Entrance Exam

There I was, among 32 of my peers, attempting to join Zenith at the entrance exams. The entrance exams are not a given; trying to enroll entails submitting an application online and then being selected for the in-person exam. Unfortunately for me, an essay is also one of the requirements for applying, but Aiko helped me write it. She really made me uncomfortable writing about how my awakening at the school and helping so many people inspired me to join the academy to continue helping others. She really laid it on thick. After some time, I received an email saying they had heard of my heroic actions and it would be an honor for them to have me take their entrance exam.

The first step of the exam is a written test. The testing room was a spacious hall with rows of desks neatly arranged. The walls were adorned with motivational posters and banners representing Zenith's illustrious history. As I took my seat, I noticed the diverse group of applicants, all focused and determined. Since I am underage, the academy serves more like a high school with a special Regalia curriculum. After I obtain my high school diploma, I am to stay in Zenith, solely focusing on improving my Regalia should I be accepted, until I complete my three years. From there, I can decide whether I want to enroll in military training to use my Regalia to fight for my country domestically or abroad. But all of these thoughts only mattered if I was one of the few selected to join this cohort.

After I finished the written exam, we moved to the outdoor training grounds for the physical tests. The grounds were vast, with various stations set up for different activities. The air was crisp, and the sun cast a warm glow on the field. The next test consisted of physical challenges to assess our limits in strength, speed, and endurance. We ran, lifted weights, swam, and did a multitude of physical tests. I considered my performance to be pretty average. An important thing to note was that for this test, no one was allowed to use their Regalia. One of the instructors testing us said that a Regalia is an extension of us, and thus we could not neglect the training of our body; otherwise, we would not make it very far here.

Lastly, the third and final test arrived. Each person was to fight three battles against three different applicants. The matches were to be fought in an open area outside that almost felt like a basketball court, with lines delineating a space that could not be crossed. The area was surrounded by high walls and observation platforms where instructors and other applicants could watch. The ground was a mixture of dirt and grass, providing a rough terrain that could affect movement and strategy. The air was tense with anticipation, and the sounds of other matches echoed around us. Of course, winning or losing was not determinative of being accepted. We were told that they wanted to see how we handled ourselves in a fight, what our Regalia was capable of, and our adaptability in combat. The instructor then ended her description by saying:

"No lethal attacks will be allowed in these fights. Any student seen trying to use a fatal or dangerous attack will be disqualified immediately." She then looked at me. "You, creation Regalia, that means no guns, swords, or any deadly weapons. You understand?"

I was startled that she suddenly referred to me, so I timidly answered, "Yes, ma'am."

It was a bit cruel that they made us fight each other right after all those physical tests, but I also get it. Regalia users in the military tend to have very long days and are expected to fight at a moment's notice. They don't have the luxury to choose when or where to engage in battle.

Among the 32 applicants, all of them were Tier 2 except me and one girl. However, that was where the similarities ended between us. I was the only Tier 3, whereas she was already considered a Tier 1. I'm not sure what her age was, but like most of these individuals, she was probably fresh out of middle school and immediately tried joining the academy. This cohort likely chose to train a little more before taking the entrance exam in March rather than September, which would have been the closest date after completing middle school. Or maybe some of them were not selected for the first entrance exam; who knows. The Tier 1 girl was intimidating. She had an unapproachable air about her, and I hoped I wouldn't be paired to fight her.

However, just as I was building up my hopes, they were immediately crushed. She was to be my third match, meaning I had to make a really big impression in the first two.

My first opponent was a young student named Ryuji. He had jet-black hair that spiked upwards, a muscular build, and a confident smirk that suggested he was no stranger to combat. My second opponent seemed a bit older, about my age, but I couldn't say for sure. His name was Takeshi. He had a more mature presence, with a focused and calm demeanor that hinted at extensive training. And lastly, my final opponent was none other than Yukiko, the Tier 1 user. I didn't know what her Regalia did, but everyone was gossiping during the physical abilities tests that she was a Tier 1 and would easily make it into Zenith without a doubt.

