Chapter 23 – kinky promise

The guards stationed outside Luna's dwelling bow their heads in acknowledgment as we approach. The large stone door, adorned with intricate moth patterns, opens slowly, revealing the warm and inviting interior of Luna's sanctuary. We step inside, and the door closes behind us with a faint echo.

Luna gestures for me to take a seat on the makeshift bed, and the guards station themselves outside the door, maintaining their vigilant watch over us.

Luna's large, expressive eyes meet mine, reflecting gratitude and concern. "Luna can't believe what Adonis did for her," she murmurs, a hint of disbelief in her voice.

I offer Luna a reassuring smile, though uncertainty lingers in my eyes. "We won't know until the council makes their final decision. I just hope they see reason."

I lean back against the soft leaves and petals of the makeshift bed, contemplating the intricate patterns on the tapestries that adorn the walls. "I couldn't let them harm you. You saved my life, and I can't repay that by standing idly by."

Luna breaks the silence, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. "What does Adonis want in return?" I turn my gaze back to her, sincerity in my eyes.

"I just want you to be safe, Luna. That's all."

Her eyes are wet with tears, reflecting the glow of the softly lit room. Luna seems taken aback by my words, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. The vulnerability in that moment makes me acutely aware of the connection we've forged in this strange, first layer.

Luna's voice trembles as she responds, "Luna never expected anyone to care so much. Humans are supposed to be dangerous, but Adonis is different."

I offer a small, understanding smile. "Not all humans are the same, Luna. Just like not all Mothkin are the same. We're individuals, with our own choices and paths."

She nods, a newfound trust glimmering in her eyes. "Luna hopes the council sees that too. They can be… difficult."

I reach out and gently place a hand on her furry, moth-like arm. "Whatever happens, we face it together."

Luna's wings flutter slightly, as if echoing the uncertainty in the air. "Luna steals a lot of things from humans, does Adonis want to see Luna's prized possessions?"

I nod, curious and hopeful that she has stolen some valuable gear. She giggles and rushes to retrieve her prized possessions. The room is filled with a soft glow, casting a magical ambiance that complements the mystery of Luna's collection.

As Luna returns, she cradles a small, worn chest in her arms. It looks like it's seen better days, but there's a certain charm to its weathered appearance. She places it gently on the bed and opens it, revealing an assortment of trinkets and treasures.

"Luna finds these in the wreckage of human machines," she explains, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Humans leave behind many interesting things."

Among the items, I see a shiny pocket watch, a weathered map, and a collection of strangely shaped keys. Luna points to each one with pride, narrating the story behind its acquisition.

"Luna found this in the wreckage of a human machine that crashed near the edge of our kingdom," she begins, her voice carrying a sense of wonder. "Luna doesn't understand what it is. It just looks pretty."

I take the pocket watch from her delicate hands and gently press a small button on the side. The lid pops open, revealing the elegant clock face and ticking gears inside. Luna's eyes widen in amazement.

"Watch this," I say, showing her how to wind the watch. As the seconds hand begins to move, Luna's face lights up with delight.

"Luna never knew it could do that!" she exclaims, watching the intricate dance of the hands. "What is it for, Adonis?"

I explain to her the concept of timekeeping and how humans use such devices to measure the passing hours. Luna seems fascinated by the idea, and together we spend a few moments observing the pocket watch's rhythmic ticking.

"Luna has something else she wishes to show!" She scurries somewhere and comes back with what looks like a giant pink cylinder. I widened my eyes wide.

"This… well…" I stutter for words, how do I describe this gorgeous and sweet moth that what she is holding is a dildo?

"This is used for … well… for pleasure!" I explain.

"Pleasure?" she cocks her head to the side while holding the dildo close to her chest.

"Yes… women place things like this in between their thighs to pleasure themselves."

"Oh," She looks down at her thighs and moves a finger over them, then she places the dildo between her legs. "Like this?"

I become red, but I nod. "They do it alone," I tell her.

"Is this what Adonis was doing with the human girl?" she asks, then take the dildo back on the bed. "I … saw you two and heard you two."

"Oh… well, yes and no! I used my own genitals for it."

"Luna does not understand, mothkin don't pleasure this way."

"Oh," I manage to say and scratch my head. I am quite curious on how they do it, but I keep the questions for another day.

"Will Adonis pleasure Luna with this? If we get out of here?"

I am surprised. Luna is gorgeous, sure, but she has her own unique charm too. It feels strange to think that in just two days, I've shared intimate moments with a spider queen and a human. Could trying something different with a mothkin really be so bad? There's curiosity stirring inside me.

"Alright," I say, giving her a nod. "I'll go along with it."

A gleam of excitement lights up Luna's eyes as she holds the toy tight against her chest. She whispers playfully, "Maybe someday, even with Adonis..."

How could I turn down Luna? She's stunning, and she genuinely seems kind-hearted. Tentatively, I reach out and take her hand, meeting her gaze with sincerity. "I'm in."

Luna's smile becomes warmer, and she squeezes my hand gently. "Thanks. Adonis is very respectable and polite."

I am about to say that I am not very polite in bed, but I wonder if she would even understand the joke.

The sudden movement of the guards catches our attention. Luna looks at me, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and anxiety. She hides the dildo inside her skirt, and I already feel hard at the view.

One of the guards gestures for us to follow.

"The king and the council have reached a decision," the guard announces, leading us through the maze-like corridors.

As we walk, I steal a glance at Luna, who seems to be lost in her own thoughts. The weight of uncertainty hangs in the air, and I can't help but wonder what fate awaits us in the judgment of the Mothkin council.