Grace was whispering with her friends Valerie, Tess and Nina. 'Have you seen him?' Nina asked the others. 'Yes, he looks really cute,' the young women looked at each other. 'I don't think I like him,' Grace replied, knowing that he was an exchange student from France. 'Are you crazy, he helped me take my clothes off when I fell,' Tess enthused, "especially when he takes his shirt off in PE in high temperatures," Valerie added. Grace could hardly believe what she was hearing. No one could love someone that unattractive, she thought.
While Grace continued to gush, a girl ran into the classroom. 'Ms Stone has fallen off the roof!' she shouted to us all. Grace, like everyone else, ran to the window where they saw Ms Stone lying on the ground in the corner. She was looking up at the sky, dead. 'I think I'm going to throw up,' Tess confessed. Over the next ten minutes, several police cars turned up, as well as an ambulance. Psychological support staff were on hand to help the pupils who had seen the body. The school management also quickly learnt about the incident and gave us the whole day and the next day off. At least that was something I could take advantage of.
Even though I had passively taken over Grace's body since the jump, I was actively observing the situation happening around me. Grace will be a major part of the operation to get back at me for my revenge. Grace was running home when she whipped out the phone to cancel with Caro. Now that Ms Stone has died, they have had to change their plans and reorganise everything. Caro takes over the key association of the crime ring.
Caro: We have to reorganise ourselves. Despot dead.
Grace: Meet me at 1600 at Point X-Ray.
Grace didn't know what was in store for her. All she knew was that she was an important part of the troupe. As she wanted to do everything right and knew what Caro loved, she prepared herself for the meeting. In the meantime, I let my larvae grow in Grace's brain. It didn't have time to develop to its maximum, but enough time to develop in her stomach and then infect her. Of course, this also had its risks, but we'll see. Grace ran home, where she placed her things, reported to her mother and younger sister before putting her shoes back on. 'I'm meeting a colleague and coming to dinner,' she looked at her mum who, without looking at Grace, explained that it wasn't a problem. Meanwhile, I wondered what kind of mum she was.
Grace shopped for odds and ends as she entered the building near the school that the troupe referred to as X-Ray. She opened the room where Caro was staying, at least most of the time. Over the next few hours, Caro prepared snacks and chocolate milk, which Caro liked to drink. She then placed this on the glass table in the parlour and had plenty of time to devote to social media. Shortly after three o'clock in the afternoon, I took over her body and inserted my larvae into the food and hot drink. I wanted to use as much opportunity as possible to infect Caro.
From one minute to the next, the front door rang and I let Grace have her body again. Without realising anything, she opened the front door. Caro entered and Grace closed the door again. These two also knew each other well, of course from the incident I was involved in, but also because they were in the lower school together. Grace enquired what was going on and how it could have happened.
'I don't know,' she replied in shock. 'I don't know what fell into her,' she then sat down on the armchair and reached for the hot chocolate milk and snacks. 'Actually, everything had been agreed with her. From Oscar's death to the notes,' she shook her head. 'John had also given her another chance, but she refused,' she took a sip and took my larvae. 'You know how John is,' she looked at Grace, who was sitting opposite her. 'I know,' she nodded to her.
Caro huffed out, she knew they had to change a lot of things. 'I have a new task for you. You're no longer to act as a snitch in class, you're to deliver the material.' Surprised, Grace suddenly spoke up. 'Why me? I have the least experience with this?' she clarified.
'I'm aware of that,' she looked into Caro's eyes after taking a sip of chocolate milk, 'but we don't have a choice at the moment. Larry and Jonas have to deal with the situation at school. I know it's not easy, but think about what you're doing for the organisation!' Grace remained silent and had to tolerate this. Caro smiled and put some more snacks in her mouth. 'I have to go now, need to contact some others.' Grace closed the door afterwards.
Grace was fuming with rage because she didn't want to jeopardise her career. In the middle of it, when she was bursting with rage, I took over her body. Like a shutdown, she switched off and I looked through her eyes, breathing fast and furious through her nose.
I tried to calm her down. The longer I breathed in and out deeply, the more I focussed on my new body, which I now had under my control. I continued to breathe in and out deeply and felt my breasts move up and down.