There were two ways to win the fight: by knockout or by pushing the opponent out of bounds. My strategy was simple—push them out of bounds. There was no way I could knock them out with my current abilities. I could try to hit them with a bat, but frankly, I feared they might disqualify me for it being too dangerous. I mean, a concussion is nothing to scoff at.


My first match was starting. I stepped into the ring and saw my opponent. Ryuji's sharp green eyes seemed to pierce through me. He wore a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt that showed off his toned arms, and his movements were fluid and precise, indicating a well-trained body. He looked young, probably around 15 or 16, but he walked with a lot of confidence, exuding an aura of determination and skill. Just as the starting sound rung, initiating our fight, Ryuji spoke.

"I am going to make you regret being here, Tier 3!" he screamed as he rushed towards me.

The arena buzzed with the tension of the contestants. The moment the starting signal rang out, Ryuji rushed towards me and chains materialized from thin air, descending from above like serpents.

I stepped back instinctively, trying to gain space and assess the situation. My inexperience in combat was glaringly obvious. My heart raced as I attempted to activate my Regalia, thinking, I need to protect myself from those chains. A shield appeared in my hands. But before I could fully grasp it, the chains lunged at me, moving with a speed that outpaced Ryuji himself.

The chains didn't slam into me as I had feared. Instead, they wrapped around my arms and legs with a precise, almost calculated movement. The shield I had summoned vanished the moment the chains made contact. Panic set in as I desperately tried to summon anything that could free me from my predicament. But my Regalia refused to activate.

"Why?" I spat out in frustration, my voice tinged with desperation. "Why won't it work?"

Ryuji's laughter echoed across the arena as he slowly approached me, his demeanor dripping with smug superiority. "Do you really think chains alone are enough to categorize me as a Tier 2?" he mocked. "True, with my chains' speed and defense capabilities, I can probably take out the entire police force. But their true nature lies in your futile attempts to use Regalia. My chains, once they wrap around someone, block the activation of Regalia. That is the true essence of my power. I am the apex predator of Regalia users." His grin stretched from one side of his face to the other, a twisted mask of triumph.

The same signal that had started the fight now rang out again, signaling its end. The instructor's voice boomed, "Natsuya is unable to continue. Ryuji wins the battle."

At that announcement, Ryuji released me from his chains. I felt the cold metal slide away, leaving a lingering sensation on my skin. "Tier 3s don't belong at Zenith," he sneered as he walked away, leaving me to absorb the sting of his words.

Feeling utterly defeated, I walked back towards the gathering area where the other contestants and spectators were. The weight of my loss bore down on me. I tried to watch the following fights, but my mind kept wandering, replaying the events over and over. What could I have done better? How could I have won? Ryuji's power really was a Regalia user's worst nightmare, and I had been utterly unprepared for it. The arena, with its high walls and dirt-covered ground, felt like it was closing in on me, the noise of the other matches becoming a distant hum as my thoughts consumed me.


Before I could sulk for too long, my second fight was set to begin. I stood in the arena once more, facing Takeshi. He had a thin, toned body seemingly designed for combat, with sharp, defined muscles that hinted at his agility and strength. His face was strikingly handsome, with chiseled features, piercing blue eyes, and dark brown hair that framed his face perfectly.

The starting sound rang out again, initiating my second battle. But before I could even process what was happening, I felt hands on my back. The next thing I knew, I was already out of bounds.

"Wha—" I couldn't process what had just happened. If only I had infused more energy into my ocular Regalia, I could have seen his movements. But with only its passive activation, I couldn't track his extremely fast movements. Once again, the instructor signaled my defeat, and the other students laughed at my quick dismissal. Takeshi didn't say anything; he was completely expressionless from start to finish.

