CORUSCANT ARC : Let's jumpscare The Monks Council

Gojo and Reika sat together in the serene, yet bustling atmosphere of the non-lethal domain that Gojo had created. The surroundings resembled a peaceful Tokyo cityscape, with neon lights flickering and the distant hum of life filling the air. It was a surreal place—an odd contrast to the vastness of space they had just been traversing.

Gojo leaned back against a bench, his demeanor relaxed yet serious. "What I'm about to tell you," he began, his voice steady, "is going to change your perception of the Force and its users."

Reika, sensing the gravity of his words, remained silent, her eyes fixed on him as she prepared herself for whatever revelation was coming.

"There are Jedi and Sith," Gojo continued, "each with their own rigid philosophies and dogmas. The Jedi believe in peace and selflessness, using the light side of the Force. The Sith, on the other hand, thrive on passion, power, and the dark side. They're like two sides of the same coin, forever locked in a struggle for dominance."

He paused, letting the words sink in before continuing. "But there's more to it than just that. There are those who don't fit neatly into those categories—those who walk the line between light and dark. Some call them Grey Jedi, but frankly, I find that title pathetic. They're just as bound by their own rules as the Jedi and Sith are."

Reika's brow furrowed in thought. She had heard stories of the Jedi and Sith, but the concept of a middle path, or those who rejected both extremes, was new to her.

Gojo shifted his gaze to the cityscape around them, as if gathering his thoughts. "I don't intend to train you as a Jedi or a Sith," he said, his tone resolute. "No, I'll train you as something else—a sorcerer, someone who uses the Force but isn't bound by the constraints of either side. You'll learn to harness power from both light and dark, but more importantly, you'll learn to use the Force as a tool, not as a master."

Reika absorbed his words, feeling a thrill of excitement mixed with a sense of trepidation. The idea of becoming something entirely new, something not confined by the traditional paths of the Force, was both exhilarating and daunting.

"Why do you reject the title of Grey Jedi?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Gojo smirked, leaning forward slightly. "Because those who call themselves Grey Jedi still live in the shadow of the Jedi and Sith. They cling to the idea that they're somehow better because they don't fully commit to one side. But in doing so, they're just as trapped by their own need to define themselves in relation to the others. I don't want you to be defined by anyone's standards but your own. That's why I'll train you as a sorcerer—someone who forges their own path, takes what they need from both sides, and becomes something entirely new."

Reika nodded, her resolve hardening. She could feel the weight of the responsibility Gojo was placing on her, but she also felt the freedom it offered—the chance to become something greater than she had ever imagined.

"I'm ready, Sensei," she said, her voice firm. "Teach me everything."

Gojo's smirk widened. "Good. Then let's begin.

Gojo's smirk widened as he observed Reika's determination. "Good. Then let's begin."

He gestured toward a small cup on a nearby food stand within the Tokyo-like domain. "You see that cup over there?" he asked.

Reika nodded, her eyes locking onto the cup.

"Now," Gojo instructed, "think of a feeling that you can reach out and take it. Focus on it, feel the Force—or rather, the energy within you—extend toward that cup."

Reika took a deep breath, her mind concentrating on the cup. She reached out with her hand, visualizing an invisible force extending from her fingers and wrapping around the cup. To her amazement, the cup began to tremble, then slowly lifted off the stand. But before she could fully control it, the cup shot toward Gojo at a surprising speed.

Just as it seemed like the cup would crash into him, it came to an abrupt stop, hovering inches from Gojo's face. Reika's eyes widened in shock, realizing what had happened. Gojo's Infinity, the technique that allowed him to stop anything from touching him, had activated effortlessly, creating a barrier that made the cup float harmlessly in the air.

Reika started to apologize, but Gojo waved his hand dismissively. "No need to apologize," he said, his tone calm and encouraging. "You did well for your first try. But remember, control is just as important as power. Don't get distracted by what's happening around you. Focus and try again, but this time, aim for precision."

Reika nodded, her determination returning. She focused once more on the cup, this time concentrating not just on lifting it but on guiding it smoothly and accurately. The cup lifted from where it had hovered and gently floated back to the food stand, landing with a soft clink.

Gojo nodded in approval. "Much better. Keep practicing that control, Reika. The more you master it, the more powerful you'll become."

Reika beamed at the praise, her confidence growing with each successful attempt. She could feel the power within her starting to take shape, guided by Gojo's teachings.

Gojo, momentarily lost in thought, considered the implications of a new ability that had recently surfaced in his system—a hidden, innate power that had always been within him but had only now been brought to his attention. This ability, known as Name Bestowal, allowed him to grant power to someone simply by giving them a name. It was an ancient power, one that had been lying dormant inside him, waiting for the right moment to be recognized.

Without the system, Gojo realized he might never have uncovered this ability. It had always been a part of him, tied intrinsically to his identity and power, but he had never fully grasped its potential. Normally, this power would drain a significant amount of energy from him—something that might have limited its use. However, here in this galaxy, where cursed energy seemed limitless, the potential of Name Bestowal was staggering.

The ability had remained hidden, not because it was weak, but because Gojo had never needed to rely on it before. His overwhelming strength and mastery of cursed energy had been more than enough to handle any challenge thrown his way. But now, with the system's help, he had become aware of this ability, realizing its significance and the possibilities it opened up.

Gojo smirked at the thought. The idea of bestowing power upon someone with just a name was both profound and amusing. He could elevate those around him, turning them into formidable allies or giving them the strength to stand on their own. It was a power that, in the right hands, could change the course of destiny.

As Gojo reflected on this, he recalled the names he had already bestowed upon the twins, Yukinami and Suzunami. Their progress had been astonishing—Yukinami had mastered Reverse Cursed Technique in a matter of moments, while Suzunami had already developed her own Cursed Technique, Altar, and had even performed a Black Flash. Now, with Reika, it was no different. Despite being a novice, she had already achieved a Force pull without the need for the first step of meditation.

"Fascinating," Gojo mused, watching Reika effortlessly manipulate the Force. "It's no wonder their progress has been so accelerated. Name Bestowal isn't just a power boost; it's a catalyst for exponential growth."

But even as he marveled at the potential he was unlocking in those around him, Gojo's thoughts drifted back to a more pressing concern—the Dharma Wheel adaptation. The ability had remained dormant, not making the familiar clink sound that signaled its integration with his quest system. Something was holding it back, and that troubled him.

"Why hasn't it adapted yet?" Gojo wondered, his mind racing through possibilities. The Dharma Wheel was supposed to be an all-encompassing tool, one that would adapt to any situation, any power. Yet, it remained silent, unresponsive.

The thought of pulling more insane binding vows crossed his mind. His previous vows with Mahoraga and Sukuna had pushed him to the brink, testing his limits in ways that few could survive. Those binding vows had left him in the worst possible spots, yet he had come out stronger each time.

"Should I risk it again?" Gojo thought, considering the possibility of creating a new binding vow to force the Dharma Wheel to adapt to the quest system inside his body. The idea was both tempting and dangerous. Binding vows were powerful, but they always came with a cost. The deeper the vow, the greater the risk.

Gojo's mind was a whirlwind of calculations, weighing the potential gains against the possible dangers. He knew that forcing the Dharma Wheel to adapt could grant him unparalleled control over the quest system, but at what price? The last thing he wanted was to end up in another situation like he had with Mahoraga or Sukuna, where the consequences of his actions had nearly overwhelmed him.

Gojo's internal debate came to a conclusion as he decided to take the next step, even if it meant pushing himself to the brink once more. The potential rewards were too significant to ignore, and he knew that if he could force the Dharma Wheel to adapt, it would grant him a level of control over the quest system that could change everything.

Turning to Reika, his expression serious, Gojo spoke up. "Reika, I need to move a bit farther away. Please don't approach me, no matter what. I'm very serious about this."

Reika, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded, though a hint of concern flickered in her eyes. "I understand, Sensei. I'll stay back."

Gojo gave her a reassuring smile before turning away, his mind already focused on what he needed to do. As he walked further from Reika, his thoughts shifted to the task at hand. "Looks like I'll need to pull off a few more Black Flashes to increase my output," he thought, his grin widening. The intensity of the Black Flash—a technique that dramatically amplifies the power of cursed energy—would be essential for what he was about to attempt.

But it wasn't just about raw power. Gojo had something far more dangerous in mind. "I'll make a binding vow," he decided, "to temporarily cut off my infinite cursed energy while I have as much stored within my body as possible."

