The next morning, Kinsley woke up early. I retreated and gave her control. Hannah was still asleep. Kinsley went downstairs and made her breakfast. Everything went according to plan. She ate breakfast before she saw Hannah. "Are you ready?" she asked Hannah. "Yeah, sure," I quickly took control of her body. "Have a nice day," I approached her and kissed her on the lips. "Thank you!" she thanked me with a smile. We fell in love. I gave Kinsley control again, who had to leave. When she arrived at Oxford, Kinsley already knew where to go. She registered at the office, got the first books, which she paid for, and went to the first classes. Apart from the classes and the interaction with other students, nothing was unusual. I just had to take the time to wait for the important moment.
It was Thursday of the first week when the students were informed about their vocational training. As I had previously manipulated Kinsely, she wanted to be assigned to Broxton School. Fortunately, she was. Tomorrow was the day she had to go to my old school. So I planned how I could take control of my teacher who had my class under her. At home, I took control of Kinsley's body. I wrote down all the possibilities. I could contaminate the water - too much effort. I could spread my larvae on surfaces and they would be ingested - that could work, perhaps as a stopgap measure. The cake idea would no longer work. For a junior teacher, perhaps, but not for seniors. How about not doing it with cake, but with other foods - not milk or brownies, but more like croissants or pain ou chocolat. I thought about it some more and that was the optional solution I had, now I just had to implement it.
"You look surprisingly happy," Hannah said to me when she got home later than usual. "I have a reason," I told her. "Do you know that I infected you with a parasite too?" Unsure of what I meant, she agreed. "I need a favor for my plan," I continued, still suspicious. "You want to use my and Kinsley's bodies to mass produce larvae," she said to me louder than usual after I told her about my plan. "Have you gone completely mad?" she asked me just to be sure. "I would just have to do it on your and Kinsley's cerebral cortex. It's only about a few millimeters thick." If I really wanted her cerebral cortex to look like Swiss cheese, I certainly wouldn't. I guaranteed her that I would not change anything with her mind or her brain. She was still against it. I continued to argue that she knew I had to do something, to take revenge, and that I could do it without her knowing. "Please," I begged her and kissed her on the mouth. "You know how important this is to me. It's something I have to do," I looked her in the eyes. She laughed briefly: "You know how to get me." She lay down in bed, and so did I. "Ok, I give you my consent, but I don't want my brain to look like a worn-out carrot," she closed her eyes. "Good night Oskar!" "You too!" I said back to her before I got to work.
I put Kinsley to sleep, checked the parasite in her head and deposited larvae in her bark. One after the other they came out of my backside, implanted in the bark. I did the same with Hannah until early in the morning. By two in the morning I had released several thousand larvae, which feed on the fats of the brain. The hours passed waiting, only for the first parasites to hatch at five. I placed them in Kinsley's nose and throat. Each larva obeyed my command and moved where I sent them. They moved and I felt it. It was exhausting to keep Kinsley from swallowing, sneezing or coughing.
Early in the morning I did the same thing with Hannah. As soon as Hannah's parasites were in their positions, I took control of her body. I felt one side of her face getting warm, but it stopped me from getting up. I stood up briefly and went to Kinsley's sleeping body, where I let the parasites from Hannah's mouth and nose into hers. Kinsley's mouth opened automatically before I let a white mass, a few centimeters long, out of her nose and mouth. They held on to each other within millimeters. When they reached Kinsley's house, they ran into the openings. Kinsley slept on undisturbed. In the next hour Kinsley and Hannah woke up normally. With little headache, they ate breakfast together. "And how was it? Did you feel anything?" I asked Hannah. She said no, scooping the spoon into her mouth. She was hungry because of me. Kinsley said goodbye to Hannah before we set off for my old school. On the way, she bought croissants, on which I let my parasites run free.
When we met in front of the school, I remembered my school days before my death. "Hey asshole," Ava had said to me. She grabbed me with her right arm, around my neck. Even though she was as thin as a leek, I wasn't allowed to touch her. Otherwise I would have just gotten a punch in the face. Sophie Brown, a bodybuilder, regularly beat people like me to get money. Even though I came from a poor family. These uniforms also reminded me a lot of my school days. Kinsley ran to the door where she was supposed to teach with a young teacher. She knocked on the door before she went in. "Hello, Celine," she stepped in and looked at the woman behind the computer at the other end of the room. It was still early in the morning, before the actual lesson had even started. "You're supposed to be Kinsley," she looked at her watch. "You're right on time," she said to me and pointed to the croissants that Kinsley was carrying in a large package. "Would you like some?" she opened the package, showing her the beautiful croissants with their lovely smell. Without waiting long, she reached for one, grabbed a croissant and took a bite. I felt the first parasites falling down her esophagus. I was supposed to have control of her body by lunchtime. Kinsley was instructed to put the box in the teachers' room. I couldn't remember Celine at all, she was supposed to be new. I mean, I've been dead for several months. A lot had changed since then.
Then Kinsley went into the teachers' room, where I found my target, Ms. Andrea Stone. Long, blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, oval head shape and pointed eyes. The only thing that made her special, besides teaching the bully class, was that she was busty. Holy shit, you had to see that. They looked perfect from Kinsley's perspective, big, round and certainly soft. They were lying on the table while she drank an espresso. "Would you like some more croissants?" I took control of the body. She looked away from the phone and looked at the box. "I'm lactose intolerant," she explained to me before thanking me. Damn, now I had to find another option. I put the box on the table and went back to Celine. Although I was already wondering how I could infect her, I knew at the same time that I had Celine's body by my side. I just had to tie her in front of me before I got started. But before I had to do that, I let Kinsley take the wheel again.
During my school years, Andrea Stone never drank coffee, only tea. It was one of the few things she did. She didn't consume milk or any other sweets. She brought everything else from home. I didn't know where she lived yet. But she would certainly be hard to conquer. The only things I know about her are that she has a cat and that she lived near the school. During the time I was in her class, my classmates bullied me every day. Miss Stone did nothing and ignored all the help I needed and expected from her. I couldn't be more disappointed in her. She was the perfect victim for my act of revenge.
During the next break, I infected the water in the coffee machine by coughing out the parasites that were waiting and throwing them in. This didn't help me either, she didn't drink a bit of it. All the other teachers drank from it, but Ms. Stone didn't. Next, I tried to sit inconspicuously near her to spread my parasites in the air. Did you think that would work? Only in your dreams. They landed on the table. The school bell rang again and again, defeat after defeat. Slowly my ideas disappeared. I still had to think about what to do, but what. The hours passed in a flash, and despite many ideas, I couldn't think of any way to infect her. I needed advice, someone who understood me. As soon as lunch break was over, I jumped into Hannah's body. Suddenly I looked at a few plates, Hannah's friends who were eating with her around me. She trembled briefly, as if she could sense me.