End-of-Term Tensions

Snape's lips twitched. "He is very confident in his potion preparation abilities, which given his alleged hobby, it makes sense. And I have heard his comments made to Malfoy in passing, so the arrogance is there."

"He also draws the eye of people in need, to provide comfort and solace," Dumbledore said. "Case in point, Miss Parkinson."

"That was more something his mother did," Snape said quietly, pained.

"Perhaps a bit of both then," Dumbledore said gently.

Time passed slowly between them.

"Thank you for the report," Dumbledore said at last. "I will continue to keep a close eye on Quirrell and perhaps let Nicolas know that something might not be as it seemed." He clapped his hands. "Now, if you will excuse me," he said as he began walking to the door.

"Off to find more sources of entertaining drama?" Snape asked dryly.

The Headmaster's eyes glinted with glee. "Oh Severus, you know me so well." He left his office, humming sprightly to himself.


"I can't believe it's close to the end of the term," Harry said. "This year has flown by."

"We can believe it," Parvati said. "Hermione stays up late studying."

"I've seen her in the common room," Harry said. "She's usually the last to leave I think."

"And she keeps reading in the dorm." Lavender adjusted the strap of her bookbag. "We had to get her to close her curtains so we could sleep without a light on."

"Do you think you'll still beat her marks?" Parvati asked, smiling.

"I never thought I would in the first place," Harry laughed. "That was you or Padma."

"Have a little more faith in yourself," Parvati said. "It's not entirely probable, but it's certainly possible."

"There's having faith and then there's being delusional," Harry snorted. "I have plenty of faith in myself in the kitchen though."

"You should," Lavender smiled. "I could go for something you make right now. Too bad Professor Flitwick said we can't have club meetings because of term tests coming soon. Not to mention he's helping his O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s students."

"Say, what if we ask to study in the clubroom?" Parvati suggested. "That way we can get Padma to come. I'm sure he'll let us study there and if Harry accidentally cooks something at the same time, then we might as well eat it."

Harry laughed. "Oops! I'm so sorry Professor, I accidentally fell and the veg chopped themselves up. I have no idea how that happened!"

"Oh no I spilled biscuit dough into the oven!" Lavender giggled. "Whatever shall I do?"

"I knew you two would agree," Parvati said smugly.

"He'll probably let us, and I'll make extra for him too of course," Harry said. "What do we want to eat?"

"Something new?" Parvati suggested. "I can eat curries every day, because I'm used to it, but it'd be nice to have something different."

"I want to make biscuits too though, for snacking during studying," Lavender said.

"Nothing too much though," Parvati added hastily. "It's important that you study too. Sorry, don't mean to try and guilt you or anything."

"You didn't," Harry said warmly. "I know what you mean."

"Oh good, so I can push it a little more," Parvati said. "OW! Lav!"

"I'll pinch you again," Lavender said severely.

Harry chuckled. "You two are great. Oh look, there's Pansy and Millicent." He looked at the other two girls. "Did you want it to just be us or can we invite them too?"

The girls exchanged a look. "I guess we could," Lavender said slowly. "As long as they remain nice."

"Padma can invite one of her friends too," Parvati said. "She said it's someone she gets along with."

"And we can also ask Hermione," Harry said. "Who knows, maybe more people will make the studying a little better? And that won't stop us from doing a just us thing later."

"You'd be surrounded by girls," Parvati giggled.

"You two will protect me, right?" he asked plaintively, making them giggle more.

"We're girls too," Lavender laughed.

"Obviously," Harry sniffed and then laughed with them. "I can ask Neville if he wants to join us. I don't think Ron or Dean would study with us and if I'm being honest, still kinda hard to talk to them."

"And I don't want to be around Seamus so that works," Lavender said stiffly. She loosened up a little. "But that sounds good to me. And like you said, we can study together just us later on if it's a disaster."

"Works for me. Besides, I still want to know if Pansy's planning something. Hey Parkinson, Bulstrode," Parvati called out.


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