Plan ongoing (2)

The first week went by in a flash. I taught several classes until the end of the week and corrected the class exams. Things also went well with Hannah. She kept coming up to me and we had sex together.

We couldn't take our eyes off each other. Even though she wasn't a lesbian, she knew exactly who I was underneath that shell. So I was able to enjoy some time with her over the weekend before we entered the second week. 

It was Monday morning again, my second lesson after the break. Once again, the students were not in their seats. Once again, I shouted into the room and ordered every pupil to sit down. After I raised my voice, suddenly all the students were in their seats again.

I gave the exams to the students in the front banks, who then distributed them. Even as I was telling the students to take their seats, John looked at me dangerously. It took him a while to look at his exam. He was frustrated and angry at the same time. Expressed his anger and saw his mouthbones getting bigger and smaller.

I continued teaching the lesson. The students will write the exam tomorrow. So I decided to prepare them for the exam again. The first questions arose as to whether the exam was difficult. Sure, why should it be easy? Only for you, my dear murderer? 'The exam is all they needed to know,' I told them, knowing I couldn't tell them the truth. They still have no idea how difficult the actual test will be.

After the school bell rang and lessons were over, I packed my things and wanted to leave. But just before I could do so, John came up to me with a staring, angry look on his face. 'Miss Stone, I wanted to ask you something for the exam,' he approached me. I was kind to him. I noticed how more and more students suddenly left the room.

'Look Ms Stone,' he said to me as the classroom was empty. 'We both know who killed Oskar.' He looked confident in the eyes, ready to fight with me.

'What do you mean by that?' I asked him the counter question, which made him even more irritated. He came closer to me. 'Look Miss Stone,' he looked me in the eye. 'We made a deal and you know that. If I get a mark like that again, you're in for a bitter surprise,' he smiled at me.

'Are you threatening me, John? Because if you do, I'll report you to the school management and school maintenance and we'll see if you might have killed Oskar,' I made the statement sure.

John cracked his teeth harder. He became angrier, more aggressive, his eyes got bigger. 'No, nothing against you,' he said angrily, before walking to the door and leaving the room. 

I ran into the staff room with a laugh. My goal will soon be achieved and I won't need her body any more. It was interesting to see how quickly he gets angry.

I thought it would certainly take me several months to irritate him, but this had really been quicker than usual. Now that he had threatened me, I had to get on with my plan. Everything was already organised for tomorrow, the exams were printed out, the things were ready and over lunchtime I found time to relax in my chair and take a short nap.

Because I need to infect another body that I can get close to John with. I squatted down, stretched very briefly before I put Miss Stone's body into sleep mode and found myself in the cat's body. Everyone loves cats, so I could surely infect them easily. 

I looked through the cat's eyes. She was at Miss Stone's house. I moved all four paws and went out through the cat door when a cold wind caught me.

The fur was able to protect me more from the cold, so I was able to continue walking through the neighbourhood undisturbed. Even people looking at me didn't bother me.

I crept through the neighbourhood with the aim of staying close to John. Otherwise, I knew very clearly that Miss Stone could not survive this. I needed another person, another victim. I didn't have a plan, but I had an idea. But it simply had to be a person who belonged to John's group. 

I was approaching the school when I suddenly heard voices calling me cute. A few underclassmen gathered around me when one of them came up behind me and grabbed me.

'Have you seen him?' they asked each other. 'Look how beautiful he looks,' said the girl with glasses, maybe nine years old. They all came round me, stroking my fur and face, mentioning how beautiful I looked, hugging and kissing me as they made their way home.

I remained in the hands of the black haired girls with the round black glasses as one of the girls asked her if she could have me as she had a lot of time today and she could squeeze me into her clothes.

The girl with the glasses agreed, handing me over to her as I then walked into her arms. Like the previous hands, hers were warm. Unlike the previous girl, she held me on her chest.