It was a risky move, one that would leave him vulnerable in ways he hadn't experienced in a long time. Without the constant flow of cursed energy, he would be forced to rely on his reserves—reserves that would deplete quickly if he wasn't careful. But the potential gains were worth it. By pushing himself to such an extreme, he hoped to trigger the adaptation of the Dharma Wheel, forcing it to synchronize with the quest system inside him.

Gojo took a deep breath, gathering his energy. His body began to hum with power as he prepared to unleash the Black Flashes, his mind focused on the binding vow he was about to create. The air around him crackled with intensity as he readied himself for the challenge ahead.

"Here we go," Gojo muttered, his voice barely a whisper as he began to channel his cursed energy, the familiar rush of power coursing through him. "Time to up the stakes."

Gojo's resolve was firm as he channeled his cursed energy, the air around him crackling with intensity. He knew that triggering the adaptation of the Dharma Wheel would require pushing his limits, and the best way to do that was by unleashing one of his most powerful techniques: the Black Flash.

With unwavering focus, Gojo began to unleash a series of Black Flashes. Each punch reverberated with a thunderous sound, the sheer force of the technique creating shockwaves that tore through the domain. Ten Black Flashes in total, each one more powerful than the last, as Gojo poured his energy into them, testing the very limits of his reserves.

From a distance, Reika watched in awe and trepidation. She had always known that Gojo Satoru was powerful—stories of his abilities had spread far and wide. She had heard of the giant blue orbs that could consume everything and the terrifying black lightning that could strike down anything in its path. But witnessing the Black Flash firsthand was an entirely different experience.

The sound of each punch was deafening, far louder than she had ever imagined, and the sheer force of the technique was enough to shake the ground beneath her feet. She could see the environment around Gojo being obliterated by the sheer power of his attacks. It was a display of strength unlike anything she had ever witnessed, and it left her both amazed and humbled.

Reika's thoughts raced as she took in the spectacle. "I knew Gojo Satoru was powerful," she thought to herself, her eyes wide with awe. "But I never imagined the Black lighning he could create could be this loud, this destructive."

As Gojo continued to unleash his power, Reika couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and respect. She knew that she was witnessing something extraordinary—something that few in the galaxy had ever seen. And as the dust began to settle, she felt a deep sense of pride in being chosen by someone as powerful and unique as Gojo Satoru.

As Gojo delivered the final, devastating blow of his tenth Black Flash, the sheer power of the technique reverberated through his body and the environment around him. The ground trembled, and the air crackled with residual energy. With a triumphant, yet exhausted shout, he exclaimed, "Fuck, my first 10th Black Flash!"

But the exhilaration was short-lived. Gojo quickly refocused, knowing the real challenge had only just begun. "I sealed off my infinite cursed energy until the adaptation is completed," he muttered, steeling himself for what was to come.

Almost immediately, a series of sharp, distinct clink sounds echoed in his mind, like pieces of a complex mechanism falling into place. Clink... clink... clink... clink... clink. The sound resonated within his consciousness, signaling that the adaptation of the Dharma Wheel had finally begun. He could feel his cursed energy reserves surging, now at a staggering 500% capacity.

But with that surge came an unexpected consequence. Gojo's eyes widened as he felt a shift deep within his body—something he hadn't anticipated. "Oh no..." he realized, a cold dread settling over him. The barrier within his soul, the one created by the bath to separate Sukuna from his remaining 19 fingers, had weakened significantly.

The bath had been meant to act as an impenetrable seal, keeping Sukuna's full power at bay by using the continuous flow of Gojo's infinite cursed energy. But now, with his infinite cursed energy temporarily sealed off, the barrier had to rely solely on the cursed energy stored within Gojo's reserves. As his reserves surged, the strain on the barrier increased, causing it to weaken dangerously.

Thinking quickly, Gojo knew he had no choice but to act immediately. "I need to reinforce the barrier," he thought, his mind racing. The consequences of letting Sukuna regain even a fraction of his full power were too dangerous to ignore.

Without hesitation, Gojo made a second binding vow. "I sacrifice 1/5 of my cursed energy reserves to reinforce the bath barrier," he declared, his voice resolute. That sacrifice amounted to 100% of his cursed energy, leaving him with 400% still within his reserves.

As soon as the vow was spoken, Gojo felt the energy drain from his body, the necessary portion of his reserves being funneled into the weakened barrier. The process was taxing, but it was essential. He could feel the barrier within his soul stabilizing, fortifying itself against the dangerous force of Sukuna's malevolence, keeping the ancient curse contained for now.

Sukuna Pov

Inside the deepest recesses of Gojo's soul, Sukuna could sense the turmoil and the desperation coursing through Gojo's mind. The ancient curse's malevolent grin widened as he savored the tension. He could feel the fluctuations in the barrier that separated him from his remaining 19 fingers, the energy ebbing and flowing like the tide. The barrier had weakened, just as he had hoped.

"Kukuku... Ahahahaha!" Sukuna's laughter echoed through the dark void of Gojo's soul. "Brat... looks like you've finally reaped the karma of playing with forces you barely understand," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "Using my own bath formula to seal me away... You thought you were so clever."

He could almost taste freedom as the barrier wavered, sensing the cracks forming within it. But just as quickly as that hope had risen, it was dashed. The barrier, once weak and fragile, suddenly began to strengthen again, solidifying before his eyes. Sukuna's amusement faded, replaced by a simmering frustration.

"Another insane binding vow, is it?" Sukuna growled, his eyes narrowing as he watched the barrier reassert itself. He knew Gojo well enough to understand that the brat wouldn't go down easily. "You may have bought yourself some time, but this is far from over."

The malevolent curse's mind churned with dark thoughts, plotting his next move. He knew Gojo's resolve was strong, but every time the brat pulled one of these desperate moves, he chipped away at his own defenses. And Sukuna was nothing if not patient.

"I'll be waiting, brat," Sukuna murmured to himself, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll be waiting for the day when your precious binding vows won't be enough. And when that day comes... I'll make sure you pay the price for every single one of your mistakes."

Gojo Pov

Gojo clenched his fists, frustration boiling just beneath the surface. "Shit... I can start to hear his rambling now, huh?" he muttered under his breath. The voice of Sukuna, that malevolent presence, was becoming more audible within his mind. It was a clear sign that the struggle for control was far from over.

He quickly glanced at his cursed energy reserves, now stabilized at 400%. It was a substantial amount, but not nearly as comforting as the infinite flow he was used to. The thought of having to constantly monitor his energy levels and maintain the reinforced barrier was not something he relished.

Before he could dwell too much on the situation, Reika approached him, concern etched on her face. "Sensei, are you alright?"

Gojo forced a smile, though it was clear he was dealing with something serious. "Yeah, I'm alright, Reika, but we need to postpone our training for now. I'm in some pretty serious trouble."

Reika's eyes widened in concern, but she nodded, trusting her sensei's judgment. "What do you need me to do, Sensei?"

Gojo took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "I'm about to cancel this domain. When I do, don't forget to quickly sit on Sleipnir, alright?"

Reika's resolve hardened, and she gave a determined nod. "Yes, Sensei!"

Gojo appreciated her quick response and loyalty, but his mind was already racing, calculating his next moves. He knew that with Sukuna stirring and the unstable situation within his soul, he couldn't afford to let his guard down—not even for a moment.

With a deep breath, Gojo canceled the non-lethal domain, and the serene Tokyo-like cityscape dissolved around them, giving way to the vast expanse of space. In an instant, they were back on Sleipnir, the massive horse galloping through the stars as if it were solid ground.

Reika, now seated securely behind Gojo, clung to him as they returned to the real world. She glanced around, still awestruck by the sheer power and wonder of what they had just experienced. "Where do we go now, Sensei?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation and a touch of curiosity.

Gojo, his gaze focused forward, smirked as he considered their next destination. "We're heading to the city with the most rich people and scumbags... Coruscant."

Reika's eyes widened at the mention of the galactic capital, a place of immense wealth, power, and corruption. She had heard stories of Coruscant—a planet covered entirely by a sprawling city, where the elite lived in luxury while the underworld thrived in its shadows. The idea of going there with Gojo filled her with both excitement and apprehension.

Gojo, sensing her mixed emotions, simply grinned. "Don't worry, Reika. We're going to have a lot of fun. And who knows, we might even change the fate of a few people along the way."



The sleek Naboo spacecraft descended gracefully onto the Senate landing platform, perched high above the bustling streets of Coruscant, the galactic capital. As the ramp lowered, the anticipation was palpable. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, and Anakin, shmi , suzunami , and yukinami were the first to emerge, descending the ramp with measured steps. Upon reaching the platform, they respectfully bowed before Supreme Chancellor Valorum and Senator Palpatine, who stood flanked by several guards.

