Chapter 3 003 Stocking up 2

Oh, and there's also cat litter. After a heavy rain, not only will the power be cut off, but the water will also be cut off. Sewage from the sewer will backflow, and the house will be flooded by the backflow of sewage.

Cat litter can solve the problem of going to the toilet. Ye Fu thought about it and decided to order one from the cat litter factory in Lancheng and have it delivered directly to the warehouse. After all, she bought a lot.

There are also cement, sand, red bricks, and all sewers must be sealed, especially toilets. Sewage flooding homes must never happen again.

Regarding weapons, Ye Fu sighed.

You can't buy controlled knives with sharp edges on the Internet. She also wants to get some sharp weapons for self-defense. It would be even better if she could get some hot weapons. In her previous life, some people did a lot of unscrupulous things because they had hot weapons. Ye Fu's eyes darkened. Human nature is based on civilization and order. Once civilization is broken and order collapses, the dark side of human nature is far more terrifying than jackals.

On the third day, Ye Fu went to the warehouse at five in the morning. It was still a little cold in Lancheng in January. She wore a down jacket, a mask and a hat and was full of energy. Today was the day when the slaughterhouse delivered goods to the door. Ye Fu went to three slaughterhouses and bought tons of pork, mutton and beef, as well as a lot of chickens, ducks and geese.

All the fresh meat that was delivered was placed into wholesale foam boxes before being stored in the space. Ye Fu arranged the supplies in the space neatly, and they could be seen clearly at a glance by using his consciousness.

At noon, Ye Fu went to the pharmacy and visited ten Western medicine stores. He completed the purchase of medicines, then went to a Chinese medicine store and bought a lot of Chinese medicines that might be used.

In the afternoon, Ye Fu signed for the fruits and vegetables, and put them neatly into foam boxes before putting them away.

Before going home, several tons of cat litter from the cat litter factory were successfully delivered to the warehouse.

On the way home, Ye Fu received a call from his roommate Lin Jiao.

She did not tell her roommates about her suspension of study, and only her counselor knew about it.

"Ye Fu, when will you return to school?"

Ye Fu has an average relationship with the other three roommates in the dormitory, and Lin Jiao is the only roommate who added her as a friend.

Thinking of the things in the dormitory, Ye Fu thought about it and decided to go back and pack them up tomorrow.

"I'm taking a leave of absence."

Lin Jiao was a little surprised, "Suspend your studies?"


Lin Jiao asked her in a low voice what was wrong.

"Nothing, just some personal matter at home. I'll go to the dorm and pack my things tomorrow."

Lin Jiao was shocked. "You want to move out of the dormitory? Are you going to take a long break from school?"

Arriving at the community parking lot, Ye Fu parked his car and went upstairs. In the corridor, he met a neighbor he knew. They nodded to each other and then passed each other.

"Yes, Lin Jiao, are you from Lancheng?"

"No, I'm from Cloud City."

Yuncheng? Ye Fu remembered that in his previous life, Yuncheng had a medium-sized base.

"What's wrong? Are you going on a trip?" Lin Jiao began to chatter about Yuncheng's special food and famous attractions.


After hanging up the phone, Ye Fu frowned slightly. Should he remind Lin Jiao?

After returning home and closing the door, Ye Fu kicked off his shoes and instantly relaxed.

The door installer will come tomorrow, and the renovation of the balcony and windows will be another considerable expense.

All the glass in the house needs to be replaced, and protective railings need to be installed outside the tempered glass, and then thermal insulation film and insulation boards need to be installed.

Ye Fu finally decided to install a floor heating system at home. After the heavy rain, the temperature dropped below zero and many people froze to death.

She chose the most expensive and heavy brand of anti-theft door. She wanted to turn her home into an impregnable castle so that no one could get in.

Looking at the supplies neatly arranged in the space, Ye Fu felt a lot more relaxed.

The next day, Ye Fu went to Lancheng University. She chose to come during the time when her roommates went to class. Looking at the familiar bed and her own things, Ye Fu sat in her seat, feeling indescribable emotions in her heart.

At the age of sixteen, he was admitted to the Medical School of Lancheng University with a score of 720. Once upon a time, Ye Fu was like a god in this school.

After packing all his things and putting them into the space, Ye Fu looked back at the dormitory before leaving. He felt no regrets, no reluctance, only relief.

Ye Fu has only slept three or four hours a day recently. He is either buying supplies or going to the warehouse to receive goods.

The items purchased online arrived one after another, and Ye Fu pushed the cart to receive the goods in batches.

The master who came to install the floor heating arrived. Ye Fu finally decided to install floor heating only in one bedroom and one living room. Ye Fu temporarily moved into a hotel. The balcony and windows were also renovated. Looking at the two indestructible security doors, even the master couldn't help teasing her, asking if she had hidden gold at home.

Although Ye Fu tried to keep a low profile as much as possible, the workers coming in and out of his house still attracted the attention of his neighbors.

Although most people were curious, they would not dig deep into the matter. A few people persisted in asking, but Ye Fu just fooled them.

A few days later, the renovation of the house was completed and Ye Fu went back to inspect it. Looking at the installed floor heating, anti-theft doors, and enclosed balcony, Ye Fu felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Holding the notebook to check for missing items, Ye Fu found that there were still many things that needed to be purchased.

Before that, she went to a hardware store and bought a complete set of equipment, including generators, electrical wires, power strips, transformers, pumps, water pipes, axes, saws, engineer shovels, coal stoves, glacier temperature gauges, sprayers, outdoor shower sets, and micro-tillers.

He also bought several tons of coal and firewood in a small town outside Lancheng. It was impossible to buy too much diesel and gasoline at one time, so Ye Fu prepared to go to Taohua Hutong.

In the next few days, Ye Fu bought more supplies online while receiving the goods. In the remaining time, he cooked in the kitchen and put the meals into plastic plates. He could cook about a hundred servings a day and put them into the space.

Ye Fu is a pretty good cook, but after the natural disaster, cooking becomes a luxury and sometimes, one's life may be lost just because of a little fragrance.

It is common for people to kill each other for a bite of food.

No living things can be placed in this space, and all living things must be slaughtered before they can be taken in.

Although he didn't like snacks and candies, Ye Fu still bought a lot of them.

Looking at the money in the card, Ye Fu decided to go to Taohua Hutong.

In mid-February, just after the Spring Festival, the temperature in Lancheng soared to 28 degrees. Ye Fu felt something was wrong, so he took a piece of paper and wrote it down.

Taohua Hutong is an alley in Lancheng. People who come here must be fully armed. The trading currency here is gold. For this reason, Ye Fu went to the bank to buy some gold bars. In addition to diesel and gasoline, Ye Fu also wanted to buy some self-defense weapons.

The transaction is smooth. Here, no one cares who you are. As long as you can pay, you can buy anything.

Diesel and gasoline were obtained smoothly. Ye Fu also bought several boxes of sharpened knives, thirty military bows and crossbows, and three thousand crossbow arrows.

At the end of February, the temperature in Lancheng exceeded 30 degrees, breaking the highest record in Lancheng's history of 100 years.