CORUSCANT ARC : Showdown At Jedi Temple and The Truth Of The System

14000 words wowww in one dayyyyy 

The Jedi Council members noticed the slight change in Gojo's demeanor, but only Yoda seemed to pick up on the subtle tension brewing within him. Yoda's eyes narrowed, sensing that something had shifted in Gojo, though he couldn't quite place what it was.

Mace Windu, still tense and wary, stepped closer, his presence imposing. "Is there something amusing, Gojo?" he asked, his tone sharp and filled with suspicion.

Gojo chuckled lightly, more to himself than in response to Mace's question. "I know this ability... '9 years to recover my power.' Looks like I'm gonna be a **** king," he mused, half-joking but with a hint of seriousness that only he could fully understand.

Qui-Gon, standing nearby, noticed the subtle changes in Gojo's demeanor and couldn't help but ask, "Are you alright, Gojo? You seem... different. It almost seems like you haven't slept in days."

Gojo looked at Qui-Gon, the faintest flicker of appreciation crossing his eyes. "You're not wrong, Qui-Gon," he admitted, still wearing that small, almost cryptic smile. "I've been dealing with... a lot. But sleep is overrated anyway."

Before Mace Windu could respond, Yoda intervened, his wise eyes observing the three younglings standing near Gojo. He gestured toward them, his voice calm but curious. "These younglings, hmmm? Introduce themselves, they should."

Reika, Yukinami, and Suzunami stepped forward, their postures confident as they introduced themselves in unison. "I am Reika," began the Twi'lek, her voice filled with pride. "I am Yukinami," the shy but determined girl followed. "And I am Suzunami," the more assertive of the two twins declared. They exchanged glances before adding with almost mischievous smiles, "And we are Sensei's disciples."

The room seemed to tense even further as Reika and Yukinami, their expressions unyielding, added, "And we are the future wives of Sensei."

Mace Windu's eyes widened with fury, his demeanor shifting from wary to outright indignant. "Blasphemy!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with disdain. "What you have spoken is unholy! Not only are you forming attachments, but to suggest a romantic relationship between a Master and his apprentices? It is sickening, a violation of all that we stand for!" His voice was as cold as durasteel, carrying the weight of his deep-seated convictions.

The tension in the room reached its peak as Gojo's grin widened ever so slightly, his eyes flickering with a dangerous light. The atmosphere crackled with the unspoken threat, and all eyes turned to him, waiting for his response.

The room was already tense, but the atmosphere became electric as Gojo's grin widened into something almost feral, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. The Jedi Masters could feel the shift, the crackling energy that seemed to pulse around him as if the very air was charged with an unspoken threat. Everyone's attention was locked on Gojo, anticipation hanging heavy in the air.

And then, breaking the silence, Gojo began to chuckle. It was a low, almost mocking sound at first, but it quickly escalated into full-blown laughter. "Kukukuku… AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The sound echoed through the chamber, unnerving those present. His laughter was loud, unrestrained, and full of something that bordered on madness.

"Oh, what a divine comedy this is!" Gojo finally managed, wiping a tear from his eye as his laughter subsided. The grin remained on his face, but there was a sharp edge to it now, something that made even the most stoic of the Jedi Masters uneasy. "I swear, if Sukuna were here right now, he wouldn't bother trying to take over—I'd let him loose just to watch the chaos."

The name "Sukuna" sent a ripple of confusion and concern through the Council. Most of them didn't know who or what Gojo was referring to, but the malevolent energy that seemed to cling to the name was enough to set them on edge. Before they could press for answers, Gojo's attention shifted, and his gaze zeroed in on Ki-Adi-Mundi, who stiffened under the sudden scrutiny.

"You there, Ki-Adi-Mundi," Gojo said, his voice laced with a teasing smirk. Ki-Adi-Mundi's eyes widened slightly in surprise that Gojo knew his name. "Wait, hold up—so you've got multiple wives? What the actual fuck is going on with the Council's logic?!"

Mace Windu immediately interjected, his tone firm and defensive. "The situation with Ki-Adi-Mundi is an exception, Gojo. The Cerean people have a low birth rate, and as one of the few male Cereans, Ki-Adi-Mundi was granted special dispensation by the Council to take multiple wives for the sake of his species' survival. It is not a matter of personal desire but a matter of responsibility."

Ki-Adi-Mundi, slightly flustered by the directness of Gojo's question, added, "My situation is unique and deeply rooted in the cultural and biological needs of my people. It is not something taken lightly or done for personal gain. The Jedi Code still stands firm against attachments that could lead to the dark side."

Gojo's grin only widened as he listened to their explanations, clearly entertained by the justifications presented. "Alright, I get it—for the sake of the species, for the 'greater good'—you're giving off some serious Danzo and Dumbledore vibes with that whole 'greater good' shtick."

Then, turning to Yoda, Gojo continued, "Master Yoda, let me make this clear—I refuse. And secondly, you guys in this Council are all about removing attachments, right? No disrespect to you, Yoda, but someone like Bald Windu here… well, he might just be the downfall of your entire order. Oh, and one more thing—I'm going to keep doing what I enjoy."

Mace Windu's expression darkened with fury, his hand instinctively moving to ignite his lightsaber. The violet blade hummed to life, casting an ominous glow across the chamber. The tension in the room escalated rapidly, with the other Jedi Masters shifting uncomfortably in their seats, sensing the confrontation brewing.

Before Yoda could intervene and calm Mace Windu down, Gojo raised a hand, his eyes gleaming with excitement rather than fear. "Hold on, Yoda," he said, his tone casual but carrying an undercurrent of challenge. "Is there an arena around here where we can settle this? You know, kill each other or just fight it out depending on the circumstances?"

The room fell into a stunned silence, the audacity of Gojo's suggestion hanging heavily in the air. Mace Windu's grip on his lightsaber tightened, the anger in his eyes clearly visible. Yoda, however, remained composed, his wise eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

Suddenly, Mace Windu stepped forward, his voice cold and unyielding. "We can do it right here, you dark side user."

Gojo's grin only widened as he looked around the room, then casually called out, "Yo, potential man." Anakin, who had been watching the scene with wide eyes, looked up at Gojo, confused and a little nervous. "Looks like it's gonna be worse than an earthquake," Gojo laughed, the tension in the room thickening.

"Yo, tooru !" Gojo called out, his tone more commanding now. "Guide Reika, Suzunami, Yukinami, and potential man out of this temple—or maybe to a safe place." He chuckled, clearly relishing the chaos he was causing.

To the shock of everyone in the Council chamber, tooru materialized beside Gojo, its presence ominous and commanding. The Jedi Masters tensed, their hands instinctively reaching for their lightsabers, but tooru calm, almost eerie demeanor held them at bay.

"It will be done," tooru responded, its presence steady and resolute. Without hesitation, it began guiding Reika, Suzunami, Yukinami, and Anakin towards the exit, its movements smooth and efficient, as if it had anticipated this moment all along.

The Jedi Council members watched in stunned silence as tooru led the group out of the chamber, the tension in the room now palpable. Mace Windu's grip on his lightsaber tightened further, his gaze locked on Gojo, who remained unfazed, his grin never wavering.

Gojo then turned his attention to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. "Yo, monks that I know," he called out, his voice laced with a mix of mockery and genuine concern, "shouldn't you get out of here too? This might get messy."

Qui-Gon, sensing the imminent danger, stepped forward in an attempt to defuse the situation. "Gojo, please," Qui-Gon urged, his tone calm but pleading. "Don't kill them. They are still my friends."

Gojo's expression softened slightly at Qui-Gon's words, a faint hint of respect flickering in his eyes. "Don't worry, Qui-Gon," Gojo replied, his tone reassuring, though still carrying an edge of unpredictability. "I'm not here to wipe out the Jedi—just to teach them a lesson about their precious 'rules.' But you might want to step back, just in case."

With a sudden shift in tone, Gojo's voice grew commanding as he called out, "Answer my call, Arm of Darkness!"

In an instant, the air around Gojo seemed to darken, a swirling vortex of shadow forming around his outstretched hand. From this vortex, a dark sword began to materialize, its blade ominous and pulsating with a malevolent energy. The sword, a creation of Odin's Arm of Darkness from a faraway realm, radiated an aura of power that sent a shiver through the room.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's eyes widened in shock as they witnessed this new ability, something they had never seen Gojo use before. What is this? Obi-Wan thought, his mind racing as he tried to process the sudden appearance of the dark sword. I've seen him wield incredible power, but this… this is something else entirely.

Qui-Gon, usually calm and composed, felt a momentary unease as he took in the sight of the weapon. Gojo's abilities seem limitless, Qui-Gon mused, but this Arm of Darkness… it feels different, more dangerous. Could this be tied to the darkness he battles within himself?

As the dark sword fully materialized, Gojo swung it effortlessly, the blade cutting through the air with a menacing hum. The other Jedi in the room could feel the oppressive energy emanating from the weapon, a tangible reminder of the unknown depths of Gojo's power.

Master Yoda's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. "Careful, you must be," Yoda warned, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom.

Mace Windu, still holding his ignited lightsaber, responded confidently, "Don't worry, Master Yoda. I will only detain him."

But Yoda's gaze remained fixed on Gojo, his tone more urgent as he shifted to his distinct speech pattern. "Talking to you, I am, Mace Windu. This, not the curse energy he usually wields, it seems. More dangerous, it may be."

