Chapter 3: It's Decided.

The temporary meeting room was simply furnished.

Hyuga Hitoshi, following local customs, casually greeted the worried-looking elder with a "Hello, old village chief," then found a spot to sit and wait for the meeting to start.

However, the term "old village chief" seemed to make Sarutobi Hiruzen frown.

To be frank, it seemed he had never heard the words "Hokage-sana" from this man.

The Hyuga clan.

The old village chief squinted his eyes, his gaze flickering slightly as he looked at Patriarch Hitoshi.

It seemed that ever since this man had risen to power, the Hyuga clan's allegiance in the village had become uncertain.

The importance of the post-disaster meeting was self-evident.

Therefore, in addition to the old village chief and his old comrades, patriarchs from other clans and prominent ninjas from the village were all present.

Despite this, the atmosphere remained somewhat subdued.

Apart from the departure of the Legendary Sannin, the biggest reason was last night's Nine-Tails disturbance, which caused a minor reshuffle among the higher-ups, revealing the once formidable First Ninja Village to be somewhat hollow inside.

"The cause of the incident is probably known to all," began not the Third Hokage, but his close advisor, Utatane Koharu.

Hyuga Hitoshi understood as he listened.

It was likely these words were spoken under the Third's guidance.

No other reason.

The aim was already set on the innocent-faced Fugaku brothers.

"The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki went into labor, weakening her and loosening the seal, leading to a disaster exploited by those with ill intent," Utatane Koharu said coldly, as if blaming Kushina for being a Jinchuriki unaware of her condition, bringing calamity upon the village by giving birth.

Must Jinchuriki suffer in silence, never to bear children?

Is enduring a bit too much to ask?

If it weren't for your insistence on childbirth, Konohagakure wouldn't have faced such a disaster!

That's probably the true sentiment of the village advisor, and this resentment might even extend to the infant.

Even going so far as to spread rumors about what the child's existence signifies.

Naruto's unhappy childhood might have a contribution from her.


Who was it that insisted on making Kushina a Jinchuriki in the first place?

It seems no one in the village was consulted.

Hyuga Hitoshi chuckled and leaned back, dismissing it as if an old dog had just farted.

His reaction caused Utatane Koharu to frown slightly.

But she said nothing, for there were more pressing targets than the Hyuga clan.

Taking a deep breath, she turned to Uchiha Fugaku.

"According to several witnesses, the initial appearance of the Nine-Tails featured Tomoe in its eyes."

"And the only ones in the ninja world with such a technique..."

"Are the Uchiha!"

The Sharingan's ocular powers can control the Nine-Tails!

Many present had lived through that era, and even if they hadn't experienced it firsthand, their clans had records of the battle at the Valley of the End.

Uchiha Madara once controlled the Nine-Tails with his Sharingan, fighting a map-altering battle with Senju Hashirama!

At this moment.

When everyone's gaze turned to Uchiha Fugaku, the Fugaku brothers instantly grasped Utatane Koharu's insinuation.

The Uchiha, unwilling to be controlled by the village, had manipulated the Nine-Tails last night in retaliation; they were the masterminds behind this disaster!

It wasn't hard to imagine that such rumors would spread throughout the village after the meeting.

This was pure blame-shifting!

And the Uchiha were the ones left to carry the blame, bearing the villagers' wrath!

In the face of disaster, everyone needs a scapegoat.

The Uchiha were the perfect choice.

It was all inevitable.

The targeted Fugaku brothers' expressions changed several times as they quickly regained their composure, jolted awake from their dream of competing for the Hokage position.

A simple analysis made it clear what the ultimate purpose of this meeting was.

The position of Hokage?

That had nothing to do with the Uchiha anymore.

The true aim of this meeting was probably to assign blame!

Even though those present understood that this matter likely had little to do with Konohagakure's Uchiha clan, after all, from the guards to the informed, the Hokage lineage was in charge of the Jinchuriki's childbirth.

Even the Uchiha clan was unaware of the Jinchuriki giving birth yesterday.

The one responsible for taking care of Kushina was still the old village chief's wife, Biwako. Last night, after Biwako had helped deliver a baby, she passed away in a fit of anger.

What's more laughable is that at that time, the entire Uchiha clan was ordered not to approach the center of the battle. They were tasked with protecting non-combatants and couldn't get involved in the fight. Hasn't Fugaku just realized that the Nine-Tails' rampage was controlled by the Sharingan?

