I missed you too

(Warning®18+Scene below so beware)




Royce's point of view

The meeting with the CEO had taken longer than I had expected,My manager said he has something urgent to take care of at home and left a while ago.I'm currently at the back seat of my car going home.

I'm really tired and need to rest right now.I sighed and stared outside the window, and saw that the weather is looking as if it's going to rain any moment from now.

I massaged my forehead and closed my eyes,Untill I heard my phone ringing.I looked at the caller and saw that it was the person I had given an assignment to find out everything about Riele.

I quickly swiped answer and heard him say,

"Good afternoon boss"

"Yeah, afternoon"I replied,

"What did you find out about her??"I asked waiting for his reply.

"I found out she's the only daughter of the Benedict's family,she's 25 years old and she has four kids who are six years old . Her mom and dad died in a plane crash 6 years ago leaving her and her 3 brothers,who are the popularDrake,Gray,and Ronny.".

"And I just found out that she's the CEO of NNNA,the popular clothing brand.The news is all over the country right now"He said.

"Did you find anything about the father of her kids??"I asked.

"No boss, There is nothing about the father of her kids"

" Really????"

"What about her high school or university??"I asked.

"I couldn't find anything concerning her educational background"He said and I couldn't help but wonder.

"Well, I want you to try harder, give me a feedback before tomorrow"I said and hung up.

She looks exactly like my Alicia,She sounds like Alicia and she also have the same age as Alicia.Yes, Alicia was 19 years old six years ago.

And Baby, why is he around her???,I thought.

"Is it because she looks like Alicia or it's because of something else???",I asked myself and scoff.

Baby is hiding something for sure.

I know that Alicia is dead but I don't know why my instinct is telling me something else.

I looked outside the window to see her pictures truly displayed in the billboards as the CEO of NNNA.

I went online to see her pictures everywhere,I went to the comment section of a post and saw most comments like,

"How could she hide that beautiful face from the public"

"Gosh, It's her eyes that's killing me "

"Look at her perfect body,She should have been a model"

"I heard she's quite single mom "Someone typed.

"Yeah, my sis works in the school her children goes to"Another person replied.

"Who is their dad??"

"Is she married??"

"I don't care if she has kids,I love her"

"Are those blue eyes for me??? "

"It's the way she works that kills me"

I turned off my phone and droped my beside me,

"I just hope that my Instinct is right"I muttered and closed my eyes relaxing back on the seat.




Jordan's house


Jordan's point of view

I stared at the time and saw that it was already 24 minutes past 8 pm, I sighed and arranged the food on the table and sat down nervously waiting for him.

I had text Baby my address,So he should have been here now, Or did he change his mind about coming over tonight???,I thought and rubbed my hand nervously.

I stood up and went outside,I was about to call him when I heard the sound of a car honking outside.

The gaurd quickly went to the gate and opened it,the car drove in and stopped at the front of the house and then Baby came out gracefully.

I stood there staring at him as he walked up to me sexily,I've always found him sexy to me.

"Hey"He muttered after he had reached where I was standing.

"Hey"I said back staring at his beautiful green eyes that I have not seen for a while.

"Thanks for coming, let's go in"I said and led the way.

I led him to the dining table and we sat down.

"I.... I Urrm...cooked something for you "I said with a bit of a stutter.

"You didn't have to,But thanks"He said and pocked up a spoon.

I watched him eat, And I felt joy within watching him eat my food.

"You're making me uncomfortable staring at me that way"He said without looking up.

"I'm sorry" I muttered and picked up a cutlery too.

"How is the food??"I asked after a brief moment of silence.

"It's good"he muttered and droped his spoon.

"What's it??"I asked.

"I'm full"He said and stood up.

"Where are you going to??"I asked thinking he was about to go home.

"Chill, I just want to check out your house"he said and walked out of the dining room.

I immediately droped my spoon and stood up following him.

He walked to my living room and picked up a painting I had paint just last week,It was the painting of the sky.

"You still paint???"He asked staring at the painting.

"Yeah, do you want to see more???"I asked staring at him.

"Yes"He muttered droping the painting right back at the place he took it from.

I walked to my painting room and opened the door for him to enter first,He entered while I followed suit shutting the door after.

I turned back to Baby and saw him staring at a particular direction,I traced his eyes and saw that he was staring at the painting of him.

Sh*t,I forgot to cover the painting the last time I entered the room.

I had painted the picture while I was thinking of him last month.

He walked up to the painting and I saw him smile,

"I love it"He said and smile again,the smile that drives me crazy when I think of it.

He turned to me and said,

"You haven't told me why you wanted to see me" "He said staring at me while still holding the painting.

"I wanted to see you because I've missed you"I said staring right back at him.

"It wasn't easy for me this past years without you,I know it might sound too soon, but I want us to get back together"I said not missing any word.

"Really, and you think that's possible???"He said walking very close to me.

"Please,Baby give me a chance to love you again,I really don't think I can live without you again"I said not blinking an eye.

I was waiting for him to yell or say something harsh but he said the opposite.

"I missed you too"He said now standing really close to me that I could feel his breath on my face.

"What... What did you just say??? "I asked not believing what I just heard.

"I said I missed you too"Hr said again gazing into my eyes.

"You really mean that right???,Because I'm not going to let you take that back"I said.

"I mean it Jody,I missed you too,I know I act as if I don't,but the truth is I still love you so much"He said calling me the name he usually calls me back then when we were dating.

"You don't even know how happy I was hearing your voice yesterday"He say and held my hands.

I stared at him for a few seconds and then kissed him,Yeah I couldn't hold the emotions in me anymore. I grabbed his neck deepening the kiss feeling his extra soft pink lips on mine and he kissed me back with the same pace as mine.

I broke the kiss and stared into his eyes,If only he knows how much this means to me,I thought and kissed him again this time pinning him to the wall.

I used my other hand to grab his wait pulling him impossibly closer to me, Making our body gummed together.

I broke the kiss again and held his hands taking him up to my room,I really can't wait any longer.

We went into my room and continued kissing,I helped him take off his clothes while he helped me to unbutton my shirt,I smiled and let him do it.

After he took off my shirt he unbuckled my belt and knelt down taking off my trouser.

He looked into my eyes and pulled down my boxers,Taking hold of my c*rk. He stroked it for some seconds before taking it into his warm mouth,Making me almost go crazy.

I closed my eyes groaned grabbing his hair as he moved his mouth back and forth my c*rk.

I looked down and saw him staring at me with a look that says he's enjoying what he's doing,I increased my pace when I felt that I was to cum and sh*t my c*m in his mouth.

He swallowed it and stood up with a smile on his face,licking the ones that's on his hands. I quickly grabbed hands and pulled him closer to me kissing the daylight out of him.

Tonight is going to be a long night, I thought and took him to bed.