Moments of Joy

"Thank you dear," Narcissa said warmly. Her voice dropped. "If you ever need to speak with me on things, do feel free to do so," she whispered and broke the embrace. "Now I must be off to mingle with the guests. A hostess' duty is never finished after all." She left Pansy there, her dress robes swirling artfully around her.

I don't think I can talk to you about this, Pansy thought sadly. She stumbled slightly when someone bumped her from the side. She breathed easily, recognizing Millicent. "Hi Millie."

"Hi Pansy." Millicent held up a plate. "I managed to get the last of the fruit tarts before my brother could."

"Thanks." Pansy took one and nibbled on it.

"Are we still on for Boxing Day?" Millicent asked, eating her own tart. "I need your help in burying Nate into the snow."

Pansy smiled. "I wouldn't miss it. I need to get him back after last year too." She felt a little better, standing against the wall with Millicent, thinking about what was to come instead of what had happened.

At least until she saw Draco walk past, barely giving her a look before he joined a group of other younger guests. When Millicent pulled her away, she followed willingly, though her thoughts were elsewhere.


Harry blinked slowly, still in the realm between dreams and wakefulness. He was warm and comfortable and was loath to fully wake. He rolled onto his side, tugging on the covers. As he did, he heard some clattering and felt things shifting on his bed.

"Ow! Hedwig!" He woke up fully, pecked by an indignant Hedwig. With a yawn he sat up and squinted at her form. "What was that for?" he asked.

She hooted severely at him, fluttering to the floor and flying back up, carrying the things that fell off the bed when he shifted.

He hurriedly put his glasses on and stared at the small pile of things at the foot of his bed. "Are those presents?"

Hedwig nodded.

"I've got presents?!"

Hedwig tilted her head at him before nodding once more, cooing softly.

Harry was shocked. He never received any presents of his own before. In years past, the Dursleys had gotten cookbooks but they made it clear that the books belonged to them and that letting Harry look at them was his present. He had been ecstatic this year when he had the means to give presents and had gleefully and carefully selected presents for his few friends and people he wanted to give things to.

He never expected to receive any though.

His smile was the biggest he ever had as he watched Hedwig carry each package to him. She walked daintily over the bed to him, proudly depositing each one into his lap. The first one he opened was from Hagrid and it was a book about magical animals and how they compared to Muggle counterparts.

Hagrid had remembered the book Harry bought about plants. He paged through it briefly, excited to read it fully later. He was glad that he sent Hagrid a nice multi-purpose axe for his groundskeeping duties.

Hermione had sent him a selection of chocolates. He had sent her an array of quills since he heard that her parents were dentists and did not approve of too much sweets.

"Oh wow," he breathed when he opened the gift from the Patil sisters. They had gotten him a mortar and pestle. It was carved from stone but enchanted to be as light as wood, as well as enchanted for durability and easy to clean. The pestle felt like it was made for his hand and he knew it would serve him well for both potion brewing and cooking. He put it on his nightstand and liked how handsome it looked.

He saved Lavender's for last and he was glad he did. She had gotten him an apron but had sewn his initials into the bottom right corner of the hem, as well as a small white owl. The apron was made of a soft black material but the outside of it felt nice and heavy. The strings and the collar were grey and the front also had a few pockets of various sizes.

He had worn aprons before. The Dursleys had gotten one for him to wear when he would be seen by guests but once again, he was told that the apron was not his. That he was borrowing it and woe betide him if he ever ruined it or stained it.

This apron had his initials on it. It was his and only his.

He hugged it to his chest, feeling warm. Unable to resist he put it on and tied the strings around the front, making it snug and neat. He turned to Hedwig. "What do you think?"

Hedwig puffed up when she saw the tiny white owl embroidered into the hem and barked approval.

"Right? Lavender's so talented. Oh and I have something for you too." With a flourish he revealed a crimson and gold ribbon. "Now you can be a Gryffindor too!"

Hedwig cheeped happily, dancing up and down. When he tied it around her neck in a bow, she nuzzled him lovingly, looking quite festive and happy.

"We're both dressed up for Christmas," Harry smiled. He sat back onto his bed and Hedwig sat in his lap, fluffed up and nibbling on his fingers.

"Best Christmas ever," he sighed, completely content.


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