Chapter 2: The Meeting of the Higher-Ups, The Old Village Head of Konohagakure.

The position of the Hokage!


A nation cannot go a day without a ruler, nor can a village go a day without its head.

Now that Konohagakure has faced such a disaster, it's unquestionable that rebuilding the village is the top priority.

But the most urgent task is to elect a new Hokage to stabilize the military's morale.

Behind him.

Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi's eyes shimmered, pondering the feasibility of the Hyuga clan's ascension.

It's not surprising they would think this way.

After all, since the Third, there's been no emphasis on the purity of lineage.

Clans like Sarutobi Hiruzen's, which were mere nobodies at the founding of Konohagakure, managed to hold the position of Hokage for so long. Even the Fourth Hokage came from an even humbler background.

'If they can sit in the Hokage's seat, why can't we, the noble Hyuga clan of Konohagakure?'

Yes, Namikaze Minato shone brightly in the war, earning countless merits, but the Hyuga have also made significant sacrifices!

Speaking of which...

There must be quite a few in the village who share their sentiments.

Leading the charge might be Hitoshi Patriarch's 'good brother,' known as Uchiha Fugaku, whose clan is not short on ambition. It wouldn't be surprising if they too joined the race for Hokage.

The Hyuga brothers frowned simultaneously, contemplating potential issues.

From the beginning to the end, they still believed that the election for the Fifth would involve voting, just like the previous election for the Fourth.


Little did they know that the great Third was about to make a comeback, leading Konohagakure to greater heights and glory once again.

After the reminder, Yuuhi Shinku also observed Hyuga Hitoshi's expression, trying to gauge whether this man, who was very likely to become his son-in-law, had any aspirations for the Hokage's position.


Hyuga Hitoshi's reaction was bound to disappoint the two brothers behind him.


What a joke.

Taking over Konohagakure at this critical juncture would be nothing but trouble.

It's like a delicious meal tainted with a defense argument; no matter how good it tasted originally, it can't mask the stench.

Didn't you see? During the Fourth's tenure, the Third chose to retire and advise the youth, and though he was ousted, his power remained undiminished. It's likely that taking over Konohagakure would result in a situation not much different from Minato's.

Even without that reason, Hyuga Hitoshi had no interest in becoming the village chief.

What a joke, is there any hope left for this village?

Looking back at Konohagakure's past, along with the actions of the strongest village chief and his close brother.

Unless there's a bold and vigorous reform, spending time and effort to build a new system, and using force to suppress any dissent and root out the decay, there's no other way.

But why should he do that?

And although he has rapidly increased his strength through some kind of 'golden finger' since his arrival, he's not yet at the point where he can just flip the table.

He still needs some time!

So, what Hyuga Hitoshi needs to do is to prepare for certain things that might happen in the future. He might have to make decisions that go against his ancestors' wishes, take the Hyuga clan, and quickly flee from this place of trouble.

Of course.

For now, it hasn't come to that, and Hyuga Hitoshi has made preparations for both possibilities.

Ignoring the expectant looks from the two juniors behind him, the Hitoshi Patriarch sighed towards one of his future fathers-in-law.

"Yes, we do need to choose a new village chief to stabilize the people's hearts."

This kid didn't mention the word 'Hokage,' only 'village chief.'

The 'Kage' is a belief, a leader.

For now, the folks of Konohagakure are just village chiefs, not the 'Kage.'

"As for the candidate, I think my brother Fugaku would be a good choice."

Hitoshi's statement was astonishing, and he said it with a sense of emotion.

"In recent years, the Uchiha have made great contributions to Konohagakure. In the battle with Kirigakure Village, if it weren't for the Uchiha clan taking command and rushing to the front lines in the face of danger, the consequences would have been unimaginable."

"Whether it's prestige or strength, Patriarch Fugaku is worthy of the position of village chief!"

Have you lost your mind, kid?

Doesn't everyone know what the relationship between that clan and the village higher-ups is?

And just the rumors that started circulating this morning...

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Yuuhi Shinku opened his mouth, his face turning red, but in the end, he couldn't utter a word.

But there's no other.

Speak of brother Fugaku, and there he is.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan had arrived in front of them, seemingly having heard Hyuga Hitoshi's words. Brother Fugaku looked at Hitoshi Patriarch with gratitude.

That's what true brothers are like!

This guy is really capable!

Even behind the scenes, he still affirms himself and the Uchiha clan!

His character is beyond reproach!

Those who are two-faced should really learn from his good brother!

And look, we're all clans with special eye techniques, so his words carry authority.

Indeed, Konohagakure can't do anything without the Uchiha!

"Brother Hitoshi, you're a good man! But I hope you'll say a few more good words for me at the meeting!"

Fugaku gave a thumbs up, admiring Hitoshi greatly. He never expected this generation's Hyuga Patriarch to be so close to him.

At this moment, he was completely unaware of the impending disaster for the Uchiha clan, about to be kicked out of Konohagakure's power center, bearing the blame for the Nine-Tails' chaos, and the villagers' gaze upon them would change subtly. Perhaps one day, if the Uchiha clan were to be annihilated, there would be people applauding.

All he knew was that once Hitoshi Patriarch affirmed him, the position of village chief was his for the taking.

"Of course"

Hyuga Hitoshi greeted with a sincere smile, thinking that a few kind words wouldn't hurt since the sister-in-law would be very grateful to him. After all, if two men could become as close as brothers, it was largely thanks to the sister-in-law's significant efforts.

Moreover, if the Uchiha clan didn't take a stand and charge forward, how could he lead his people through a secret strategy?

Hyuga Hitoshi even had it all planned out. After the meeting, when the Uchiha clan would be blamed and ordered to relocate their lands to the village's edge, he knew exactly how to fan the flames.

'Why should my Uchiha, who have produced so many talents and shed blood for Konohagakure, be pushed to the edge of the village?'

The Uchiha had just earned their merits in the war; how could they endure such an insult?

And that settles it!

On their way, the group arrived at the village's temporary command center.

Along the way, the patriarchs of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans discussed how to save Konohagakure from its current crisis.

Fugaku, in particular, from the perspective of a village leader, began contemplating how to revitalize Konohagakure, which greatly pleased Patriarch Hitoshi, who continuously praised Fugaku's ideas.

In the depths of his being, Hyuga Hitoshi felt a slight transformation in his eyes, and his smile grew even wider.

Without a doubt.

This was his 'golden finger'—a special ability affirming his actions.

As a transmigrator, Hitoshi naturally possessed this golden finger. It existed even before his transmigration; in his previous life, Hitoshi called it the "Time Management Guide," and to his surprise, it had transmigrated with him.

As the name suggests, the power of his golden finger was related to managing himself.

At the right time, making the right decisions and choices would clear his mind and enhance a certain ability.

Of course.

The definition of "right" in this context was quite vague.

At the very least, Hyuga Hitoshi rarely made the wrong judgment.

Just like now, his actions in fanning the flames against the Uchiha had slightly strengthened his visual prowess, thanks to the world of the Naruto being no ordinary world. In his previous life, at most, it would have improved his eyesight a bit.

With increased strength, Hyuga Hitoshi's smile became even more genuine.

He maintained this smile until he entered the meeting room and saw the old village chief and his old comrades, at which point Hitoshi toned down his expression.

It was a bit arrogant to smile so happily when the village was facing such a disaster, and it wasn't a good look.

But it wasn't a big issue; no one was paying attention to his expression at the moment.

Inside the meeting room, all the village's higher-ups had already assembled.

An important meeting that would decide the future of Konohagakure was about to begin.