Undeterred, Mace Windu lunged forward, his lightsaber blazing as he initiated a strike using Vaapad, the seventh form of lightsaber combat. Vaapad was an aggressive and fast-paced style, one that allowed the user to channel their own inner darkness and tap into the fury of their opponent, turning it back against them. Mace Windu was a master of this form, using its intensity to push his enemies to the brink, balancing on the edge of the dark side without falling.

Mace's attack was swift and precise, his violet blade arcing towards Gojo with lethal intent. But Gojo was quicker. With a single, effortless motion, Gojo's dark sword slashed through the air, meeting Mace's lightsaber with a resonating CRANK. In an instant, Gojo's sword sliced clean through the hilt of Mace Windu's lightsaber, cutting it in half and extinguishing the blade.

Mace stared in disbelief as the pieces of his lightsaber fell to the floor, the room silent except for the faint hum of Gojo's dark sword.

Gojo chuckled, his voice mocking as he addressed the now disarmed Jedi Master. "Do you have a spare, Mace Windu? Or is your rage bigger than your brain?"

Mace Windu's face tightened with fury, but before he could react, Yoda stepped forward, his voice calm but authoritative. "Master Windu, repair your lightsaber, you should. Continue the duel later, we will."

Gojo smirked and added, "No problem. Repair it right now; I don't mind waiting."

As Mace Windu reluctantly retrieved the broken pieces of his lightsaber, Gojo's expression subtly shifted. Inside his mind, the dharma wheel that controlled Sukuna's binding silently turned again. Gojo knew he had a time limit—45 minutes—on his emergency quest, and his current curse energy was at 380%. He had already used 20% to reinforce the bath inside his body, ensuring that Sukuna stayed silent and the total 19 fingers were fully integrated with him.

Now, Gojo decided to make a binding vow. I use 300% of my curse energy for the dharma wheel to act, he thought, focusing intensely.

Suddenly, he heard a distinct CLINK as the binding vow took effect, but then a second it was supposed to be followed but this one faint and out of sync.

Gojo's eyes widened slightly, a rare expression of concern crossing his face as he muttered under his breath, "Ahhhhhh shitttt…"

Without further ado, Gojo casually sat down on the floor, as if he owned the place, legs crossed and completely unbothered by the formal setting. The action, so nonchalant and at odds with the tension in the room, caught the attention of everyone present.

Qui-Gon, ever the voice of reason, approached Gojo and softly reminded him, "Gojo, there's a chair available. It's a common courtesy."

Gojo glanced up at Qui-Gon, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I don't mind sitting on the floor for a while. It's comfy enough for me," he replied, clearly enjoying the casual disregard for the Council's decorum.

Then, Gojo's gaze shifted to Yoda, his tone growing more contemplative as he asked, "That Vaapad… It's like using a faint touch of the dark side, isn't it, Master Yoda?"

Yoda, wise and ever vigilant, observed Gojo with a steady gaze. "A fine line, Vaapad walks. The dark side, it flirts with, but resist it, one must."

Gojo chuckled lightly, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Interesting… So, you Jedi tap into the dark side when it suits you, huh? Yet you preach so much about avoiding it." His words were laced with a playful challenge, but there was an underlying seriousness in his tone.

Yoda, unphased by Gojo's probing, simply nodded. "A tool, Vaapad is. Control, essential it is. Fall, one can, if careful, they are not."

Gojo leaned back slightly, resting his hands behind him as he sat, looking almost relaxed despite the tension in the room. "Guess it's all about balance, right? Just like everything else."

Yoda's ears twitched slightly, his eyes narrowing with a hint of surprise. "Lightsaber forms, how know you of them?" he asked, curiosity piqued.

Gojo's smile widened, a playful glint in his eyes. "Let's just say I've had some horrifying encounters during my training—enough to pick up a thing or two."

Yoda, now more intrigued, leaned in slightly. "How many forms, know you do?"

Gojo took a moment, his gaze turning inward as if recalling distant memories. "Well," he began, "there are seven primary lightsaber forms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses."

He raised a finger. "Form I, Shii-Cho, is the most basic—focused on disarming opponents rather than killing. It's the foundation for every Jedi."

A second finger. "Form II, Makashi, is all about precision and finesse. It's a duelist's form, perfect for one-on-one combat, particularly against other lightsaber users."

A third finger. "Form III, Soresu, is the ultimate defensive form. It's designed to protect and deflect, especially against blaster fire. It's what you'd use if you wanted to outlast an opponent."

A fourth finger. "Form IV, Ataru, is acrobatic and aggressive. Lots of flips, spins, and strikes—ideal for wide-open spaces but a bit risky in confined areas."

A fifth finger. "Form V, Shien/Djem So, is about using your opponent's attacks against them. Shien is more about deflecting blaster bolts, while Djem So focuses on counterattacks and overpowering your opponent."

A sixth finger. "Form VI, Niman, is a jack-of-all-trades form. It blends all the previous forms and incorporates Force techniques. It's versatile but doesn't excel in any one area."

Finally, a seventh finger. "And then there's Form VII, Juyo/Vaapad. The most aggressive and unpredictable form. It's all about harnessing your inner darkness, walking right on the edge of the dark side. But, like I said earlier, you've got to be careful—or it'll consume you."

Gojo lowered his hand, his expression shifting back to its usual playful demeanor. "There you go, the seven forms in a nutshell."

The Jedi in the room exchanged glances, clearly surprised by Gojo's extensive knowledge. Yoda, his curiosity now fully engaged, asked, "Training, where received you did, to know these forms?"

Gojo simply smiled, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "Let's just say, I've had some horrifying encounters against an enemy that Yaddle probably suspects, given that she shook my hand earlier. And my training... well, it made me realize that the power scaling in this world is very stronggggg."

Obi-Wan, ever the one to playfully challenge, couldn't resist chiming in. "So, the 'strongest' now tries to learn from us, the 'weak' Jedi? I told you, Gojo, the Force is very powerful."

Gojo chuckled, the amusement clear in his voice. "Oh, I'm not denying that, Obi-Wan. The Force is powerful, and this galaxy has its own unique strengths. I've just had to adjust my perspective a bit after realizing how different the power dynamics are here. Let's just say, I'm not the only one with a few tricks up my sleeve."

As Gojo spoke, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, the Force itself seemed to envelop him, surrounding him like an invisible yet palpable presence. The sensation was overwhelming, almost as if the Force were embracing him like a long-lost child finally found. The room grew still, the atmosphere charged with a powerful energy that even the most seasoned Jedi had never felt before.

The reaction among the Jedi Council was immediate and profound.

Yoda's eyes widened, his usual calm demeanor giving way to an expression of deep contemplation. Strong, this one is, and the Force itself, connected to him, it seems, he thought, amazed by the intensity of the connection.

Qui-Gon Jinn, who had always believed in the living Force, was both awed and puzzled. The Force is reacting to him in a way I've never seen before, he mused, a mix of curiosity and concern in his mind.

Obi-Wan's playful demeanor faltered, replaced by a serious, almost reverent expression. What is this? he wondered, his mind racing. The Force… it's like it's welcoming him, like he belongs to it in a way none of us ever could.

Even Plo Koon, who often remained silent in such discussions, couldn't help but lean forward, his normally stoic presence now marked by a rare display of surprise. This connection… it's unprecedented. How could someone outside the Order have such a bond?

Ki-Adi-Mundi, who had been skeptical of Gojo's knowledge and power, found himself speechless, unable to rationalize what he was witnessing. This defies everything we know about the Force and its connection to sentient beings.

Yaddle, who had suspected something unique about Gojo, felt her suspicions confirmed, but even she hadn't anticipated this. The Force is reacting to him as if he is its own… but how?

Depa Billaba usual calmness was momentarily broken, her eyes widening as she felt the profound connection. I've never felt the Force respond like this, not even with master yoda …

As all eyes remained fixed on Gojo, the energy surrounding him intensified for a moment before gradually receding, leaving behind a stunned silence. The only one who didn't seem surprised was Gojo himself, who merely smiled, though there was a hint of something deeper in his expression.

"Well," Gojo said, breaking the silence, "that was… unexpected. But aren't children who have already grown big supposed to grow on their own?" As he spoke, Gojo's hand twitched, a familiar energy beginning to gather. He was preparing to use his Limitless technique, specifically Lapse: Blue.

Yaddle, sensing what he was about to do, quickly interjected, "Wait, Gojo! Why do you reject this? All of us here would be honored to be embraced by the Force like that, to be loved by it as you just were!"

Gojo paused, his gaze shifting toward Yaddle. His expression softened, but there was a profound sadness in his eyes. "I've been elevated in my world as a prodigy, the world's balancer. But no one ever understood my feelings. I've never had someone who was my equal, someone capable of understanding me or even fighting me. I've been alone at the top of the mountain, and I'm bored of it. I'm bored of all of it."

The room was silent, the weight of Gojo's words settling over the Council like a heavy blanket. His confession was raw, exposing a deep loneliness that none of them had expected. The Force had reached out to him, but in his heart, Gojo knew that even this connection couldn't fill the void he felt.

Then, his gaze hardened slightly, and he spoke again, his voice carrying a mix of defiance and a strange, almost bitter wisdom. "You Sith and Jedi both seek enlightenment, striving for something beyond your reach. But me? The one who gives no shit about it, I get handed the golden spoon. It's ironic, really." His eyes drifted upwards, toward the sky, as if addressing the Force itself. "If you truly love me," Gojo continued, his tone almost challenging, "then why not envelop them as well? Most of them have spent their entire lives searching for what I just received without even trying—especially him," he said, his gaze flicking toward Yoda. "He's spent seven, maybe eight lifetimes of normal human in pursuit of this connection. Who gives a shit about how many midi-chlorians one person has? Everyone should have the privilege, or at least a taste of it."