I felt her breasts underneath me, already mature for her age, holding me. I pulled myself to my length, trying to break away from her, but it didn't work. My cat body was just too weak for that. And the girl simply held me too tightly.

I actually had a goal and a course of action, but this time it didn't go according to plan. The girl had shoulder-length blonde-brown hair, an oval face and looked nice. But the longer I looked at her, the more familiar she seemed.

I had seen such a similar face somewhere, but I didn't know where from. At a small crossroads, the girls said goodbye to each other. The girl who had me was called Claire. Her name meant nothing to me.

She carried me home. I needed to know more about who she was and whether she was in contact with anyone from John's neighbourhood. I needed more time for that, so I had to give Miss Stone control of her body back. At least until I jumped back into her.

Claire carried me home. She held me tightly with both hands, I was nowhere near escaping. She opened the door with one hand and held me with the other. She took a lift to the floor where her family's flat was located. Here, too, she stopped in front of the front door and opened it with one hand. 

'Mum, look what I've found,' she showed me. She stretched out her arms. Her mum, who was at her computer in the home office, was amazed to see a stray cat in her daughter's hands. I meowed briefly before she enquired where Claire had got me from.

'We found her on the way home and I thought I could take her home,' she said in her mum's cute, perhaps even higher-pitched voice. Her mum wasn't at all convinced by me and wanted Claire to kick me into gear. Claire literally begged to be kept until the evening. 'Please!' she begged her mum several times and gave her the "pitying look" several times.

In the end, her mum finally gave in and let me in. Mum then continued to focus on her work while Claire took me into her room to play with me. I looked around the flat, saw the bedroom, the parlour, my father's and mother's rooms as well as those of my older sister.

Just then, at the end of the corridor, was Claire's room. She went in and for a nine-year-old, it was too colourful even for me. 'Mr Rabbit is asking you, Mr Cat, to have a coffee with you,' she said to me and sat me right next to him, who was also sitting at the table. I looked at the soft toys. Claire, who is actually only nine, told me to talk to her soft toys for a while.

After she put me on the chair and I started meowing in different pitches for several minutes, Claire disappeared with her homework and books so that I was now alone in the room. 

When she finally left, I stopped meowing and started rummaging around the house. I crept to the door, looked right and left and when I didn't see anyone there, I ran into the room opposite, which looked like a young adult. 

There were medals on the walls, the walls were white and the desk was full of assignments, staplers and paper. I jumped over a chair onto the table. Right next to it was a shelf that I could look up to. I saw several pictures of Claire's older sister. One picture showed her alone, another with Claire and another with the whole family. As soon as I saw the young adult, I immediately knew who it was. 

A few days before I died, I was humiliated by Ava and Tracey in front of the whole school. After Mrs. Stones disappeared from the classroom as usual, the two of them came up to me and knocked me to the floor.

They kicked me in the stomach with their knee. They pulled me by the ear and took me outside. I was already down anyway when they started to spit on me. They shouted at me and told me not to get up. How stupid I was, I listened to them and so they spat on me.

Their friends, who are usually around Ava and Tracey, were also there glaring at me. A lot of them from other classes too. I was ashamed of what they were doing to me. I glanced at Ava and Tracey and also looked at their friends and that's when I met Grace.

An introvert who doesn't want to be the center of attention, naturally looks out for her interests, and worries about how to get through school without being teased herself. I met her in the corridors after lessons when I was still finishing my homework. Even though she looked fabulous with her brown hair and bright eyes, she mostly ignored me and left me alone. Sometimes I mistook ignorance for kindness and I shouldn't have taken it that way. 

Out of nowhere, Claire stormed back in and pulled me out of her big sister's room. "If my sister had found you, she would have made cat soup out of you," she warned me before continuing to play with me.

I didn't give in and left the chair as soon as she sat me on it. I sat on her bed and snuggled up. I liked the soft fur of the cat, so I was able to relax. Although Claire was angry at first and wanted me to dance according to her ideas, I didn't sit down.

