want to go to her company today. Yeah, mom has a popular clothing brand named,BB wears,she's one of the popular followed by NNNA.

Most celebrities gets their dress from either her company or NNNA.

Moms brand designs are wonderful but at the same time,NNNA own are great too.

Mom had been trying to know who the founder of NNNA is, But to no avail.

The cartoon finished and I was found to change the channel,When mom ran downstairs and told me to take it to a news channel.

"What's going on???"I asked,

"Miley just called me right now, that the CEO of NNNA is about to show how or herself"Mom said and sat down close to me.

"Really???, Why all of a sudden??"I asked and turned it to the channel where they show live news.

"It's 9:58am,Its going to start by 10am"Mom said staring at the wall clock.

" Why are you so eager to see the CEO of that company??"I asked staring at her.

"Why???,Well I just want to know him or her"Mom said and took her eyes back to the television.

"Madison"I called after a maid that was walking around the living room.

"Yes ma'am"She answered and walked up to me.

"Please get me a glass of coffee"I said.

"Get two glasses,I'm going to drink too"Mom said and the maid immediately went to get it.

"Mom??"I called.

"Yes honey" she replied staring at me.

"Have you heard from....Riele???"I asked.

Ever since I came back from the hospital,I have been thinking about her. I just want to see her or hear her voice again.

"Riele???,No,I wanted to call her yesterday but I forgot"Mom said and brought out her phone.

"You just reminded me right now ,I'm going to call her now"She said and dialed her number but they said that, it's not reachable at the moment.

"Oh, She must be busy with something,I'll just try again later"Mom said and droped her phone.

"Thank you"I said to the maids after she gave us the coffee.

She replied with a bow and walked away.

"It's ten already,Why haven't they started??" mom asked with a frown.

"Come on mom,Be patient"I said taking a sip from my glass of coffee.

Just as I finished saying the news poped up with the headline.....


They showed the paparazzi running after a car, Which stopped in front of the building.

And next a beautiful lady came out of the car with a red suit and sun glasses, Immediately the camera showed her face I spit out the coffee I had just sipped.

Is that not Riele???,I asked within me, shocked to even say it out.

Just as I was thinking I heard mom gasped too,

"Is..... Is that not.....Riele"She said with a stutter,While I remained quiet just staring at the TV.

Just as she came out the paparazzi surrounded her and started asking her numerous questions.

"Why didn't you show you face as the CEO of NNNA??"

"How does it feels finally showing your face to the public??"

"Are we expecting more new designs"

"You look young, how did you come up with the idea of this 5 years ago???"

"Are you married??"

"How does it feels knowing that you're among the top five best clothing brand in the world"

"You look really beautiful with a nice body are you going to be modelling for your company??"

They kept on asking but she didn't stop to answer any of their questions.

Thanks to the bodygaurds, they were able to help her walk into the building without the paparazzi interference.

I sat down still in shock staring at the TV screen,short of words.

"What the hell did we just watched???, Riele, is the CEO of NNNA??".

"I've always known that something was special about her"Mom said and smiled widely.



Mexico City,

Cody's point of view

I woke up from sleep with a groan and looked at the other side of bed and saw that it was empty.

The b*tch must have gone home, I thought and got up from bed with a loud grunt.

My head is killing me right now because of the drink I had too much last night.

I took my phone from my drawer and turned it on. I waited for it to on,And immediately it did I gasped out loud.

The time on the phone is showing me 8:28am,How the hell did I sleep this much???,I'm really going to be late today for the meeting,I'm scheduled to have today.

I quickly droped my phone on the bed and rushed into the bathroom,brushing my teeth and also taking my bath.

I rushed out of the bathroom after a quick bath and went into my room,to get dressed up.

I wore a white suit and a white shoe,since white is my favorite color,I went to the front of the mirror to tie my necktie. I picked up a silver wrist watch and wore it on my wrist.I applied my cologne and took my briefcase walking out of the room.

I rushed downstairs, about to walk past my living room,when I saw an unpleasant sight.

I saw the b*tch I had brought home last night in my living room, watching TV with her legs crossed as if it was her house.

"What the f**k do you think you are doing???" I asked walking more closer to her.

"Oh baby, you're awake" she said with an ugly smile still sitting with her legs crossed.

"Who the hell is your baby???"I asked already getting annoyed.

"You didn't answer my question,What the hell are you still doing here??? "I yelled again glaring at her.

" I'm...I'm cooking for you"she said with a stutter and I couldn't help but scoff at her.

"You're cooking for me??,As my what??? "I asked staring at her.

"Who gave you the permission to enter my kitchen??"I asked again.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to cook for you"She said already standing up.

"I'm going to give you just 2 minutes to leave my house or else..... You're going to have yourself to blame"I said and she immediately shrieked and ran out of the house.

This is the reason why I don't bring them to my house whenever I'm in the mood to have s*x.

It's either they start claiming to be my girlfriend or they don't want to leave again.

I sighed and I was about to switch off the TV when I saw a face,I'll never forget in my life, A face that I thought I would never see again,Alicia's face on TV.

I freezed immediately watching the news with my whole attention,


Why does that lady look exactly like my Alicia,Or am I hallucinating????,I thought and watched as she came out of the car in her elegance,And I didn't know when I smiled.

I don't care who that lady is, But as far as she looks like my Alicia I'm going to have her to myself,I thought and switched off the TV.

I walked to my car and started the engine zooming off to work with a smile on my face.

"I've lost Alicia to you once but I'm going to have someone who looks like her Royce, just you wait"I muttered with a grin to myself and dialed a number immediately.

"Find out everything about the CEO of NNNA brand"I said to the person after he picked up,And hung up immediately not waiting for a response.