As Gojo's words hung in the air, a palpable silence fell over the room. The Jedi Council, seasoned warriors and sages, were left speechless by his plea. Then, something extraordinary happened.

The Force, as if heeding Gojo's command, began to move. It was subtle at first, like a soft breeze, but quickly grew into something far more powerful. The energy in the room thickened, expanding outward in waves that touched every Jedi present. It was as if the Force had responded to Gojo's request, embracing each of them in a way they had never felt before.

Yoda's eyes closed, his expression one of deep peace as the Force flowed through him with an intensity he had only glimpsed in his long life. So this is what it feels like… he thought, humbled by the experience.

Qui-Gon felt the living Force intertwine with his very being, a profound connection that deepened his understanding beyond anything he had ever known. Gojo… what have you done? he wondered, awe-struck by the experience.

Obi-Wan, too, was enveloped by the Force, feeling its warmth and strength wrap around him like a protective cloak. For a moment, he felt completely at one with the galaxy, his doubts and fears melting away. This… this is what it means to be truly connected, he realized, his respect for Gojo deepening.

Even the usually stoic Plo Koon allowed himself a rare smile beneath his mask, feeling the Force's embrace as it coursed through him. A gift… he thought, marveling at the sensation.

Yaddle, who had suspected Gojo's uniqueness, felt a sense of vindication as the Force enveloped her. He's right… she mused, this is what we've all been seeking.

Depa Billaba, often the embodiment of preservation , wisdom ,and patience , found herself overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the Force's presence. To feel this… it's beyond words…

Ki-Adi-Mundi, ever the skeptic, was left in stunned silence as the Force washed over him, breaking through his logical defenses and touching his very soul.

As the Force continued to envelop the Jedi, Gojo simply sat there, watching as they experienced the connection he had known all too well. His expression was unreadable, a mix of satisfaction and melancholy. Even Mace Windu, who had been focused on repairing his lightsaber, couldn't ignore the profound sensation. Despite his earlier focus and skepticism, Mace felt the Force envelop him as well, wrapping him in an energy that was both familiar and more intimate than he had ever known.

Mace Windu, known for his discipline and unwavering adherence to the Jedi Code, found himself momentarily humbled. He mocked me, mocked the Order… Mace thought, his mind racing. But the truth is undeniable—the Force did envelop me, just as it did the others. His words were real.

Finally finishing the repairs on his lightsaber, Mace rose to his feet, his expression stern but with a newfound respect beneath the surface. "Gojo Satoru," he called out, his voice carrying across the room. "I don't like you. You are the opposite of what the Jedi Order stands for. But I cannot deny what you've shown us today."

Mace's eyes narrowed as he continued, "For this gift, as much as I may dislike you, I must thank you. The Force has enveloped me as well, and for that, I am grateful. But gratitude aside, I still intend to teach you defeat, Gojo Satoru, the strongest cursed energy user. Fight me the Second strongest in this Jedi Council."

Gojo looked up, a flicker of interest in his eyes as he considered Mace Windu's challenge. His usual playful demeanor returned, and he smirked. "Huh… Alright. Let's see what you've got, Master Windu."

Suddenly, Qui-Gon Jinn approached Gojo, his voice low and filled with concern as he whispered, "Gojo, I've known you long enough to see your condition after every fight. Your current cursed energy reserve is very depleted, isn't it?"

Gojo glanced at Qui-Gon, his expression unreadable for a moment before a grin spread across his face. He summoned the Arm of Darkness, the dark sword materializing in his hand. "You'd best back away, Qui-Gon. Things are about to get interesting—or maybe disappointing. Alright, I'll let you have the—"

Before Gojo could finish his sentence, he suddenly sensed a powerful surge in the Force. His eyes widened as he realized what was coming. Mace Windu, not waiting for formalities, had launched a concentrated Force wave directly at Gojo. The wave wasn't omnidirectional but focused entirely on Gojo, its intensity far greater than anything Gojo had expected.

The Force wave hit Gojo with incredible power, lifting him off his feet and sending him hurtling through the air. The impact was so strong that it blasted Gojo out of the Jedi Council chamber, smashing him through the wall and sending him flying out of the building.

As Gojo was thrown from the building, his laughter echoed through the air, wild and unrestrained. "Kukukuku… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His voice trailed off as he disappeared from view, still laughing even as he was thrown into the distance.

The remaining Jedi in the chamber were left in stunned silence, Mace Windu standing firm, his eyes fixed on the spot where Gojo had been moments before. The tension in the room was palpable as they all waited to see how Gojo would respond to such an overwhelming display of power.

Mace Windu finally exhaled, a slight smirk forming on his lips. "Huh… How's that for a first strike?" he muttered, his tone carrying a mix of confidence and anticipation.

But before anyone could respond, Yaddle's voice cut through the silence, her tone laced with disapproval. "That was too much, Master Windu," she critiqued, her eyes narrowing slightly as she regarded him. "We are Jedi, not aggressors. Such force should not have been necessary."

Mace's smirk faded slightly as he considered Yaddle's words, though his stance remained firm. "Gojo is no ordinary opponent, Yaddle. I needed to test his limits—and ours."

Before the discussion could continue, the sound of laughter once again filled the air, echoing through the chamber with a manic intensity. "AHAHAHAHAHA!" It was unmistakably Gojo, and it seemed to be growing louder, as if he was somehow getting closer.

The realization hit the Council members all at once, and they exchanged glances, a shared understanding forming between them. There was only one conclusion they could draw: He's a battle maniac, they thought, almost in unison. He enjoys the unexpected, thrives on the chaos of combat.

Yoda's expression remained neutral, though there was a slight furrow in his brow as he listened to Gojo's laughter. "Enjoys the fight, he does," Yoda mused quietly. "But more to learn about him, we still have."

Qui-Gon Jinn nodded in agreement, his earlier concerns about Gojo's energy reserves resurfacing. "He's far from ordinary, that much is clear. But this… this is something else entirely."

Obi-Wan, who had been silently observing the exchange, couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile. "I should've known… Leave it to Gojo to find excitement in being thrown off a building."

Plo Koon, still seated, remarked calmly, "This battle will not end with a simple exchange of blows. Gojo thrives on unpredictability. We must be prepared for anything."

As the laughter grew louder, the Jedi steeled themselves, knowing that Gojo would soon return—likely with an even greater display of his own power. The chamber buzzed with anticipation, each member of the Council ready for the next phase of the confrontation.

Meanwhile, in the training grounds of the Jedi Temple, the younger trainees were having their own exchange. Ahsoka Tano, still new to the Order, was deep in conversation with Anakin Skywalker. Nearby, Suzunami, Yukinami, and Reika watched the interaction with interest.

Anakin, always the one to push boundaries, turned to Ahsoka with a grin. "Your name's Ahsoka, huh? Can I call you Snips?"

Ahsoka's expression immediately shifted to one of mild irritation. "Hey, Skyguy, you seem to need a lesson in how to call someone by their proper name, huh?"

Anakin just laughed, seemingly unbothered by her retort, while Ahsoka folded her arms, clearly not impressed by his nickname.

Yukinami, observing the exchange, couldn't help but comment. "So this is how we fight from a third point of view, huh?"

Reika, always the competitive one, smirked and replied, "Yup, but don't think this little spat will save you from getting your ass kicked. I will claim Sensei's heart."

Yukinami, usually more reserved, felt a surge of determination at Reika's words. "Oh, is that so? Don't underestimate me, Reika. I won't lose to you."

Reika's smirk only grew wider as she teased, "We'll see about that, Yukinami. Just remember, in love and war, all's fair."

Suzunami, the male twin and usually the one to maintain balance, sighed and shook his head. "You two… can't we just enjoy the training without turning everything into a competition?"

But his words fell on deaf ears as Yukinami and Reika continued their playful rivalry, each more determined than ever to outdo the other. Ahsoka, catching bits of their conversation, raised an eyebrow at Anakin. "Do they always argue like this?"

Anakin shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You get used to it. Just wait until they start showing off."

Ahsoka smirked, crossing her arms. "I think I might enjoy that. After all—"

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a sudden, thunderous crash as the roof of the training room gave way. The impact was so strong that everyone in the room was momentarily stunned. Dust and debris filled the air as a figure landed in the center of the room with a force that cracked the floor beneath him.

As the dust began to settle, it was Yukinami who broke the shocked silence. "Sensei? Are you alright?" she called out, her voice filled with concern.

Gojo, now visible through the settling dust, stood up and dusted himself off, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I'm very excited," he said, his voice tinged with exhilaration. "Whew, what a ride!"

Suzunami, still processing what had just happened, could only stare in disbelief. "Sensei… you just… fell through the roof?"

Ignoring the shocked expressions around him, Gojo looked around the room, his grin never fading. "Where's Tooru, huh? Shouldn't that lazy STAND have evacuated you all by now?"

Almost on cue, Tooru materialized beside Gojo, their presence nonchalant as usual. "I was bored waiting for them to finish chatting," Tooru said flatly, clearly unimpressed by the situation.

Gojo just shook his head, his excitement undimmed. "Huhhhh, alright " then he muttered, but before anyone could respond, Gojo suddenly disappeared, vanishing from sight as if he had never been there.