Captain Panaka followed, leading the way for Queen Amidala, who was accompanied by Padmé, Rabé, Eirtaé, and more guards, forming a protective entourage. The Queen paused before the group, her regal presence commanding attention.

To the side, Anakin and Jar Jar , and shmi, yukinami and suzunami gazed in awe at the vast cityscape of Coruscant, their wide eyes reflecting the wonder of the metropolis. Padmé caught Anakin's gaze and offered him a reassuring smile, a small gesture of comfort amidst the grandeur.

Senator Palpatine stepped forward, his voice warm and welcoming as he bowed before Queen Amidala. "It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty. May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."

Valorum, maintaining a dignified composure, returned the gesture with a slight bow of his own. "Welcome, Your Highness. It is an honor to finally meet you in person. I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. I have called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position."

Queen Amidala met his gaze with a composed expression, her voice calm and measured. "I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor."

Before the conversation could continue, Valorum glanced around, his brow furrowing slightly. "And where is the person who made the exclusive broadcast?"

Padmé, standing close to Queen Amidala, subtly signaled to Sabé, who was in her guise as the Queen. Sabé understood the signal and responded with poise. "Gojo will arrive on time. We will wait."

Senator Palpatine, sensing the urgency of the situation, stepped forward with a slight frown. "Your Majesty, we need to proceed to the special session of the Senate now. The longer we delay, the more precarious our position becomes."

However, Sabé, maintaining her role as Queen Amidala, remained resolute. "We will wait for him, Senator. His presence is crucial to our cause."

As the tension grew on the Senate landing platform, Senator Palpatine, ever the manipulator, stepped closer to Sabé, who was in her guise as Queen Amidala. His tone became more insistent, laced with a veneer of concern. "Your Majesty, that person cannot be trusted. I've encountered individuals like him before—"

But before Palpatine could finish, a sudden, thunderous sound echoed from the sky, causing everyone to look up. A majestic figure descended from above—a six-legged horse, massive and powerful, its mane flowing like a river of silver. It was Sleipnir, and upon its back rode Gojo and Reika.

Gojo, clad in his sleek Shinjuku Showdown outfit, looked every bit the enigma he was. His white hair contrasted sharply with his dark attire, and his well-defined muscles were clearly visible, a testament to the intense training he had undergone in just 17 hours. The sheer power he radiated was undeniable.

Reika sat behind him, her presence almost overshadowed by the spectacle that was Gojo and Sleipnir. The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring, leaving the onlookers speechless.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan exchanged glances, both of them equally stunned by what they were witnessing. Qui-Gon, always in tune with the Force, could sense the immense power emanating from Gojo, but it was the physical transformation that left him speechless. "He has changed," Qui-Gon muttered, his eyes fixed on Gojo's muscular form. "To build such strength in mere hours… it's astonishing."

Obi-Wan, too, was in awe. "It's as if he's a completely different person," he whispered, unable to take his eyes off Gojo. The young Jedi had always been impressed by Gojo's abilities, but seeing him now—riding a mythical creature with a physique that defied explanation—was something else entirely.

Anakin, standing nearby, was equally shocked. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of Sleipnir. "He has a flying horse... and it's huge! And it has six legs!" Anakin's voice was filled with amazement, his youthful excitement bubbling over. He had seen many strange things since meeting Gojo, but this was on another level entirely.

Jar Jar, being Jar Jar, could only gape in wide-eyed wonder. "Messa tinkin' dis bombad wizard is fulla surprises!" he exclaimed, his Gungan accent thick with disbelief.

Shmi Skywalker, watching from a distance, couldn't help but smile. "That's Gojo... he always manages to surprise us at every turn," she said softly, her tone filled with admiration and a touch of amusement.

Padmé and Yukinami, standing close together, were similarly captivated. Padmé found herself admiring Gojo's physique and the way his outfit highlighted his powerful form. "He looks... incredible," she thought, her cheeks flushing slightly. "There's something about him… so strong, yet so enigmatic."

Yukinami, beside her, shared the sentiment. Her eyes followed the lines of Gojo's muscles, and she couldn't help but think, "He's not just strong—he's... hot." The combination of Gojo's strength, his attire, and the sheer presence he exuded was almost overwhelming.

As Sleipnir landed gracefully on the platform, Gojo dismounted with an effortless leap, his every movement exuding confidence. Reika followed suit, landing lightly beside him. Gojo's piercing blue eyes scanned the group, his expression calm yet commanding.

He nodded to Sabé, still in her role as Queen Amidala. "Apologies for the delay," he said, his voice car As Gojo dismounted Sleipnir with an effortless leap, his presence immediately commanded the attention of everyone on the platform. Reika followed gracefully, her gaze sweeping over the gathered dignitaries and Jedi. he said, his voice carrying effortlessly over the assembled group. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Before anyone could respond, Suzunami, who had been observing everything with wide eyes, couldn't contain her curiosity. "Sensei, who is that behind you?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and confusion.

Gojo turned slightly, gesturing to Reika with a casual wave. "This is my disciple, a Force disciple," he replied, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

But before anyone could react, Reika, clearly emboldened by the situation, stepped forward and declared, "I am his future wife."

The statement hit like a thunderbolt. The shock rippled through the gathered group, their eyes widening in disbelief. Someone like Gojo, known for his narcissistic and arrogant demeanor, capable of finding love? The very idea seemed almost impossible.

For a moment, there was stunned silence, but it was Yukinami who broke it with an explosive reaction. Her face twisted in a mix of jealousy and shock as she shouted, "Whaaaaatttttttt?!"

The sudden outburst echoed across the platform, and everyone turned their attention to Yukinami, who was clearly struggling to process what she had just heard. Her expression was a mix of confusion and anger, unable to comprehend that Gojo—the man who seemed untouchable—could possibly have chosen someone else for such a role in his life.


Yukinami's face twisted in a mix of jealousy and rage, her voice rising as she shouted, "Did you snitch my sensei? The one I devoted my life to, away from everything? I didn't approach him because I understand him better than anyone! You think you, a filthy Twi'lek, can just waltz in and steal him from me?" Her words were laced with venom, her contempt for Reika's race adding a sharp edge to her insult. Yukinami knowing all too well how Gojo could be—powerful, unpredictable, and seemingly unattainable.


Reika, unfazed by the outburst, crossed her arms and smirked. "You lack the guts to declare your love," she taunted, her tone challenging and dismissive.

Yukinami's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It's war then. A very fucking war! And don't you dare cry when I win, you damn Twi'lek!"

Reika simply shrugged, her confidence unwavering. "Nah, I'm the one who'll be winning." ( nah id married moment )

As the tension between the two women reached a boiling point, Anakin and Shmi, standing nearby, exchanged uneasy glances. "Did we just see some demons appear beside each of them?" Anakin whispered, half-joking, but unable to shake the sense of an impending storm.

Shmi nodded, her expression a mix of concern and amusement. "It certainly feels that way. Let's hope this doesn't get out of hand."

A short distance away, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan observed the unfolding drama with quiet interest. Obi-Wan leaned slightly toward his master, his voice low. "Master, should we intervene? This seems... volatile."

Qui-Gon, ever the calm and collected mentor, shook his head slightly. "No, Obi-Wan. Let them work it out. Sometimes, people need to confront their emotions head-on. Besides," he added with a slight smile, "I don't think there's much we could do to stop this anyway."

Padmé, watching the heated exchange between the women, muttered to herself, her voice tinged with a note of resignation. "I hope I still have my chance to talk with Gojo." She felt a pang of regret for not having the courage to speak up sooner, knowing full well that Gojo's attention was a rare and valuable thing.

She remembered the exclusive broadcast where Gojo had humiliated the Trade Federation, his playful yet confident demeanor as he fearlessly addressed the galaxy. There was something about him… something captivating… she thought. That magnetism… it drew me in, didn't it? At the time, she had dismissed it as mere intrigue, a passing fascination. But it was more than that… wasn't it?

Then came the moment when Gojo returned from a battle in space—his cheek shredded, a gaping hole in his chest where his heart should be, four of his fingers missing. Yet somehow, he was still smiling. That smile… she reflected, it shook me. Why did he smile, even in such pain? She felt a pang in her chest, a concern she hadn't dared to acknowledge. Why did I feel worried? Why did I care?

Padme heard suzunami conversation with gojo —that Gojo had made a binding vow. Padmé didn't quite understand the specifics, but she knew enough about the concept to grasp that the penalties could be severe. A binding vow… one with severe consequences… Why didn't I try to understand it more? Why did I keep my distance?

