Chapter 25 – Adapt and Survive

"So… to summarize this long ass story… the spiders are aware of our whereabouts?! Because of moth girl?"

I knew Mila would have taken this the wrong way.

"Yes but we will also know where the spiders are as well. The radium works both way," I say.

"Luna helped us, and the council decided that she needs to be exiled for aiding us. Now she's bound to follow us," I explain, hoping to ease Mila's hostility.

Mila rolls her eyes. "I don't care about her little powers. If the spiders know where we are because of her, that puts us in danger. I thought you said we'd be quick, and now we're stuck with her and no gear. Fantastic."

"We have a chance to get gear," I reply, trying to salvage the situation. "But first, we need to deal with the spiders. Luna is helping us, and we're helping her in return. It's a complicated situation, but we need to adapt and survive."

Mila scoffs. "Adapt and survive, huh? Sounds like a moth cult mantra."

Luna stirs behind me, I can cut the tension with a knife.

"It's a matter of life and death, Mila. We're in a place where the rules are different, and we need to make choices that give us the best shot at making it through."

Mila crosses her arms, clearly unconvinced. "Killing the spider king for this moth is not worth, Adonis and you know it."

I turn towards Luna, apologetically, "Could you give us a second alone?"

Luna doesn't want to leave, I can tell by the way she eyes both me and Mila. But ultimately she stands up and steps away, Mila shoots me a stern look.

"Adonis, what the hell are we doing? We're risking our lives for a moth. This isn't some heroic quest. This is suicide."

I take a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Mila, we're in a place where alliances matter. Luna saved my life, and in return, we're helping her. The council believes I can take down the spider king and queen, and if I succeed, we get the gear we need to descend."

Mila raises an eyebrow. "And if you don't succeed?"

I hesitate for a moment, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Then we're back to square one, but at least we tried. The spiders are a threat to Luna's people, and if we can eliminate that threat, it's one less danger in this place."

Mila lets out a frustrated sigh. "I didn't sign up for this, Adonis. I thought we'd find a way down, not get entangled in some insect war."

"I didn't either, Mila," I admit. "But we adapt, we survive. This is our reality now, and we need to make the best choices we can."

She glances at Luna, who waits patiently a short distance away. "Fine. But if this goes south, I won't hesitate to leave you in the dust."

I nod, understanding her reservations. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We'll deal with the spiders, get the gear, and figure out the next step. Together. I don't intend in leaving you behind."

Mila cocks her head to the side, a sardonic smile on her lips. "Leaving me behind? If you're not careful, pretty boy, soon the only one alone will be you."

Her words leave me stunned, but I try not to show it. She stands up with a wink and walks with swag towards Luna.

As Mila joins Luna, the moth girl can't help but notice the lingering doubt in Mila's eyes. Luna's wings flutter with both excitement and concern as Mila approaches.

"Mila is still not convinced?" Luna inquires, her large eyes reflecting curiosity.

Mila leans against a makeshift pillar, crossing her arms. "I'm convinced that we're in for a wild ride. Let's just hope Adonis here doesn't get us all killed."

Luna glances at Adonis, who offers a half-smile. "Luna believes in Adonis."

Mila rolls her eyes, the skepticism still evident in her expression.

We decide to camp for the night in the tent.