Reika blinked in surprise, her eyes wide as she turned to the others. "Did our sensei just… disappear and reappear all of a sudden?"

Yukinami, seizing the opportunity to assert her seniority, crossed her arms and replied with a slight air of arrogance, "That's why you need to learn more about Sensei's behavior, Reika. After all, I'm still the senior disciple here."

Reika rolled her eyes, but a small grin tugged at her lips. "Sure, sure, Yukinami. Keep telling yourself that."

Suzunami, trying to keep the peace, sighed and added, "It's just another day with Sensei, I suppose. You both know how unpredictable he can be."

Yukinami nodded, though she couldn't help but feel a little satisfaction at having the upper hand in the exchange. Reika, meanwhile, was already plotting her next move, determined not to let Yukinami get too comfortable in her role as the senior disciple.

As the dust continued to settle, the trainees were left to wonder just what kind of antics their sensei would get up to next, knowing that with Gojo Satoru, anything was possible. The training ground, once a place of routine practice, had become a stage for the unexpected, and none of them could wait to see what would happen next.

Back in the Jedi Council chamber, the tension was still thick in the air. Mace Windu, his mind sharp and focused, was the first to speak. "Shouldn't he have arrived by now? He can reappear all of a sudden, right?"

Qui-Gon Jinn, ever the voice of caution, glanced at Mace. "Master Windu, you must not let your guard down when you fight against Go—"

Before Qui-Gon could finish his warning, Gojo suddenly appeared behind Mace Windu. Reacting instinctively, Mace whirled around and slashed at Gojo with his lightsaber, but the blade passed harmlessly through the air. It was only a clone—an illusion.

Realizing his mistake, Mace Windu's eyes widened as he sensed the real Gojo standing directly in front of him. Gojo, wearing his signature grin, simply said, "That first strike was impressive."

Without hesitation, Gojo activated his technique, Lapse: Blue, using it to pull Mace Windu toward him with a sudden force. Before Mace could react, Gojo delivered a powerful punch directly to his midsection.

The impact was immediate and overwhelming. Mace Windu felt the air rush out of his lungs as the force of the punch rippled through his body, almost making him lose his balance. The combination of being pulled by the Lapse: Blue technique and the power behind Gojo's punch was unlike anything Mace had ever experienced. For a moment, he had to fight the intense nausea that rose within him, the sensation so strong it almost made him puke.

Mace staggered slightly but quickly regained his footing, his expression now a mix of pain and determination. He realized just how dangerous Gojo truly was—not only for his sheer power but for his ability to deceive and overwhelm even the most seasoned Jedi.

Gojo, seeing Mace's struggle, chuckled lightly. "You're tough, Master Windu. I'll give you that. But don't get too comfortable—I'm just getting started."

The rest of the Jedi Council watched in stunned silence, their earlier underestimation of Gojo now replaced with a deep respect for his abilities. This was not a battle of mere strength—it was a contest of strategy, skill, and willpower, and the outcome was anything but certain.

Mace Windu, his expression hardening with determination, began to gather the Force for another attack. As he prepared to unleash another powerful Force wave, Gojo casually raised a hand, his playful grin never leaving his face.

"You know, using the same attack twice could be dangerous," Gojo warned, his tone almost mocking as he summoned the Arm of Darkness, the dark sword materializing in his hand. "But I suppose you're not one to back down."

Mace Windu, undeterred, focused all his energy into the Force wave and launched it at Gojo with tremendous power. The air crackled with energy as the wave surged forward, aimed directly at Gojo.

Gojo's grin widened as he tightened his grip on the Arm of Darkness. With a swift, fluid motion, he slashed through the air, cutting the Force wave cleanly in two. The sheer force of the split caused the energy to disperse in opposite directions, shattering the walls behind both Mace Windu and Gojo with a deafening crash.

The room fell into stunned silence as debris from the broken walls settled around them. The Jedi Council members, seasoned warriors and masters of the Force, were visibly shocked by what they had just witnessed.

Master Yoda, usually the calmest and most composed among them, was taken aback. His eyes widened, and for a moment, he allowed himself to feel the astonishment that rippled through the room. He can see the trajectory of the Force… and cut through it as if it were nothing, Yoda thought, his mind racing to comprehend the full extent of Gojo's abilities.

Mace Windu, breathing heavily from the exertion, stared at Gojo with a mix of disbelief and grudging admiration. He had never encountered anyone who could so effortlessly counter his most powerful techniques.

Gojo, sensing the shock in the room, let out a soft chuckle. "Impressive, isn't it? But don't worry, Master Windu," he said, his voice carrying a hint of mockery, "I'm not here to destroy the place… unless you make me."

The tension in the chamber was now palpable, the air thick with the realization that Gojo Satoru was an opponent unlike any they had ever faced. The Jedi, though powerful in their own right, were up against someone who not only matched them in strength but also possessed an unpredictable and dangerous mastery over his abilities.

Yoda, recovering from his initial shock, stepped forward slightly, his wise eyes narrowing as he studied Gojo. "Dangerous, you are, Gojo Satoru. Underestimate you, we must not."

Gojo's grin remained as he met Yoda's gaze. "Glad to see you're catching on, Master Yoda. But the real question is… what are you going to do about it?"

The tension in the chamber was thick, the air practically humming with the energy of the confrontation. Gojo, still grinning, turned his gaze to Mace Windu. "You're using your Shatterpoint perception to find my weakness, aren't you?" he said casually.

This revelation sent a ripple of shock through the room. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, standing nearby, exchanged startled glances. How does he know about that? Obi-Wan thought, astonished. Shatterpoint is one of Master Windu's most unique and advanced abilities… and this is his first time meeting him, right?

Qui-Gon, equally surprised, considered the implications. Gojo's insight is far beyond what we anticipated. He's playing a game that none of us fully understand.

Yoda, always composed, remained silent, his expression thoughtful. Know much, this one does. Dangerous, his knowledge is. Prepare ourselves, we must.

Gojo, sensing the unease in the room, chuckled. "Relax, Master Yoda. There's no need for all that tension." He raised a hand, summoning his cursed energy. "Let's make things a bit more interesting, shall we? I'll use a binding vow and reveal one of my cards."

The room went silent as Gojo's cursed energy flared, his aura becoming visible to those sensitive to the Force. "My Cursed Technique is called Limitless," Gojo announced, his voice calm but powerful. He continued with a brief explanation, making sure everyone understood. "Limitless allows me to control the space between myself and anything else. It can slow things down, stop them entirely, or even accelerate them. And I can manipulate it on a molecular level, making it nearly impossible for anything to hit me directly."

Gojo paused, letting the information sink in before adding, "However, I haven't yet mastered all its forms, like Red or Purple."

The Jedi Council members exchanged uneasy glances as they processed the implications of Gojo's technique.

"And as for my cursed energy reserve," Gojo continued, his tone shifting slightly, "it's currently at 75%."

Mace Windu's eyes narrowed as he processed this information. "Are you sure you want to reveal that to someone like me? I might just claim the title of the Jedi who defeated Gojo Satoru," he said, his tone both challenging and confident.

Gojo threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the chamber. "AHAHAHAHA! Oh, Master Windu, you're welcome to try. But here's the thing—you're missing the point. I'm telling you this because even with less than that, before I run out of cursed energy, you'll be stomped."

Mace Windu's expression darkened, his eyes burning with determination. He was both grinning and furious, a rare combination of emotions for the usually composed Jedi Master. "You're underestimating me, Gojo. That will be your downfall."

The rest of the Jedi Council watched in tense anticipation, the room charged with the knowledge that the battle was far from over. Each member understood that Gojo's confidence wasn't born from arrogance but from a deep understanding of his own capabilities—and perhaps, something more.

Yoda, his wise eyes narrowing, addressed Gojo once more. "Revealed much, you have. Cautious, we must be. Underestimate you, we do not."

Gojo met Yoda's gaze, his grin unwavering. "Good. Then let's see if you can handle what comes next."

In an instant, Gojo disappeared from sight, moving at a speed that seemed impossible to track. Mace Windu's instincts kicked in just in time, allowing him to barely dodge the incoming strike. Gojo's fist slammed into the wall behind Mace, and a surge of black lightning erupted as the wall cracked under the impact. A Black Flash had occurred—a devastating phenomenon where cursed energy and physical strike synchronize perfectly, amplifying the power exponentially.

"Yes, my Black Flash has no problem," Gojo declared with a manic grin, the aftermath of the strike still crackling in the air.

Obi-Wan, witnessing the raw power on display, shouted in alarm, "Gojo, don't use Black Flash! You might kill—wait… you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Mace Windu, still on edge from narrowly avoiding the attack, shot Obi-Wan a warning glance. "Don't you dare let him make those black lightning strikes again! His cursed energy reserve is increasing!"

Gojo's laughter filled the chamber, his voice tinged with exhilaration. "AHAHAHA! That's right, Master Windu. Today's a special day—I've hit 150% of my cursed energy, thanks to the Binding Vow and the Black Flash! And guess what? I'm just getting warmed up!"

The realization that Gojo's power was not only maintaining itself but actually growing sent a wave of dread through the Jedi Council. The situation had escalated beyond anything they had prepared for.

Yoda's expression hardened, understanding that Gojo was pushing his limits to heights they hadn't anticipated. He spoke calmly, yet with authority, "Then shall we continue this at the training ground? The council room, strong it may be, cannot withstand strikes from you, Gojo."