If only I'd known… known that he could be reached, that he could feel... Her thoughts trailed off, regret flooding her mind, a bitter realization taking root. If I had known Gojo could be this… human, I would have approached him sooner. I would have shown him that I cared...

Padmé's gaze sharpened, her hands clenching slightly at her sides. But now… now I've let an unknown Twi'lek declare herself his future wife? How could I have been so blind?

She bit her lip, her resolve hardening. No… it's not too late. I'll make sure I have my chance.

She straightened her posture, a determined glint in her eye. If there was a competition now, she was not about to lose. Not to anyone.

Suddenly, Senator Palpatine, trying to restore some semblance of order, interjected, "Ladies, we are pressed for time, and the Senate—"

But before he could finish, Padmé, Yukinami, and Reika turned to him in unison, their voices sharp and synchronized. "Shut up, old man, and get lost !" The force of their collective dismissal was so strong that Palpatine was momentarily taken aback, his attempt to assert authority completely dismantled.

Suddenly, Gojo stepped forward, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Alright, we'll settle this problem later," he said with his usual carefree tone, a grin on his face. "Right now, we've got a planet to save!"

His happy demeanor seemed to shatter the heated atmosphere, his lightheartedness diffusing the intensity between the women. Reika, still brimming with determination, simply crossed her arms and muttered, "Postpone."

Yukinami, equally resolute, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, postpone. But this isn't over."

The declaration hung in the air, but before the tension could rise again, Padmé suddenly found herself swept up in the moment. Her competitive spirit surged, and she surprised everyone by shouting, "I'm not gonna lose!"

Her unexpected outburst echoed across the platform, leaving everyone momentarily stunned. The fiery determination in her voice caught them all off guard, especially considering Padmé's usually composed demeanor. Even Palpatine, who had just been dismissed by the trio of women, looked on in surprise, his previous frustration momentarily forgotten.

For a brief moment, the platform was silent, everyone processing the unexpected turn of events. Then, slowly, smiles began to spread across the faces of those gathered. The intensity had been broken, and while the underlying rivalries remained, Gojo's intervention had reminded them all of the larger mission at hand.

Gojo chuckled, his amusement evident. "Well, this is going to be interesting," he said, glancing around at the group. "But first things first—let's save Naboo, shall we?"

As the group began to refocus on the mission, Gojo turned his attention to Qui-Gon. With a casual flick of his wrist, he tossed something toward the Jedi Master—a small holopad. "Oh, and Qui-Gon," Gojo said with a grin, "you're going to need this. Just in case the monks on the Council don't believe your proof."

Qui-Gon caught the holopad with ease, recognizing the significance of the gesture. He chuckled, a knowing smile on his face. "I know the Council as well as anyone, Gojo. They can be as unyielding as rock, but this should help. Thank you."


Palpatine paced back and forth in his quarters, his movements betraying a sense of unease as Captain Panaka entered, followed by Gojo, Yukinami, Suzunami, and Reika. Eirtae and Rabe stood silently to one side, their expressions carefully neutral as they observed the unfolding conversation.

"The Republic is not what it once was," Palpatine began, his tone heavy with frustration. "The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only looking out for themselves and their home systems. There is no interest in the common civility, only politics... it's disgusting." He paused for a moment, his gaze shifting to Amidala, who was deep in thought. "I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion."

Amidala frowned, her concern evident. "Chancellor Valorum seems to think there is hope," she replied, though there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Palpatine sighed, shaking his head slightly. "If I may say so, Your Majesty, the Chancellor has little real power... he is mired down by baseless accusations of corruption. A manufactured scandal surrounds him. The bureaucrats are in charge now." His voice was laced with bitterness as he spoke, clearly disillusioned by the current state of the Republic.

Amidala's expression grew more troubled. "What options do we have?" she asked, her voice betraying her desperation.

Palpatine didn't hesitate. "Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger Supreme Chancellor. One who will take control of the bureaucrats, enforce the laws, and give us justice." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "You could call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum."

Amidala looked conflicted, her loyalty to the Chancellor at odds with the harsh reality they faced. "He has been our strongest supporter. Is there any other way?" she asked, almost pleading for an alternative.

Palpatine shook his head, his expression grim. "Our only other choice would be to submit a plea to the courts..."

Amidala's frustration was palpable. "There's no time for that. The courts take even longer to decide things than the Senate. Our people are dying, Senator... more and more each day. We must do something quickly to stop the Federation."

Palpatine's tone became more pragmatic, though it carried a note of resignation. "To be realistic, Your Highness, I'd say we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being."

He paused for a moment, then added, "Even with Gojo's achievements, we're still going to have a lot of problems. His power and influence can only do so much against the entrenched corruption and bureaucracy that plagues the Republic."


Queen Amidala's face hardened with resolve, though her eyes betrayed the weight of the decision she was about to make. She turned to Palpatine, her voice steady but firm. "I need a private room. I need to speak with Gojo."

Palpatine, though still wary of Gojo's unpredictable nature, nodded in understanding. "Suit yourself, Your Majesty," he said, his tone cautious but respectful. He stepped aside, signaling to one of his aides to prepare a private chamber for their discussion.

As the group began to disperse, Gojo exchanged a glance with Yukinami, Suzunami, and Reika. Each of them sensed the gravity of the situation, understanding that whatever discussion was about to unfold between Gojo and Amidala could have significant implications for the future of Naboo—and perhaps the galaxy itself.

Palpatine watched as they moved toward the private chamber, his mind racing with thoughts of how this unpredictable element, Gojo, could impact his carefully laid plans. Yet, he knew better than to interfere, at least for now. The wheels of his scheme were already in motion, and he would adapt as needed.

Queen Amidala entered the private room, her steps measured and purposeful. Gojo followed behind her, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a rare moment of seriousness. As the door closed behind them, they were alone, away from the prying eyes and ears of the others.

As the door closed behind them, sealing them in the privacy of the chamber, the atmosphere shifted. Padmé, now as the true Queen Amidala, let her regal composure falter slightly, revealing the burden she carried. She turned to Gojo, her voice laced with uncertainty. "Gojo, what do you think? Should I call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum?"

Gojo's usually playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a stern, focused expression. He didn't hesitate in his response. "No," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "That old man, Palpatine, is very cunning. Something about him sets off all my alarms, and I've got this nagging urge to blow his head off. Makes me wonder if his current master is already dead," he added with a wry grin, half-joking but deadly serious.

Padmé blinked in surprise at his bluntness, but before she could respond, Gojo raised his hand, revealing a small, neutralized device in his palm. "By the way, I found this little bugger planted in the room," he said casually, tossing the now-useless listener device onto the table between them. "Neutralized it, of course."

Padmé's eyes widened as she recognized the implications. Gojo's keen blue eyes had seen through the deception, and she knew he wasn't the type to lie to those he considered allies. He was unpredictable, yes, but also brutally honest.

"What about the Republic, Gojo?" she asked, her voice tinged with desperation. "Will they support us?"

Gojo sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "As much as I hate that old man, Palpatine, he's right about one thing—the Republic is rotting from the inside out. Corruption, greed, self-interest… it's all there, festering in the upper echelons. If you think the Senate will move swiftly or decisively to help Naboo, you're in for a rude awakening."

He met her gaze, his expression softening slightly. "Look, Padmé, the Republic might be able to provide some assistance, but don't put all your trust in them. They're too bogged down in politics to act quickly enough. From my point of view, you have three choices."

Gojo held up a finger, ticking off each option as he spoke. "First, you can follow Palpatine's advice and call for a vote of no confidence. It's a risky move, and it might not get the results you're hoping for. Second," he continued, holding up another finger, "you can forget the vote of no confidence. I have this holopad with proof that the Trade Federation is attacking Naboo. Maybe, just maybe, it'll be enough to give Valorum the courage he needs to act."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before raising a third finger. "And then there's the third option—one that would shake the entire Republic to its core, and one you probably already know deep down."

Padmé's breath caught in her throat as she realized what Gojo was hinting at. The third option, the most drastic and unthinkable of them all, was to declare Naboo's independence from the Republic. It was a move that would undoubtedly send shockwaves through the galaxy, but it might be the only way to save her people.

Gojo watched as the realization dawned on her, his expression neutral but observant. "It's your decision, Padmé. Whatever you choose, just know that I'll back you up. But you need to be sure, because once you choose, there's no turning back."

