Chapter 22 – The decision

"You have guts for shouting at my guards," the moth king says. He waves at his minion and dismisses them until there are only the two of us in the room. Only now I notice that Luna is absent. The king could kill me here and nobody would protest. I swallow hard.

"Forgive me your highness, but I did so because I needed to speak to you."

The moth king cocks his head to the side with a sly smile. "Oh? I thought we already did."

"This is about Luna,"

The king laughs and slouches on his throne. "And why would my spider slayer care for a moth girl?"

"Because she saved my life. She could be your asset, to always know where the spider people are-"

"And why would I care for that? I don't know how you are aware of our strategies, but we do have sentinels and the entire forest is infused with radium. I have knowledge of where the spiders are always. On the other hand, the spiders are dumber than rocks after being ruled by those two lusty good for nothing so called royals… You see where I am getting at?"

I nod.

"If I let Luna live, I will show that there are no consequences for breaking the king's trust. Luna, the moth girl," he waves carelessly, as if he had learned her name only because I told him, "Must die."

"I want to negotiate my terms for killing the spider people," I say.

"And let me guess, you want the moth girl to live."


"I am not known for my kind heart, and never will. The moth girl must die."

The king's words hang heavy in the air. I weigh my options carefully, but I have no time to waste.

"Let me propose an alternative," I say, trying to keep my voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "If I manage to eliminate the spider threat, Luna's life is spared."

"You seek no longer the gear?" He asks.


The king leans back on his throne, eyes calculating. "You ask for much, human. The spiders have proven to be a relentless menace, and I have lost many of my kin to their insatiable hunger. The moth kin have long yearned for peace, and your offer intrigues me. But I cannot decide Luna's fate alone."

He raises his hand, and two of his guards step forward from the shadows. I thought we were alone, but I was wrong.

"Escort Adonis and the moth girl to the council chamber. We shall convene to discuss this matter further."

"Your majesty, Luna is undergoing the removal of the bullet," one of the guards says. The king waves dismissively.

"Then tell the healers to be quick and fetch me the girl."

What the hell?! A council? I'm made to wait outside the throne room until after several minutes later, Luna walks beside me with crutches.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

She nods, "The pain will subside in a few hours, or so Luna was told. Thank you for speaking to the king."

"Don't thank me yet," I say with a sigh. "You're not out of the woods yet!"

"The woods?" Luna asks confused.

"Oh… right, you don't know our sayings… it means you are not safe yet."

"Luna is not safe yet… Luna is not out of the woods," she echoes me.

We are escorted to the council chamber – an expansive cavern, adorned with luminescent moss and tapestries that seem to capture the very essence of this enchanted realm. The air is charged with tension as various moths, each with unique patterns on their wings, gather around a circular table. The king takes his seat, and Luna and I stand at the center, awaiting the council's deliberation.

The door of the chambers opens wide, and the members of the council enter one by one, dressed in patchy clothes resembling a long cloak, the patches remind me of the healer. They don't look us in the eyes, but instead find their seats around us. A total of 20 moths are now ready to judge us. I feel sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Let's skip preambles. I have summoned you in haste because of the moth girl, who has broken code," the king says, "Show them your leg, moth."

Luna steps forward, with her crutches and shows the bullet wound to the council.

The council's reaction is a collective gasp, a wave of horror washing over their faces as they lay eyes on Luna's injured leg. An elderly moth with a long white beard leans forward, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"What treachery is this?" he mutters, his gaze shifting between Luna and I. "Explain yourselves."

Luna begins recounting the events that led to her injury. Her words echo in the chamber, detailing the crossfire with the spider minions and the bullet that pierced her delicate limb. The members of the council exchange uneasy glances, a mixture of pity and concern etched across their moth-like features.

The king, standing behind me, nods solemnly. "This human, Adonis, has offered to rid us of the spiders. He claims to have faced them before and survived. I believe him, and I believe Luna's injury is a testament to the danger that lurks in our realm."

The elderly moth of the council leans back, contemplating the revelation.

"And what does the human want in return?"

"Adonis sought gear to descend further into the layers. However, considering recent events, he has altered his request. Now, he wishes for Luna to be kept alive."

Murmurs of surprise ripple through the council as they exchange perplexed glances. The leader leans forward, his long white beard catching the dim light of the chamber. "Explain the change in your terms, human."

I step forward, meeting the penetrating gaze of the council. But the light in the ceiling is bright and the moth kin among the council are stern and intimidating. I swallow hard, trying to find the words that will change the council's mind… but I haven't always been the best with speeches.

So, I try my best to say whatever I have in my heart.

"I initially sought gear to navigate the dangers below. Luna's plight has made me reconsider. She saved my life and because of this I will kill the spider queen and king. In return, I ask for Luna's safety."

The leader of the council remains stoic, his gaze unwavering. The air in the chamber seems to thicken with tension, and I feel the weight of their scrutiny. Luna, standing by my side, appears anxious, her wings fluttering nervously.

"If we let her live, what will the consequences be?" a moth resembling a woman asked, with long blonde hair cascading on either side of her shoulders.

"We have killed for far less… it is unheard of to let a traitor like Luna live," the elderly one said.

The moth kin woman sighs, "A human willing to confront the spiders for the sake of a moth kin? Such a proposition is unheard of as well. What makes you think he can do it, your highness?"

The king smiles. "Because he was captured by the spider queen and lived to tell its tales."

More collective gasps spread around, they look at me with both horror and shock. I need to seize this moment and gain advantage in the conversation.

I take a deep breath. "It is true. I've witnessed the threats posed by the spiders in this layer. Luna's people… the moths are suffering, and I believe that by eliminating the spider queen and king, I can provide a measure of safety for you. My initial quest for gear was a selfish endeavor, but now, I see an opportunity to make a difference in this war."

Will they believe that I give a shit about their little squabbles? I glance towards Luna and she seems surprised. Does she believe my lies as well?

"If Adonis is indeed capable of killing the royals," the elderly moth says, "then I do believe he is entitled to all the riches he demands. Be gears, a mothgirl, or both."

I look up in surprise. Did I hear them correctly? Both?

A murmur sweeps through the council, and some members exchange glances. Luna squeezes my hand in a silent gesture of support.

The leader leans back, stroking his long white beard thoughtfully. "Your request is unusual, human. We have never allied ourselves with a surface dweller in this manner. What assurance do we have that you will uphold your end of the bargain?"

I meet the leader's gaze unwaveringly. "My word is my bond. I understand that trust is earned, and I am willing to prove my commitment. Allow me to face the spiders, and when the threat is eradicated, Luna's safety will be my top priority, together with some gears."

The leader of the council nods slowly, accepting my pledge. The leader of the moth kin council approaches King Mothr and exchanges hushed words. The king, with a subtle nod, acknowledges the information.

"Very well, human. I shall further discuss this with the council," he declares, dismissing us with a wave of his hands.

The guards, maintaining their watchful stance, escort Luna and me through the winding corridors of the moth kin realm. The soft glow of luminescent moss illuminates our path as we navigate the twists and turns, gradually arriving at the entrance to Luna's private chamber.