
Next day Waan wakeup and also asked Taay to wake up. "Please let me sleep for 5 minutes" taay said and cover her face with blanket .Waan snatch the blanket and wake her up. That day both went to school together. Taay was happy that finally she has someone to go to canteen together. They went to canteen together and that school bully come to them and start teaching Taay.

Waan just rolls her eyes and stir at them .Are "you both friends now' one of the bully asked.

"Aom,Fah,Mai do you think I will be friend with her" waan replied

Taay was shocked to heard that ,she leave without saying the word to anyone.

Waan felt sad but didn't go after her and continue eating her lunch.

After the bell rings waan went to the classroom and found Taay was sleeping.

Taay was pretending to asleep. When the last bell rings taay grab her bag and ran .

Waan didn't even care and went to hostel room. She felt sad and guilty for Taay even though she went to her bed and fall asleep.

Meanwhile taay was walking in the street while crying loudly and questioning her self that why this always happened to her.

Suddenly her phone rings.

It's was mother's call ,she quickly wipe her tears and bring the fake smile in her face and pick up the call.

"Hello, mom' Taay said

"Hello honey it's like you Didn't miss us ,you haven't call us till now' her mother replied

"No mom it's not like that I was little busy' I miss you all 'taay said

"Oh oh really I don't think so ' Taay's brother said

"You little monster ' take care of our parents ok' taay said

"Don't worry when your buddy is here' her brother replied

"Well Did you make any friends there' Taay's dad asked

By hearing that she got her eyes full of tears

"Yes I have make some friends,they are really friendly' ahh well I need to go now I will call you later bye bye "taay said and cut the phone.

She cried loud and start complaining to god that why she don't have any friends.

When waan wakeup it was already dark and found Taay hasn't came yet. She opened the window and realized it was going to rain.

She remember that Taay was afraid of thunderstorm,she grab the umbrella and went to search for Taay.

Taay walking while crying she suddenly fell down and hurt her knee.

She stand up and sit in the chair and cry even loudly.

She noticed that she walk to a place she had never been and have lost her way to hostel.

She pick her phone to search the way but her phone was out of battery.

She didn't know what to do so sit there .

It started raining .Taay was scared it was thundering too she covered her ears with fingers.

Waan was searching for her but couldn't found she was hopeless and start blaming herself,she noticed a girl sitting in the chair while covering her ears.

Waan ran after her "Taay' waan call her name.

Taay slowly raise her head and said" wa.. waan'

Taay start crying suddenly a lighting strike taay scream "Ahhh' .Waan hugged her tight without thinking anything .

"Taay don't worry I am here ,come let's go home.'

"Ahh Taay you have hurt your knee' waan said

"Um..mmm' Taay said while crying.

"Come I will carry you on my back' waan said

"No you don't have to ,I am stranger to you'

Taay replied

"You are my friend ' waan said

"But you said I can't be your friend ' taay asked

"I am sorry, first lets go ok ' waan said

Waan carry her in her back taay hold the umbrella and went.

Waan called the driver .

Soon after the few walk driver came .

Taay had already fell asleep on waan' s back.

Waan put her on car gently so that she won't wakeup.

The big gate open ,the car went in to the big villa.

Waan carry her into the house ,

Bunch of people were greeting her (Welcome young lady)

Waan carried taay straight to the bed room and order the housekeeper to change her clothes.

The housekeeper change her clothes and leave the room.

Right after that waan enter the room and sit close to her.

"Taay you are quit something" waan said and give a side smile.

Waan touch her forehead and found she had a fever .

"Deng, oyyyy deng waan shouted'

"Yes ,young lady' Deng said.

"Call the house doctor to check her".waan said

"Ok ,young lady ' deng said

After fews minutes doctor came and check her.

Doctor suggest some medicine and give one injection to down her fever.

Doctor said that her fever was really high so give attention to her.

After doctor left waan sit with Taay and felt guilty ,she hold her hand .

At the meantime a tall guy in black suit with one hand in this Pocket step into the house .

Everyone greeted him( welcome young master) .

Deng came to him and said "Master young lady has came ,she has also bring her a girl)

'Ahh she has came with a girl, She has friend now!' he said in surprise voice.

He asked Deng where is his sister.Deng said she is in her room.

He went to his sister room and found her sister holding hand of a girl.

'Waan" he called her

"Brother Warun' she said and run to hug him.

"Ohh my sister ' they both hugged each other.

Warun asked" who is she' it's the first time you bring your friend home'

Waan asked her brother to talk outside and explain everything that has happened.