Gojo tilted his head, his grin widening. "Huhhhh, all right then," he replied with a hint of amusement. With a quick motion, Gojo traced a teleportation circle on the floor, intricate symbols glowing as the circle formed beneath him. The energy it emitted was palpable, a testament to the immense power behind the technique.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, recognizing the circle's significance, immediately stepped onto it, their expressions a mix of readiness and anticipation.

Gojo looked around, his grin turning playful. "Anyone else want to join? While we're at it, I might as well advertise my best teleportation circle to all of the galaxy!"

Yoda, always one to appreciate both practicality and novelty, gave a rare chuckle. "A first, this might be—an instant trip, impressive indeed." With that, Yoda stepped into the circle, followed by Yaddle, who joined without hesitation, intrigued by the opportunity.

Mace Windu, still determined and focused, nodded as he stepped into the circle, prepared to continue the battle in a more appropriate setting. "Let's see what you've got, Gojo."

With the key members of the Council now in the circle, Gojo glanced around one last time, ensuring everyone was ready. "Alright, hold on tight! Next stop: the training ground!"

With a flash of light, the teleportation circle activated, and in an instant, they were transported out of the council chamber. The transition was seamless, the world around them shifting as they reappeared in the expansive training grounds of the Jedi Temple.

Yoda, who had never experienced such a form of travel, looked around, impressed. "Instant it was. Efficient, you are, Gojo."

As the group materialized in the expansive training grounds of the Jedi Temple, Gojo immediately noticed Ahsoka, Anakin, Suzunami, Yukinami, and Reika standing nearby, this time accompanied by Tooru. Gojo's grin widened as he called out, "Heyyyyy! What happened to the bunker plan?"

Tooru, ever composed, responded flatly, "They didn't want to move from this training ground."

Gojo raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the defiance. "Alright, I'll handle this," he said, beginning to draw another teleportation circle on the ground.

But before he could finish, Qui-Gon stepped forward, his calm demeanor as steady as ever. "It seems the kids want to stay here, Gojo. Isn't that right?" he said, looking over at the group with a knowing glance.

The kids all nodded in unison, clearly determined. This, of course, was part of a subtle plan to keep Gojo from causing further damage within the Temple, a way to contain his boundless energy and unpredictability by keeping him in a controlled environment.

Gojo paused, looking between the kids and Qui-Gon, his grin fading slightly as he considered their resolve. "Huh. So that's how it is," he mused, the wheels turning in his mind.

Obi-Wan, sensing an opportunity, stepped forward. "I'd like to talk to them for a moment, Gojo," he said, his tone calm yet firm.

Gojo gave a casual nod, stepping back slightly to allow Obi-Wan to address the group.

Obi-Wan turned to the kids, his expression serious. "I need you to convince Gojo not to pull off any Black Flashes."

Yukinami, always observant, gave Obi-Wan a questioning look. "Really?" she asked, her tone laced with skepticism. "You just want to weaken Sensei's cards, don't you?"

Obi-Wan, known for his honesty, didn't hesitate. "Yes, that's part of it. Besides, this temple can't withstand many Black Flashes that Gojo can pull off. For him, it might just be a simple jab, but for us, it's a potential disaster."

Suzunami, considering Obi-Wan's words carefully, eventually nodded. "I trust you, Obi-Wan. Alright, I'll convince Sensei. However," his eyes narrowed slightly, his tone carrying a clear warning, "if somehow he's detained, this Jedi Temple will be split into four pieces. My altar technique is as dangerous as Sukuna's, and I won't hesitate to use it."

Obi-Wan met Suzunami's gaze with a calm but serious expression. "You can trust me, Suzunami. We're not looking to detain Gojo—we just want to minimize the damage and keep everyone safe."

Suzunami stared at Obi-Wan for a moment longer, then nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Alright. I'll talk to him."

Obi-Wan sighed in relief, appreciating the trust Suzunami was placing in him. He knew the risks involved, but he also understood the importance of keeping the situation under control. The balance was delicate, and one wrong move could escalate things beyond repair.

With the plan in place, Suzunami took a deep breath and approached Gojo, his expression serious. "Sensei, can you not pull off any more of those Black Flashes? This temple won't hold if you do it again."

Gojo turned to Suzunami, his grin widening. "Oh? And who put you up to this?"

Suzunami hesitated for a moment but then gestured subtly toward Obi-Wan. Gojo's eyes followed the gesture, and he locked onto Obi-Wan, his grin taking on a more mischievous edge. "You did this on purpose, huhhhhhh?"

Obi-Wan, standing his ground, nodded proudly. "Of course. We need to keep the damage to a minimum. And besides, it's only fair to level the playing field, isn't it?"

Before Gojo could respond, Mace Windu decided to add fuel to the fire, his tone deliberately provocative. "Isn't the Strongest supposed to have more cards up his sleeve? If you can't fight without using Black Flash, maybe you're not as strong as you think. Maybe you're just a fake strongest."

Gojo's eyes narrowed, his grin fading as he turned to face Mace Windu. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Gojo's response. Then, with a slow, deliberate tone, Gojo said, "Looks like your bald head is going to have a lot of hairs when I'm done with you."

The tension in the room ratcheted up another notch. The playful banter had taken on a sharper edge, and everyone could feel the impending clash. Gojo's expression was a mix of amusement and challenge, clearly enjoying the confrontation but also taking it seriously.

Gojo's grin faded slightly as he glanced at his system, revealing a sour expression as he noticed the remaining time on his emergency quest: 10 minutes to kill Master Windu. The realization brought a hint of stress to his otherwise confident demeanor.

Mace Windu, ever perceptive, noticed the change in Gojo's expression. "Where are you looking, Gojo? Your opponent is right here," Mace said, his voice sharp and commanding, trying to draw Gojo's attention back to the fight.

Suddenly, Gojo's focus snapped back, and he made a quick decision. "I sacrifice 100% of my cursed energy to my Dharma Wheel!" he shouted, the declaration echoing through the training grounds.

The Jedi around him felt a surge of energy as Gojo made his vow, but then, just as quickly, the energy seemed to wane. Gojo felt his cursed energy reserve drop drastically, leaving him with only 45% remaining the 5% he had already used to teleport the Jedi to the training grounds accounted for the sudden decrease.

As Gojo felt his cursed energy drop, his thoughts raced. My wheel started to turn… I can feel it. Just one more clink, and the quest that's been playing me will be fuckedddd, he thought, his resolve hardening despite the immense pressure.

Yoda, always observant, noticed the slight tension in Gojo's demeanor. The small Jedi Master tilted his head, his voice calm but filled with concern. "Are you all right, Gojo? Stressful, this seems for you."

Gojo's expression shifted again, this time to a manic grin as he threw his head back and laughed, the sound reverberating around them. "AHAHAHAHA! No, Master Yoda, I'm not stressed—just excited! In the next 10 minutes, either I die, or I gain another ability at my disposal!"

The declaration sent a wave of unease through the Jedi present. They could feel the gravity of Gojo's words, understanding that the stakes had just been raised even higher. This wasn't just a battle anymore—it was a gamble with life-and-death consequences.

Mace Windu's eyes narrowed, sensing the intensity of the situation. "So that's it… you're gambling everything on this moment."

Gojo nodded, still grinning wildly. "That's right, Mace Windu. I'm putting everything on the line. Now, let's see if I die in the next 10 minutes or if I'll outlast everything!"

Gojo's grin widened as he turned to Suzunami. "Suzunami, can you go join the group? You've been beside me long enough."

Suzunami nodded, understanding the implicit trust in Gojo's request. He quickly moved back to join the others, giving Gojo the space he needed.

Gojo then shifted his attention back to Mace Windu, his grin taking on a more challenging edge. "Hey, bald head, let's throw hands!"

Mace Windu, provoked by Gojo's taunt, felt a surge of determination. His expression hardened into a grin of his own as he activated his Vaapad technique, the seventh form of lightsaber combat known for its aggressive and unpredictable nature. With a burst of speed, Mace lunged at Gojo, his lightsaber blazing with intensity.

But Gojo was ready. In a move faster than anyone could track, Gojo managed to grab Mace Windu's hand mid-strike. The impact was like a shockwave, but what happened next was even more unexpected. Gojo activated his newly developed technique—Force Bond Breaker.

As he made direct contact with Mace Windu, the Jedi Master felt a sudden, jarring disconnect. His connection to the Force was severed, leaving him powerless. It was as if a part of him had been abruptly cut off, and for a brief, disorienting moment, Mace Windu was completely vulnerable.

With a powerful motion, Gojo threw Mace Windu, who instinctively stabilized himself with the remaining Force inside his body to ensure a smooth landing. But just as Mace was about to retaliate, he realized something was wrong—his connection to the Force was gone.

Mace Windu's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly masked his surprise with a provocation. "So, we're throwing people now, huh?"

Gojo, unfazed, simply shrugged. "No, but as the strongest, I have many cards to prepare against Force users like you."

Mace Windu could feel the seconds ticking by, knowing that his connection to the Force would eventually return, but the realization of how vulnerable he had just been shook him. He had never faced anything like this before—a technique that could temporarily strip away his very essence as a Jedi.

The Jedi Council, watching from a distance, were stunned. They could feel the void where Mace Windu's presence in the Force had been, and the implications of Gojo's new ability sent a ripple of unease through them.

Yoda's eyes narrowed, recognizing the danger of Gojo's newfound power. Dangerous, this is. Prepared, we must be.

