I thought about how quickly she must have found new friends. I was sorry that we couldn't communicate telepathically. But then Hannah excused herself from her circle of friends and then ran to the toilet. "You know I can hear you," she told me in a whisper. She looked around so that her fellow students wouldn't think she was weird. It was unique that it worked. It seemed as if we were connected in some way. She opened the door to the women's toilet and looked down to see if anyone was still sitting on the toilet. "Let's get down to business: I sense that I have to help you with something," she estimated, looking back at the mirror. "Indeed. My target only drinks drinks or food that she has brought with her." Hannah herself had to think for a moment. "Does she have a boyfriend or something?" she wanted to know. She did have a boyfriend, but he didn't work in the city, but further away. Did she have any other family members or relatives in the city? Not that I know of. "Does she have a pet?" I had to think again whether she had already said something like that. A cat is possible. "Then take the cat. They should be the easiest to infect," she said, but I had never thought about doing something like that. However, it was too late to look for Mrs. Stone's cat. I would not only need to know where she lived, but also what her cat would look like. In general, I needed more information.
I turned my attention back to Hannah. "If I knew which cat was involved, would you help me?" I asked telepathically. Hannah bit her lips, unsure of what to say. "Even though I have enough work to do, I can help you," she replied, although she also wanted something from me. Was it sexual intercourse? Then we can do it now. "No, no, not that. Even though it's good, I meant a romantic trip with another body." Yeah, why not, something else. "But that right after I'm done with my revenge," I tried to agree and we had a deal. I looked deep into Hannah's eyes, she into hers too. She knew I was looking into hers, it was quiet. Hannah had to move on, her friends were waiting for her and I had to find out more about Andrea's cat. Luckily I already had another body ready that I have in my possession, I jumped.
Celine was sitting in front of the computer screen when I jumped into her body. Alone and the classroom door closed, she was concentrating on creating a worksheet about numbers. She had hundreds of thoughts that she wanted to realize. The laptop screen reflected and I saw a beautiful, young woman, mid-twenties, brown-blonde hair with blue-gray eyes that stood out. Her full cheeks gave her an oval-rectangular head shape. Just as she was delving into further thoughts, I took over her body and she was able to sit out a round.
As soon as I took control, I felt the long hair falling down the back of my neck. The breasts, similar to Hannah's, were smaller than Ms. Stone's and covered under a white undershirt and a purple jumper. She was still young and when I touched them I felt how soft they were. I squeezed them together, feeling no pain, just a little arousal. Her nipples were soft and tender. If I had a little more time, maybe with Hannah too, we could have a little fun.
The classroom was quiet, too quiet when there were no children present. I looked around, nothing and nobody. It was still lunchtime. I still had time. I stood up briefly and it didn't take me long to get to her wide hips, dressed in straight jeans. Followed by white sneakers, which were out of fashion for my generation. I was on my way to the staff room when I saw my picture hanging on the blackboard. REST IN PEACE Oskar Roberts. I stared at my old self as a tear fell out of Celine's eye. As if Celine realized I was controlling her body. It was tragic and I wanted to visit my parents, but I didn't know if I could handle it all, the pain, the home and the love. I wiped my tears and focused on the assignment. I entered the staff room. The split between high school and elementary school. The teachers were already talking to each other, but we already knew who belonged where. Mrs. Stone was sipping coffee alone. I sat next to her, but she ignored me, not only were we on the same level in different buildings, but we had different classes, she the problem class that killed me the most. I listened in on other conversations as the teachers talked about what to do in class.
"You know what Michael means. We went to gym class and he showed us a new game, very interesting."
"Well, for my geography lesson, he wanted to know if the children had pets. They drew them beautifully."
"I did something similar, but for English," I said. I then found out that Celine's neighbor had a pet dog. "I showed them a picture of my neighbor's dog and they discussed whether it might not be too dangerous to have it at home." I continued the conversation with the two colleagues when I came back to Mrs. Stone and asked her if she didn't have a pet either. The two colleagues fell silent. I crossed a line. She looked at me after taking a sip of espresso. "Yes, her name is Kitty. Small and adorable," she praised her cat. Then I asked more questions: How old she was, what color she was and whether she lived outside or inside. My colleagues looked at me, completely lost. I spoke to a teacher from another school level. They were hesitant and reluctant to talk about the subject, but listened out of decency. I, on the other hand, learned more about her pet before school started. I also learned about Ms. Stone's life, where she lived, that she had many friends but no family. She was alone. The school bell rang and the teachers disappeared from the room again. I glanced at the clock. I still had a few hours until I could find the cat with Hannah. So I came up with the idea of teaching the two afternoon lessons myself. I went back to the room, where the children were already waiting for me. Instead of doing the things Celine had prepared with them, we watched a movie they like. The children didn't have to do anything for it.
After the last lesson was over and I let the children leave their rooms, I left Celine's body and jumped into Hannah's body. Now you're probably wondering why I'm not using Celine's body to find the cat. Let's be clear: The colleague, who also happens to be a teacher, is looking for a cat in a neighborhood where everyone knows her and where she doesn't live. This would not only cost her her job, but also her life. She could end up in a newspaper, be convicted or even worse: end up on the street. Something I wouldn't do with anyone, even if I like to use individuals for eroticism. "You came," Hannah spoke to me telepathically as she stood at the checkout of a grocery store. She was holding cat food in her hands. "At the right time," I replied. After buying the cat food, I dropped a few larvae that I was still keeping in Hannah into the tin can.