The laughter of the other students stung, a harsh reminder of my inadequacy. Takeshi walked past me, his eyes cold and devoid of any emotion. He didn't even acknowledge my presence, as if I were beneath his notice.

As I rejoined the other students, I overheard their conversation. Apparently, Takeshi was a bit famous. He was known for his Super Regalia—a power straight out of comic books. Extreme strength, speed, and reflexes. Now I saw the massive bridge that divided one tier from the next. I was coming to the realization that I might never be able to match my peers.

Before this feeling of defeat could completely overcome me, I steeled my nerves. I had just one fight left against the Tier 1, Yukiko. If I could at least perform an impressive feat against her, I might still have a chance of joining Zenith, I thought.


The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the arena. My final match was upon me. The other contestants watched intently, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and doubt. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. This was my last chance to prove myself, to show that I deserved a place at Zenith.

Yukiko stood across from me, her presence commanding and her light brown eyes sharp with focus. Her light brown hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, and her gym clothes, though simple, seemed to accentuate her lithe, athletic build. The whispers and gossip from the other students filled the air, but I blocked them out, focusing solely on the task at hand.

I had paid close attention to Yukiko's previous fights because, truth be told, I thought she was the only one who would completely overwhelm me (I was very wrong).

Yukiko's power consisted of what appeared to be shock absorption and release. She could essentially release immense pressure from a single finger, pushing people out of bounds instantly. The caveat seemed to be that an attack needed to land on her before she could release the powerful counterattack. It seemed she needed to absorb shock to attack. At least that's what I gathered from observing her fights. When she was hit, the attack seemed to be nullified, not even moving her an inch from where she was standing.

As I stood in front of Yukiko, my strategy was simple: stun her with an electric weapon and drag her out of bounds. She might have shock absorption, but I was willing to bet that electricity from a taser would still affect her.

The sound of the fight initiating was like a starting gunshot, and I sprinted toward Yukiko with everything I had. She remained stationary, her face calm and composed, extending her right hand with an open palm. "You are not even worth giving a shot," she declared, and a wave of immense pressure burst from her hand, hurtling towards me.

I crossed my arms in front of my face, trying to shield myself from the overwhelming force. So it turned out she didn't need to absorb an attack to release pressure. What a horrible time to be wrong, I thought to myself. The pressure was like a hurricane, relentless and unyielding. My feet slid backward despite my efforts to dig them into the ground. Each step back felt like a step closer to defeat. Desperation clawed at my heart as I struggled to find a way to fight back.

In that moment of despair, a forgotten memory flashed through my mind—the words I had heard back at the school. All I had to do was command. "I will win!" I shouted, my voice filled with determination.

Yukiko's eyes widened in surprise, but her expression quickly hardened. The world around me seemed to slow, and suddenly, the force pushing against me felt like a gentle breeze. My muscles surged with newfound strength, and I imagined my muscle fibers growing stronger and stronger. With a burst of speed, I moved behind Yukiko, free from the pressure she had been exerting.

My fist flew toward her back, but halfway through, I remembered my earlier plan to use a shock. It was too late to change my trajectory, so I visualized my punch delivering an electric shock. The atoms rearranged, and a pair of brass knuckles materialized around my hand—not designed to hurt physically, but to deliver a stunning shock.

My punch connected, and though her Regalia absorbed the impact, the electric shock coursed through her body. Yukiko screamed and collapsed to the ground. Seizing the moment, I reached down to grab her and drag her out of bounds. But just as I made contact, she looked up at me, her eyes blazing with determination. "I may have underestimated you," she admitted.

A force exploded from her entire body, a shockwave that sent me flying through the air. I crashed into a nearby building with a thunderous impact, the wall crumbling around me. Pain radiated through my body as I struggled to stay conscious. My vision blurred, and darkness began to close in. "I- I- I- lost," I whispered, my voice barely audible, before slipping into unconsciousness.