Padmé's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and realization as Gojo laid out her options. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her

Padmé hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Gojo, how did you become… so human? You usually show this bravado, narcissistic behavior, or arrogant demeanor. Now you've suddenly changed… and also gotten buff," she added, glancing at the muscles visible through his Shinjuku Showdown outfit. "And now… you're capable of having feelings toward someone? That's not the Gojo I know." Her voice trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Gojo's face softened, and for a moment, there was a look of genuine sadness in his eyes. "Because when I was training, I realized that even if I reached the top of the mountain, I'd be alone," he said quietly. "I would be the strongest—it's a fact, and it will be reality… but I would be surrounded by my own loneliness at the top."

something unexpected stirred within her—a sudden, bold impulse she couldn't ignore. She took a step closer to Gojo, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Gojo," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. And before he could react, she leaned in and kissed him, her lips brushing against his in a brief but intense moment of connection.

Gojo, completely taken aback, blinked in surprise as Padmé pulled back, a small, playful smile on her lips. "Know this," she said, her tone lighter, almost teasing, "I'm entering the competition." She let out a soft laugh, her earlier tension momentarily forgotten.

Gojo, still processing what had just happened, raised an eyebrow. "The competition, huh? Well, that's a first." He smirked, clearly amused by her sudden boldness. "What about the potential man you were supposed to love? You know, the one everyone thinks you're destined to be with?"

Padmé's laughter filled the room, a melodic sound that eased the tension between them. "A kid marrying an older woman? It's practically a fairy tale in the making!" She laughed again, this time with more genuine amusement, as if the weight of her responsibilities had been lifted, if only for a moment.

Gojo chuckled, shaking his head. "You're something else, Padmé. But don't think a little kiss and some playful banter will get you out of making this decision."

Padmé's expression sobered, but the twinkle in her eyes remained. "I know," she replied, her tone more serious now. "But I wanted you to know that I'm not just the Queen of Naboo. I'm also a woman who's willing to fight for what she wants—even if it means shaking up the entire galaxy."

Gojo nodded, a newfound respect for her determination growing within him. "I can see that. And for what it's worth, I'm glad you're willing to take risks. Just remember, whatever choice you make, I've got your back."

Without warning, Padmé moved closer, wrapping her arms around Gojo in a tight embrace. Tears began to well up in her eyes, and she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion, "I feel so helpless… I can't help you with anything. In fact, I just realized you're the one helping me, the people of Naboo… and me. I can't offer you anything in return, even against someone like Abeloth, whom you fought in space."

Her grip tightened around him as her tears fell freely. "And you've taken on this burden, a binding vow against someone named Sukuna… At least before anything terrible happens to you, or before you reach the top and become the strongest, I want to fill that empty heart of yours."

Gojo's expression softened, the usual playfulness in his eyes replaced by a gentle warmth. He placed a reassuring hand on her back, holding her close. "Padmé," he murmured softly, "you don't need to worry about giving me something in return. Your concern, your courage, and even this moment… they mean more than you know."

He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, his gaze sincere. "I've been alone for a long time, thinking that was the way it had to be. But maybe… just maybe, I don't have to be." His voice grew softer, more vulnerable. "And if anyone could fill that emptiness… I think it could be you."

Padmé's tears continued to flow, but now there was a smile on her face. "Then let me," she whispered, her voice filled with determination. "Let me be there for you… even if it means facing the unknown, even if it means challenging everything I've believed in."

Gojo smiled back, his heart feeling a rare lightness. "Deal," he said gently. "And for the record, I think you're already doing more for me than you realize."


As Padmé and Gojo shared their moment, Sabé suddenly entered the room, her expression a mix of concern and duty. "My Queen, Anakin wishes to see you," she announced, her voice soft yet insistent.

Gojo smirked, taking a step back to give Padmé some space. "Well, looks like that's your wake-up call."

Padmé nodded, her playful demeanor giving way to the seriousness of her role once more and fix her make up as quickly as she can . She moved toward the doorway, where Anakin stood, his small frame a stark contrast to the grandiosity of the room. The young boy bowed respectfully, his eyes briefly flicking up to meet the Queen's gaze before quickly lowering again.

"I've sent Padmé on an errand," the Queen stated, maintaining her composed, regal facade.

Anakin shifted nervously, his voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "I'm going to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hope."

The Queen simply stared at him, her expression unreadable, as if weighing the significance of his words.

After a moment, Anakin continued, his tone more earnest, "I may not see her again... and... I just wanted to say goodbye." He hesitated, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pendant—a rock-like charm that had been carefully split into two pieces. He held it out to the Queen with a shy smile. "This is for you and Gojo. You both will always be my best sensei and best older sister."

The Queen's eyes softened slightly as she accepted the pendant, touched by Anakin's gesture. She glanced at Gojo, who gave a small nod of approval, before returning her gaze to the young boy. Though Anakin didn't know the full truth of who Padmé really was, his sincerity and affection were clear.

"Thank you, Anakin," the Queen said, her voice gentle. "This means a lot to me... and to Gojo as well."

As Anakin handed over the pendant, his gaze lingered on the Queen, a flicker of realization dawning in his eyes. He had spent enough time with Padmé to recognize the subtle details—her voice, her mannerisms, even the way she held herself. The connection clicked in his mind, and his eyes widened slightly as he finally understood the truth.

"The Queen... you're Padmé," he whispered, the words slipping out before he could stop them.

The Queen, knowing the secret was out, offered him a small, reassuring smile. "Yes, Anakin. But it was important for me to keep that hidden for a time."

Before the moment could grow too heavy, Gojo popped up beside Anakin, his usual playful demeanor breaking the tension. "Take care, potential man . And when you're at the Jedi Temple, make sure you find a safe spot. There's going to be an earthquake when I show up," he added with a laugh, his teasing tone making it hard to tell whether he was joking or serious.

Anakin couldn't help but grin at Gojo's words, the unease of his earlier realization fading away. "I'll remember that," he said, a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling within him.

"Good," Gojo replied, ruffling Anakin's hair playfully. "I will keep that pendant safe after all . It's a connection between us, no matter where we are."

As Gojo and Padmé turned to leave, Gojo glanced back at Anakin with a confident smirk. "See you at the top of the galaxy, Anakin. I'll be waiting to see who will win—you, with the potential to kill me, or me, Gojo Satoru, the invincible sorcerer."

Anakin's grin widened, his earlier shyness replaced by a fierce determination. "I'll beat you from your throne, idiot sensei," he declared, his voice brimming with youthful confidence.

Gojo chuckled, clearly enjoying the challenge. "We'll see about that, kid. Just make sure you're ready when the time comes."

With that, Gojo and Padmé left the room, leaving Anakin behind with a heart full of dreams



Qui-Gon Jinn stood in the middle of the tall, stately room, his presence calm but commanding. Surrounding him were the twelve Jedi Masters, seated in a semi-circle, their expressions ranging from thoughtful to concerned. Behind Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan Kenobi stood silently, his gaze steady as his master spoke.

" only conclusion can be that the assailant was a Sith Lord," Qui-Gon stated, his voice unwavering.

"A Sith Lord?!?" Mace Windu's voice rang out, incredulity lacing his words.

"Impossible!" Ki-Adi-Mundi exclaimed. "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."

"The very Republic is threatened, if involved the Sith are," Yoda intoned, his speech pattern as distinctive as ever.

"I do not believe they could have returned without us knowing," Mace Windu added, his tone skeptical.

"But Master Windu, I have proof," Qui-Gon responded, his resolve evident as he held up a video chip.

The room fell silent as the Jedi Masters focused on the holographic display. The video played, showing the fight in vivid detail. The dark figure, unmistakably a Sith, wielded his weapon with deadly precision. The energy of the dark side was palpable, even through the recording.

"Hard to see, the dark side is," Yoda remarked, his eyes narrowing as he watched the display. "Discover who this assassin is, we must."

"I sense he will reveal himself again," Ki-Adi-Mundi said, though his voice carried an edge of doubt.

As the video ended, the tension in the room escalated. Mace Windu, who had remained quiet during the playback, finally spoke. "This Gojo Satoru... when he killed his enemies in that broadcast and in the video you've shown, he was ruthless. He must be detained."

Qui-Gon's eyes flashed with anger, a rare display of emotion from the composed Jedi Master. "Master Windu, Gojo Satoru is not a Sith. His methods may be unconventional, but he fights against the darkness, not for it. Detaining him would be a grave mistake."

Mace Windu met Qui-Gon's gaze, unyielding. "He exhibits power beyond that of any Jedi, and his actions are concerning. We cannot allow someone like him to operate unchecked."

Qui-Gon stepped forward, his voice firm. "I've fought beside him. I've seen his strength, but also his purpose. He seeks to protect, not to destroy. We should be cautious, yes, but we must not act out of fear."

