Mummy I had a nightmare


Benedict's Mansion


Riele's point of view

I groaned and sat on the bed with a sigh,I can't believe I just had that same nightmare again.

I haven't had the nightmare for a while now and I was happy about it but not until now. "Is this a sign that today is going to be a bad day for me???", I thought and rubbed my hand on my forehead.

I got down from the bed and went into the bathroom to pee.After I finished,I washed my hands and went back into the room to see Ariel sitting on my bed with a sad look on her face.

"Honey, you're awake"I said surprised,I walked towards her and sat close to her on the bed.

"Yes mummy,Good morning"She said and pecked me on my left cheek.

"Morning baby, hope your night was pleasant ??"I asked staring at her.

"No it wasn't"she said with a sad face.

"What's it honey,did you have a nightmare???"I asked staring at her.

"Yes mummy" she said playing with her fingers.

"What's was the nightmare all about??"I asked,But she didn't answer me at first.

"What was it about??"I asked again staring keenly at her.

"I... I.....saw you in my dream,On the floor with blood coming out of your mouth,You looked dead mommy"she said with a stutter and burst into tears.

I immediately pulled her to a hug,hugging her tight while stroking stroking her hair. Why would she have such a dream??,I wondered and couldn't help but to feel scared.

Why would she and I have the same nightmare of me dying in the same night???.

"It's okay honey, It's just a dream"I said stroking her hair.

"Really,mummy??", she said with a hiccup breaking the hug.

"Yes honey,It's just a dream, I also have nightmares too"I said cleaning up her tears.

"So... don't cry again, OK?? "I said.

"OK mummy"She said and hugged me tightly.

"Mummy??"She called after some seconds.

"Yes honey"I replied still hugging her.

"I want to drink water"she said and broke the hug.

"Ok honey, come on let's go downstairs"I said and held her hands taking her out of the room.





I sighed pouring the water into the cup, I just couldn't help but to keep thinking about Ariel's dream.

I was just saying those things to her to convince her that it was just a dream,But the truth is I'm scared right now.

I and my daughter had the same dream about me dying.

" What's wrong mummy??"Ariel asked bringing out of my thoughts.

"Wrong??,Nothing's wrong honey, why are you asking??"I asked staring at her.

"Because you are sighing alot and look,the cup is already full but you still pouring more water and it's pouring on the table"She said pointing at the table.

I looked down at the table to see that, the cup was already full and the water was already pouring on the floor.

I quickly droped the water on the table and quickly started mopping up the floor.

I was still doing that when a maid came into the kitchen and joined me in cleaning up the place.

I gave Ariel the water in the cup,And after she drank to her satisfaction, I held her hand and took her out of the kitchen.

We passed the living room and I checked the time on the wall clock to see that it was 20 minutes past 6 am. My boys must have woken up,I thought and walked towards their room with Ariel bedside me.



20 minutes later.

I left the kids room and went to my room,since Racheal was already getting the kids ready for school.

I went into the bathroom and took my bath going into my closet to get something to wear.

I picked a black jumpsuit and white heels,I put it on and picked a white handbag to match with my shoes.

I applied make up and parked my hair in a ponytail,making me look really beautiful.I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

I picked up my handbag and left the room going downstairs for breakfast.

I got down to the dining room and saw that everyone had already started eating,I muttered a "good morning" and joined them in eating.

After breakfast I and the kids got into my black limousine,while the bodygaurds followed behind us.I had promised the kids that I'm going to drop them in school today and they were really excited about it.

"Wow mummy,It's really cool in here"Noel said smiling.

"Really?? "I asked with a chuckle.

"Yes mom, my classmate are going to talk about this for weeks if they see us get down from this Limousine"Nathan said with a smirk.

"Oh please,So that you can go around braging to the whole class that Mom brought us to school in a limousine"Ariel said with an eye roll.

Yeah,that's one thing about Nathan he loves bragging alot, I wonder where he got that one from.

"Mom, look it's Ariel that is finding my trouble now"Nathan said with a frown glaring at her.

"That's enough guys,I'm having an headache and I don't have time to settle your quarrels today"I said and stared at Noah to see him silently operating his phone.

He is always on his phone or he's sleeping,such an introvert,I thought and brushed his hair with my fingers.He looked up at me and gave me a charming smile which I immediately returned.