3 Weeks Later

"Kage use Snarl!" Opening my mouth and launching a sonic Snarl at the Snover across from me hitting it and stopping it from getting closer to me.

"Snover!" The girl yells at the Snover as it goes down with its eyes closed. "The Snover has fainted! The winner is Amelia from Nacrene City!"

Looking back at Amelia as she runs up to the oppenent and thanks them before coming back to me and petting me while giving me her thanks. "Good job Kage! We'll head back to the room now, this is the last day we're spending in Numbasa."





After being brought back to the hotel I start to do my secret "Writing". By making a shroud and giving it the illusion of a book I use another shroud as a pencil and begin to "write".

[Entry 7: This is the last day we're spending in Numbasa and she still hasn't said where we're going after but I can assume that we're probably going to Castella. Other than that my training been going well with more progress being made on my Human illusion. Though the same problem still happens with the difference in mass. Tranforming using the original method can't be held up for long and is way to frail, while the Shrouded method can't be used as the difference in size is too great and I can't make it up with the amount of energy I can currently produce.]

[Shrouded Illusion Method: This illusion method using the shroud and doesn't need a physical image to observe for the illusion. This illusion method is much more efficient compared to the Original Illusion Method with it using small amounts of energy to make the illusion and nearly no energy for the upkeep of the illusion. Although it has drawbacks like the need of focus and it uses a lot of energy depending on the mass of the illusion I make which gets worse when I'm using an illusion on myself. Trying to make an illusion of a Wailord with this method wouldn't be possible as I directly use energy to make up the difference of size and mass.

[Original Illusion Method: This illusion method does not use the shroud and requires a physical image to observe and base the illusion around. It needs small amounts of energy to keep up and with the energy required to start it making it a very inefficient way to use Illusions. Combined with that these types of Illusions are frail and easily destroyed. Although the ease and lack of concentration needed makes it a quick method of illusions in a pinch. Another interesting thing about these types of illusion is making Illusions of different sizes doesn't really change the energy required unlike the Shrouded Illusion Method.]

'Another day another thing added to the list of things I can't figure out.' Thinking about how the differences between the Original Illusion Method and the Shrouded Illusion Method.

Closing the book and dispersing the the book and pencil illusions. '...Man I'm so tired I'm using the shrouded method for the Eevee illusion so it isn't that taxing but I feel mentally tired.... I probably should put that in the shrouded method despriction.'

After another 5 minutes Amelia comes back from the department store holding another bag and another 2 Pokeball's one being a Heavy Ball and the other being a Dusk Ball. "Hey Kage! I've got the Pokeball's for the other two eggs so that when they hatch we won't have to worry about them hurting themselves before we can get Nurse Joy to check them out."

Yipping and acting excited I hop around her. 'Did I write down my nickname?.. Either way she gave me a name. Kage, which is really basic I must add like that's just shadow in.. Spanish? Korean? Japanese? I can't really remember but I know its basic!'

"Anyway! We'll be heading to our next stop tomorrow and once we get there we'll be training until the league starts again." Amelia picks me up and sits down and goes on her phone while petting me.

'I strangely don't mind being pet.. I know I shouldn't be thinking of this now but I haven't really noticed until now.' Rexaling and letting myself be pet as a calming aura washes through the room. 'Why is it so persistent!'