Sure they were breasts, but significantly smaller than Ms Stone's. I squatted on the chair and now took my time to scan through her thoughts and memories. In seconds I was running signals through her brain, remembering from Grace's perspective how I was humiliated and then I learned all about the mysterious organisation.
In addition to drug deals, numerous bribes in politics. Both right-wing and left-wing politicians received numerous bribes, which they accepted anonymously and through offshore accounts posing as humanitarian banks. Then there were further bribes to prosecutors and judges and to media professionals.
Then the murder of scientists and civilians. Mostly on behalf of various mafias in the country as well as lobbyists or even companies themselves. The group also interfered in elections. Both in local government and at the national level.
The more I shuffled through Grace's brain cells, the more frightening things I found out. It was clearly more than what I expected. There were scandals that went far beyond my death.
I wrote down Grace's memories, such as names, dates and addresses, and rolled them up. Nobody was allowed to know why this was happening. If they did, the plan would fail. I hid the roll in the flat.
No sooner had I done this than I received a message from a young lady called Addison. Grace's memories showed me a middle-aged woman who is also relatively new to the business. Like most people here, she is cold as ice and could walk over dead bodies. She just wrote down the time and the meeting place.
I looked at my watch and there was hardly any time left. By then I had handed control back to Grace. She wrote to her mum that she was going to spend the night with a friend and left.
Addison waited impatiently next to an old estate car in an old warehouse. Next to her were four identical suitcases. The ice-cold woman opened the boot. 'Watch how I do this,' she said, and methodically began packing parcels into the hidden compartments of the suitcases. Grace's hands trembled as I helped. In her mind, she was already thinking about prison and how she could forget her future. By now, the smell of plastic and chemical substances was getting in her nose. This was a completely new experience for Grace and me.
As soon as we had finished, we drove off. The city passed us by while my heart beat faster and faster. Addison seemed calm, but Grace couldn't hide her tension. 'Pull yourself together,' Addison hissed when we arrived at the meeting point, a disused railway station. 'You look like you've never done a deal before.'
If only she knew, Grace mused.
Several vehicles came towards us and stood several metres away. In addition to several armed men, three men got out of the vehicles and approached us. One of them opened a suitcase and began to inspect the contents.
Suddenly his eyes widened. 'That's not what we paid for! There should be more inside.' Addison didn't bat an eyelid.
'That's very much what they paid for,' she countered. One of the men held out his hand while the armed men in the back drew their weapons.
The situation was clear to Addison. She knew she wasn't going to win here and, out of nowhere, took out the gun and shot the three men.
In an instant, the armed men were shooting at us, but we ducked and ran back to the vehicle. We were hit in the process. Addison was hit hard in the back and Grace in the arm and foot.
I fucking felt the pain. Grace started crying terribly. By now she was regretting joining the organisation, but it was too late for that. Addison drove off, breathing heavily, and turned the car round before she drove off. Meanwhile, the windows were smashed and the rear windows destroyed.
We bent over and disappeared into the darkness on a side road. We had to get away quickly. Whether Grace and Addison will survive remains to be seen.
They arrived back at the X-Ray meeting point, parked the car and went into the flat. Addison and Grace held each other by the shoulders and carried themselves inside. Addison had already been shot several times.
She had already got used to the shots. Grace, on the other hand, had not. She was crying clearly. On the floor, Addison had put Grace down. She then took a few swabs as well as the first aid kit. She used tweezers to remove the bullet from the body parts.
In both cases, Grace fainted both times. She felt so much pain that I couldn't control her body either. However, I put her to sleep so that she wouldn't randomly get up and disappear. Addison then took care of herself. I heard her moan loudly a few times before she disappeared.
While Grace was alone in the flat, I called for help. I still needed someone to help me with my tasks. Late in the evening, Hannah was still sitting at her desk, writing some documents. I jumped in between her thoughts and felt a brief shake-up right at the beginning.
She registered me, asking me if I had anything for her. She looked like she was already waiting for me. I explained the plan and the intention to her. She never doubted me for a second, but encouraged me. 'Sure, I can do it for you,' she said.