Get them a bodygaurd



Benedict's Mansion

Riele's point of view

I just tucked the kids in bed and I'm on my way to my room when I saw Ronny walking towards me.

" Hey sis"He said cheerfully as he stopped in front of me.

"Hey, Someone is going a good mood "I said and he smiled.

"You can say that,Come on, let's see downstairs and take a drink"He said and held my hand dragging me down.

I sighed and shook my head, Ronny is two years older than me but but if you see us you'll think it's me that's I'm eldest because he looks like a 22 years old boy.

We got downstairs buy every where was dark.

"Who turned off the lights??"I asked holding Ronny tight to avoid me falling down.

I was about to ask again when the lights suddenly turned on revealing my brothers,Gray was holding a bottle of wine in his hand with smiles on his face.

" What's going on??? "I asked with a chuckle walking towards them.

"Congrats Riele on successfuly showing yourself to the public as the CEO of NNNA"Gray said and hugged me.

" Awwwn, thanks guys" I said and a bright smile.

"Where is Baby??,I saw his missed calls yesterday but forgot to call him back,I've been trying to call him today but his phone is switched off"I said staring at them.

"I also tried to him this evening but his number is unreachable"Gray said and of the drink pouring it into our cups.

"Let's make a toast to Riele"Ronny said and stretched out his drink.

"A toast to Riele for successful showing her face as the CEO of NNNA "Ronny said with a wink.

" was the press conference??"Drake finally asked after being quiet for some time.

"It was great,Thank you"I said with a smiled sipping from my cup of wine wine.

"So,you're going to start going to the company frequently now??"Gray asked and sat down.

"Yeah,I need to start making new designs and I also need to start working on some documents"I said and sat down too.

"Aurora will also be coming back from Spain tomorrow to resume as my PA in the company"I said and saw Ronny's eyes widened a bit. I smiled and sipped from my cup of wine,He has always liked Aurora but acted as if he doesn't.

She used to come over to the house frequently while she was in America to help me take care of the kids,And that's when I started noticing the chemistry between them.

"There's a problem though"I said and they all turned to me with a look that says "what's wrong".

"What I feared would happen is really happening.Ariel told me that some people had came to them and asked her questions about me while they were waiting for their driver to come pick them up from school" I said in a worried tone.

"What??,Who would do that??"Ronny asked with a wide eyes.

"Obviously the press, who else???"Drake replied with a scoff.

"And did she say whether,she told them anything??"Gray asked.

"She said immediately they asked her, she told them that her mummy told her not to talk to strangers and ran to her brothers"I said.

"That was the main reason why I was afraid to come out to the public,Now they won't leavemy my kids alone"I said and dropped my cup on the table.

"Well,Thats easy,Why don't you get them a personal guard or even two??"Ronny suggested.

"Yeah,I think that's right,there's no way these press are going to back off,"Gray said.

" I'll find them don't worry"Drake said.

"OK, Thanks a lot guys"I said and stood up.

"I better go and sleep now,Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me and thanks a lot guys for this."I said and walked back to my room.

I laid on my bed and smiled remembering how my went.It felt really good today and I can't wait for tomorrow.

I turned off the lights and covered myself with the duvet.




Morning Jordan's house


Jordan's point of view

I finished making breakfast and served it . I went back to the room to see him still sleeping like a baby,my baby.

I droped the food on the table close to the bed and got on the bed,I pecked his lips and pushed his hair from his face.

F**k, He is the real definition of sexy, just staring at his face is making me want to do a lot of things to him.

If not because of how I didn't let him sleep early last night,I would have done another round this morning.

I kissed him on his neck and his nose,Oh how much I missed doing this,I thought and heard him chuckle in his sleep.

"Good morning, Mine"I muttered and pecked him.

He smiled and opened his beautiful green eyes staring at me.

"How was your night??"I asked staring at him.

"It was great,you wouldn't stop touching me"He said with a pout.

"Oh,right I made breakfast for you"I said and went to the table bringing the food to the bed.

"Really,Thanks"He muttered and sat up on the bed.

"Don't worry I'll feed you,Mine"I said and opened the plate taking a sandwich,

" Ah" I said and he opened his mouth taking a bite from the sandwich.

"It taste really good"He said cutely.

"Do you love it"I asked,Removing a piece of the sandwich on his lips.

"Yeah, It's really delicious"He replied and took a sandwich and gave me.

" What are you doing??"I said with a chuckle.

"If you don't eat,I'll stop eating"He said with a little frown.I hate it when he frowns so I immediately took a bite from the sandwich.

After a while he said he was full so, I took the plates back to the kitchen.

I was about to go back to the room when my phone began ringing,I checked who is calling me and saw that it was Royce.

"Hey watsup??"I said after picking up the call.

"I'm good"He replied with a groan.

"What's wrong??"I asked wondering why he was groaning.

"I'm just having a slight headache"He said.

"Oh, sorry, how's Camilla doing?"I asked climbing up the stairs.

"She's fine,Did you see the news about the CEO of NNNA??"He asked.

"Yeah, I can't believe it's Alicia look alike that owns that company"I said.

"Yeah, me too I was shocked when I saw it"He said.

"Urrm.....Jordan?"He called after a brief moment of silence.

" Yes?? "

"I don't know but I think that lady might be Alicia"He said and I stopped walking immediately.

"Why do you think that??"I asked.

"Is it because she looks Alicia??,we all saw Alicia die"I said trying to make sense.

"I know,But don't you think something is fishy somewhere???,If I could remember vividly we couldn't see Alicia's body in the coffin,Because Baby had refused,saying he doesn't want to see her that way".

"I did a background check on her and it says that her and Baby were friends since diapers".

"And also,There is nothing about her education since highschool,I only found out that she went to the same Elementary school as Baby".

"I don't know Jordan but I think Baby as the answers to all this questions"He said and I didn't even know what to say.

Yes,truly after she was stabbed and pushed into the water by an unknown person we had found her body and taken her to th hospital,The doctors tried their best to bring her back to life and they did although she went into coma.

The next day,The doctor's said she didn't make it and refused that we should see her body.

"Jordan,Are you hearing me??? "He added after he didn't hear anything from me.

"Yeah, urm...can I call you back later??,I'm currently trying to do something.We will talk later"I said after reaching my room.

"OK... Sure"He said and hung up.

I opened the door and entered to see that him already dressed and he's sitting on the bed.

"Hey,Where did you go??, I've already taken my bath and I've been waiting for you"He said and stood up walking towards me with a smile.

"Oh,I.....Urm went to drop the plates downstairs"I said with a stutter.

"Hey, is something wrong??"He asked staring intently at me.

"No,Nothing is wrong"I said and faked a smile.

"Seriously Jody,I know that face, Something in wrong with you".

"Come on tell me "He said and held my face, looking into my eyes.

"I'm fine, Mine,I just remembered something,but I'll be fine"I said with a smile.

"OK...if you insist I got a call,so I need to leave now"He said staring at me.

"Really??,Now??,But I want you to stay"I said and hugged him.

"I'm sorry it's quite urgent,But I promise you I'll find a day to spend with you"He said and broke the hug.

" Do you want me to drive you "I asked walking him out of the room.

"No thanks" He said.

We walked out of the house and stopped in front of his car.

"So... Bye"He said almost getting into his car but I held him back and kissed him.

"Bye I muttered and released him.

He got into his car and drove off while I stood there staring at the car leaving.

I recalled what Royce said and I sighed walking back into the house.