Baby Boom (1)

During intercourse with Zach, I unknowingly placed eggs in Chrissy's brain. A large number of eggs. They were so small, so white and invisible to human eyes. From my perspective, there were several thousand small eggs that were about to hatch. I crawled to an egg nearby. I felt the worm as it was very small, developing inside the shell. It was strange, even frightening, to see something like that with my own eyes. But then I remembered that I could take my revenge with thousands of parasites. But before I could make any plans, they would have to hatch first and I would have to get to know my new abilities. 

I checked Chrissy's consciousness. She was sleeping soundly like a baby. Shortly afterwards, I decided to take over her body a second time. I opened her eyes again and she was still lying in bed. I turned her head. Three o'clock in the morning. I slowly pulled on her skirt, placed her breasts in her bra and put on her T-shirt. 

"Babe, where are you going?" asked Zach, half asleep. 

"Just getting some fresh air," I replied, coming over to him and kissing him on the cheek before disappearing through the door. I made myself a coffee. I felt the aromas and it reminded me of my previous life. I opened the browser on Chrissy's phone and searched for the information I wanted to know about parasites. If I had left it right, parasite larvae hatched after a day at the right temperature. I dug deeper and found out that larvae that hatch in the brain feed on brain food. Because Chrissy ate fruit and vegetables every day, they will also be able to grow, perhaps helping me too.

Now that I had all the information, I tried to enjoy life. I squatted outside the front door of the house early in the morning to enjoy the weather. I squatted down, waited for the sunrise, which I enjoyed with a coffee and a snack. As I did nothing, I wondered while enjoying the sunrise what my parents did after I died. I thought about it a lot until it went over my head. I sipped my coffee. Nothing and no one could spoil it for me. 

As the day progressed, Zach and I enjoyed the day in Chrissy's body. We ate breakfast at a café where I spotted Samantha Mathews behind the counter. It was a reunion of sorts. I wasn't embarrassed to greet her. She was in the middle of work, baking pastries. Even though she was full of flour, I hugged her. We exchanged "How are you?" and talked about the events of the last few days. When I talked about the birth of Chrissy's fifth child, she couldn't believe it. She also longed for a child, had always wanted one. "I'm sure you'll have one," I guaranteed her as she fought back a tear. I hugged Samantha and returned to the table where Zach was waiting for us with the pastries.

While we started eating, I recounted from Chrissy's memories the story of how Chrissy met Sam. He seemed surprised when I told him, as he had been with Chrissy for years but never heard that story. I took a bite of the croissant. 

 "That's how we met."

He took a bite afterward. "You know, I never thought you'd become so popular," he mocked Chrissy. 

"How funny," he joked, before getting serious again about why I didn't invite Sam to our house. I didn't know that was what he wanted. I checked the new relationship with Sam through Chrissy's emotions and felt how happy she was to meet her old colleague. Before we went to pick up Chrissy's kids, I made an appointment for dinner at Chrissy's and to meet her the next day. 

On the way to pick up the children from their grandparents, I felt Chrissy wake up. Chrissy's body began to shake as I controlled her body for too long. I closed my eyes as she regained control in the next second. 

She opened her eyes to realize that she was no longer at home having sex with her partner, but in the vehicle on the way to get her kids. I'm sure she cursed at me as I mentally communicated to her what had happened. She looked at her partner who was focused on the road and couldn't believe that he wanted to invite Sam over. 

"Are you going to invite another friend when Sam gets here?", Chrissy wanted to know

He looked at me: "Why not?"