Master Yoda, ever the voice of wisdom, interjected before the tension could escalate further. "Calm yourself, you must, Master Windu," Yoda said, his tone gentle but authoritative. His large eyes shifted from Mace Windu to Qui-Gon, contemplating the situation with the depth of centuries of wisdom. "Meet with Gojo Satoru, we must. Strange, his power is. Force it is not, yet powerful, he is."

Mace Windu, though still troubled, took a deep breath and nodded. "If what you say is true, Master Yoda, then understanding his power and his intentions must be our priority."

Yoda nodded sagely. "See him with our own eyes, we must. Dangerous he may be, but judge him fairly, we will."

The Council members exchanged glances, the tension in the room easing slightly as Yoda's calm voice brought a sense of clarity to the situation. They knew that the path ahead was uncertain, but meeting Gojo Satoru, understanding who he truly was, would be the first step in addressing the mystery of his power and his role in the galaxy.

Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?" asked Yoda, his voice calm and inquisitive.

"With your permission, my Master," replied Qui-Gon, bowing slightly. "I have encountered a vergence in the Force."

"A vergence, you say?" Yoda's interest was clearly piqued, his large eyes narrowing slightly.

"Located around a person?" inquired Mace Windu, leaning forward in his seat, his tone cautious but intrigued.

"Yes, a boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form," Qui-Gon explained. "It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."

Mace Windu exchanged a glance with the other Jedi Masters, his expression growing more serious. "You're referring to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force... You believe it's this boy?"

Qui-Gon hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "I don't presume..."

"But you do!" Yoda interjected, his tone gentle yet firm. "Revealed, your opinion is."

Qui-Gon nodded, acknowledging Yoda's insight. "I request the boy be tested. His midi-chlorian count is over 20,000."

The twelve Jedi Masters exchanged glances, the gravity of Qui-Gon's revelation sinking in. After a moment, they nodded in agreement, their decision unanimous.

"Trained as a Jedi, you request for him?" Yoda asked, his gaze fixed on Qui-Gon.

"Yes, Master," Qui-Gon confirmed. "It was with the help of the mysterious Force User's guidance that I was able to find him, so I believe it was the will of the Force through the Force User that guided us to the boy."

Mace Windu sighed, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "Bring him before us ."

"Tested he will be," Yoda agreed, his voice calm but decisive.

"Thank you very much, Masters," Qui-Gon said, bowing respectfully. "Also, Masters, before I came to seek your council, gojo says there might be conflict between you and him , also he will be ready ."


Obi-Wan's voice was laced with concern as he addressed his master, "The boy will not pass the Council's tests, Master. And you know it. He is far too old to become a Padawan."

Qui-Gon, ever resolute, responded with a quiet determination, "Anakin will become a Jedi... I promise you that it will happen."

"Don't defy the Council, Master," Obi-Wan urged, a note of desperation creeping into his voice. "Not again."

But Qui-Gon remained steadfast, his voice calm and assured. "I will do what I must."

Obi-Wan's frustration was evident as he pressed further, "Master, you could be sitting on the Council by now if you would just follow the code and the will of the Council. They will not go along with you this time."

A small, knowing smile played on Qui-Gon's lips as he replied, "You still have much to learn, my young apprentice."

With that, Qui-Gon turned and walked back into the Jedi Temple, leaving Obi-Wan standing alone on the balcony, his thoughts conflicted and his heart heavy with worry.



Anakin Skywalker stands in the center of the room, surrounded by the twelve Jedi Masters seated in a semi-circle. The sun streams through the tall windows, casting long shadows across the chamber floor. Mace Windu holds a small hand-held viewing screen, displaying various images in rapid succession.

"A ship... a cup... a speeder," Anakin says, accurately identifying each image as it appears on the screen.

Mace Windu gives a slight nod of acknowledgment, then deactivates the screen. He exchanges a glance with Yoda, who leans forward slightly, his expression thoughtful.

"Good, good, young one," Yoda says, his voice calm yet probing. "How feel you?"

Anakin shifts slightly on his feet, his young face reflecting his uncertainty. "A little cold, sir," he replies, trying to maintain his composure.

"Afraid, are you?" Yoda asks, his eyes narrowing as he studies the boy's response.

Anakin shakes his head quickly. "No, sir," he responds, trying to hide his unease.

"Afraid to give up your life?" Mace Windu inquires, his tone stern.

Anakin hesitates before replying, the weight of the question pressing on him. "I don't think so," he finally says, though his voice lacks the certainty he wants to project.

"See through you, we can," Yoda remarks, his voice carrying a hint of sadness. "Be mindful of your feelings, young one."

Mace Windu leans forward, his gaze piercing. "Your thoughts dwell on your mother."

Anakin nods slightly, his concern evident. "I am worried about her. I worry if she will be alright without me."

"Afraid to lose her, I think," Yoda observes, his tone gentle yet firm.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Anakin retorts, a flash of anger crossing his face.

"Everything. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering," Yoda explains, his words resonating with a deep wisdom.

Anakin shakes his head defiantly. "I am not afraid!"

Yoda's gaze softens, though his words remain firm. "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. Much fear in you, I sense."

Anakin lowers his voice, his earlier defiance fading. "I am not afraid."

Yoda nods slightly, acknowledging the boy's determination. "Then continue, we will."




The room is silent for a moment, the tension palpable. As the test concludes, the Jedi Masters exchange glances, each considering what they have just observed. The atmosphere is heavy with the unspoken concerns of the Council, even as they prepare to move forward with Anakin's evaluation.

Inside the Council Chambers of the Jedi Temple, the atmosphere was tense as Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon stood before the twelve Jedi Masters of the Council.

"...Correct you were, Qui-Gon," Yoda said, his voice tinged with concern.

"His cells contain a very high concentration of midi-chlorians," Mace Windu added, his expression serious.

"And the Force is strong with him," commented Ki-Adi-Mundi, his tone reflecting the weight of the situation.

"He's to be trained, then?" Qui-Gon asked, his voice filled with hope.

The Jedi Council members exchanged glances before Yoda finally spoke, his words heavy with decision. "No. Trained, he will not be."

Anakin's heart sank, his face falling as tears began to form in his eyes. The hope that had filled him moments ago was quickly slipping away.

"No??!!" Qui-Gon exclaimed, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief.

Beside him, Obi-Wan couldn't help but smile at the Council's decision, feeling relief that Anakin would not be trained.

"He is too old to be trained," Mace Windu explained. "There is already too much anger in him, which could lead him to the Dark Side."

"He is the chosen one..." Qui-Gon cried out desperately. "You must see it."

"Clouded, this boy's future is," Yoda said, his tone grave. "Masked by his youth."

"I will train him, then," Qui-Gon declared with determination. "I will take Anakin as my Padawan learner."

Obi-Wan was taken aback by his Master's resolve. At the same time, Anakin's tears stopped, and he looked up at Qui-Gon with a glimmer of hope, touched by the Jedi Master's belief in him.

"Allow, we cannot," Yoda replied firmly. "Too much fear and anger, he has."

"We forbid it," Mace Windu stated, his voice leaving no room for argument. "But Masters, Anakin is clearly the chosen one," Qui-Gon pleaded. "I believe he is the one who will bring balance to the Force."

"Chosen one, he may be," Yoda acknowledged. "Too risky to be trained, he is."

"The Council will not allow you to train the boy," Mace Windu commanded, his tone final. "If you try to train him, the Council will have no choice but to exile you from the Jedi Order. We have been lenient with your past actions, but we cannot allow you to continue defying the rules of the Jedi Order."

Obi-Wan was shocked that his Master might be exiled, and Qui-Gon stood with a determined expression, ready to defy the Council for what he believed in.

Suddenly, all the Jedi Council members, along with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, felt a disturbance in the Force. Behind Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin, a black hole in the shape of a door materialized, its edges crackling with dark energy. From this ominous portal stepped Gojo Satoru, flanked by Yukinami, Suzunami, and Reika.

Gojo's eyes gleamed with mischief as he surveyed the room. In his thoughts, he marveled at the hidden ability of Odin's Arm of Darkness, which had created the portal. "Looks like I just discovered another hidden ability," he mused, pleased with himself.

"It's nice to meet me, you all," Gojo announced, his voice light and playful, yet carrying an undeniable power. "But what kind of welcome is this, with your flashlights ready to attack?"

Mace Windu, ever the vigilant guardian, immediately ignited his lightsaber, the purple blade casting a menacing glow as he stared at Gojo. "We don't take kindly to intruders in this sacred place," Mace said, his voice hard and unyielding.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, clearly unbothered by the hostility. "Intruders? Now that's just rude," he replied, his tone still light but with a hint of underlying menace. "I'm just here to have a little chat with you all. No need for violence... unless, of course, you insist."