Mace Windu, regaining his composure, knew he had to act quickly before Gojo could use that ability again. "You've got some tricks, Gojo, but this fight isn't over."

Gojo's grin remained, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, I know. And by the way, it'll take another 20 seconds for you to recover. I suggest you sit down for a while," he added with a mocking laugh.

Mace Windu, understanding the temporary nature of his situation, reluctantly took Gojo's suggestion and sat down, his expression unreadable. But as he settled, Gojo's voice cut through the tension with a taunt that made the Jedi Master's blood boil.

"Good, sit like a good dog," Gojo quipped, his tone dripping with mockery.

The Jedi Council members, witnessing the exchange, couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and irritation. Gojo's provocations were relentless, and they were quickly realizing just how infuriating he could be in the heat of battle.

Yoda's expression tightened slightly as he observed Gojo's antics. Annoying, he is. A challenge, this will be, Yoda thought, understanding the psychological warfare that Gojo was employing.

Qui-Gon Jinn, standing beside Obi-Wan, shook his head with a small, knowing smile. "You'll get used to it," he remarked, his tone one of resigned amusement.

Obi-Wan, having already experienced Gojo's unique personality, simply nodded. "He has a way of getting under your skin, but there's always a method to his madness."

The rest of the Council members exchanged glances, some of them bristling at Gojo's words, while others tried to maintain their composure. They knew that Gojo's provocations were designed to unsettle his opponents, but the effectiveness of his tactics was undeniable.

As Mace Windu counted down the seconds, his connection to the Force slowly began to return. He focused inward, regaining his composure and preparing for the next round of the fight. Despite Gojo's taunts, Mace was determined not to let the sorcerer's words affect him.

Gojo, sensing the return of Mace's connection to the Force, leaned forward slightly, his grin widening. "Feeling better, Master Windu? Ready for round two?"

Mace Windu stood up, his expression hardened with resolve. "You won't catch me off guard again, Gojo. Let's finish this."

As the tension between Gojo and Mace Windu reached its peak, Gojo's grin widened in anticipation. "Ahh, let's finish this—"

But before he could complete his sentence, a sudden, sharp pain shot through his back. Gojo's eyes widened in surprise as he looked down to see a blue lightsaber piercing through his chest. The blade hummed ominously as it withdrew, leaving Gojo momentarily stunned.

Everyone in the training ground turned to see the assailant: Pong Krell, his expression dark and menacing, holding the ignited lightsaber. The betrayal was as shocking as it was swift.

"The Dark Lord of the Sith sends his regards," Krell sneered, his voice dripping with malice. As Gojo attempted to react, his hand was severed with a swift strike from Krell's second lightsaber. The dismemberment left Gojo reeling, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the sudden and brutal attack.

The Jedi Council members were stunned into silence, the unexpected betrayal leaving them momentarily frozen. Mace Windu, who had just regained his connection to the Force, was paralyzed by the sheer audacity of the attack.

But amidst the shock, Suzunami's expression remained calm, though his eyes burned with fury. The sight of his sensei being stabbed and maimed ignited something deep within him—a rage that had been simmering just beneath the surface.

"Alright, now die," Suzunami muttered under his breath, his voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

Without warning, Suzunami launched himself at Pong Krell, his movements fluid and precise. As he closed the distance, a Black Flash ignited around his fist—a manifestation of the cursed energy synchronized with his strike, amplifying its power exponentially.

Krell barely had time to react as Suzunami's fist connected with his side, the Black Flash tearing through his defenses with a force that sent shockwaves across the training ground. The impact was devastating, and Krell was thrown backward, crashing into the ground with a sickening thud.

As Suzunami stood over the defeated Pong Krell, the situation took an even darker turn. Gojo, still reeling from the brutal attack, suddenly fell to the ground, his body convulsing as dark, ominous tattoos began to spread across his skin.

Suzunami's eyes widened in recognition. He knew exactly what this was—Sukuna, the malevolent curse spirit, was trying to take over Gojo's body. The sight filled him with dread, knowing how dire the situation had just become.

Reika, Yukinami, and Anakin, who had been watching in horror, were now crying uncontrollably. "Sensei… he's going to die!" Reika cried out, her voice breaking with despair.

Yukinami, usually so reserved, was shaking as tears streamed down her face. "We can't lose him… we can't!"

Anakin, still young but already aware of the gravity of the situation, looked on in shock, his tears falling freely. "Sensei… no…"

Suzunami, despite his own fear and grief, knew they didn't have time to waste. There was no room for hesitation. "No time to cry!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Listen to me! We need to get out—now!"

The urgency in Suzunami's voice snapped the others out of their grief. He could feel the overwhelming presence of Sukuna growing stronger by the second. If they didn't move quickly, they'd all be caught in the storm of Sukuna's emergence.

With no time to spare, Suzunami turned and yelled with all his might, "Everyone, away from this temple! NO----

As Suzunami urgently tried to lead everyone out of the temple, the atmosphere around them shifted abruptly. The room plunged into darkness, a suffocating and oppressive energy filling the space. Suzunami's heart sank as he realized, We're too late…

From the depths of that darkness, a sinister laugh echoed—deep, malevolent, and filled with triumph. In Sukuna's mind, the ancient curse reveled in his newfound freedom. "AHAHAHAHA! The bath barrier has crumbled…"

As Sukuna relished his emergence, three more of his fingers, drawn by the dark energy, flew toward him, merging seamlessly with his form. The cursed energy within him surged, and he laughed even louder, the sound reverberating through the darkness. "Now I have four fingers… This galaxy will soon tremble before me!"

As Sukuna reveled in his newfound power, a sudden, sharp CLINK echoed in his mind, disrupting his sinister glee. The sound was faint but unmistakable—a crack in the seemingly unbreakable dominance he thought he had achieved.

"What… What is this?" Sukuna muttered, his voice tinged with confusion and irritation. He could feel something resisting, something within Gojo's mind pushing back against his control.

Before Sukuna could fully grasp the situation, Gojo suddenly reappeared within the darkness of Sukuna's mental realm. With a grin plastered on his face, Gojo swung his fist, landing a solid punch on Sukuna's cheek. "We're gonna play Monopoly later!" Gojo laughed, his voice brimming with his usual playful energy.

Sukuna staggered back, more surprised than hurt, and quickly regained his composure. He sneered at Gojo, his arrogance unshaken. "Don't forget, brat, I already have four fingers total . You can't—"

But before Sukuna could finish, an unknown force pressed down on him, as if the very air around him had turned against him. His movements became sluggish, and he felt a strange pressure constricting his body, preventing him from asserting full control.


Gojo, clearly satisfied with the turn of events, mockingly grinned at Sukuna. "Even if you have 10 fingers, you still remain weak. And those remaining fingers? Yeah, they're in different parts of my body. It'll take you a very long time to sync them up. And as for that barrier on the finger and your selves you thought had cracked—it's been restored. Bye-bye, Fraudkuna. Hope you enjoy playing Monopoly later!"

Sukuna's face twisted in fury, his voice erupting with rage again . "FUCKINGGGGGG BRATTTTTTT!"

As Sukuna's voice echoed through the mental realm, Gojo's focus shifted back to his system, where a series of messages flashed before his eyes:

"Almighty 2/3... The quest is being hacked... Error... Error... Error..."

"I've gained the Almighty…" Gojo murmured, his laughter bubbling up from within, resonating with an air of triumphant vindication. The sound echoed through the mental realm, filled with an electric energy that crackled like lightning in a storm. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Gojo's laughter was both a release and a proclamation, the final puzzle pieces of his manipulated existence sliding neatly into place. "Now my memory is returning," he continued, his tone shifting into one of thoughtful certainty. "I knew the system had hidden motives… and it looks like my guess was spot on."


It had occurred at the foot of the Gallo Mountains, near the cursed Locacaca tree. Gojo had consumed the fruit—a compacted, spherical form teeming with concentrated cursed energy. As the fruit's essence coursed through his body, Gojo's consciousness was violently yanked from his physical form and thrown into a dimension that resembled the Soul King's palace. The space was grand, illuminated by an eerie, otherworldly light that radiated both splendor and a quiet menace.

In the center of this realm stood an imposing figure dressed in a regal white uniform with dark accents, his presence further emphasized by a flowing cape that moved as if it had a will of its own. His long, jet-black hair and thick beard framed a face that exuded both cold authority and an almost divine detachment. But it was his eyes that truly marked him—each eye contained three distinct pupils, arranged in a triangular pattern that glowed with the light of omniscience and overwhelming power.

"You will be the next Soul King," the figure declared, his voice echoing through the vastness of the realm, bending the very essence of space around them. "And my next vessel."

The figure moved with a speed that defied comprehension, his hand clamping around Gojo's neck with the force of a vice. Gojo's vision blurred, his consciousness overwhelmed by an alien, suffocating power that sought to overwrite his own essence. The man's three-pupiled gaze burned into Gojo's soul, attempting to assert dominance. But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the encounter ceased. Gojo was flung back into the real world, disoriented but undeterred. The event was forgotten lock deep inside his memory, solidified as the system initiated his first quest: to shut Sukuna off from the outside world.

End of Flashback

Gojo found himself once more in the same ethereal space, face-to-face with the same formidable figure—Yhwach, the progenitor of the Quincy, and a once-candidate for the Soul King. But this time, Gojo stood unflinching, his own eyes reflecting the same tri-pupiled gaze as Yhwach's. The tension between them was a palpable clash of past ambitions and current defiance.