It's so frustrating and unjust!

But even so, the Uchiha have no choice but to bear this burden.

Because everyone in the village saw the crimson, spinning Three Tomoe within the Nine-Tails' pupils.

Carrying this false blame also means that the Uchiha clan has been eliminated from the competition for Hokage.

Moreover, when the content of the higher-ups' meeting leaked, an even worse impact followed the Uchiha clan.

You're truly something.

Third Hokage.

Realizing everything, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes blazed with anger as he stared intently at Sarutobi Hiruzen.


After Namikaze Minato took office, his gentle approach to winning over the Uchiha made Fugaku forget the Third Hokage and Konohagakure higher-ups' attitude towards the Uchiha!

No wonder when he first came in, he smelled that familiar stench of internal heavy-handedness.

That stench is foul and pungent, identical to the meetings during the Third's reign!

He used to wonder if the meeting room was built over a cesspool, but now he realizes how slow he was to catch on!

In short, the Uchiha can't escape this false accusation.

However, brother Fugaku clearly wants to struggle a bit. With a solemn expression, he slapped the table, interrupting Utatane Koharu's ongoing topic, and stood up.

He had to struggle. Just now, that old man even mentioned relocating the Uchiha clan!

Damn it, if they really moved to the new clan land, the people would never stand for it. It was already hard enough for him to suppress those who wanted to rebel, and now the higher-ups are just adding fuel to the fire?

"The Uchiha have never harbored thoughts of revenge against the village, and controlling the Nine-Tails with the Sharingan is an absurd idea!"

"Last night, our clan didn't even participate in the attack on the Nine-Tails, not from the beginning to the end."

He argued with reason.

But his isolated and unsupported appearance made everyone, except for Hyuga Hitoshi, secretly sneer.


They all watched coldly as Uchiha Fugaku took the blame.

But Hitoshi was thinking about something else.

If the Third's longevity doesn't end, the Uchiha's fate could be tomorrow for everyone present.

It's laughable that these people watch indifferently, not realizing this at all.

But as Hyuga Hitoshi, who knows the plot well, he feels a sense of sorrow for the Uchiha's plight.

Just like in the original story, where Hyuga Hizashi was forced to commit suicide, no one stood up for him, showing the village's extreme indifference.

And the cause of that incident was even more outrageous than now, requiring unity against external threats, but alas...

Thinking of this.

Hyuga Hitoshi let out a sigh, raised his head, and looked at brother Fugaku, whose face was red with the urge to curse.

"The Uchiha have made countless contributions to the village, and their efforts in the recent war are witnessed by all."

"I believe this disaster has nothing to do with the Uchiha of Konohagakure."

Hmm, the focus is on the Uchiha clan of Konohagakure.

He's not wrong to say so, and as for Obito, who could ruthlessly harm his own teachers, he's not included in this~

My dear brother!

Fugaku was deeply moved, and if it weren't for the presence of others, he would have given Hitoshi a warm embrace.

But compared to his own hug, Hitoshi seems to prefer the cream puffs made by his sister-in-law, doesn't he? He must have Mikoto personally express her gratitude later!

"Hmph! Since Hyuga Hitoshi Patriarch trusts the Uchiha so much, why not move the new Hyuga clan lands to be with the Uchiha?"

The old village chief's advisor spoke with a strong threatening tone.

The Uchiha have been completely kicked out of the center of power, and even their clan lands are to be relocated to the edge of Konohagakure. Do you, the Hyuga clan, also wish to go there?

These words were harsh, but the old village chief did not stop them, his gaze flickering slightly as he looked at Hyuga Hitoshi.

According to the Hyuga clan's usual prudent nature, this young man should understand and then turn the spearhead against the Uchiha.


When the ninjas looked at Hyuga Hitoshi, the man was momentarily stunned, then with an extremely awkward expression, he nodded vigorously and stood up, rushing to Mitokado Homura's side.

Just as Mitokado Homura recoiled in horror, fearing that the Hyuga Patriarch would lash out in anger, that guy snatched the Konohagakure reconstruction plan and pointed at the blank space next to the Uchiha clan land.

"That settles it!"

Whoever covets this feng shui treasure land, Hyuga Hitoshi will have a bone to pick with them!