Chapter 24 – My personal monster girl

The atmosphere in the council chamber is thick with tension as Luna and I stand before the Mothkin council and the king. The members, their eyes a mosaic of curiosity and scrutiny, gaze down at us from their elevated seats. The leader, with his long white beard and stern expression, breaks the silence.

"Adonis, Luna, the council has deliberated on your request," he declares, his voice echoing in the chamber. "The terms have been considered, and we have come to a decision."

I exchange a glance with Luna, both of us eager and anxious about the impending judgment.

The leader of the council addresses us with a measured tone. "Adonis, you have presented your case, and we acknowledge your pledge. The council has decided that if you successfully eliminate the threat posed by the spider queen and king, you will be granted the gear you seek. However, there is an additional condition."

I hold my breath, awaiting the verdict.

"Luna," he continues, shifting his attention to the moth girl beside me. "For your involvement in this matter and your role as a guide to the human, the council has decided on your fate. You are to be exiled from the Mothkin kingdom. You will follow Adonis as his companion and servant, never to return to our realm."

The weight of the judgment settles heavily on my shoulders, and I steal a glance at Luna. Her expression is a mix of surprise and resignation. The guards stationed by the door move, signifying the finality of the decision.

I look back at the council and the king, their expressions expectant. They hope I will bring back peace in their realm. I don't know if I am capable of such, but I know I have to kill the spiders no matter what.

I am heading down into the depths of the unknown, and I am getting my family back.

I am escorted outside – the spider minions have given up by now and their bodies lie crushed and incinerated outside the magical barrier. The stench of roasted meat is nauseating, especially when still fuming the way it is.

The moth guards stand behind me, inching me to get the hell out of their kingdom and come back only when I have fulfilled my mission. I wish to tell them I want to leave as well, but I am still waiting for Luna to reach me outside. She was escorted in her room once again to collect her belongings before becoming my 'slave'.

I despise that term.

Luna emerges from the shadows behind me, looking equally uneasy about the situation at hand. Her wings flutter nervously as she approaches me, carrying a small bag packed with essentials. Despite everything, there's something endearing about her resilience and determination not to let fear dictate her actions.

"is Adonis ready?" she asks softly, her voice barely audible over the cacophony of sounds around us.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I respond, taking hold of her hand and leading her outside the barrier. She takes a deep breath, looking back one more time before taking another step. Outside the barrier we are vulnerable, meat for the spiders.

We make our way back to Mila. Fortunately Luna remembers the way, because if it was up to me we would be dead before we reached the girl. I bet she is pissed, I told her we would take no time and yet I lied and it took us a whopping day. What if the spiders have killed her?

"Adonis don't need to worry," Luna says. "The tent is covered in magic."

As we approach the makeshift tent where Mila waits, relief washes over me. The sight of our friend alive and relatively unharmed brings warmth back into my heart.

She is disheveled, and her hands are still shackled. Shit did she even have anything to eat?

"Oh, perfect! You brought back the insect," She says with a roll of her eyes. Luna's wings start flapping quick.

"Mila," I interject, trying to calm down the situation. "We didn't exactly have a choice."

She moves her arm, the shackles clinking as she does. Mila eyes Luna with a mix of irritation and suspicion. Luna, on the other hand, seems unfazed and continues to hover behind me.

"Moth girl again, huh?" Mila sneers. "What's her deal?"

"She's our guide and companion, thanks to the council's decision," I explain. "We need her to navigate through the layers and face the spiders."

Mila raises an eyebrow. "Council's decision? What, did you join some moth cult or something?"

"It's complicated," I reply, deciding to spare her the details for now. "But Luna is with us, and we need to work together to get through this."

Mila lets out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, whatever. Just get these damn shackles off, and let's get going. I'm not waiting around for more surprises."

Luna produces a small, ornate key from her bag, and I quickly unlock Mila's shackles. She rubs her wrists, shooting a wary glance at Luna.

"I don't trust her," Mila mutters.

"Luna doesn't trust human girl either,"

"Trust is a luxury we can't afford to dwell on right now," I say, glancing at Luna. "We have a mission, and we need each other to survive. Let's focus on that."

Mila looks at me with suspicion as well. "It took you a goddamn day, where is the gear?"

"Sit down, this will take a while to explain," I tell her and to my surprise she does. As she sits I explain everything that has happened in the last day, from the council, to the bullet, and how because of Luna saving my life she is now exiled. None of this moves Mila's cold heart and she looks more than bored as I recount everything.