Yhwach's voice was steady, though laced with a subtle undercurrent of challenge. "You realize that the Almighty is not merely an ability to foresee the future—it is the guarantor of victory, the power that ensures all futures align with your desire."

Gojo's smirk remained, his eyes glittering with mischievous defiance. "Yeah, I know," he said with his trademark nonchalance. "But I gotta ask—how did you end up stuck here? And that Locacaca seed… it was tucked away under Wonder of U's pocket, wasn't it? Even if it was a cursed energy Locacaca tree, there was still some spiritual power mixed in. That big fruit that resulted was unique… but only one fruit—that's me, the outcome. And yet, I'm confused. You were killed by Ichigo, weren't you? Even if you had survived, you'd have been destined to become the next lynchpin for the three worlds, much like your father."

Yhwach's expression flickered with a mix of recognition and something deeper as Gojo spoke. "The Almighty allowed fragments of my power to escape, seeding them into unknown universes beyond my own," Yhwach explained calmly. "It was a contingency plan, should my ambitions in my original world fail. And they did. By sending out my essence, I ensured my existence could continue, a seed waiting for fertile ground."

Gojo tilted his head slightly, intrigued by the explanation. "So you found the gaps between realities and slipped through. That's clever. But you were banking on finding a suitable vessel, someone capable of bearing the power of the Soul King without collapsing."

Yhwach chuckled darkly. "You hacked the impossible using your own universe's power—integrating a downgraded version of the Almighty with that adapted wheel (Dharma Wheel). How ironic, considering it's part of the Almighty's power, including its immunity to other powers."

Gojo shrugged, undeterred. "So, I know you want to return and—"

Yhwach's gaze sharpened, a sudden intensity flaring in his eyes. "You broke the rules, Gojo Satoru! This deviation was never part of my design. My goal was to forge you into my successor, my vessel—"

Gojo interrupted with a wave of his hand, dismissing Yhwach's claim with a lazy grin. "Yeah, yeah, let's cut the monologue. Let's settle this." With a fluid movement, Gojo summoned the Arm of Darkness, the sword of Odin materializing in his grasp—a weapon of boundless destructive potential. Yhwach responded by summoning his reishi broadsword, the air around it shimmering with spiritual energy.

"The current you is not more powerful than me," Yhwach stated coldly, his eyes fixed on Gojo. "Do you think you can actually harm me? Fighting me is a futile endeavor. You lack the strength to overcome the will of the Almighty."

Gojo's grin never faltered. "Maybe," he responded, his tone light yet underpinned with a dangerous edge. "But let's see if I can make this more interesting." With a swift motion, Gojo slashed his sword, calling out, "World Dismantle!" The attack was not just a mere strike—it was a cleaving force that transcended physical limitations, cutting through Yhwach's left arm and creating a visible scar in the very fabric of space itself.

Yhwach winced, his left arm severed and hanging loosely as the wound pulsed with destabilizing energy. The space around the cut rippled, a testament to the power of Gojo's strike. Yhwach's expression tightened, a mix of pain and reluctant acknowledgment of Gojo's prowess.

"You can't use the Almighty against another Almighty," Gojo remarked calmly, his eyes locked onto Yhwach's. "You can't read my future, and I can't read yours. We're at a stalemate when it comes to that."

Yhwach grinned, the defiance in his eyes burning brightly. "Damn brat," he muttered, frustration mingled with a grudging respect. For the first time, Yhwach faced an opponent who not only matched him in power but rendered his ultimate ability, the Almighty, ineffective. It was a battle of equals, each wielding the same cosmic force that had once made Yhwach invincible.

Gojo's smirk widened further, filled with the familiar mix of arrogance and excitement. "Looks like you've met your match, old man," he taunted, raising his sword once more, ready to push the battle to its ultimate conclusion.

Yhwach, refusing to back down, narrowed his eyes and declared, "Then I shall take that power, the dark sword you possess!" With a shout, Yhwach activated Sankt Altar, summoning five orbs of Reishi above his fingers. The orbs shot into the air around Gojo, forming a large Quincy Zeichen with Gojo at the center. Beams of energy fired from the orbs, converging to steal the power from Gojo's Arm of Darkness, Odin's sword, and transferring it to Yhwach.

Gojo watched as the dark sword drained away, materializing in Yhwach's hand. Yhwach grinned triumphantly, believing the battle had turned in his favor. "I have claimed your power, Gojo Satoru," Yhwach proclaimed, his voice echoing with the authority of a conqueror.

However, Yhwach's glee was short-lived. Suddenly, Odin from Final Fantasy XVI—a towering figure clad in dark armor with large horns and glowing blue eyes—manifested behind Yhwach, his form radiating an imposing presence. Odin's sword, imbued with a golden glow at the edges of his dark cape, pierced through Yhwach's body, cutting him in two with a swift, decisive slash—eerily reminiscent of how Yhwach had met his end in his original universe.

Yhwach's eyes widened in shock and realization as he fell. The Arm of Darkness, loyal only to Gojo Satoru, had rejected Yhwach. The sentient power had acknowledged Gojo as its rightful wielder after Gojo had absorbed the darkness of the sky, proving his worth. Yhwach, a mere pretender, could not command its allegiance.

Gojo approached Yhwach with his hands in his pockets, his expression casual yet tinged with a faint smirk. "You were just a manager, Yhwach," Gojo said, his tone almost dismissive. "Don't get so cocky, alright? Just like the Architect from Solo Leveling, you're not the power source itself—you're just part of the management. And secondly, you're not even the real Yhwach, just a manifested version of his Almighty power. The real him is destined to be the next linchpin."

Yhwach chuckled weakly, his form fading. "AHAHAHA… I lost to a boy twice… And you're right, I am just a manifestation of Yhwach's Almighty, one-third of it. My plan was to mold you into my next vessel and use your body to rescue my original self."

Gojo's eyes narrowed slightly, still intrigued by the layers of Yhwach's scheme. "So, the other two-thirds of the Almighty—who do they belong to?"

Yhwach's expression became serious as he pondered. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice carrying a rare note of humility. "But I am certain that they are more powerful than the original Yhwach, and even more formidable than me."

Gojo nodded, absorbing the information. "Any last words?" he asked, his voice steady, allowing Yhwach a final moment of dignity.

Yhwach, now speaking with the gravity and respect of his true self, gazed at Gojo with a lingering sense of purpose. "You've bested me here, Gojo Satoru. But remember, power without understanding leads to ruin. Guard the balance, for even the mightiest fall when they forget what they stand for."

As Gojo watched Yhwach's form dissolve into wisps of Reishi, his expression was one of mixed contemplation and satisfaction. The encounter had confirmed many of his suspicions, but it also left lingering questions about the full scope of the Almighty's power. Suddenly, a message appeared above his head:

"Almighty 3/3 Unknown Version mixed with Yhwach's version, including all abilities as the Quincy King."

Gojo glanced at the notification, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Looks like I'm really gonna be the Soul King for real," he muttered, almost to himself. "And it seems I need to adapt my quest… since the source of all this manipulation is definitely the Soul King himself."

With a casual flick of his wrist, Gojo began to turn away, intending to return to the outside world, where he had last been at the Jedi Temple, embroiled in conflict with Pong Krell. But before leaving, he cast a final glance at the imposing structure of the Soul King's palace—a monolithic edifice built not just as a seat of power, but as a grand tomb for the one who would be the linchpin of all realities.

"I hate this tomb," Gojo said with a dismissive shake of his head. "This place was made to imprison, to control… not for freedom." His eyes sharpened with resolve as he activated the Almighty, his intent clear and unyielding.

Darkness began to swirl around the palace, an ominous, almost sentient void that absorbed the very light of the realm. Thousand upon thousand of eyes began to open within the darkness, each glowing with a sinister intent, their gaze fixated on the palace. These eyes, born from the Almighty's limitless perception, embodied Gojo's will to dismantle the shackles that had been set by the Soul King's legacy.

The eyes pulsed, radiating beams of destructive energy that lanced through the palace walls. The structure, once seemingly indestructible, began to crack and shatter under the relentless onslaught. Walls crumbled, majestic spires toppled, and the grand throne of the Soul King was obliterated in a cascade of rubble and light. The darkness consumed the palace like a voracious beast, tearing it apart piece by piece until nothing but a void remained where it once stood.

The palace's destruction was not just a physical collapse but a symbolic dismantling of the control it represented. The thousand eyes blinked in unison, each one reflecting Gojo's resolve to forge his own path, unbound by the manipulations of those who sought to control the balance of worlds. As the last fragments of the palace disintegrated into the darkness, Gojo stood amidst the ruins, the power of the Almighty radiating from him like a storm barely contained.

With one final glance into the abyss, Gojo smirked and said, "Good riddance."

The eyes vanished, leaving behind only the void—a blank slate, free of the constraints and expectations that had been laid upon it by the Soul King. Gojo turned away, ready to rejoin the living, his newfound power blazing within him, and the echoes of a shattered legacy fading into silence.

As the oppressive darkness in the temple began to manifest externally, the once dim shadows suddenly swelled and writhed, forming countless eyes that opened wide, staring in every direction. The eerie, glowing eyes filled the room, casting an unsettling light that seemed to pierce through the souls of everyone present. The sheer number of eyes was overwhelming, and a deep, primal fear began to settle over the temple.

