Old Traditions, New Realities

"She does love Cursing people or telling people they'll be cursed or Cursed," Parvati said. "I never thought about it until she wrote it in that letter she sent us. She usually threatens other people."

"She loves us the most," Padma said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What did Grandmum say to Sita?" Parvati asked.

Padma started laughing harder. "She said it was a good thing Sita's boyfriend has some taste, meaning them being together, and that it's just too bad he didn't have a sense of taste to tell what proper curry was." She continued as Parvati howled with laughter. "She also said she should reteach Sita how to cook because she obviously failed if her boyfriend couldn't tell the difference between right curry and wrong curry!"

The twins fell over laughing and they laughed all the louder when someone hammered on their bedroom door. "Stop laughing at me!" Sita Patil yelled. "I know you two are laughing at me! Grandmother! "

" It's not their fault your boyfriend has no sense of taste!" the Patil matriarch shouted back.

Sita's shriek of outrage made Parvati and Padma cackle from delight.


The ballroom was the epitome of opulence and refinement. The marble floor shone; the pillars gleamed. The ceiling was enchanted to reflect the night sky outdoors, the beauty without the cold atmosphere. Music came from several instruments floating in the corner, playing themselves for the entertainment of others.

The people that danced and chatted were dressed in very fine dress robes of all sorts of shapes, materials, and colors. Food floated around on trays, glasses of alcohol and other drinks also carried by magical means.

Pansy used to adore the Winter Soiree that the Malfoys hosted every year. She loved dressing up in something new and beautiful. She loved the atmosphere, the food, the music and dancing.

Seeing the most influential families in Wizarding Britain was always exciting, even if she barely understood all the intricacies and what went on beneath the surface. It was fun to see her friends and for them to act like their parents, to watch and think about when it was their turn to be the adults.

This year, it was hard for her to enjoy herself.

She had enjoyed seeing her family of course. She loved her parents and her siblings and being away from them during the school year was difficult. Letters only did so much. She did not begrudge her family from being excited for the Soiree, she just did not share in the excitement for once.

Ever since the altercation with Draco earlier that year, she had been in a different mood. She never told her parents of course, though they did notice that she was not as excited this year for the party. She told them that she was just a little tired and they seemed to accept that. She kept replaying the events of that night, of what happened before, and what happened after.

The 'apology' that Draco gave her after the incident felt hollow to her. He had said it was not his fault, something she did not understand fully. He had pushed her after all. She was still unhappy with how he treated her, and the way he treated her leading up to it, and the insincere apology rankled her.

"And what are you doing here, standing by yourself in the corner?"

The cool voice cut through her thoughts and Pansy immediately straightened. She looked up and smiled. "Hello Mrs. Malfoy," she said pleasantly.

Narcissa Malfoy was a very elegant woman. Her hair was pulled back in a stylish bun and bright blue eyes peered intelligently about. She smiled a little back at Pansy, a grin on any other woman's face. "I hope you are enjoying yourself?"

"Yes Ma'am," Pansy lied. "The ballroom is as beautiful as it always is," she said honestly.

Narcissa's smile did not waver though she did look more closely at Pansy, as if she saw the lie and the truth. "Thank you," she said. "One must keep up appearances of course." She looked around and exchanged nods with those that caught her eye. "How has your first term of school been?"

"It's been well," she lied again. "Mostly. Some of the classes are very difficult."

"To be expected. You are quite clever, however, so I am sure you will do well," Narcissa said pleasantly.

"Thank you," Pansy said, relaxing just a little.

"Draco says you two are getting along well," Narcissa said. "As you two did prior to leaving for Hogwarts."

Pansy tensed up more than a little. "Did he?" she asked.

"Yes, in his last few letters." A slim eyebrow rose on Narcissa's face. "He did mention an unfortunate misunderstanding but said it was resolved."

"I'm sure he thinks that," Pansy said after thinking for a moment.

Narcissa looked at her closely. "And what do you think?"

"That it was resolved," Pansy said.

The older woman hummed softly to herself. "Good. I would hate to see your friendship suffer for no reason." The small smile returned. "I hope you are not too big to give your Auntie Cissa a hug."

"I'm not," Pansy said, relieved. She willingly hugged the older woman. "I love your dress robes."


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