Struggle start

At that night taay couldn't sleep properly as it was her first day there. She was thinking that how could she lived there without any friends. He was just thinking like that suddenly she heard a loud thunderstorm,she scream so loud that waan wakeup. Waan asked "what's the matter why are you screaming so loud ' in a completely rude voice.Taay said" I am sorry I didn't mean to but I am scared of thunderstorm '. Waan replied with strange smile ,what ! are you a kid to scared of thunderstorm. Taay was speechless, suddenly a lighting occur and taay scream again with fear. Waan laugh so hard and come near to taay and said "ok ok I get it , don't worry it's not that scary at all ,just go and sleep while covering your face with your blanket. Taay said ok ,you can go back to sleep too. Waan said , of course I will go ,I don't want to be late for class. Taay look at the clock and said 'ohh! It's already 3 am .Both went back to sleep .Taay was still can't sleep because of thunderstorm.

At 5:00 am alarm clock rings ,both wakeup from there bed.Taay walk to washroom with her sleep head but before taay could enter the washroom.Waan grab the door and went in saying I want to use it first . Taay was so angry about this.She keep knocking the door saying "oyyy waaaaan please get out fast I want to go Soo badly please '.Waan didn't even answer and take her time .After a while Waan came out and found Taay was fallen asleep in the floor.Waan look at Taay and move her hand slowly towards her face and try to touch her chicks but suddenly Taay slowly open her eyes so Waan slap her and said what are you doing here .Taay wake up and rush to washroom without saying a word.While waan get ready to go for classes and went alone without waiting for Taay. When Taay came out from washroom she found that Waan has already left.Taay also rush to the university. She was running while looking at her watch.She suddenly bumped with a tall and skinny man and fell in the ground and hurt her knees.She used Nepali word (Oh god). That guy heard that and asked taay are you from Nepal with a surprise look.Taay said yes .That guy said "really ,thank God I got someone from my country '.Taay was also happy to heard that. That guy introduce himself 'hi myself Rabin ,you can call me sky '. Taay also introduce himself 'Hey I am swostika,you can call me taay'.They exchange there number and rush to there classes.Taay open the door and said "may I come in' .Teacher asked why are you late taay'.Taay didn't even answer and said sorry I will not repeat this.Teacher let her to come to the class.she went to her sit and give side look to Waan but waan didn't even give attention to her.After the teacher left three bully of the class came to taay and said "Hi sweetie ' and touch her hair and taap her head.Taay doesn't feel good so she push her hand away. They said "how dare you do you know who we are' with full of attitude.Taay tries to ignore them and started writing in her note book.That girl became so angry that she ignored her so, they snatch her note book and throw in dustbin.Taay was so scared and angry but she control her emotion and bring back her note book from dustbin and ignored them. They left as teacher had came .Taay looked at waan she was sleeping peacefully. Taay let her keep sleeping and start writing in her note book. Waan open her eye and looked at Taay ,it seems that she was not sleeping at all she was pretending all the time. The class was over waan and everyone else went to canteen.Taay was alone in the class. Her eyes were full of tears but don't dare to cry. She haven't eaten anything since the morning so her stomach star making noise.She though of going to canteen.she went and get one rice egg and search for tables to sit.She found a empty tables in the corner.She went there and start to eat .She was going to have first bite ,three bully appear infornt of her and said this table is ours .By hearing that Taay just stand up and went to another tables without saying a word to them.Three bully weren't happy with that so they went along with her and said all the tables are ours and start laughing.Taay Didn't said anything and sit in table and start eating.Those three bully were soo angry so that they put water and lot of k chup in her food.Waan was watching from far away. Taay stand up and said "what are you guys doing ,is this your property '.One of the bully said "finally you speak ,well yes this is my property because my father has the highest share ' they start laughing.Taay was completely speechless and leave without a word.Waan didn't came to taay and keep looking only.

Taay went to the garden and found sky sitting alone .Taay said" hey we meet again'. Sky was happy to see her because he was not able to make friends yet.Sky said hi to taay. They both start talking about there life in the Thailand. They became friends. The bell rings both leave for there classes. That day Taay was not able to eat anything.Soo. She bought instant noodles from supermarket while returning to her hostel room. She came to the room and found the room Soo messy she had no strength so she just lay down on her bed and fell a sleep.

After some time Waan came to the room and found Taay was already on her bed and room was Soo messy.She couldn't stand it and sout in a loud voice 'oyyy Taaayyy'.They wake up in panick and said "what happened what happened" she looked here and there and found Waan standing infornt of her. Waan said "what is this ,why the room is Soo messy.' Taay said. "Ohhh I was going to clean but I felt so tired so get some rest ".

Waan said "Now get out of the bed and start cleaning '.Taay said "Just 5 minutes,I want to get some more sleep'.Waan was so angry and said "really you saying that' waan snatch her blanket and drag her out of the bed.Taay wakeup with her sleepy head and start cleaning. Waan said I will swip the floor you arrange your clothes.Taay said ok and start folding clothes but Taay doesn't know how to fold them so she grab her all cloth and put aside.Waan was looking at her with a smile in her face.Waan asked are you done .Taay reply yes I am done so now I am going to sleep.Waan said no you are not done is this the way you organized your cloth.Taay scratch her head and said "aaa am not that good on it hehe'.Waan came closer to her and start teaching her how to fold clothes.Taay only stire at her as she never except to see this side of waan.

Waan said now you do it .Taay said" aaa ok.'

Taay tried to do but couldn't as she didn't pay attention to it at first while Waan was teaching her.Waan slap her forehead and said "You fool ,look I will teach you again'.This time taay pay attention to it so she tried to do it.She tried her best and learn .Both of them start talking and laughing while cleaning the room.Finally they finished and sit on there bed.Taay's tummy start to make noise .Taay was embarrassed and said while scratching her head 'aa I am little hungry I have bought instant noodles would you like to have ' .Waan said ok.They both eat noodles and waan also share her rice egg with taay.