Children are sweet, honest and discreet when it comes to secrets. That's what I, you and everyone else were like as children. That's why I chose a child as my second host. In addition, I could benefit from further contacts and grow my empire. Terrifying and frightening at the same time, but very profitable for me.
I said goodbye to the children, who continued to focus on their phones without paying any further attention to me. On the way to Chrissy's husband's house, I let Chrissy regain control of her body, while in the meantime I felt One going up Anne's nose. Although Anna can feel the foreign object in her nose, she was far from being able to grasp it with her nails. Chrissy, who in the meantime was a little puzzled as to why I had taken over her body for a short time, met up with her husband. He was rocking the child, who was asleep.
After putting his child down in the crib in the kitchen, he asked Chrissy if everything was all right. "Yeah, sure," she replied, a little confused, before Zach found himself back in the conversation from before. I pulled back, waiting half an hour for One to reach Anna's brain. I felt it as he stuck his tongue in. I shivered a little when I could suddenly see through Anna's eyes. Anna had suddenly got a headache, After several minutes she put the cell phone aside and lay down on her stomach. Out of nowhere, she fell asleep. It was the perfect time to take over her body: Without thinking further, I focused on One and was able to move Anna's fingers. I opened my eyes and saw the room around me. I saw Anna's brothers around me, who left me alone undisturbed. I slowly stood up and realized how small my hands and feet were. It was interesting that I quickly got to grips with Anna's weight too. I lay down at the end, just as I had found her, before returning.
In fact, my skills were very interesting, which I could use for my optimal revenge. It was just a pity that I had to leave the United States of America for my revenge. I had no idea how to do that. I prioritized what I needed more hosts of first. I ordered One to multiply in Anna's brain and infect more hosts for me, like other kids from kindergarten or even parents with parasites. If in doubt, he could even control Anna's body. Without any doubts, he expressed himself and would obey my order.
I thought about how I could spread more larvae to other bodies. After all, I needed a certain closeness to the people I wanted to take over. Then I remembered that I could identify other people through Samantha Mathews.
While Chrissy was resting that night, I felt the larvae hatching from their eggs. As soon as they hatched, they crawled to me. They stopped in front of me. Surprising how many larvae I had, they all had the same abilities as One. So I ordered the larvae I had named after the number to prepare for something bigger.
Mina howled once during the night. Chrissy got up tiredly and walked slowly to her child right next door. She barely dragged her feet, she could feel every step more than usual. Almost automatically, she pulled off her breastfeeding support when the baby sucked on it. Chrissy did this automatically because she knew how she would do it. Unlike usual, the baby sucked on her mother's nipple for almost an hour and milk was still coming out. Chrissy, who was almost asleep, held the child tightly.
After almost an hour, Mina stopped sucking, she slept soundly so that Chrissy could get up again as soon as she was in bed. It drove her mad. Mina cried, if not all night. Chrissy looked at Zach, who slept wonderfully. She breathed in and out deeply and thought to herself, "It's going to be a long night"