Slytherin Tensions

Worst of all, he liked cooking. Only House Elves and pathetic magicals that could not do anything else cooked. It was one of the lowest "professions" in the British Wizarding World and Harry said it out loud that he liked cooking? Draco ground his teeth. He would make Harry suffer for ignoring his friendship and spitting on what a proper magical should be.

"What, Pansy?!" he hissed when she tugged on his sleeve again.

"Your fire is too high," she hissed back, pointing at his bubbling cauldron. "It's about to boil over."

"Then why didn't you just fix it!" He irritably tapped the stand with his wand and the fire reduced in size and intensity.

"I'm trying to help you," she whispered angrily, hurt.

"Next time just do it instead of try to help me do it," Draco retorted and turned in his seat, ignoring her.

Pansy looked down at the table, trying to fight the tears from building in her eyes. She knew proper Pureblood girls did not cry in public, it was unseemly and unbecoming. Being snapped at like that, when she was only trying to help, hurt her though and it was hard to keep the tears from falling.

Not for the first time, she wondered what had happened. She and Draco used to be incredibly close, used to be very good friends. As they got older, especially the last year, he had slowly changed. He was no longer as kind as he was, as playful and pleasant. He was turning more like into his idol, his father.

Pansy had hoped that when they started Hogwarts together, he would treat her better, like he used to. If anything, he was becoming worse. He wanted to be friends with the other older students, prove his worth and superiority. He was cold and biting to her and it was getting worse.

She looked at Harry and Lavender and Parvati angrily. Harry had been corrected by Parvati and he had not snapped at her. He had taken Lavender's teasing without any anger, had not said anything cruel back. They were working together and it looked like they were having fun.

"It's not fair," she thought, tearing her flower petals apart violently. She shot the trio of Gryffindors another angry look. If she was being honest, there was something else mixed in with the anger. Nothing she wanted to admit to, however.

Not right now anyways, and certainly not out loud.


Purplehyena01 - Thank you. I have times where I wasn't able to write for a while for many reasons, but luckily I can maintain a bank for regular updates. I'm sure you'll find your groove that works for you.

Abigail Guerrero - Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy today's.

odonnellzoo99 - That might happen again in the future. I do like to write about food, hence the fic. I'm trying something different with different characters this time around, with some different interpretations as you see from Dumbledore. Some things will remain very similar still from my other works, but I do like to make my stories feel different overall aside from a few minor details. Thank you. The first chapter is always the most intimidating and am glad you liked it.

AshokaTheGreat - Thank you so much. I was sitting on this one for a bit but finally decided to start writing. Hope you continue to enjoy it.

Betty boop in Tx - Eggs are some of my very favorite things. I could eat them for every meal. Glad you liked the start.

Guest - As I said in the previous chapter's notes, I will post minimum once a week with the occasional multiple post, probably on Mondays.

Arnie1701 - There will be some differences.

jaclon - Thank you very much.

plums - Thank you, I hope to show some new things and new ideas.

GeniusReader - Thank you.

LordLiberty - Goodness, that's incredible praise. Thank you so much. The summary is always nerve-wracking to write. It's hard to write a good one but am honored you gave the chapter a try despite it. I hope you continue to enjoy.

Guest - Thank you so much. I hope you continue to like it.

alix33 - She's smaller than Harry which made her comment more funny to me.

poka - Thank you. I'm trying my hand at a different Dumbledore this time around.

Arodri - Thank you. I try to have good character developments and good dialogue so I hope you enjoy the directions as they come.

tumshie - Thank you so much. My muse will be working hard for this one.

dragon606 - Thank you for reading. I do love cooking manga and anime so I'm hoping to write a good fic with food and cooking as a central theme.

Navn Ukjent - Thank you.

doRodrigo - Thank you. Here's an update. I appreciate you reading.

Ratus - Thank you for reading.

1529 - Thank you for reading another one. I enjoy seeing you around in all the different ones and am glad you like them.

Urgwaew - Glad to see you. Hope you have been well and things are okay. I am deliberately challenging myself by using a few different characters and am hoping I can still write a good story with them. And have plans for more coming though a few will return and hopefully still feel integral to the plot. All my best to you.