They were almost unrecognizable in the liquid mass. They were all over the meat. The only thing that had to be done was to find the cat. Whether this would really work remained to be seen. Hannah walked around the neighborhood with an open can. The people who saw Hannah looked at her strangely. Hannah, on the other hand, took no chances and continued to search for a cat. After thirty minutes in vain, she gave up the search and treated herself to a coffee while she sat on a bench. Evening was slowly falling. Dusk was falling and more and more workers were walking home. As Hannah looked at her watch and wondered how much longer this was going to pay off for her, I caught sight of a stray cat at the edge of her field of vision. Not the cat I was expecting, but at least a cat. "Look there!" I said to her as she fixed her gaze on the stranger. "Are you sure you want any cat under your control," she wanted to know. "I have no other choice," I had to make it clear to her. Instead of wasting another day and not getting any closer to my goal, I didn't like it. Hannah placed the cat food on the floor as the cat slowly approached. Step by step, it came closer. Hannah had pushed the food forward as the cat strode forward.
Hannah and I watched as it took its first bites. It took a little longer for the cat to come across my parasites. I felt them being swallowed by the cat. "How long will it take for you to get the cat under your control," Hannah wanted to know. "If it works, less than an hour," I replied. I just had to wait. Before the cat had finished eating the cat food, Hannah went home because she had homework to finish.
When I had access to the cat's brain, I tried to jump into it. I felt a shift. A sudden jolt went through my body and suddenly everything was different. It was as if my body had been sucked into another dimension, a space that no longer knew my own skin. After always having people as hosts, sometimes having a penis or even a vagina, this time I felt really different. The first impression was the feeling of diminishment. My vision was distorted, the room suddenly huge and alien. I could feel my body adjusting - bony and supple at the same time, my back still supported by an almost human memory, but now driven by instinct. A glance down - my paws. Instead of the familiar human hands, I found myself with small, round claws touching the ground as if to hold it. A heavy, warming pelt enveloped my body, and I felt the soft tingling that ran through the muscles in my legs and my whole body. I inhaled deeply - the smell was overwhelming. A whole universe of scents that I had never noticed before flooded over me: damp grass, the soft hiss of a nearby animal, the warm earth kissed by sunlight, the familiar smell of my home, but also the whiff of something foreign, something... wild.
My vision sharpened, as if my eyes were suddenly able to see things that were hidden in the dark. I noticed the tiny movement of a butterfly hovering lightly over the grass, a glittering something in the air. Reflexively, without thinking about it, my body jerked and I jumped. I landed on my paws, softly, almost silently. My heart beat faster, my pulse raced - a hunting instinct had awakened that I had never known. At that moment, the world was no longer mine, it was a living, breathing creature that was full of sounds and movements.
Everything I knew before was suddenly irrelevant. I was an animal, a hunter, a creature of instincts and reflexes. My ears twitched at every sound - a rustling in the bushes immediately caught my attention. It was a small rodent, careless but unaware that the cat's shadow was hovering over it. I turned my head, analyzing the space, the air, the sound. Then, faster than I would ever have been able to as a human, I dashed forward. The ground beneath me blurred, muscles working, my claws digging into the soft ground as I transformed my body into a leap that no human body would ever have executed. I had to pursue my goal. My thoughts subsided for the first time, but the goal was really close. Because I still knew roughly where Mrs. Stone lived in Celine's body, I swarmed through the area. At the same time, I released several larvae on the cat's brain and hoped that I would be able to use my underlings when I met Ms. Stone.
After hours of searching between streets and houses, I spotted her through a window as I watched her on a fence. She looked the same as she did at school, except she was wearing a bathrobe and focused on her computer screen. My goal was close and yet so far away. I had to get to her before I could have my revenge on my classmates. I jumped from my spot on the fence, landing softly on the cool ground and shaking my pelt. I approached the front door, where I began meowing and scratching at the door. It was a while before I was noticed by Mrs. Stone. She opened the door in the next five minutes when she noticed me. I automatically ran in, snuggling up to her leg. I'm sure she wondered what was going on. I continued to meow as she grabbed me. 'You look really hungry,' she said to me after lifting me to eye level. Let me give you some food. She left me on the floor again and took out some cat food.
I caught sight of Kitty in the kitchen, who ignored me unnoticed and continued to lick his milk. He didn't bother me, maybe because he didn't care or maybe because he knew I had no chance of driving him out of the family. I ate the cat food she had given me and felt the artificial food, which smelled similar to a steak, finish. I watched as Mrs. Stone continued to work on the computer, waiting for my opportunity. I walked through Mrs. Stone's house, which was beautifully decorated. I jumped up the stairs to the second floor. Even though it was dark, I could see a lot through the eyes of a cat. I made myself comfortable in her bedroom, jumped on her bed and let myself in. Once again, I had to wait. Shortly before midnight, I heard Mrs. Stone turn off the lights downstairs, then she climbed the stairs and I felt her get into bed in her bathrobe and begin to stroke me briefly. It wasn't another half hour before she was already snoring. My parasites were ready to take over her body. I let them fall through her upper throat onto my tongue before licking her open mouth. My larvae ended up in her mouth before falling down her gullet. Now I just had to wait until I had complete control.