Master Yoda's voice, usually calm and measured, suddenly rang out with an uncharacteristic sharpness that caught everyone off guard. "Stand down, Master Windu!" The command was delivered in perfect grammar, a stark departure from Yoda's usual speech pattern. The unexpected clarity in his words stunned the room into silence.

Mace Windu, though visibly tense, hesitated and then deactivated his lightsaber, stepping back but keeping a wary eye on Gojo.

The room remained tense, but the immediate threat of violence had subsided. The Jedi Masters exchanged uneasy glances, clearly taken aback not only by the presence of Gojo and his companions but also by Yoda's sudden shift in tone.

Yoda, now reverting to his usual way of speaking, stepped forward slightly, his wise eyes locking onto Gojo. "Gojo Satoru, meet you I have wanted," Yoda said, his voice once again carrying its familiar cadence. His expression was unreadable, but the weight of his words conveyed the seriousness of the situation.

Gojo, ever confident and unfazed by the tense atmosphere, offered a slight bow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "The pleasure is mine, Master Yoda," he replied, his tone respectful yet casual, as if he were greeting an old friend.

Yoda observed Gojo carefully, his eyes narrowing slightly. "How know my name, you do? First time meet, this is," Yoda inquired, his tone curious but cautious.

Gojo, with a confident smile, raised his hand and pointed at his eye, the blue Rikugan shimmering brightly. "Let's just say I have good eyes," Gojo replied, tapping his temple lightly

The other members of the Council remained on edge, their eyes shifting between Yoda and Gojo, uncertain of what to expect from this unexpected encounter. Yoda, however, seemed calm, as if he had anticipated this moment for some time.

"Your power, great it is," Yoda continued, his voice thoughtful. "But of the Force, it is not. Understand this, we must."

Gojo's smile widened. "Oh, I'm more than happy to help you understand, Master Yoda. But I'm curious—what makes you so sure I'm not using the Force?" His question was posed with genuine interest, as if he were challenging the Council to question their own perceptions.

Yoda's gaze didn't waver. "Sense the Force, we can. Within you, it is not. Yet strong, your power is. Dangerous, it could be."

Gojo chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation. "Dangerous? Only if you make it so. I'm here to help, not to cause trouble. But I won't deny that I've got my own way of doing things."

Gojo's casual demeanor didn't waver, but Yoda's eyes narrowed slightly as he sensed something deeper, something far more complex within the man standing before him. It wasn't just the raw power emanating from Gojo—it was the nature of that power, a strange amalgamation that defied simple categorization.

Yoda could feel the dark power, an ominous energy that hinted at something ancient and formidable—something that Gojo himself might not fully understand. This dark force was intertwined with a deep connection to the Force, a connection so potent that it rivaled the greatest Jedi and Sith in history. The sheer number of midi-chlorians within Gojo was staggering, far beyond what Yoda had ever encountered, suggesting a potential that could tip the balance of the galaxy.

But there was more—a third, unknown force. It was unlike anything Yoda had ever felt before, an energy that pulsed with both life and death, creation and destruction. It was neither light nor dark, yet it held the potential for both. Yoda recognized this as Gojo's cursed energy, though its exact nature eluded him. It was an enigmatic power that seemed to exist outside the Force, something entirely new and yet terrifyingly familiar.

Yoda's surprise was evident, though he quickly masked it with his usual calm composure. He tilted his head slightly, his curiosity piqued. "How can you keep them all in balance, Gojo Satoru?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity. "Such power... rarely seen it is. Balance, difficult it must be."

Gojo's smile remained, but there was a glint of something deeper in his eyes, something that spoke of the immense burden he carried. "Balance, huh?" he mused, almost to himself. "It's not about keeping everything in balance, Master Yoda. It's about understanding that the chaos inside me isn't something to be feared. It's something to be embraced."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "I don't try to keep these powers separate or balanced. I let them coexist, feed off each other. The darkness, the Force, the unknown energy—they're all just parts of me. And together, they make me who I am."

Yoda's wise gaze remained fixed on Gojo as the question lingered in the air. "This third, unknown power... what is it called?" Yoda asked, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge and curiosity.

Gojo glanced at Qui-Gon, a look of mild annoyance crossing his face. "You didn't tell them, did you?" he said, his tone half-joking, half-exasperated.

Qui-Gon gave a slightly sheepish smile, clearly aware that he had left Gojo to handle this particular revelation on his own. "Sorry about that," Qui-Gon replied, his tone apologetic but with a hint of amusement.

Gojo let out a long sigh, running a hand through his white hair. "Hahhhhh, alright then. Looks like it's history lesson time."

He turned back to the assembled Jedi Council, his expression shifting to one of seriousness. "This third power, the one you can't quite place, is called cursed energy. It's something that comes from the negative emotions of people—their fear, their anger, their sorrow. It's a power that thrives on imbalance, on chaos."

Gojo paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "Cursed energy isn't like the Force. It doesn't seek balance or harmony. It's raw, unfiltered power that's tied to the very essence of life and death. In my world, it's what sorcerers use to exorcise curses—malevolent spirits born from humanity's darker side. But in my hands, it's more than just a tool for exorcism. It's become a part of who I am, just like the Force is a part of you."

Yoda nodded slowly, absorbing this new information. "Understand now, I do. Complex, your power is. Dangerous, it could be."

Gojo smiled, though there was a shadow behind it. "Dangerous, yes. But also necessary. I'm not here to tell you that cursed energy is good or bad—it's just what it is. And I've learned to use it, to control it, so it doesn't control me."

Yoda listened intently to Gojo's explanation, his wise eyes reflecting the depth of his understanding. The more he learned about this "cursed energy," the more he realized its complexity and potential. It was a power unlike anything the Jedi had ever encountered—a force that existed outside the dichotomy of light and dark, yet capable of both.

After a moment of contemplation, Yoda looked up at Gojo and made a request that surprised everyone in the room. "May we shake hands, Gojo Satoru?" Yoda asked, his tone respectful but curious. "To know more, I wish. About your third power, also. Your third power, it is your original power, yes?"

Gojo raised an eyebrow, impressed by Yoda's perceptiveness. "You got me," he replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's my original power. The other stuff—the Force connection and that dark energy—those came later."

With a nod of agreement, Gojo extended his hand towards Yoda. The two figures—one the wisest of the Jedi, the other an enigmatic warrior from another world—stood face to face as they clasped hands.

As their hands connected, Yoda closed his eyes and reached out with the Force, allowing himself to sense the flow of Gojo's cursed energy. Immediately, he was struck by the sheer rawness of it, the way it pulsed with life and death, creation and destruction. It was chaotic, unrefined, and yet, there was an undeniable order within that chaos—a balance that Gojo had somehow mastered.

What truly amazed Yoda, however, was the realization that cursed energy was, in a way, a natural progression of the dark side of the Force. It was as if the dark side had evolved, taking on a new form that was even more potent, yet equally dangerous. But in Gojo's hands, it was controlled, directed with precision and purpose. 

As Yoda probed deeper, attempting to understand the very essence of Gojo Satoru, he felt something shift—something he hadn't expected. It was as if he had reached the edge of an abyss, a boundary that stretched endlessly, like a black hole devouring all light and thought. Yoda's eyes widened slightly; this was not something he could simply read or understand.

He realized he had encountered a barrier (Gojo's innate domain ) a formidable force that stopped him from delving any further. It was as if the domain allowed only what Gojo had consciously chosen to reveal, blocking all else with an unyielding force. The sensation was both foreign and fascinating.

"A veil, there is," Yoda thought, feeling a mix of awe and caution. "Beyond what is shown, nothing allowed." The experience was like standing at the edge of a vast unknown, staring into the depths of an endless void that refused to give up its secrets.

Suddenly, Gojo's voice echoed in Yoda's mind, teasing and lighthearted. "Sorry, Master Yoda, but my firewall is up, and my incognito history is blocked. You shall not pass!" Gojo laughed out loud, clearly enjoying his own joke.

Yoda, rather than being frustrated, found himself smiling at Gojo's playful spirit. "A challenge, mental communication is… Rare, it is, for one to speak so freely, so joyously."

Gojo's voice echoed . "Oh, come on, Master Yoda. I can't let you peek behind every curtain. Gotta keep some secrets, right?"


Yoda released Gojo's hand, his eyes opening slowly. There was a newfound respect in his gaze, mingled with a hint of awe. "Impressed, I am," Yoda said, his voice soft but carrying the weight of his admiration. "Your power... a natural progression of the dark side, it is. Yet control it, you do. Dangerous, it may be, but in balance, you keep it."

