Training For Real

Over the next week and a half I've been training, normally I'm trained by Houndoom both publicly and in secret although I'm also being tutored by Staraptor.

"Your done for today." Currently I was training with Staraptor outside of the mansion doing multiple of his training drills. Looking at him and nodding I start to head back inside as I look to my left and see Amelia running laps while Jarl and Doku are getting trashed by Empoleon and Gallade respectively.

Going through the doggy? Poke? whatever. Going through the Poke door I enter into a back room near both the kitchen and main bathroom. Heading upstairs after wiping down my paws I open the door using my Shroud and enter the room.

'Finally! Its been too long. I haven't been able to update my "journal" with anything new since I've been under watch by Darach and Houndoom even if I got her off my case. Either way I'll make use of this time I've got to make my next step.'

Using my Shroud to make a book I open it to the a couple pages down from my last entry as I update the table of contents with "Current and Future Training Plan"


[Current Training Plan: Currently I'm being training by both Houndoom and Staraptor both owned by one of the Sinnoh Frontier Brains Darach. Houndoom is publicly training my damage output by increasing my claws cutting power and durability, they are also training my fangs in a similar manner. Not only that but they are training me in my maneuverability and agility to dodge attacks and obstacles. She might be training my reflexes by attacking me when I least expect it...Or she just like attacking me without provocation.]

[The second part of my current training is done by another Pokemon owned my Darach Staraptor. I have only started their training recently but from the few sessions I've had with them they seem to be complementing Houndooms training. Using wind attacks they have simulated natural problems during battles like Sandstorm and being hit by water. Not only that but they've also focused heavily on pure speed and my efficiency during battles seeing and correcting my extra movement and wastes of energy.]

[Future Training: In the near future the next form of training should be on the special side training my special might and expanding my moveset in many ways with utility, buffs, debuffs, Status, and normal attacks. Combined with that I should focus on abusing and learn everything I could about the Shroud with experiments. Also gradually devolping my fighting abilities like reflexes, speed, endurance, and other aspects.]


Turning another couple of pages and mentally updating the table contents with "Important Figures. (Both Known and Not)."

'This page will have every semi important Human and Pokemon I meet and know the existence of. I'll write simple descriptions first then I slowly update them depending on any information I gain.

[Darach: Currently the Sinnoh Frontier Brain of the Battle Castle. He owns Houndoom, Empoleon, Staraptor, and Gallade, from the sorce of the games he will or should have some sort of connection with Entei although currently this is isn't proven correct.]

[Caitlin: Currently they are known as the Princess of the Battle Castle and its head. She isn't in her adult form although from the games she should become a Elite Four member in Unova. She currently owns at least a Gothitelle although she should also own multiple other Pokemon like a Reuniclus.]

[Amelia: She is currently my Train-

Suddenly I hear set of footsteps and I disperse my book Shroud and lay down with my eyes closed. "Finally!" Opening my eyes suddenly and looking at Amelia who burst into the room, she's wearing her usual casual wear that has been noticeably dirtied.

"OH. Did I wake you? I'm sorry I was just trying to get to the showers as quick as I could." Learning down she scratches the back of my ears as she grabs her bag and heads into the seperate bathroom.

'Well that's probably all I'm going to be able to write in there without risk. Other than that I've got to start on my human training... I should put that better what I mean is learning how to speak, write and read this language. Wait I already knew what I mean't why'd I clarify for myself?'

Being wierded out by my own strange habits I get up and go downstairs after looking at the mounted clock in the room showing the time of 7:30 PM.

Heading downstairs I head to another larger bathroom. Although it can harder be called a bathroom as its more like a huge bath with a couple a wash cloths and faucets. 'Its almost exactly like a stereotypical anime bathhouse. I didn't think these would exist, I guess it makes sense but it should be in like Kanto or something not Unova this is the amercan region after all.

"This is the first time I've seen you down here." Houndoom is currently soaking? and looks at me. 'Huh. I guess fire types can like water.'

Nodding at her I slowly walk into the water as I see more Pokemon walk/fly into here. 'I didn't like about it in the moment but this place is huge its like an olympic pool in here. How big is the mansion if it has this? Plus is it connected to the backyard?'

Both Doku and Jarl walk in along with all of Darach's Pokemon and a little white Pokemon that apon seeing me dashes in my direction. 'Even if I'm a Pokemon now this is weird.'