She, on the other hand, stopped behaving like a little child at some point and came to me, lay next to me and stroked me. I relaxed, I was warm and the stroking felt really good. I closed my eyes and fell asleep straight away, and Claire did too. 

I woke up several hours later. Claire was no longer sleeping next to me, but was at dinner with her family. I heard them talking to each other. I heard the mother talking about the children's school performance, what she expected of them and how she could support them too.

I slowly got up and stretched before going into the dining room. By the time we got there, the mother decided to find private lessons for Claire to help her with assignments. Then I stepped straight into the room and Grace's eyes fell on me.

"That's the cat you were talking about?" she then looked at Claire. "As soon as I got home, we saw him offended," Claire tried to find a reason to take me home.

Claire's mother took out some cat food that Grace had bought on the way home. If her mother knew that her mother was friends with criminals and was one of them, she wouldn't call her nice and loyal.

I stared at Grace as I walked over to the cat food that her mother had placed right next to the kitchen drawers. I realized how hungry the cat's body was and I licked and ate the cat food from the tin can. I was really hoping the food would taste horrible, but instead it was delicious.

I continued eating the cat food while the family dispersed. The mother cleaned up the dishes, the father helped her and the two daughters went to their rooms to work on their chores. As soon as I could eat no more, I ran off down the corridor to Grace's room.

Her brown eyes were already looking at me again. Annoyed that she couldn't continue studying, she focused on the task at hand again. I jumped onto her lap, which was warm and cozy, and made myself comfortable before I could infect her. My parasites were already ready. Grace left me alone, probably thinking that I was bringing her luck. She let me lie on her lap, letting her body heat me while she continued to learn. 

It was just before midnight when she held me by the chest and put me on the floor. She went to the toilet and prepared herself for bed before going to bed in her underwear. It had been worth being a cat for a while too. Just the sight of Grace was breathtakingly beautiful.

It took time for her to fall asleep. Although she didn't snore, I could hear from her breathing that she was already asleep after several minutes. I jumped onto the bed and crept closer to her. She was lying sideways with her head on the pillow, her mouth closed. Which made the situation even worse.

As I would kiss a person in real life, I stuck out my tongue and licked her around the lips several times. I had put the larvae down before she pushed me away and told me to leave her alone. I squatted right next to her and inserted the larvae into her mouth.

With a bit of luck, several parasites managed to crawl into her mouth and then into her stomach, where they ended up in her brain. As usual, however, this took time and so I decided to take over Ms. Stone's body. 

"Everyone to your seats! Put your cases away, hide your books in your backpacks and dispose of your Spicks. Anyone who works with Spick will already receive an unsatisfactory grade," I said in the next lesson with the problem class, looking around.

It was quiet, the students finally listened to me and I gave them the exam papers. From the way they looked at the first page, I realized that they had not expected such a difficult exam.

I let them work on the eight pages for an hour and a half while I corrected the exam of the previous class at the teacher's desk. Every now and then I looked around, but everything went according to plan.

Less than halfway through, John Scott looked at me with a look of disdain, his classmates following suit. They crouched down and stared at me. I knew for a fact that they wouldn't stand a chance and would be kicked out of school after more exams. 

"Put your pencils down, the ninety minutes are up," I emphasized in my feminine voice. Many were not distracted by my instructions and continued to work. It wasn't worth it for me to keep shouting for them, so I walked around the classroom and simply took the tests that were either given to me or that I had taken from them in the middle of writing.

The students picked up their backpacks and left the classroom. Some were happy, some were sad and John and his group were angry because they knew they weren't going to get a good grade anyway and were even going to get kicked out of school this semester. They greeted me sarcastically before they disappeared.

Throughout the afternoon I corrected the students' exams and indeed John and a few others got bad marks. I knew they wouldn't make it. If I give exams in the near future where John and his gang won't stand a chance, I'll be the last one laughing. Before classes resume in the afternoon, I gave the exam in the first lesson of the class. I wanted them to know what marks they had received and to find out whether or not they still had a chance of getting a good grade. Surprised by my appearance, I gave them the exam in my hand.

