From Flying to Sewing at Hogwarts

"There are so many clubs," Lavender said, staring up at a large board that hung in the foyer of the castle. The board was covered in parchment flyers and notices. Usually, it was a place where school-wide announcements could be seen as well as a calendar for events and the like. There was also a portion dedicated to school clubs and organizations.

Everyone was encouraged to join or attend at least one club or organization though it was not mandatory. Also, failing marks could result in a student being denied extracurricular activities by their Head of House. It was a way for students from different Houses to interact outside of classes and find new things they enjoyed.

"I don't even know what a lot of these things are," Harry said. "What are gobstones?"

"It's a game, like marbles. But when you lose a point they squirt gob juice into your face," Lavender explained.

"That sounds really gross," Harry shuddered.

"It is pretty gross," she agreed.

"What's gob juice?" he could not help but ask.

"I don't know and I don't know if I want to know," she said with a moue of disgust. "Any clubs you are thinking about?"

"I think I'll join the Flying club. I like flying. It'll be fun to just get to do that." He looked at her. "What about you? I know you don't like flying and I'd like to be in a club with you."

Lavender smiled. "I'd like that too. Parvati and I are joining the Astrology club. Stars and things like that. Are you interested in that?" She looked at the board after seeing his head shake. "Hmm, let's see if we can find something else then. I think I can handle two clubs too."

After looking up and down the board, Harry eventually realized that someone was standing beside him. "Oh! Hello Headmaster."

Dumbledore looked down and smiled warmly at Harry. "Hello Mister Potter, and hello to you too Miss Brown."

Lavender gulped a little. "Hello Headmaster," she replied.

"I enjoy this time of year," Dumbledore said, looking back at the board. "I always like seeing what clubs are available and if any strike my fancy."

"Do the professors join clubs too?" Harry asked.

"If time allows," Dumbledore said. "I still pop into the Transfiguration club here and there. I used to teach the class, you see, back before I became Headmaster." He looked crest-fallen for a moment. "I was hoping the Muggle Literature club would return. I do enjoy reading how Muggles portray magic. Have you two picked clubs to join?"

"Yes Sir," Harry said. "Lavender is joining astrology and I'm joining flying."

"A fine choice, the both of them. Astrology club will help enhance your understanding for the class and it can relate to other courses. And flying is fun of course. Your father was quite the flyer in his day."

"Really?" Harry's eyes opened wide at the information.

"Really. He was a member of Gryffindor's Quidditch team. Perhaps something to consider for the future if you are so inclined," Dumbledore said warmly.

"Wow," Harry said softly. He shook his head a little. "Is there a cooking club or something like that?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "Unfortunately not. Cooking is not something many of the magicals here ever focused on sadly." He hummed in thought. "Miss Brown, what other pursuits do you enjoy?"

Lavender flushed a little. "Oh, uhm, I don't know…"

"You can say it," Harry said encouragingly. "The Headmaster is nice."

Dumbledore beamed at that.

"I like sewing," Lavender said at last. "Making pretty things and clothes and stuff like that."

"That is an excellent hobby to have," Dumbledore said. "Sadly there has not been a club for that in quite some time. That being said, I think I have a solution for the both of you." He pointed at a parchment sheet in the far corner.

"Household Charms?" Harry read.

"Indeed. It has not been as popular as of late but I have always thought that charms and spells for the home have been overlooked. They are simpler and most are taught by their parents but you can always learn a new one to make things better for yourself. I am sure you can learn lots of things suited for both your interests."

"That sounds like fun, what do you think?" Harry asked.

"I like it," Lavender said. "Sounds good to me."

"Thank you, Headmaster," they said.

"You are quite welcome," Dumbledore replied.