Chapter 2 002 Stockpiling 1

In addition to rice, Ye Fu ordered five tons of flour, paid half of the deposit, left the warehouse address to the boss, and after adding the boss on WeChat, Ye Fu went to the edible oil wholesale store again.

Her main reason was that she wanted to open a supermarket in her hometown. The boss also suggested that she should not only buy one kind, but also buy different types of grains and oils.

Ye Fu listened to the advice very much, so when she was shopping for cooking oil, she ordered two hundred barrels of each type.

Ye Fu also bought salt, sauce, vinegar, various condiments, spices, and seasoning packets in a carpet-style manner, especially salt, of which he bought several tons directly.

Passing by the grain seed store and the vegetable seed store, Ye Fu bought all the seeds in the store, but that was not enough. She also wanted to buy some fruit seeds and medicinal seeds. She didn't know when the natural disaster would end, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years. After the high temperature, the plants would die overnight, but as long as there were seeds, there would be hope for the future.

Seeing a liquor shop, Ye Fu walked in. When the boss heard her say that she wanted to buy two large jars of liquor, he was stunned for a moment and looked at Ye Fu for a long time. However, since there were customers coming, there was no reason not to do business. After taking the money, the boss patted his chest and promised to deliver the goods to her door tomorrow.

Ye Fu spent the whole day at the wholesale market and went to the slaughterhouse before dark.

There are many slaughterhouses in Lancheng, but this is Ye Fu's first time to visit such a place.

Standing at the door, he could smell a thick, fishy odor. Ye Fu checked the latest meat prices on the Internet and had a rough idea in his mind.

Sure enough, as soon as she expressed her desire to purchase a large amount of fresh meat, the owner of the slaughterhouse looked at her as if she were a fool.

"Which market are you from? I haven't seen you before."

Ye Fu forced a smile and said, "I was introduced by an acquaintance. I am not from the market. My family is going to open a canning factory, and someone introduced me to come here to order fresh meat."

When the boss heard this, he nodded.

"How much do you want?"

"This number." Ye Fu said a number, and the boss's eyes changed again when he looked at her. However, after paying the deposit, the boss did not ask any more questions, but readily agreed to deliver it to the warehouse on time.

It was almost time, so Ye Fu drove back home. She calculated the money she had spent that day, took out her tablet and mobile phone, and purchased several apps online.

The most scarce resource after the natural disaster is water. Ye Fu found out that there is a plastic bucket factory in Lancheng. They have ordered 2,000 3,000-liter water tanks and 3,000 extra-large water barrels. These barrels can be filled in three months. Thinking of the scene in his previous life where humans killed each other for a bottle of water, Ye Fu couldn't help but clench his fists.

Water purification and disinfection tablets, warm clothes, jackets, cotton shoes, rain boots, goggles, gloves, protective clothing, disinfectant, antifreeze face hats, thermal insulation clothing, masks, down jackets, socks, underwear, sanitary napkins, etc. Ye Fu selected them and paid.

As for medicines, Ye Fu has changed several softwares, but it is far from enough. He still needs to purchase a batch of painkillers, antipyretics, stomach medicine, iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, allergy medicine, calcium tablets, vitamins, cephalosporin, cold medicine, frostbite cream, etc. offline.

There were also shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, laundry detergent, sunscreen... Ye Fu still felt a lingering fear when he thought back to his face and arms burned by the sun during the high temperature.

Ye Fu also bought twenty speedboats and kayaks. Life jackets, lifebuoys, fishing nets, fishing rods, moisture-proof mats, etc. are also essential.

She decided to go to the wholesale market to buy toilet paper, as well as matches, lighters, flints, and ignition sticks. Ye Fu directly placed an order for ten boxes, one box contained a hundred pieces. She could use the ten boxes until she died. Ye Fu pinched her ears. She also needed to purchase some generators, diesel, gasoline, kerosene, coal, gas cylinders, gas stoves, bottled gas tanks and liquefied gas tanks, ovens... these were more troublesome.

As for solar panels, electricians, stoves, alcohol stoves, alcohol blocks, etc., she can go to the hardware trade city to buy them.

There were also candles and flashlights. After the heavy rain, there was basically a power outage around the world, and humans went straight back to primitive society.

Oh, and there are also vegetables and fruits. After the natural disaster, vegetables and fruits are more precious than diamonds. Thinking that she now has a space, and the space is static, and the food will not spoil or rot if put in, Ye Fu can't help but get excited. This time, she must stock up enough vegetables and fruits.

Until late at night, Ye Fu was still shopping frantically on her mobile phone, buying clothes and shoes in quantities that would last for decades. She put down her phone only when she was so hungry that she couldn't stand it anymore. She went into the kitchen and quickly cooked a bowl of noodles. After eating, she went to her parents' room, tidied up their cherished books, bookshelves, wardrobes, and beds, and put them away.

After a tiring day, it was already one o'clock in the morning when Ye Fu lay down. After taking a short nap, Ye Fu opened his eyes, washed up, and went to the fruit wholesale market.

Lancheng has a pleasant climate, with neither scorching heat in summer nor severe cold in winter. The lowest temperature in winter is 12 degrees, and the highest temperature in summer is 27 degrees. Here, you can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables all year round.

Due to the abundant resources, the wholesale price of fruits is not expensive. Although it is January, there are still many kinds of fruits on the market. Ye Fu decided to order a batch first, and then order another batch when new varieties are on the market in March.

She ordered tons of all the fruit varieties available on the market, because after the natural disaster, all the fruits became extinct.

It was almost ten o'clock when Ye Fu came out of the fruit wholesale market, so he changed route and went to the vegetable wholesale market.

There were many people coming here for wholesale, and the amount she bought was not significant. Ye Fu looked at the memo in her mobile phone and did not miss any vegetable.

Pumpkin, sweet potato, corn, potato, bitter gourd, eggplant, cucumber, garlic, pepper, radish, ginger, green vegetables, cabbage, lotus white, tomato, lettuce, leek, various bean seeds, etc.

At the vegetable wholesale market, Ye Fu bought another 3,000 boxes of eggs. After having lunch at a fast food restaurant in the market, Ye Fu drove to the warehouse.

On the way, Ye Fu suddenly thought of buying some fertilized chicken, duck and goose eggs, but there was no rush, as these could be purchased online.

Just a few minutes after Ye Fu arrived at the warehouse, a truck delivering cooking oil arrived. After the driver unloaded the goods, a truck delivering rice also arrived at the warehouse.

A driver was curious and wanted to find out the news, so Ye Fu gave him a red envelope and the driver tactfully shut up.

Before nightfall, a truck from the bucket factory hurried over. Looking at the thousands of large buckets, Ye Fu felt much more at ease. She bought three water purifiers in case of emergency.

However, Ye Fu also ordered a batch of bottled water from the pure water plant. The days of water shortage were not easy, and she did not want to experience it again.

After returning home, Ye Fu ate a bucket of instant noodles and then took out his mobile phone to start shopping.

Hot packs, brown sugar, rock sugar, tents, mosquito repellent, battery lamps, pepper spray, stun guns, sleeping bags, heating pads, coats, thermal insulation clothing, binoculars, etc.