A Study Break with Slytherins

The two Slytherin girls stopped and turned, looking quizzical. They saw Harry and Lavender too and waved and approached them. "Hello," they greeted.

"We're going to ask Professor Flitwick if we can use the clubroom to study soon," Harry said. "Do you want to join us?"

"Why study in the clubroom?" Pansy asked.

"So Harry can make food for us to eat," Parvati explained. "Can't quite do that in the library."

"I think Pince would have a heart attack," Millicent snorted. "I tried to nibble on some toast in there once and she made it seem like I was eating a book."

"We're going to invite a few other people," Lavender said. "So it'll be a mix."

"Thank you for inviting us," Pansy said. She looked at Millicent who shrugged and nodded. "That sounds nice. We would like to come."

"We'll let you know when then," Harry said. "Maybe Saturday? We can just relax in the clubroom all day and take advantage and cook while there."

"Things can take that long to cook?" Millicent asked. "Really?"

"Oh yeah, some things you have to let sit overnight," Harry said. "Other things taste really good the longer they simmer for." He grinned. "I know what to make now. It'll be really good."

"Ooh if you say it is, then it has to be," Lavender smiled.

"Let's go see what Professor Flitwick says and then I'll place an order through Hedwig," Harry said excitedly. "See you later!" He and Lavender and Parvati ran off, leaving a bemused Pansy and Millicent watching them dash off.

"I never expected to be invited to spend time with Gryffindors," Millicent remarked. "Or anyone else for that matter."

"Me neither," Pansy said. "I don't hate it though."

"Clearly," Millicent said dryly, giving her friend a look. "Because you think it sounds nice."

Pansy gave her a look and a poke. "What?"

"Just saying you're awfully nice to Potter," Millicent smiled.

"I'm nice to you too," Pansy muttered. "Or I was."

"Yeah and it took you ages to treat me so nicely. He got to skip years of you being rude," Millicent sighed gustily.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

Pansy shook her head, a smile breaking through. "Wish I didn't."

"No you don't."

"Stop that!"

"Shant." Millicent smiled broadly at Pansy's groan of frustration.


"I thought we were going to spend the day studying," Hermione said.

"We are," Lavender replied.

"Then why did you bring that?" Hermione asked, pointing at the case Lavender was carrying.

"For when we take breaks," Lavender said. "Or when I take a break and you keep studying."

"I'm taking breaks too," Parvati said.

"I take breaks," Hermione sniffed.

"Falling asleep on your notes doesn't count really," Parvati said. "That's more like your body protesting and taking matters in its own hands. Which are actually your hands come to think of it."

"A break is anything you do that's not the task at hand," Hermione argued.

"Taking conscious breaks is different from an unconscious one," Lavender protested.

Neville looked askance at the three girls as they argued. "Do they normally do that?" he asked nervously.

"I think so," Harry said, not bothered by their arguing. "Lavender and Parvati arguments can get even more loud and active. This isn't anything to worry over I don't think."

"That's good," Neville said, still looking nervous. "Thanks for inviting me. I'm… I'm sorry I never said anything before," he added quietly. "I've been thinking about saying something but… well…" his voice trailed off dismally.

"It's okay," Harry sighed. "You didn't actually say anything rude to me and while you didn't stick up for me, it still counts. I think you're okay."

Neville smiled gratefully. "I think you're okay too." He looked around the club classroom with interest. "So this is where you guys do Household Charms?"

"Yeah, not sure what classroom it used to be before the club but it's nice. We've kept it clean and Inky lets us keep the stove here now. She used to bring it every time but since this is our official clubroom now, it's the club stove," Harry said, patting the stove fondly. "Professor Flitwick charmed the icebox for us too to keep things in."

"And you learn charms for doing stuff for cooking and sewing and things?" Neville asked. He looked surprised when Harry nodded. "I've never thought about learning that sort of thing in a club before."

"How do you learn stuff like that? From your family?" Harry asked.

"Uhm, well my family has House Elves to take care of the house stuff," Neville said. "I guess other families will teach them spells to use at home? I've never thought about how you don't learn it at school."

The door to the club room opened and Padma came walking in followed by another girl with long black hair tied in a ponytail. "Hey everyone," Padma said pleasantly. "Everyone, this is Sue Li. Sue, meet everyone. Parvati you know of course. That's Lavender, Hermione, Harry, and Neville right?"

"Hello," Sue said politely. "It's nice to meet everyone outside of class. Do you all study together like this often?"

"No, this is the first time," Harry said. "We're taking advantage of the space and being able to cook while studying so we can eat and relax somewhere different."

"I thought we'd be the last," Padma said.

"No, we're still waiting for Pansy and Millicent," Harry said.

"Parkinson and Bulstrode?" Sue's eyes opened wide. "The Slytherins? Really?"

"That was my reaction," Hermione murmured.

"They're not that bad," Harry said weakly.

"It's true," Lavender said with the Patils agreeing. "Pansy's still a bit snippy but she's not nearly as bad as she was in the beginning of the year."

"You weren't kidding when you said you have interesting friends outside of Ravenclaw," Sue said to Padma.

"I wouldn't consider those two friends just yet," Padma said wryly, "personally anyways." Her smile turned sly. "And Parvati isn't my friend, or interesting."

Parvati made a very rude hand gesture at her sister, making her and Hermione gasp while the others snickered and laughed.


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