Shadows and Suspicions

"He is acting with more suspicion," Snape said quietly.

Dumbledore did not turn from the window. He looked out over the grounds thoughtfully. "How so?"

"He cast several privacy charms over his office," Snape said. "More than what one would generally require for a school. When he opened the door, his hearth was cold."

"So he probably was not using the Floo," Dumbledore mused. "Not that there are no other means of communication of course. If you take that into account with his recent journeys around the castle and the grounds, as well as his casual disappearances, it does seem that he is hiding something."

"Or planning something," Snape murmured.

"Or planning something," Dumbledore agreed.

"And what are we doing about it?" Snape asked.

"Well you have been keeping an eye on him when you have the freedom to," Dumbledore said. "As have I and Minerva. I have not been able to use too many spells, he is rather good at finding that sort of thing given his expertise and all. Without substantial concrete proof, I cannot search his office or question him."

"I thought that was the headmaster's right," Snape snorted.

"A right that has been wrongfully abused by past headmasters," Dumbledore said wryly, looking over the portraits that lined one of the walls in his office.

"Has something changed as of late?" Snape asked. "His actions have increased within the last few weeks."

"Nothing comes immediately to mind," Dumbledore hummed. "No, wait. Yes there has actually." He turned to face Snape. "Nicolas is coming for a visit at the end of the term and I mentioned it when the initial time frame was agreed upon."

"Nicolas Flamel?" Snape nodded. "To take the Stone back."

"Yes, and to visit friends of course."

"So he aims for the Stone." Snape snorted. "How base of him. I thought higher of his ambitions for some reason."

"Wanting something that can create gold as well as immortality is a lofty goal," Dumbledore said mildly. "Not to mention its magic potential."

"Unless he wishes to claim Flamel," Snape said, "or dispose of him."

"I honestly would like to see him try," Dumbledore said with a broad smile. "The man has lived for centuries. He has forgotten more about magic than I could ever dream of knowing. He knows spells from the times of the Romans and the Gauls, ones even more ancient than that."

"He is not that old," Snape protested.

"No, but he has had plenty of time to indulge in finding lost knowledge and absorbing it." Dumbledore turned to look out the window once more. "What happened to you, Quirinus? Why have you become like this? I know you have always been ambitious and hungry, but this appetite is greater than ever before."

Snape said nothing. One of the trinkets on Dumbledore's shelf clicked softly, filling the air with a steady sound.

"Should we increase security or do something more when Nicolas comes?" Dumbledore asked. "Or even before?"

"That would show our intentions and put him on guard. As of right now, I do not think he suspects us of suspecting him of anything," Snape said slowly.

"True," Dumbledore conceded. "Then we will maintain the course and see how things develop." He looked back at the potions master. "Anything of note you wish to speak about?"

Snape shook his head.

"Anything you find not noteworthy you would like to speak about?" Dumbledore asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Snape sighed deeply. "It is odd with how busy you are, not to mention how old you are, how much you enjoy school children's drama."

"One of the perks of being headmaster really," Dumbledore chuckled. "I have not felt the need to listen to a wireless drama program in many years. It is so delightfully diverting and on a scale much less serious than what we normally have to deal with. It is refreshing."

Snape snorted. "I doubt I will ever enjoy it like you. I hated it when I was mired in it."

"We all have different tastes for entertainment," Dumbledore said genially.

Snape sighed again. "If you must satisfy your craving… something did happen the other day that was… mildly interesting." He rolled his eyes at Dumbledore's eager look. "You look like a bored housewife that might hear some gossip."

"Not the first time someone made the comparison," Dumbledore smiled. "Do go on then."

"Things between Malfoy and Parkinson have come to a head apparently. She did not partake in his usual taunting of Potter and instead, worked with Potter. Willingly."

"Oh?" Dumbledore looked impressed. "My, now that takes more than a bit of bravery. To cross the line between Houses, especially to work with one so… disliked by one you consider a friend."

"Certainly a gesture that made me question if she was sorted correctly," Snape said blandly, making Dumbledore chuckle. "Not really, boldness and bravery is not under the sole ownership of Gryffindor."

"Certainly not. How has Mister Malfoy taken the incident?"

"Poorly. I have had to counsel him on keeping a cooler head." Snape rubbed the bridge of his nose. "He sees it as a betrayal."

"If only the worst betrayals are things of this magnitude," Dumbledore said. "Still, they are all young and few have the history to compare things like that to. And what do you think of this?"

"I try not to," Snape said. "Like I said, I detest the childish drama and as long as it does not cause any trouble that involves my efforts, it can happen as it will."

"Fair enough," Dumbledore chuckled. "Hm. Mister Potter is somewhat like his father."


"Come now Severus, has he shown any signs of being like that?"


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