"Ohh you broke her heart 'warun said

"Umm I think so ' she said in a sad voice

"No worries ,you can make it ,cheerup you have friend now' warun said

Suddenly a big thunder sound came .

Taay wake up and scream.

Waan ran to the room and hugged her.

"Don't worry I am here' waan said .

By seeing sister running warun also ran after her, when he saw waan hugging the girl he looked happy and suspect her sister's feeling towards her, he didn't even say anything and left .

"Where am I ,where did you take me' Taay asked

"It's my home taay' waan said

Taay was shocked to hear that

"Really is this really your home then why you are living in the hostel room' taay asked to Waan in surprise voice

"I have my reason '

"Let's go for dinner 'waan said

Waan carried taay in her arms to downstairs as her leg still hurt.

By seeing so many people taay feel shy and asked waan to put her down but waan didn't listen to her and keep carrying her.

Waan put Taay in the chair.

"Ohhh ohh my little sis' warun said

"Brother stop teaching me she injured her knees ' waan said to her brother

Waan introduce taay to her big brother warun and warun to Taay.

Taay greet him.

Taay was curious and asked where there parents were.

There was silence for a while

"Ahhh they were in heaven ' warun said

Upon hearing this Taay apologize to them

"From now on this is also your home, you can come here any time and I am also your brother ok' warun said

"Ahhh ok' Taay said my scratching her head in confusion

"You know you are the first one whom my sister bought home ' warun said

"Ahh really! really waan so it's means we are friends" taay asked

" Ahhh' waan said in low voice

Taay was too happy and hugged her (hey I have friend now) she scream.

Waan give a sweet smile, seeing waan smile warun also feel happy.

They all start having dinner my serving dishes to each other as a happy family.

All the servent where also happy to see such a lively dinner after so many years.

They wishes each other (Good night) and went to there bed.

Taay request waan to sleep together as she is scared to sleep alone.

They both lay on the bed.

Both were awkward and didn't say anything and turn there back to each other.

In the morning waan open her eyes and saw Taay was in her arm ,she look at her and touch her lips,cheeks,eyes and said cute(Nalak) and smile.

Suddenly Taay move her hand and waan quickly remove her hand .

When Taay open her eye ,she saw she was in waan' s arm .She quickly wake up and said sorry while feeling shy.

They both freshen up and had breakfast

Brother warun dropped them to the university

"Bye bye brother ' both said

"Bye bye ' brother warun respond

Brother warun happily went to his office

Waan and Taay walk to the class

Taay keep telling"we are friends right' with big smile in her face.

Waan was also enjoying the company of her as no interest on making friends after her parents dead.

Waan show her as she is being annoyed by her but secretly enjoyed that.

They went to canteen together and had egg rice

Waan shared her egg to taay and said eat more

Taay smile and said thank you

Seeing that Aom,Fah ,and Mai went to them and said "ohhh you are friends now '

Waan stand up and said 'yes and I don't want you to see around Taay you got it" in the cold way

All of three didn't dare to speak and leave from there.

Taay was happy to hear that words from her ,they both smiled at each other and continue to eat.

From then on they became really close .They use to eat,study , together.

After about an week that brother warun call them said .He was going to pick them from university.

Both of them were happy to hear that ,they both packed there stuff and went to see brother warun

Warun has already came to the university.He was going to call them he bumped up to a guy .warun hold him in this waist like in the dramas both keep looking at each other.

Waan and Taay has also arrived and happened to saw that.Waan take a photo .They both get distracted both of them apologize to each other.

"Skyyy' Taay said

"Ohhh Taay ' sky said

"You guys know each other ' waan and warun asked

Sky and Taay both replied "yes we are from same country '

"But we have recently meet' Taay said

Taay introduce warun and waan to sky

They said hello to each other.

"Well sky ,We are going for lunch you can join us' warun asked

"Ahhh I have little thing to do may be next time' sky reply

He said bye to everyone and leave

Waan start teaching her brother.

They all went to a restaurant which was all booked by their brother

Taay was surprised to saw that they all sit in the table

Waiter start to serve dishes.

Waiter brings a huge octopus as a special dishes.

Taay was scared and grab waan's hand seeing that both waan and warun started to laugh.

"Taay ,don't worry it will not eat you haha' warun said

"Ahhh I have never have them' Taay said

"Ok ok don't worry ' waan said

Taay tried to touch the octopus with her hand .When she was trying to touch it it moves a little.Taay scream ,waan hugged her and said they aren't fully cooked so it move little don't worry.

Seeing taay scared of it warun order waiter to take away the octopus.

"It's ok Taay it is removed' warun said

They all eat happily and went home.