The Difference Of Illusions.

"Don't worry you'll get it eventually!" Amelia is currently encourging me as I 'Fail' to use my ability Illusion. 

'This Gem is really impressive even though its quality is clearly bad it still has way more energy than I could ever hope to use, produce or manipulate all at once.' In a clearing in a forest just northwest from Mistralton City Amelia is training me to use my ability with a ghost type gem.

'Though the gem is currently losing power pretty quickly, it keeps rushing into me every time I charge any ghost type energy like its attracted to it. That's probably why its a one time use item in the games, but I'm also pretty sure that this item doesn't exist in any of the newer games because it was too good in competive Pokemon or something.'

Moving around to a different Pokedoll to keep up the Illusion (Heh.) that I was trying to train my ability while I was absorbing the power from the gem. 'Another thing is that its energy is way to easy to absorb, I'm barely putting any effort into to and it keeps crashing its energy into me in waves. I do wonder if its safe for me to be absorbing this much energy since my body is still very young, Though Pokemon mature much quicker so it should be fine right? It also isn't hurting so it must be fine.'

Almost subconsciously I form a shroud with the excess energy I'm absorbing with it solidfying extremly quickly and taking shape next to me in the form of a Elekid. Looking to my left and seeing the fully formed Elekid with color I quickly put it away to hide it from Amelia who is currently with Jarl around 20 feet away.

'How did I form it without electric energy? Was that my illusion ability? Then what the hell was I using before?' with my mind moving a mile a minute I pause in absorbing the gem.

'It would make sense to some extent Zorua's and Zoroark's can't use all types but they can transform into any Pokemon. Then what made me use my actual illusion ability? Was it have the actual Pokemon infront of me? Or was it the extra ghost type energy plus my slightly better efficiency in manipulation?'

'Maybe its a combination of both. The extra energy plus my 'level' going up and having a clear image of the Pokemon. The illusion ability activates for your Pokemon only so the familiarity plus the I've image of the Pokemon would make it easy to transform into. But Zoroark in the movie's transformed into a Suicune so does that mean its spent a extended amount of time with one? Out of topic! But what is the ability I first used? I didn't have this amount of energy or a clear image of the Pokemon in front of me.'

While I was trying my hardest to figure out how my illusion ability worked Amelia looked over to me in my confusion and sudden stop in training. "Are you ok? If your tired you can rest for a while. Or if the gem is hurting you then we can stop!"

Being the angel she is she pets me with a look of worry on her face she picks me up and moves me near the edge of the clearing into the shade. 'Well I made she worry but I might as well use this time to take a nap or something, its surprisingly tiring to absorb all the energy insde a magical gem plus using my first legitimate illusion ruined my endurance.'

Slowly drifting off to sleep Amelia scratches and pets me as I rest.





{Short Chapter because I couldn't find a good place to break it down but tomorrows chapter will be longer and around 1000-1200 words probably.}


[Scratch, Hone Claws, Tackle, Poison Fang, Leer.]


Illusion/Dark Shroud.

{Also as the fic goes on more information on the world will be revealed so don't be head hurt if what D thinks is 100% correct. And with that the profiles of Pokemon that I do will get more and more indepth like D and viewers don't know if EV's and IV's exist so they won't pop up.}