Gojo nodded, understanding the significance of Yoda's words. "It's not easy, but it's what I've had to learn to survive. And now, it's what I use to protect those I care about."

Yoda gave a slight nod, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Much to learn, we still have," he said, his tone almost affectionate. "But learn from you, we can. And you, from us."


Gojo looked at Yoda, a hint of something deeper in his eyes as he considered the Jedi Master's words. "You know, you're the second person who's told me that cursed energy is a natural progression," Gojo said, his tone contemplative.

Yoda's ears perked up in curiosity, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Surprised, I am. Another, who knows of this power? Where is this person, then?"

Gojo hesitated for a moment, the weight of his next words clearly heavy on him. "She's dead... or at least, I have some reason to believe she is," he replied, his voice tinged with an uncharacteristic seriousness.

Yoda's gaze remained steady, waiting for Gojo to elaborate. Gojo sighed, realizing that it was time to reveal something he hadn't planned on sharing. With a flick of his wrist, a large ethereal projector materialized in front of him. The image it displayed was haunting—an enormous scar in the fabric of space, a tear that seemed to pulsate with dark energy.

"This," Gojo said, gesturing to the image, "is what's left of the place where I encountered her. It's on Tatooine, where the fabric of reality itself was ripped apart. This... 'scar' is the aftermath of my battle with her."

The room fell silent as the Jedi Council members studied the image, the weight of what they were seeing pressing down on them. The scar in space was unlike anything they had ever encountered, a physical manifestation of the immense power that had been unleashed during the battle. It was a reminder of the destructive potential of cursed energy when pushed to its limits.

Gojo's expression darkened as he continued, his voice steady but carrying an undercurrent of tension. "I don't want to tell you who my opponent was," he admitted, his gaze shifting between the members of the Jedi Council. "Because, trust me, you don't want her after you. She's after my ass, and I don't need anyone else getting chased down because of me."

The room remained heavy with the weight of his words, the ominous scar in the fabric of space serving as a silent testament to the dangers he had faced. The Jedi Masters exchanged uneasy glances, their collective concern growing as they processed the implications of Gojo's statement.

Yoda, however, remained calm, his wise eyes narrowing as he studied Gojo. "A burden, heavy it must be," he said quietly. "But share, we must, to understand the threat fully. Alone, face it you should not."

The tension in the room was palpable as the Jedi Masters exchanged concerned glances, but it was Master Yaddle who finally stepped forward, her expression thoughtful. She approached Gojo with a calm yet curious demeanor, her presence gentle but commanding.

"May I shake hands with you too?" Yaddle asked, her voice soft but firm. "I am curious, and if the one who chases you is the one I fear, then we must know more."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, his usual playful demeanor returning for a brief moment. "So, it's shake hands time, huh?" he said with a sigh, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

With a slight shrug, Gojo extended his hand towards Yaddle. She took it without hesitation, and as their hands clasped, Yaddle closed her eyes, reaching out with the Force to sense the energy within him.

For a moment, the room was silent, the air thick with anticipation. Yaddle's expression remained serene, but her brow furrowed slightly as she delved deeper into the currents of power that coursed through Gojo. She could feel the dark energy, the cursed power that was unlike anything she had ever encountered. It was wild, untamed, yet somehow controlled, held in balance by Gojo's will.

But there was something else, something that made Yaddle's eyes snap open with a hint of alarm. She released Gojo's hand and stepped back, her gaze meeting his with newfound understanding—and a touch of fear.

So, it is as I feared," Yaddle murmured, her voice barely audible. "The one who chases you... a being of such darkness, such ancient power... We must tread carefully."

She hesitated for a moment before speaking again, her tone laced with concern. "master Yoda, did you not sense it? There is another presence—someone inside his body, buried very deep."

Yoda's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he considered her words. "Hmm... sensed it, I did. Thought it was part of his power, I did."

Yaddle, her concern evident, looked back at Gojo with gentle kindness. "May we cleanse it off you, Gojo? It seems you've been holding onto this burden for far too long."

But Gojo's expression darkened, his tone becoming serious. "No, you can't. I've got problems I need to fulfil ones that hinge on keeping that presence where it is. If you cleanse that soul, I die." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. The binding vow with Sukuna wasn't something he could simply discard. It was a dangerous pact, one that kept Sukuna's malevolent power in check but also bound Gojo to a life of constant vigilance.

The room fell into a heavy silence, the gravity of Gojo's situation becoming all too clear. Yaddle's eyes softened, her concern deepening. "Then, burden alone, you must not bear. Aid you, we will, in other ways."

Gojo appreciated the sentiment, but he knew that this was his fight. "Thanks, but this is something I have to deal with myself. Just keep an eye on the bigger threats, and we'll be fine."

Sensing an opportunity, Yoda stepped forward, his wise gaze locked onto Gojo. "Gojo, join the Jedi Order, you can. Help us understand, you will—with cursed energy, you may bring balance in ways we have not seen."

Before Gojo could respond, Mace Windu interjected, his voice stern and filled with caution. "This man is dangerous. He holds within him the dark side and an unknown energy. He might be a danger to us all."

Gojo's expression remained calm, but inside, his mind was racing as he suddenly received an emergency quest from his system. The words flashed across his vision:

Emergency Quest:

Someone with huge killing intent is targeting you.Objective:

Kill Mace Windu within 1 hour.

Penalty: Death.

Reward: Unknown Power (2/3 fragment; a hint: "9 years to recover my strength").

Gojo inwardly sighed, his irritation barely concealed. "I knew this damn system was going to be a pain in the ass ," he thought, a small, almost imperceptible grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. The thought of having to kill Mace Windu—a respected Jedi Master—was both troublesome and intriguing. But Gojo was more annoyed by the system's demands than anything else.

As the last part of the quest appeared in his mind, he heard a distinct clink sound, a familiar noise that signaled the system will be adapted by the Dharma wheel . "Two more clinks, and I'm going to kick your ass, system," he muttered to himself, the grin on his face widening slightly.

The Jedi Council members noticed the slight change in Gojo's demeanor, but only Yoda seemed to pick up on the subtle tension brewing within him. Yoda's eyes narrowed, sensing that something had shifted in Gojo, though he couldn't quite place what it was.

Mace Windu, still tense and wary, stepped closer, his presence imposing. "Is there something amusing, Gojo?" he asked, his tone sharp and filled with suspicion.

Gojo chuckled lightly, more to himself than in response to Mace's question. "I know this ability... '9 years to recover my power.' Looks like I'm gonna be a **** king," he mused, half-joking but with a hint of seriousness that only he could fully understand.

Qui-Gon, standing nearby, noticed the subtle changes in Gojo's demeanor and couldn't help but ask, "Are you alright, Gojo? You seem... different. It almost seems like you haven't slept in days."

Gojo looked at Qui-Gon, the faintest flicker of appreciation crossing his eyes. "You're not wrong, Qui-Gon," he admitted, still wearing that small, almost cryptic smile. "I've been dealing with... a lot. But sleep is overrated anyway."




Before the emergency quest triggered, the atmosphere in the Jedi Council chamber remained thick with curiosity and unease. Yoda, his wise gaze never leaving Gojo, asked a question that had been on the minds of many since they first saw the enigmatic warrior.

"When your broadcast we saw, and the video of your fight against the bounty hunters," Yoda began, his tone calm but inquisitive, "this muscular before, you were not."

Gojo couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing through the chamber. "Ah, yeah, I guess I did bulk up a bit, didn't I?" he replied, amusement clear in his voice.

Obi-Wan, who had been quietly observing the conversation, couldn't resist chiming in. "Yeah, Gojo, what kind of training did you do to get those muscles?" His tone was curious but also carried a hint of disbelief.

Qui-Gon, standing beside his apprentice, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Gojo. Your physical transformation is... remarkable. What sort of regimen did you undertake?"

Gojo's grin widened, and he shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he replied, "Oh, you know, just a little something I like to call 'speck training'—intense, no breaks, and absolutely no rest." He emphasized the last part with a playful smirk, clearly enjoying the bewildered expressions on the Jedi's faces.

The Jedi Masters exchanged puzzled glances, not entirely sure if Gojo was serious or just messing with them. The idea of gaining such muscle mass in such a short time seemed impossible by their standards, but then again, everything about Gojo defied the normal rules of the galaxy.

Before they could press further, the atmosphere shifted dramatically as Gojo suddenly received the emergency quest from his system, and the conversation took a far more serious turn.