The teacher, who was supposed to be teaching the lesson, prepared herself briefly while the students received their grades. At first there was still an oppressive atmosphere, but some cheered when they received their marks and some didn't, and John and his troop were out of luck. They will continue to be so. I left the room, John, who was already beside himself, was turning red in the face. 

Without another thought, I moved on to the next lessons, teaching the next lessons as I enjoyed my third coffee in the staff room after the lessons. Some time passed while I was preparing for the next lessons, when out of nowhere a teacher came up to me and told me that there was an emergency on the school roof with a student.

Together we went up to the roof where, according to Miss Stone's knowledge, there should be nothing. The door to the roof was wide open, outside I saw a student kneeling on the ground playing the wounded man.

He was wearing a hoddie, I couldn't see his hands and his hood was pulled over his head. I, on the other hand, went outside, in front of the teacher who had called me, and the door closed behind me. By the time I realized it was a trap, it was too late. 

The student who was playing the injured student stood up and looked at me. He took off his hood and it was none other than John Scott. Out of nowhere, several men appeared behind me who had come out of nowhere. I was surrounded by them.

"Miss Stone, Miss Stone, Miss Stone," he approached me with his hands in his hoddie pocket. "Look, I really thought we agreed," he shook his face. "We had killed Oskar. You knew it, you were in favor of it, and yet," he glared at me with hatred in his eyes.

"I'm going to have to leave school because my grades are too bad," he walked around me slowly. I just looked at him. "And we had an agreement."

"You mean you're going to get him out of the world completely, with no marks to endanger me." He smiled briefly, looked at the floor for a moment and then at me. "It doesn't work like that. The deal has been broken!" he said to me angrily.

"I told you that you'd be in for a bitter surprise if you carried on like this," he approached. "Now you have to feel it," he pulled out a hand knife and stabbed me in the stomach. Another time in my right shoulder. It started to bleed immediately and I was shocked. I couldn't believe what he was doing here. 

"We had a deal," he continued to me. "We'll stick to it," he turned away, I collapsed onto the floor, full of pain, it rushed into me, out of nowhere. I felt the cold, even if I hadn't died like I had the first time, I felt the cold air seeping into me.

"I'll tell everyone," I told him when he suddenly stopped and sighed, "I'll tell the police first and everyone else what you've done. That you killed Oskar Roberts," I looked him in the eye. He looked at me again and was fed up with me.

"If that's the case, then I don't need to keep you alive for long," he looked at his colleagues, who were beefy and muscular. 

"Nicholas, throw her off the roof," he instructed him. The adult came up to me, grabbed me by the collar and wouldn't let go. Even when I struggled, kicked him several times and scratched at him, he didn't stop trying to get me to the edge of the school roof.

"Don't," came out of my mouth. "Please don't!" I kept saying, but he wasn't listening. Nicholas lifted me off the ground. I looked at John, who was smiling at me. One less person who knew about his secret. That was extremely good for him.

"Too bad nothing will come of our promise, Miss Stone," he nodded slightly. "Well, maybe another time," he then turned away and Nicholas threw me off the roof.

I felt the wind stronger at my back. I fell into the depths, knowing that this would be the end of Miss Stone and that nothing more could come of her. I will never forget how she treated me, how she hated me and how she even killed me for the rest of my life. Miss Stone deserved the same as John, death, because they are bad people. Too bad for the environment. 

Even before Miss Stone's body hit the cold concrete floor, I jumped into the spare body I had prepared. The moment I left her body and she was back in body under her control, she didn't know where she was. She felt what I had felt when I fell down.

Surprised and startled, former English teacher Miss Andrea Stone's head hit the ground. Instantly she was dead and only a pool of blood appeared around her head. She had the dead look in her face that stared at the blue sky.