Yoda, ever vigilant, remained calm but cautious, his small form radiating a quiet strength. "Dangerous, this is. Prepared, we must be," he murmured, his voice steady despite the creeping dread that filled the room.

Mace Windu, his lightsaber already ignited, took a defensive stance, ready to strike at the first sign of danger. "Whatever this is, we stand ready," he declared, his voice firm, though the unease was clear in his eyes as they darted between the countless, watching orbs.

Suzunami, though composed, prepared his stance for his altar technique, positioning himself protectively in front of Reika, Anakin, and Yukinami. His resolve was clear—no harm would come to them under his watch. But as the eyes passed over the group, something unexpected happened. The eyes ignored them, moving past as if they were insignificant. Their focus was solely on one target—the source of the darkness: Gojo.

Obi-Wan, sensing the gravity of the situation, glanced at Qui-Gon, his voice low but tinged with urgency. "Master, what could this be?"

Qui-Gon's gaze remained fixed on the unfolding scene, his expression serious. "This… this is beyond anything we've encountered. A force unlike any we've seen."

Yaddle, her eyes wide with both sorrow and concern, couldn't tear her gaze away from Gojo. "Gojo Satoru… what burden do you hide in your body?" she asked, her voice soft yet laden with sadness. She had sensed the tremendous power within him before, but this was different. This was something darker, more twisted—a force that threatened to consume everything around it.

As the eyes converged on Gojo, they seemed to merge into a single, massive entity, all of them focused intently on him. The darkness pulsed with a life of its own, a tangible presence that loomed over the temple, casting everything else into shadow. Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the darkness vanished—taking Gojo with it.

Suzunami, realizing what had happened, felt a surge of panic. "Where are they? Where did they take my sensei?" he shouted, his voice filled with desperation.

But before the others could respond, a familiar voice cut through the air, calm and commanding. "Don't shout."

Suzunami's eyes widened in recognition. "Sensei? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," Gojo's voice responded, slightly strained but still carrying its usual confidence. "Just give me some time, alright?"

But before anyone could react, Gojo's voice took on a more intense, almost ominous tone as he began to monologue, "900 years to make my heart beat! 90 years to recover my senses! And last 9 years to recover my strength!"

The cryptic declaration left Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered glances. "What could he possibly mean by that?" Obi-Wan muttered, his usually sharp mind unable to grasp the meaning behind Gojo's words.

Qui-Gon, equally perplexed, could only shake his head. "I've never encountered anything like this before… It's as if he's speaking in riddles, but there's a deeper meaning we're missing."

Across the room, Yoda, Mace Windu, Yaddle, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Depa Billaba were equally confused. They had faced countless dangers in their time, but Gojo's strange monologue, combined with the eerie manifestation of eyes and darkness, was unlike anything they had ever encountered.

Then, without warning, the darkness that had taken Gojo began to shift and converge on a single point. The liquid-like shadow, swirling with countless eyes, seemed to solidify as it took form in the center of the room. The atmosphere grew thick with tension as the Jedi watched in stunned silence.

Suddenly, with a flash, Gojo reappeared, standing in the midst of the swirling darkness. His body was whole once again, his wounds completely healed. But there was something different about him—his eyes. Instead of the usual one, there were now three pupils in each eye, each one glowing with a strange, otherworldly power.

The sight was unnerving, even to the seasoned Jedi. The room fell silent as they tried to comprehend what they were witnessing. Gojo's monologue, which had initially seemed like the ramblings of a madman, now took on a chilling significance.

"What… What kind of power is this?" Ki-Adi-Mundi whispered, his usually composed voice betraying a hint of fear.

Plo Koon, his stoic mask hiding any visible reaction, could only stare in awe. "This is beyond anything we know… He's become something else entirely."

Yaddle, who had been watching with a mixture of concern and sorrow, felt her heart sink. "Gojo Satoru… What have you done to yourself?" she murmured, sensing the tremendous weight of the power that now coursed through him.

Gojo, his three-pupil gaze sweeping over the room, seemed to relish the shock and confusion of the Jedi. With a slight smirk, he answered the unspoken question, "A crazy monologue, you say? Maybe… but for me, it's just part of the plan."

As Gojo stood amidst the swirling darkness, his ominous monologue hanging in the air, a sudden shift occurred within him. The quest system, which had previously been tampered with, now aligned itself completely with his will, becoming his alone, just as it was supposed to be. He could feel a powerful change within him—a transformation that went deeper than any before.

"My heart… it's been replaced by a cursed heart," Gojo muttered to himself, a manic grin spreading across his face as the realization sank in. "AHAHAHAHAHA! Now, even my infinite energy is returning. I will no longer fear moving to another universe—cursed energy is me, and I have a reactor .. half-awakened. Huhhh… if only it were full awakening, I could use Reverse Red and Purple to their fullest potential."

His words were spoken aloud, though they seemed directed more at himself than at the Jedi around him. The cryptic nature of his statements only added to the confusion of those present. The Jedi, who had witnessed countless extraordinary events in their lives, were now faced with something that defied their understanding of power and the Force.

Yoda, always the first to seek clarity, observed Gojo with a mixture of caution and intrigue. "Cursed heart… reactor half-awakened, you say? Speak, what do these words mean?"

Gojo, still caught up in the thrill of his transformation, didn't immediately respond. He was too consumed by the power surging within him, by the realization that his potential was still growing, that he was on the brink of something even greater.

Obi-Wan, sensing the growing tension, tried to make sense of Gojo's cryptic self-dialogue. "Master, whatever is happening to Gojo, it's altering him in ways we can't yet comprehend. He's talking about energy and abilities that don't align with the Force as we know it."

Qui-Gon nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on Gojo. "This isn't just an increase in power… it's a fundamental change in his being. We need to understand what this means for all of us."

Gojo's eyes, now sporting three glowing pupils in each, scanned the room. He could see the confusion and wariness in the Jedi, but instead of explaining, he simply relished the power coursing through his veins. "You're all trying to understand, aren't you? Well, let's just say… I'm evolving. This is just the beginning."

The room was thick with tension, the Jedi unsure whether Gojo was still an ally or something more dangerous. The ominous energy surrounding him was unlike anything they had faced, and his newfound abilities seemed to push the boundaries of their understanding of power.

Yaddle, her voice tinged with sorrow, spoke up once more. "Gojo Satoru… are you still the same person, or has this power changed you into something else?"

Gojo, still riding the high of his transformation, chuckled softly. "I'm still me… just a better, stronger version. And don't worry, I'm not planning on going anywhere just yet. After all, we still have so much to do, don't we?"

The room's thick tension seemed to momentarily dissipate as Suzunami, Yukinami, Reika, and Anakin rushed forward, embracing Gojo tightly. Tears streamed down their faces, a mixture of relief, gratitude, and lingering fear evident in their expressions.

"Sensei… you're still here," Suzunami whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "We thought we lost you…"

Yukinami clung to Gojo, her tears soaking into his robe. "Thank you, Sensei… Thank you for coming back to us…"

Reika, her usual competitive demeanor shattered by the overwhelming relief, cried openly as she hugged Gojo. "I'm so glad you're okay, Sensei… We were so scared…"

Anakin, who had been trying to hold back his tears, finally let them fall as he buried his face in Gojo's chest. "I don't want to lose you, Sensei… You're too important to us… to me…"

Gojo, feeling the warmth and sincerity of their emotions, let out a soft, genuine laugh as he gently patted their heads. "Hey, hey… I'm not going anywhere, remember? I've still got a lot of work to do, and I wouldn't leave you all hanging."

As the four of them held onto him, their tears gradually subsiding, it was Reika who finally broke the emotional silence with a question that had been nagging at her. She looked up at Gojo, her eyes still wet but now filled with curiosity. "Sensei… why do your eyes have three pupils?"

Gojo chuckled, his playful grin returning. "Ah, you noticed, huh? Well, let's just say it's part of the package that comes with leveling up." He paused, considering how best to explain it to them. "These eyes… they're a sign of my new power. Each pupil represents a different perspective, a deeper layer of vision and understanding. It's like I can see more of the world now—more than anyone else."

Suzunami, Yukinami, and Reika exchanged glances, still not entirely sure what to make of Gojo's transformation, but they could sense that their sensei was still the same person they admired and trusted.

Anakin, always the curious one, wiped his tears and asked, "Does that mean you're even stronger now, Sensei?"

Gojo's grin widened, and he ruffled Anakin's hair affectionately

Gojo's grin only grew as he noticed Pong Krell struggling to stand, clearly weakened but not entirely out of the fight. With his usual playful tone, Gojo mocked him, "Shouldn't you be showing up in the Clone Wars? You're popping up here like some kind of spoiler alert."

Everyone in the room was confused by Gojo's words, not understanding the reference. But before anyone could ask, Pong Krell, sensing his life hanging by a thread, tried to bargain. "Wait… I have information about the Dark Lord of the Sith!"

Mace Windu, who had been watching the exchange closely, quickly interjected, "Gojo, hold on! This information could be crucial for understanding our enemies."

But before Mace could finish, Gojo's hand suddenly clenched around Krell's throat. In an instant, Gojo had used the Almighty to foresee a future where he was gripping Pong Krell in his hand, making that future an inevitable reality. The speed and precision with which he acted left everyone stunned.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Byeeeee!" Gojo said with a gleeful tone, his words echoing as he suddenly launched himself into the air, gripping Krell tightly. The sheer force of his takeoff shattered the roof above them, leaving the Jedi Council members staring in shock at the hole Gojo had created.