In the year 2077, the world has been reshaped by the emergence of superpowers, known as Regalia, and the subsequent rise of powerful individuals. Natsuya Kiyotaka, an ordinary student in the nation of Azuria, possesses an ocular Regalia that grants him heightened reflexes and overall enhanced vision. Ranked as Tier 5, the lowest rank in combat effectiveness, Natsuya has always accepted his place in society without complaint. However, his peaceful life takes a dramatic turn when a perilous situation threatens the safety of his loved ones. With his Regalia unable to meet the challenge, Natsuya is forced to confront the limitations of his power. As Natsuya delves deeper into the mysteries of his abilities and the true potential of his Regalia, he faces formidable foes and uncovers hidden truths about the world's power structure.